diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index e89090da467f8c930114ac3643b3bcc68e14ecfb..098f789bea21073e365101d513240ea061259c52 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 Feeds 6.x 1.X XXXX
+- #854628 DanielJohnston, alex_b: Fix user importer assigns all roles.
 - #838018 infojunkie: Mapper for Formatted Number CCK field.
 - #856408 c.ex: Pass all $targets for hook_feeds_node_processor_targets_alter()
   by reference.
diff --git a/plugins/FeedsUserProcessor.inc b/plugins/FeedsUserProcessor.inc
index e526ca8cd07bb0d897ce66dc3f09d00f2d5b1b22..c0b0605daee0a8a353c177ae13429387c6600e36 100644
--- a/plugins/FeedsUserProcessor.inc
+++ b/plugins/FeedsUserProcessor.inc
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class FeedsUserProcessor extends FeedsProcessor {
     // Prepare term object.
     $target_account = new stdClass();
     $target_account->uid = 0;
-    $target_account->roles = $this->config['roles'];
+    $target_account->roles = array_filter($this->config['roles']);
     $target_account->status = $this->config['status'];
     // Have parent class do the iterating.
diff --git a/tests/feeds.test b/tests/feeds.test
index ca567243ee3609b751dfe2289b4062ecb78e7a3b..608307b4b962febde8d5a11113edc666d417a9a0 100644
--- a/tests/feeds.test
+++ b/tests/feeds.test
@@ -618,18 +618,32 @@ class FeedsCSVtoUsersTest extends FeedsWebTestCase {
     $this->drupalPost('admin/build/feeds/edit/user_import/settings', $edit, 'Save');
+    // Create roles and assign one of them to the users to be imported.
+    $manager_rid = $this->drupalCreateRole(array('access content'), 'manager');
+    $admin_rid = $this->drupalCreateRole(array('access content'), 'administrator');
+    $edit = array(
+      "roles[$manager_rid]" => TRUE,
+      "roles[$admin_rid]" => FALSE,
+    );
+    $this->setSettings('user_import', 'FeedsUserProcessor', $edit);
     // Import CSV file.
     $this->importFile('user_import', $this->absolutePath() .'/tests/feeds/users.csv');
     // Assert result.
     $this->assertText('Created 4 users.');
-    // 1 user has an invalid email address.
+    // 1 user has an invalid email address, all users should be assigned
+    // the manager role.
     $this->assertText('There was 1 user that could not be imported because either their name or their email was empty or not valid. Check import data and mapping settings on User processor.');
+    $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {users_roles} WHERE rid = %d", $manager_rid));
+    $this->assertEqual($count, 4, t('All imported users were assigned the manager role.'));
+    $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {users_roles} WHERE rid = %d", $admin_rid));
+    $this->assertEqual($count, 0, t('No imported user was assigned the administrator role.'));
     // @todo Test status setting, update existing and role settings.