<?php /** * @file * Class definition of FeedsNodeProcessor. */ /** * Creates nodes from feed items. */ class FeedsNodeProcessor extends FeedsProcessor { /** * Define entity type. */ public function entityType() { return 'node'; } /** * Implements parent::entityInfo(). */ protected function entityInfo() { $info = parent::entityInfo(); $info['label plural'] = t('Nodes'); return $info; } /** * Creates a new node in memory and returns it. */ protected function newEntity(FeedsSource $source) { $node = new stdClass(); $node->type = $this->config['content_type']; $node->changed = REQUEST_TIME; $node->created = REQUEST_TIME; $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; node_object_prepare($node); // Populate properties that are set by node_object_prepare(). $node->log = 'Created by FeedsNodeProcessor'; $node->uid = $this->config['author']; return $node; } /** * Loads an existing node. * * If the update existing method is not FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING, only the node * table will be loaded, foregoing the node_load API for better performance. * * @todo Reevaluate the use of node_object_prepare(). */ protected function entityLoad(FeedsSource $source, $nid) { if ($this->config['update_existing'] == FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING) { $node = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE); } else { // We're replacing the existing node. Only save the absolutely necessary. $node = db_query("SELECT created, nid, vid, type FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchObject(); $node->uid = $this->config['author']; } node_object_prepare($node); // Workaround for issue #1247506. See #1245094 for backstory. if (!empty($node->menu)) { // If the node has a menu item(with a valid mlid) it must be flagged // 'enabled'. $node->menu['enabled'] = (int) (bool) $node->menu['mlid']; } // Populate properties that are set by node_object_prepare(). if ($this->config['update_existing'] == FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING) { $node->log = 'Updated by FeedsNodeProcessor'; } else { $node->log = 'Replaced by FeedsNodeProcessor'; } return $node; } /** * Save a node. */ public function entitySave($entity) { // If nid is set and a node with that id doesn't exist, flag as new. if (!empty($entity->nid) && !node_load($entity->nid)) { $entity->is_new = TRUE; } node_save($entity); } /** * Delete a series of nodes. */ protected function entityDeleteMultiple($nids) { node_delete_multiple($nids); } /** * Implement expire(). * * @todo: move to processor stage? */ public function expire($time = NULL) { if ($time === NULL) { $time = $this->expiryTime(); } if ($time == FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER) { return; } $count = $this->getLimit(); $nodes = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n JOIN {feeds_item} fi ON fi.entity_type = 'node' AND n.nid = fi.entity_id WHERE fi.id = :id AND n.created < :created", 0, $count, array(':id' => $this->id, ':created' => REQUEST_TIME - $time)); $nids = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $nids[$node->nid] = $node->nid; } $this->entityDeleteMultiple($nids); if (db_query_range("SELECT 1 FROM {node} n JOIN {feeds_item} fi ON fi.entity_type = 'node' AND n.nid = fi.entity_id WHERE fi.id = :id AND n.created < :created", 0, 1, array(':id' => $this->id, ':created' => REQUEST_TIME - $time))->fetchField()) { return FEEDS_BATCH_ACTIVE; } return FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE; } /** * Return expiry time. */ public function expiryTime() { return $this->config['expire']; } /** * Override parent::configDefaults(). */ public function configDefaults() { $types = node_type_get_names(); $type = isset($types['article']) ? 'article' : key($types); return array( 'content_type' => $type, 'expire' => FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER, 'author' => 0, ) + parent::configDefaults(); } /** * Override parent::configForm(). */ public function configForm(&$form_state) { $types = node_type_get_names(); array_walk($types, 'check_plain'); $form = parent::configForm($form_state); $form['content_type'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Content type'), '#description' => t('Select the content type for the nodes to be created. <strong>Note:</strong> Users with "import !feed_id feeds" permissions will be able to <strong>import</strong> nodes of the content type selected here regardless of the node level permissions. Further, users with "clear !feed_id permissions" will be able to <strong>delete</strong> imported nodes regardless of their node level permissions.', array('!feed_id' => $this->id)), '#options' => $types, '#default_value' => $this->config['content_type'], ); $author = user_load($this->config['author']); $form['author'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Author'), '#description' => t('Select the author of the nodes to be created - leave empty to assign "anonymous".'), '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete', '#default_value' => empty($author->name) ? 