diff --git a/feeds.module b/feeds.module
index a031747791d909dc013115690fe660767be06cd1..67f364a4331b19fb598646c4a7d083553957910c 100644
--- a/feeds.module
+++ b/feeds.module
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ function feeds_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $form) {
     switch ($op) {
       case 'validate':
         // On validation stage we are working with a FeedsSource object that is
-        // not tied to a nid - when creating a new node there is $node->nid at
-        // this stage.
+        // not tied to a nid - when creating a new node there is no
+        // $node->nid at this stage.
         $source = feeds_source($importer_id);
         // Node module magically moved $form['feeds'] to $node->feeds :P