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  • David Deepwell's avatar
    Add vortex stretching and enstrophy stretching production terms · a63ba535
    David Deepwell authored
    Vortex stretching is one of the dominant terms in both the
    vorticity equation and enstrophy equation. They also help in
    understanding the vortex dynamics and how energy at large scales
    cascades into small scales.
    The three components of vortex stretching (omega dot grad) u
    and the enstrophy stretching production (omega_i omega_j S_ij)
    are now included and can be computed with the derivatives
    case file. Files for vortex stretching terms are called
    vort-stretch<dim> where <dim> is one of x,y,z. The enstrophy
    stretching production file is called enst-stretch.
    As these quantities are the product of velocity gradients, care
    must be made to ensure adequate resolution is present.
    Update version to 2.0.3