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  • Alex Vandiver's avatar
    Remove caching of template objects in rt-crontool · b6efaa8e
    Alex Vandiver authored
    rt-crontool has cached lookup of the the name of the template ever since
    3.8, when the ability to specify a template by name was introduced.  The
    template object is modified in memory when ->Parse is called, however,
    updating its ->MIMEObj.  This was not a problem because
    RT::Action::SendEmail->Prepare calls ->Parse, which clears out its
    Unfortunately, a1a4f73e caused Template objects which already had a
    MIMEObj to retain them.  In the context of rt-crontool, this causes the
    same content (that formed from the first matching ticket) to be sent out
    on all tickets whenever RT::Action::SendEmail is used as the target
    action.  RT::Action::RecordCorrespondence is unaffected, however, as it
    always calls ->Parse.
    Remove the unnecessary cache in rt-conjob; looking up a Template objects
    per RT::Ticket result is unlikely to result in performance implications,
    as it is a small and well-indexed table, and caching repeatedly proves
    to be complicated to implement without unexpected side-effects.
    Fixes I#29454.