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  • Christopher Subich's avatar
    Update dependencies to Blitz 1.0.2 and update to new MPI standard · 937c04ae
    Christopher Subich authored
    This commit updates to build newer versions of Blitz (1.0)
    and fftw (3.3.9).  The 2010 version of Blitz no longer builds with the
    newest versions of GCC, and there is no harm in updating FFTW.
    The newest versions of Blitz (github head) require cmake to
    build, and some systems still in use have old, incompatible versions of
    cmake.  Blitz 1.0.2 requires python to complete its build process (some
    files are auto-generated).
    The new version of Blitz dropped the blitz::Vector type, being
    equivalent to a 1-dimensional array, so it was replaced with
    blitz::Array<type,1> instead.
    Additionally, the Parformer (parallel transpose) code was adjusted to no
    longer use MPI_UB to define the upper bound of the array section
    datatype.  MPI_UB was deprecated in the MPI-2 standard and removed in
    the MPI-3 standard, so SPINS could fail to build with some new MPI
    libraries (OpenMPI 4.0.3 is confirmed to break).
    Because this commit updates dependencies, the patch version is