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  • Christopher Subich's avatar
    Simplify GMRES dot products; fix convergence errors · 8ae27fe5
    Christopher Subich authored
    This commit amends Cheb_2dmg::resid_dot (dot-product of
    residual vectors in the context of the 2D GMRES/multigrid
    iteration) to perform the dot-product in the simplest way,
    as a sum over grid elements.
    Before this, the code (which is left in the file but
    disabled by #if 1 / #else) tried to be clever and
    evenly-weight contributions from the interior, the boundary
    conditions, and the mean-pressure error (if the problem was
    indeterminate).  This evidently caused the long-standing
    problem of the GMRES inner iteration being far more
    optimistic about error (as reported by LAPACK) than would be
    computed by directly measuring the residual error.
    This problem was ultimately discovered when the
    doc_map_iwave case broke.  Even though this broken residual
    code has been in SPINS since before it was
    version-controlled via GIT, the map_iwave case would still
    converge (and relatively quickly) when the multigrid
    iteration had a relatively large coarse-solve size.
    Git bisect pinned the broken documentation case on the
    change that reduced the coase-grid size, which reduced the
    GMRES convergence rates enough that the errors caused by
    *this* problem broke convergence.
    Since this change replaces the error norm calculations used
    by GMRES, it should be treated with caution and mapped-grid
    cases should have a mark-1-eyeball inspection of results for
    a while.
    Additionally, for debugging utility this change also
    includes crude residual/basis output for the 2D GMRES
    solver.  All current uses are commented out.