<?php // $Id$ /** * Adapter to present SimplePie_Enclosure as FeedsEnclosure object. */ class FeedsSimplePieEnclosure extends FeedsEnclosure { protected $simplepie_enclosure; /** * Constructor requires SimplePie enclosure object. */ function __construct(SimplePie_Enclosure $enclosure) { $this->simplepie_enclosure = $enclosure; } /** * Override parent::getValue(). */ public function getValue() { return $this->simplepie_enclosure->get_link(); } /** * Override parent::getMIMEType(). */ public function getMIMEType() { return $this->simplepie_enclosure->get_real_type(); } } /** * Class definition for Common Syndication Parser. * * Parses RSS and Atom feeds. */ class FeedsSimplePieParser extends FeedsParser { /** * Implementation of FeedsParser::parse(). */ public function parse(FeedsImportBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) { feeds_include_library('simplepie.inc', 'simplepie'); // Initialize SimplePie. $parser = new SimplePie(); $parser->set_raw_data($batch->getRaw()); $parser->set_stupidly_fast(TRUE); $parser->encode_instead_of_strip(FALSE); // @todo Is caching effective when we pass in raw data? $parser->enable_cache(TRUE); $parser->set_cache_location($this->cacheDirectory()); $parser->init(); // Construct the standard form of the parsed feed $batch->setTitle(html_entity_decode(($title = $parser->get_title()) ? $title : $this->createTitle($parser->get_description()))); $batch->setDescription($parser->get_description()); $batch->setLink(html_entity_decode($parser->get_link())); $items_num = $parser->get_item_quantity(); for ($i = 0; $i < $items_num; $i++) { $item = array(); $simplepie_item = $parser->get_item($i); $item['title'] = html_entity_decode(($title = $simplepie_item->get_title()) ? $title : $this->createTitle($simplepie_item->get_content())); $item['description'] = $simplepie_item->get_content(); $item['url'] = html_entity_decode($simplepie_item->get_link()); // Use UNIX time. If no date is defined, fall back to FEEDS_REQUEST_TIME. $item['timestamp'] = $simplepie_item->get_date("U"); if (empty($item['timestamp'])) { $item['timestamp'] = FEEDS_REQUEST_TIME; } $item['guid'] = $simplepie_item->get_id(); // Use URL as GUID if there is no GUID. if (empty($item['guid'])) { $item['guid'] = $item['url']; } $author = $simplepie_item->get_author(); $item['author_name'] = html_entity_decode($author->name); $item['author_link'] = $author->link; $item['author_email'] = $author->email; // Enclosures $enclosures = $simplepie_item->get_enclosures(); if (is_array($enclosures)) { foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) { $item['enclosures'][] = new FeedsSimplePieEnclosure($enclosure); } } // Location $latitude = $simplepie_item->get_latitude(); $longitude = $simplepie_item->get_longitude(); if (!is_null($latitude) && !is_null($longitude)) { $item['location_latitude'][] = $latitude; $item['location_longitude'][] = $longitude; } // Extract tags related to the item $simplepie_tags = $simplepie_item->get_categories(); $tags = array(); $domains = array(); if (count($simplepie_tags) > 0) { foreach ($simplepie_tags as $tag) { $tags[] = (string) $tag->term; $domain = (string) $tag->get_scheme(); if (!empty($domain)) { if (!isset($domains[$domain])) { $domains[$domain] = array(); } $domains[$domain][] = count($tags) - 1; } } } $item['domains'] = $domains; $item['tags'] = $tags; // Stick the raw data onto the feed item. $item['raw'] = $simplepie_item->data; $batch->addItem($item); } // Release parser. unset($parser); } /** * Return mapping sources. */ public function getMappingSources() { return array( 'title' => array( 'name' => t('Title'), 'description' => t('Title of the feed item.'), ), 'description' => array( 'name' => t('Description'), 'description' => t('Description of the feed item.'), ), 'author_name' => array( 'name' => t('Author name'), 'description' => t('Name of the feed item\'s author.'), ), 'author_link' => array( 'name' => t('Author link'), 'description' => t('Link to the feed item\'s author.'), ), 'author_email' => array( 'name' => t('Author email'), 'description' => t('Email address of the feed item\'s author.'), ), 'timestamp' => array( 'name' => t('Published date'), 'description' => t('Published date as UNIX time GMT of the feed item.'), ), 'url' => array( 'name' => t('Item URL (link)'), 'description' => t('URL of the feed item.'), ), 'guid' => array( 'name' => t('Item GUID'), 'description' => t('Global Unique Identifier of the feed item.'), ), 'tags' => array( 'name' => t('Categories'), 'description' => t('An array of categories that have been assigned to the feed item.'), ), 'domains' => array( 'name' => t('Category domains'), 'description' => t('Domains of the categories.'), ), 'location_latitude' => array( 'name' => t('Latitudes'), 'description' => t('An array of latitudes assigned to the feed item.'), ), 'location_longitude' => array( 'name' => t('Longitudes'), 'description' => t('An array of longitudes assigned to the feed item.'), ), 'enclosures' => array( 'name' => t('Enclosures'), 'description' => t('An array of enclosures attached to the feed item.'), ), ); } /** * Returns cache directory. Creates it if it doesn't exist. */ protected function cacheDirectory() { $directory = file_directory_path() .'/simplepie'; file_check_directory($directory, TRUE); return $directory; } /** * Generate a title from a random text. */ protected function createTitle($text = FALSE) { // Explode to words and use the first 3 words. $words = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $text); $words = array_slice($words, 0, 3); return implode(' ', $words); } }