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  • Alex Vandiver's avatar
    Skip custom fields that do not apply to the ticket/transaction · e092e23a
    Alex Vandiver authored
    RT::Interface::Web::CreateTicket munges the query parameters to pass
    Customfield-42 to RT::Ticket::Create, as of be3529af.  An important
    change made in this commit is that previously, transaction custom fields
    were passed through with their keys unmodified -- that is, as
    After be3529af, the information about if the CF was a Ticket or
    Transaction custom field has been lost by the time the CFs are being
    iterated.  This led to attempting to add values for Transaction CFs on
    Ticket objects, and vice versa -- and thus warnings in the UI of "Custom
    field 42 does not apply to this object" for every applied transaction
    Only attempt to add CF values to objects if they are of the correct