<?php /** * @file * Tests for plugins/FeedsTermProcessor.inc */ /** * Test aggregating a feed as data records. */ class FeedsCSVtoTermsTest extends FeedsWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Processor: Taxonomy', 'description' => 'Tests a standalone import configuration that uses file fetcher and CSV parser to import taxonomy terms from a CSV file.', 'group' => 'Feeds', ); } /** * Set up test. */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Create an importer. $this->createImporterConfiguration('Term import', 'term_import'); // Set and configure plugins and mappings. $this->setPlugin('term_import', 'FeedsFileFetcher'); $this->setPlugin('term_import', 'FeedsCSVParser'); $this->setPlugin('term_import', 'FeedsTermProcessor'); // Create vocabulary. $edit = array( 'name' => 'Addams vocabulary', 'machine_name' => 'addams', ); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/add', $edit, t('Save')); $this->setSettings('term_import', 'FeedsTermProcessor', array('bundle' => 'addams')); // Use standalone form. $this->setSettings('term_import', NULL, array('content_type' => '')); } /** * Test term creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items. */ public function test() { $mappings = array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', 'unique' => 1, ), ); $this->addMappings('term_import', $mappings); // Import and assert. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 5 terms'); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/addams'); $this->assertText('Morticia'); $this->assertText('Fester'); $this->assertText('Gomez'); $this->assertText('Pugsley'); // Import again. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText('There are no new terms.'); // Force update. $this->setSettings('term_import', 'FeedsTermProcessor', array( 'skip_hash_check' => TRUE, 'update_existing' => 2, )); $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText('Updated 5 terms.'); // Add a term manually, delete all terms, this term should still stand. $edit = array( 'name' => 'Cousin Itt', ); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/addams/add', $edit, t('Save')); $this->drupalPost('import/term_import/delete-items', array(), t('Delete')); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/addams'); $this->assertText('Cousin Itt'); $this->assertNoText('Morticia'); $this->assertNoText('Fester'); $this->assertNoText('Gomez'); $this->assertNoText('Pugsley'); } /** * Test that saving an invalid vocabulary throws an exception. */ public function testInvalidVocabulary() { $mappings = array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', 'unique' => 1, ), ); $this->addMappings('term_import', $mappings); // Force configuration to be invalid. $config = unserialize(db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => 'term_import'))->fetchField()); $config['processor']['config']['bundle'] = 'does_not_exist'; db_update('feeds_importer') ->fields(array('config' => serialize($config))) ->condition('id', 'term_import') ->execute(); // Import and assert. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText(t('No vocabulary defined for Taxonomy Term processor.')); } /** * Tests that terms mapped to their parent by GUID are from the same vocabulary. */ public function testParentTargetByGUID() { // Create an other vocabulary. $vocabulary1 = 'addams'; $vocabulary2 = strtolower($this->randomName()); $edit = array( 'name' => $this->randomString(), 'machine_name' => $vocabulary2, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/add', $edit, t('Save')); // Add mappings for the first importer. $this->addMappings('term_import', array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'guid', 'target' => 'guid', 'unique' => TRUE, ), 1 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', ), 2 => array( 'source' => 'parentguid', 'target' => 'parentguid', ), ) ); // Create a second importer. $this->createImporterConfiguration('Term import 2', 'term_import2'); $this->setSettings('term_import2', NULL, array('content_type' => '')); // Set and configure plugins and mappings. $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsFileFetcher'); $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsCSVParser'); $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsTermProcessor'); $this->setSettings('term_import2', 'FeedsTermProcessor', array('bundle' => $vocabulary2)); // Add mappings for the second importer. $this->addMappings('term_import2', array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'guid', 'target' => 'guid', 'unique' => TRUE, ), 1 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', ), 2 => array( 'source' => 'parentguid', 'target' => 'parentguid', ), ) ); $values = array( 1 => 'Europe', 2 => 'Belgium', ); // Import file using the first importer. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/terms.