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+# CS 346: Daily Standup
+|    Date    | Team # |
+| :--------: | :----: |
+| 2023-01-01 |  112   |
+## Questions
+_Enter comments below. If a team member is absent, fill in their name, and put a line through the answer section_
+| Name            | What have you completed since last meeting? | What are you going to complete today? | What obstacles are in your way? |
+| --------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
+| Abhay Menon     | -                                           | -                                     | -                               |
+| Inseo Kim       | -                                           | -                                     | -                               |
+| Hoang Dang      | -                                           | -                                     | -                               |
+| Guransh Khurana | -                                           | -                                     | -                               |
+| Anshul Ruhil    | -                                           | -                                     | -                               |
+## Outstanding
+_Do we need help with anything?_
+## Decisions
+_Is there anything else we should capture from this meeting?_
diff --git a/meeting-minutes/mm/20230125.md b/meeting-minutes/mm/20230125.md
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+# CS 346: Meeting Minutes
+|    Date    | Team # |
+| :--------: | :----: |
+| 2023-01-25 |  112   |
+**Present:** Abhay Menon, Inseo Kim, Hoang Dang, Guransh Khurana, Anshul Ruhil
+## Agenda
+- As Team 112 consists of 5 members, the team needs to come up with 5 additional features in addition to the base requirements of the project.
+- In addition, the team needs to create personas to base their design decisions on.
+## Notes
+    - Diagramming:
+    - Multiple User edits: could be hard; Need to ask professor.
+    - Sharing notes
+    - Export as PDF, JPEG (different document types)
+    - Import PDF
+    - LaTeX plugin; Need to ask professor.
+    - Audio Notes
+    - Password Protected Notes
+    - Time stamp and last edited
+    - Code blocks (md lib?); Need to ask professor.
+    - Comment feature from Google Docs
+    Favored features:
+    - Support light and dark theme
+    - Image Support
+    - Combine/Merge notes
+    - Cut/paste feature (moving text around) with mouse. Select texts and drag it to desired space
+    - Automatically indenting bullet points
+## Decisions
+- The team will be consulting Professor Jeff to determine which features are feasible to implement within the limited time frame and resources.
+- Each person is tasked with interviewing 1 person to create personas for the project.
+## Actions
+- Each person will be interviewing 1 person. All interviews will be conducted by Jan 27.
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diff --git a/meeting-minutes/mm/20230201.md b/meeting-minutes/mm/20230201.md
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+# CS 346: Meeting Minutes
+|    Date    | Team # |
+| :--------: | :----: |
+| 2023-02-01 |  112   |
+**Present:** Abhay Menon, Inseo Kim, Hoang Dang, Guransh Khurana, Anshul Ruhil
+## Agenda
+- Initialize the remote repository with a placeholder Kotlin project
+- Set up a CI/CD pipeline for the project
+- Create a shared Google Slide presentation explaining the notable features of the project
+- Enter project requirements as issues in the GitLab repository
+## Notes
+During this meeting, the team had divided the work into 4 parts:
+- Initializing the remote repository with a placeholder Kotlin project (assigned to Inseo)
+- Setting up the CI/CD pipeline (assigned to Abhay)
+- Creating GitLab issues for the project requirements (assigned to Abhay)
+- Created a shared Google Slide presentation (assigned to Abhay, Hoang, Guransh, and Anshul) 
+## Decisions
+- The team had decided on working on each part of their assigned tasks whenever they have free time i.e., asynchronously.
+- The team had decided to meet the next day to discuss the progress made on the tasks and to finalize the project requirements for the review.
+## Actions
+- Inseo finished initializing the remote repository with a placeholder project.
+- Anshul and Hoang finished their contribution to the Google Slide presentation.
diff --git a/meeting-minutes/mm/20230202.md b/meeting-minutes/mm/20230202.md
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+# CS 346: Meeting Minutes
+|    Date    | Team # |
+| :--------: | :----: |
+| 2023-02-02 |  112   |
+**Present:** Abhay Menon, Inseo Kim, Hoang Dang, Guransh Khurana, Anshul Ruhil
+## Agenda
+- Finalize the project requirements for the project review on 2023-02-03
+## Notes
+- During this meeting, the team revised the google slide presentation, set up the CI/CD pipeline, and added issues to the GitLab repository.
+## Decisions
+- No decisions were made in this meeting. The team progressed as usual with their assigned tasks.
+## Actions
+- Since manually adding issues to the GitLab repository was an arduous task, a CSV file was created to automate the process. The CSV file was then used to create issues in the GitLab repository.
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+# CS 346: Meeting Minutes
+|    Date    | Team # |
+| :--------: | :----: |
+| 2023-01-01 |  112   |
+**Present:** Abhay Menon, Inseo Kim, Hoang Dang, Guransh Khurana, Anshul Ruhil
+## Agenda
+## Notes
+## Decisions
+## Actions