<?php /** * @file * Rules integration. */ /** * Implements hook_rules_event_info(). */ function feeds_rules_event_info() { // General events definitions. $info = array( 'feeds_before_import' => array( 'label' => t('Before importing feed'), 'group' => t('Feeds'), 'variables' => array('source' => array('type' => 'feeds_source', 'label' => 'Feeds source')), ), 'feeds_after_import' => array( 'label' => t('After importing feed'), 'group' => t('Feeds'), 'variables' => array('source' => array('type' => 'feeds_source', 'label' => 'Feeds source')), ), ); // Per importer events definitions. $entity_info = entity_get_info(); foreach (feeds_importer_load_all() as $importer) { $config = $importer->getConfig(); $processor = feeds_plugin($config['processor']['plugin_key'], $importer->id); // It's possible to get FeedsMissingPlugin here which will break things // since it doesn't implement FeedsProcessor::entityType(). if (!$processor instanceof FeedsProcessor) { continue; } $entity_type = $processor->entityType(); $label = isset($entity_info[$entity_type]['label']) ? $entity_info[$entity_type]['label'] : $entity_type; $info['feeds_import_'. $importer->id] = array( 'label' => t('Before saving an item imported via @name.', array('@name' => $importer->config['name'])), 'group' => t('Feeds'), 'variables' => array( $entity_type => array( 'label' => t('Imported @label', array('@label' => $label)), 'type' => $entity_type, // Saving is handled by feeds anyway (unless the skip action is used). 'skip save' => TRUE, ), ), 'access callback' => 'feeds_rules_access_callback', ); // Add bundle information if the node processor is used. if ($processor instanceof FeedsNodeProcessor) { $info['feeds_import_'. $importer->id]['variables'][$entity_type]['bundle'] = $processor->bundle(); } } return $info; } /** * Implements of hook_rules_action_info(). */ function feeds_rules_action_info() { return array( 'feeds_skip_item' => array( 'base' => 'feeds_action_skip_item', 'label' => t('Skip import of feeds item'), 'group' => t('Feeds'), 'parameter' => array( 'entity' => array('type' => 'entity', 'label' => t('The feeds import item to be marked as skipped')), ), 'access callback' => 'feeds_rules_access_callback', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_rules_data_info(). */ function feeds_rules_data_info() { return array( 'feeds_source' => array( 'label' => t('Feeds source'), 'group' => t('Feeds'), 'wrap' => TRUE, 'property info' => array( 'id' => array( 'label' => t('ID'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => t("The machine readable name of the source importer."), ), 'imported' => array( 'label' => t('Date imported'), 'type' => 'date', 'description' => t("The date the source was last imported."), ), // @TODO: fetcher, parser, state ... ), ), ); } /** * Mark feeds import item as skipped. */ function feeds_action_skip_item($entity_wrapper) { $entity = $entity_wrapper->value(); if (isset($entity->feeds_item)) { $entity->feeds_item->skip = TRUE; } } /** * Help callback for the skip action. */ function feeds_action_skip_item_help() { return t("This action allows skipping certain feed items during feeds processing, i.e. before an imported item is saved. Once this action is used on a item, the changes to the entity of the feed item are not saved."); } /** * Access callback for the feeds rules integration. */ function feeds_rules_access_callback() { return user_access('administer feeds'); }