<?php /** * @file * Tests for http_request.inc. */ /** * Tests for the http library. */ class FeedsHTTPRequestTestCase extends FeedsUnitTestHelper { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'HTTP library', 'description' => 'Tests for Feeds HTTP library.', 'group' => 'Feeds', ); } public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); feeds_include_library('http_request.inc', 'http_request'); } /** * Tests http_request_find_feeds(). */ public function testHTTPRequestFindFeeds() { $html = <<<EOF <html> <head> <title>Welcome to Example.com</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="/stuff.css" > <link rel="search" title="Something" href="//example.com/search"> <link rel="alternate" title="Something RSS" href="http://example.com/rss.xml" type="application/rss+xml"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> </head> <body> This is a body. </body> </html EOF; $links = http_request_find_feeds($html); $this->assertEqual(count($links), 1); $this->assertEqual($links[0], 'http://example.com/rss.xml'); // Test single quoted HTML. $links = http_request_find_feeds(str_replace('"', "'", $html)); $this->assertEqual(count($links), 1); $this->assertEqual($links[0], 'http://example.com/rss.xml'); } /** * Tests http_request_create_absolute_url(). */ public function testHTTPRequestCreateAbsoluteUrl() { $test_urls = array( // Rels that do not start with "/". array( 'rel' => 'h', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => 'h', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => 'h', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => 'h', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/h/j', ), // Rels that start with "/". array( 'rel' => '/h', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => '/h', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => '/h', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => '/h', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), // Rels that contain ".". array( 'rel' => './h', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => './h', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => './h', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h', ), array( 'rel' => './h', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h', ), array( 'rel' => './h/j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => './h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => './h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => './h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => './h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '/h/./j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), // Rels that starts with "../". array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/h/j', ), // Rels that start with "../../". array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/?c;d=e#f', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/', 'expected' => 'http://www/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), array( 'rel' => '../../h/j', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/d', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/h/j', ), // Crazy rels. array( 'rel' => 'h/../../j/./k', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/j/k', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/../../j/./k', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/d', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/j/k', ), array( 'rel' => '../../../', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/', 'expected' => 'http://www/', ), array( 'rel' => 'h/j/k/../../', 'base' => 'http://www/a/b/c/', 'expected' => 'http://www/a/b/c/h', ), ); foreach ($test_urls as $test_url) { $result_url = http_request_create_absolute_url($test_url['rel'], $test_url['base']); $this->assertEqual($test_url['expected'], $result_url, format_string('Creating an absolute URL from base @base and rel @rel resulted into @expected (actual: @actual).', array( '@actual' => var_export($result_url, TRUE), '@expected' => var_export($test_url['expected'], TRUE), '@rel' => var_export($test_url['rel'], TRUE), '@base' => var_export($test_url['base'], TRUE), ))); } } }