<?php // $Id$ /** * Parses a given file as a CSV file. */ class FeedsCSVParser extends FeedsParser { /** * Parses a file in CSV format. */ public function parse(FeedsImportBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) { // Parse. feeds_include_library('ParserCSV.inc', 'ParserCSV'); $iterator = new ParserCSVIterator(realpath($batch->getFilePath())); $source_config = $source->getConfigFor($this); $parser = new ParserCSV(); $parser->setDelimiter($source_config['delimiter']); $parser->setSkipFirstLine(FALSE); $rows = $parser->parse($iterator); unset($parser); // Apply titles in lower case. // @todo Push this functionality into ParserCSV. $header = array_shift($rows); foreach ($header as $i => $title) { $header[$i] = strtolower($title); // Use lower case only. } $result_rows = array(); foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { $result_row = array(); foreach ($row as $j => $col) { $result_row[$header[$j]] = $col; } $result_rows[$i] = $result_row; } unset($rows); // Populate batch. $batch->setItems($result_rows); } /** * Override parent::getSourceElement to use only lower keys. */ public function getSourceElement($item, $element_key) { $element_key = strtolower($element_key); return isset($item[$element_key]) ? $item[$element_key] : ''; } /** * Define defaults. */ public function sourceDefaults() { return array( 'delimiter' => $this->config['delimiter'], ); } /** * Source form. * * Show mapping configuration as a guidance for import form users. */ public function sourceForm($source_config) { $form = array(); $form['#weight'] = -10; $mappings = feeds_importer($this->id)->processor->config['mappings']; $sources = $uniques = array(); foreach ($mappings as $mapping) { $sources[] = $mapping['source']; if ($mapping['unique']) { $uniques[] = $mapping['source']; } } $items = array( t('Import !csv_files with one or more of these columns: !columns.', array('!csv_files' => l(t('CSV files'), 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values'), '!columns' => implode(', ', $sources))), format_plural(count($uniques), t('Column <strong>!column</strong> is mandatory and considered unique: only one item per !column value will be created.', array('!column' => implode(', ', $uniques))), t('Columns <strong>!columns</strong> are mandatory and values in these columns are considered unique: only one entry per value in one of these column will be created.', array('!columns' => implode(', ', $uniques)))), ); $form['help']['#value'] = '<div class="help">'. theme('item_list', $items) .'</div>'; $form['delimiter'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Delimiter'), '#description' => t('The character that delimits fields in the CSV file.'), '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(',', ';')), '#default_value' => $source_config['delimiter'], ); return $form; } /** * Define default configuration. */ public function configDefaults() { return array('delimiter' => ','); } /** * Build configuration form. */ public function configForm(&$form_state) { $form = array(); $form['delimiter'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Default delimiter'), '#description' => t('Default field delimiter.'), '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array(',', ';')), '#default_value' => $this->config['delimiter'], ); return $form; } }