diff --git a/plugins/FeedsEntityProcessor.inc b/plugins/FeedsEntityProcessor.inc
index e5f924d9607bc3b439cdc6456c74e7bc6f1e45a4..833800f9e20600ff07e7cbf0f6bd54f0d4fec9b9 100644
--- a/plugins/FeedsEntityProcessor.inc
+++ b/plugins/FeedsEntityProcessor.inc
@@ -97,13 +97,15 @@ class FeedsEntityProcessor extends FeedsProcessor {
       if (!$access) {
-        $message = 'User %name is not authorized to %op entity %entity.';
-        $args = array(
+        $message = t('The user %name is not authorized to %op entity %entity_type. To import this item, the user "@name" (owner of the item) must be given the permission to @op entity @entity_type.', array(
           '%name' => $author->name,
           '%op' => $op,
-          '%entity' => $this->entityType(),
-        );
-        throw new FeedsAccessException(t($message, $args));
+          '%entity_type' => $this->entityType(),
+          '@name' => $author->name,
+          '@op' => $op,
+          '@entity_type' => $this->entityType(),
+        ));
+        throw new FeedsAccessException($message);
diff --git a/plugins/FeedsNodeProcessor.inc b/plugins/FeedsNodeProcessor.inc
index 203685aa3d772912e70df5f81230fd4f656beb25..8b63c53305a8a87f07fcc7aed60489218f25b469 100644
--- a/plugins/FeedsNodeProcessor.inc
+++ b/plugins/FeedsNodeProcessor.inc
@@ -104,8 +104,15 @@ class FeedsNodeProcessor extends FeedsProcessor {
       if (!$access) {
-        $message = 'User %name is not authorized to %op content type %content_type.';
-        throw new FeedsAccessException(t($message, array('%name' => $author->name, '%op' => $op, '%content_type' => $entity->type)));
+        $message = t('The user %name is not authorized to %op content of type %content_type. To import this item, either the user "@name" (author of the item) must be given the permission to @op content of type @content_type, or the option "Authorize" on the Node processor settings must be turned off.', array(
+          '%name' => $author->name,
+          '%op' => $op,
+          '%content_type' => $entity->type,
+          '@name' => $author->name,
+          '@op' => $op,
+          '@content_type' => $entity->type,
+        ));
+        throw new FeedsAccessException($message);
diff --git a/tests/feeds_processor_node.test b/tests/feeds_processor_node.test
index cc514b8c523fd73fef85d7b279fab31a3d7eec0e..fb5491febd925dab517353e2ba9b8774019a341c 100644
--- a/tests/feeds_processor_node.test
+++ b/tests/feeds_processor_node.test
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ class FeedsRSStoNodesTest extends FeedsWebTestCase {
     $nid = $this->createFeedNode();
     $this->assertText('Failed importing 10 nodes.');
-    $this->assertText('User ' . $account->name . ' is not authorized to create content type article.');
+    $this->assertText('The user ' . $account->name . ' is not authorized to create content of type article.');
     $node_count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node}")->fetchField();
     // We should have 1 node, the feed node.