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 2 terms.'); // Assert that two terms were created in the first vocabulary. $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', array_keys($values)); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $this->assertEqual($values[$tid], $term->name); $this->assertEqual($vocabulary1, $term->vocabulary_machine_name); } // Assert that the second term's parent is the first term. $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($terms[2]->tid); $message = format_string('The term @term is correctly linked to its parent.', array('@term' => $terms[2]->name)); if (!empty($parents)) { $parent = current($parents); $this->assertEqual(1, $parent->tid, $message); } else { $this->fail($message); } $values = array( 3 => 'Europe', 4 => 'Belgium', ); // Now import the file using the second importer. $this->importFile('term_import2', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/terms.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 2 terms.'); // Assert that two terms were created in the second vocabulary. $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', array_keys($values)); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $this->assertEqual($values[$tid], $term->name); $this->assertEqual($vocabulary2, $term->vocabulary_machine_name); } // Assert that the second term's parent is the first term. $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($terms[4]->tid); $message = format_string('The term @term is correctly linked to its parent.', array('@term' => $terms[4]->name)); if (!empty($parents)) { $parent = current($parents); $this->assertEqual(3, $parent->tid, $message); } else { $this->fail($message); } } /** * Tests that terms mapped to their parent by GUID are from the same vocabulary. */ public function testParentTargetByName() { // Create an other vocabulary. $vocabulary1 = 'addams'; $vocabulary2 = strtolower($this->randomName()); $edit = array( 'name' => $this->randomString(), 'machine_name' => $vocabulary2, ); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/add', $edit, t('Save')); // Add mappings for the first importer. $this->addMappings('term_import', array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'guid', 'target' => 'guid', 'unique' => TRUE, ), 1 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', ), 2 => array( 'source' => 'parent', 'target' => 'parent', ), ) ); // Create a second importer. $this->createImporterConfiguration('Term import 2', 'term_import2'); $this->setSettings('term_import2', NULL, array('content_type' => '')); // Set and configure plugins and mappings. $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsFileFetcher'); $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsCSVParser'); $this->setPlugin('term_import2', 'FeedsTermProcessor'); $this->setSettings('term_import2', 'FeedsTermProcessor', array('bundle' => $vocabulary2)); // Add mappings for the second importer. $this->addMappings('term_import2', array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'guid', 'target' => 'guid', 'unique' => TRUE, ), 1 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', ), 2 => array( 'source' => 'parent', 'target' => 'parent', ), ) ); $values = array( 1 => 'Europe', 2 => 'Belgium', ); // Import file using the first importer. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/terms.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 2 terms.'); // Assert that two terms were created in the first vocabulary. $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', array_keys($values)); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $this->assertEqual($values[$tid], $term->name); $this->assertEqual($vocabulary1, $term->vocabulary_machine_name); } // Assert that the second term's parent is the first term. $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($terms[2]->tid); $message = format_string('The term @term is correctly linked to its parent.', array('@term' => $terms[2]->name)); if (!empty($parents)) { $parent = current($parents); $this->assertEqual(1, $parent->tid, $message); } else { $this->fail($message); } $values = array( 3 => 'Europe', 4 => 'Belgium', ); // Now import the file using the second importer. $this->importFile('term_import2', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/terms.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 2 terms.'); // Assert that two terms were created in the second vocabulary. $terms = entity_load('taxonomy_term', array_keys($values)); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $this->assertEqual($values[$tid], $term->name); $this->assertEqual($vocabulary2, $term->vocabulary_machine_name); } // Assert that the second term's parent is the first term. $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($terms[4]->tid); $message = format_string('The term @term is correctly linked to its parent.', array('@term' => $terms[4]->name)); if (!empty($parents)) { $parent = current($parents); $this->assertEqual(3, $parent->tid, $message); } else { $this->fail($message); } } /** * Test replacing terms on subsequent imports. */ public function testReplaceTerms() { $mappings = array( 0 => array( 'source' => 'name', 'target' => 'name', 'unique' => 1, ), ); $this->addMappings('term_import', $mappings); // Configure the processor to "Replace existing terms". $this->setSettings('term_import', 'FeedsTermProcessor', array( 'skip_hash_check' => TRUE, 'update_existing' => 1, )); // Import first time. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText('Created 5 terms'); // Import again to replace terms. $this->importFile('term_import', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv'); $this->assertText('Updated 5 terms.'); } }