'anonymous' : check_plain($author->name), ); $period = drupal_map_assoc(array(FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER, 3600, 10800, 21600, 43200, 86400, 259200, 604800, 2592000, 2592000 * 3, 2592000 * 6, 31536000), 'feeds_format_expire'); $form['expire'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Expire nodes'), '#options' => $period, '#description' => t('Select after how much time nodes should be deleted. The node\'s published date will be used for determining the node\'s age, see Mapping settings.'), '#default_value' => $this->config['expire'], ); $form['update_existing']['#options'] = array( FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING => 'Do not update existing nodes', FEEDS_REPLACE_EXISTING => 'Replace existing nodes', FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING => 'Update existing nodes (slower than replacing them)', ); return $form; } /** * Override parent::configFormValidate(). */ public function configFormValidate(&$values) { if ($author = user_load_by_name($values['author'])) { $values['author'] = $author->uid; } else { $values['author'] = 0; } } /** * Reschedule if expiry time changes. */ public function configFormSubmit(&$values) { if ($this->config['expire'] != $values['expire']) { feeds_reschedule($this->id); } parent::configFormSubmit($values); } /** * Override setTargetElement to operate on a target item that is a node. */ public function setTargetElement(FeedsSource $source, $target_node, $target_element, $value) { switch ($target_element) { case 'created': $target_node->created = feeds_to_unixtime($value, REQUEST_TIME); break; case 'feeds_source': // Get the class of the feed node importer's fetcher and set the source // property. See feeds_node_update() how $node->feeds gets stored. if ($id = feeds_get_importer_id($this->config['content_type'])) { $class = get_class(feeds_importer($id)->fetcher); $target_node->feeds[$class]['source'] = $value; // This effectively suppresses 'import on submission' feature. // See feeds_node_insert(). $target_node->feeds['suppress_import'] = TRUE; } break; case 'path_alias': $target_node->path = array(); // Check for existing aliases. if (!empty($target_node->nid)) { if ($path = path_load('node/' . $target_node->nid)) { $target_node->path = $path; } } // Prevent Pathauto (http://drupal.org/project/pathauto) from // overwriting the alias. $target_node->path['pathauto'] = FALSE; $target_node->path['alias'] = $value; break; case 'user_name': if ($user = user_load_by_name($value)) { $target_node->uid = $user->uid; } break; case 'user_mail': if ($user = user_load_by_mail($value)) { $target_node->uid = $user->uid; } break; default: parent::setTargetElement($source, $target_node, $target_element, $value); break; } } /** * Return available mapping targets. */ public function getMappingTargets() { $type = node_type_get_type($this->config['content_type']); $targets = parent::getMappingTargets(); if ($type->has_title) { $targets['title'] = array( 'name' => t('Title'), 'description' => t('The title of the node.'), 'optional_unique' => TRUE, ); } $targets['nid'] = array( 'name' => t('Node ID'), 'description' => t('The nid of the node. NOTE: use this feature with care, node ids are usually assigned by Drupal.'), 'optional_unique' => TRUE, ); $targets['uid'] = array( 'name' => t('User ID'), 'description' => t('The Drupal user ID of the node author.'), ); $targets['user_name'] = array( 'name' => t('Username'), 'description' => t('The Drupal username of the node author.'), ); $targets['user_mail'] = array( 'name' => t('User email'), 'description' => t('The email address of the node author.'), ); $targets['status'] = array( 'name' => t('Published status'), 'description' => t('Whether a node is published or not. 1 stands for published, 0 for not published.'), ); $targets['created'] = array( 'name' => t('Published date'), 'description' => t('The UNIX time when a node has been published.'), ); $targets['promote'] = array( 'name' => t('Promoted to front page'), 'description' => t('Boolean value, whether or not node is promoted to front page. (1 = promoted, 0 = not promoted)'), ); $targets['sticky'] = array( 'name' => t('Sticky'), 'description' => t('Boolean value, whether or not node is sticky at top of lists. (1 = sticky, 0 = not sticky)'), ); // Include language field if Locale module is enabled. if (module_exists('locale')) { $targets['language'] = array( 'name' => t('Language'), 'description' => t('The two-character language code of the node.'), ); } // Include comment field if Comment module is enabled. if (module_exists('comment')) { $targets['comment'] = array( 'name' => t('Comments'), 'description' => t('Whether comments are allowed on this node: 0 = no, 1 = read only, 2 = read/write.'), ); } // If path is enabled expose path alias. if (module_exists('path')) { $targets['path_alias'] = array( 'name' => t('Path alias'), 'description' => t('URL path alias of the node.'), ); } // If the target content type is a Feed node, expose its source field. if ($id = feeds_get_importer_id($this->config['content_type'])) { $name = feeds_importer($id)->config['name']; $targets['feeds_source'] = array( 'name' => t('Feed source'), 'description' => t('The content type created by this processor is a Feed Node, it represents a source itself. Depending on the fetcher selected on the importer "@importer", this field is expected to be for example a URL or a path to a file.', array('@importer' => $name)), 'optional_unique' => TRUE, ); } // Let other modules expose mapping targets. self::loadMappers(); feeds_alter('feeds_processor_targets', $targets, 'node', $this->config['content_type']); return $targets; } /** * Get nid of an existing feed item node if available. */ protected function existingEntityId(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result) { if ($nid = parent::existingEntityId($source, $result)) { return $nid; } // Iterate through all unique targets and test whether they do already // exist in the database. foreach ($this->uniqueTargets($source, $result) as $target => $value) { switch ($target) { case 'nid': $nid = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid", array(':nid' => $value))->fetchField(); break; case 'title': $nid = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE title = :title", array(':title' => $value))->fetchField(); break; case 'feeds_source': if ($id = feeds_get_importer_id($this->config['content_type'])) { $nid = db_query("SELECT fs.feed_nid FROM {node} n JOIN {feeds_source} fs ON n.nid = fs.feed_nid WHERE fs.id = :id AND fs.source = :source", array(':id' => $id, ':source' => $value))->fetchField(); } break; } if ($nid) { // Return with the first nid found. return $nid; } } return 0; } }