<?php /** * @file * Contains FeedsProcessor and related classes. */ // Insert mode for new items. define('FEEDS_SKIP_NEW', 0); define('FEEDS_INSERT_NEW', 1); // Update mode for existing items. define('FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING', 0); define('FEEDS_REPLACE_EXISTING', 1); define('FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING', 2); // Options for handling content in Drupal but not in source data. define('FEEDS_SKIP_NON_EXISTENT', 'skip'); define('FEEDS_DELETE_NON_EXISTENT', 'delete'); // Default limit for creating items on a page load, not respected by all // processors. define('FEEDS_PROCESS_LIMIT', 50); /** * Thrown if a validation fails. */ class FeedsValidationException extends Exception {} /** * Thrown if a an access check fails. */ class FeedsAccessException extends Exception {} /** * Abstract class, defines interface for processors. */ abstract class FeedsProcessor extends FeedsPlugin { /** * Implements FeedsPlugin::pluginType(). */ public function pluginType() { return 'processor'; } /** * @defgroup entity_api_wrapper Entity API wrapper. */ /** * Entity type this processor operates on. */ public abstract function entityType(); /** * Bundle type this processor operates on. * * Defaults to the entity type for entities that do not define bundles. * * @return string|null * The bundle type this processor operates on, or NULL if it is undefined. */ public function bundle() { return $this->config['bundle']; } /** * Provides a list of bundle options for use in select lists. * * @return array * A keyed array of bundle => label. */ public function bundleOptions() { $options = array(); foreach (field_info_bundles($this->entityType()) as $bundle => $info) { if (!empty($info['label'])) { $options[$bundle] = $info['label']; } else { $options[$bundle] = $bundle; } } return $options; } /** * Provides a list of languages available on the site. * * @return array * A keyed array of language_key => language_name (example: 'en' => 'English'). */ public function languageOptions() { $languages = array( LANGUAGE_NONE => t('Language neutral'), ); $language_list = language_list('enabled'); if (!empty($language_list[1])) { foreach ($language_list[1] as $language) { $languages[$language->language] = $language->name; } } return $languages; } /** * Create a new entity. * * @param FeedsSource $source * The feeds source that spawns this entity. * * @return object * A new entity object. */ protected function newEntity(FeedsSource $source) { $entity = new stdClass(); $info = $this->entityInfo(); if (!empty($info['entity keys']['language'])) { $entity->{$info['entity keys']['language']} = $this->entityLanguage(); } return $entity; } /** * Load an existing entity. * * @param $source * The feeds source that spawns this entity. * @param $entity_id * The unique id of the entity that should be loaded. * * @return * A new entity object. * * @todo We should be able to batch load these, if we found all of the * existing ids first. */ protected function entityLoad(FeedsSource $source, $entity_id) { $info = $this->entityInfo(); if ($this->config['update_existing'] == FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING) { $entities = entity_load($this->entityType(), array($entity_id)); $entity = reset($entities); } else { $args = array(':entity_id' => $entity_id); $table = db_escape_table($info['base table']); $key = db_escape_field($info['entity keys']['id']); $entity = db_query("SELECT * FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE $key = :entity_id", $args)->fetchObject(); } if ($entity && !empty($info['entity keys']['language'])) { $entity->{$info['entity keys']['language']} = $this->entityLanguage(); } return $entity; } /** * Validates an entity. * * @param object $entity * The entity to validate. * * @throws FeedsValidationException $e * Thrown if validation fails. */ protected function entityValidate($entity) { $info = $this->entityInfo(); if (!empty($info['entity keys']['language'])) { // Ensure that a valid language is always set. $key = $info['entity keys']['language']; $languages = $this->languageOptions(); if (empty($entity->$key) || !isset($languages[$entity->$key])) { $entity->$key = $this->entityLanguage(); } } // Perform field validation if entity is fieldable. if (!empty($info['fieldable'])) { try { $this->validateFields($entity); } catch (FieldValidationException $e) { $errors = array(); // Unravel the errors inside the FieldValidationException. foreach ($e->errors as $field_name => $field_errors) { foreach ($field_errors as $langcode => $field_item_errors) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->unravelFieldValidationExceptionErrors($field_item_errors)); } } // Compose error message. If available, use the entity label to indicate // which item failed. Fallback to the GUID value (if available) or else // no indication. $label = entity_label($this->entityType(), $entity); if ($label || $label === '0' || $label === 0) { $message = t("@error in item '@label':", array('@error' => $e->getMessage(), '@label' => $label)); } elseif (!empty($entity->feeds_item->guid)) { $message = t("@error in item '@guid':", array('@error' => $e->getMessage(), '@guid' => $entity->feeds_item->guid)); } else { $message = $e->getMessage(); } // Compose the final error message and throw exception. $message .= theme('item_list', array('items' => $errors)); throw new FeedsValidationException($message); } } } /** * Validates fields of an entity. * * This is mostly a copy of the field_attach_validate() function. The * difference is that field_attach_validate() validates *all* fields on an * entity, while Feeds only validates the fields where the user mapped to. * * @param object $entity * The entity for which the field to validate. * * @throws FieldValidationException * If validation errors are found, a FieldValidationException is thrown. The * 'errors' property contains the array of errors, keyed by field name, * language and delta. */ protected function validateFields($entity) { $entity_type = $this->entityType(); // Get fields for the entity type we are mapping to. $fields = field_info_instances($entity_type, $this->bundle()); // Get targets. $targets = $this->getCachedTargets(); $errors = array(); $null = NULL; // Validate all fields that we are mapping to. foreach ($this->getMappings() as $mapping) { // Get real target name. if (isset($targets[$mapping['target']]['real_target'])) { $target_name = $targets[$mapping['target']]['real_target']; } else { $target_name = $mapping['target']; } if (isset($fields[$target_name])) { // Validate this field. _field_invoke_default('validate', $entity_type, $entity, $errors, $null, array( 'field_name' => $target_name, )); _field_invoke('validate', $entity_type, $entity, $errors, $null, array( 'field_name' => $target_name, )); } } // Let other modules validate the entity. // Avoid module_invoke_all() to let $errors be taken by reference. foreach (module_implements('field_attach_validate') as $module) { $function = $module . '_field_attach_validate'; $function($entity_type, $entity, $errors); } if ($errors) { throw new FieldValidationException($errors); } } /** * Helper function to unravel error messages hidden in a FieldValidationException. * * @param array $field_item_errors * The errors for a single field item. * * @return array * The unraveled error messages. */ protected function unravelFieldValidationExceptionErrors($field_item_errors) { $errors = array(); foreach ($field_item_errors as $field_item_error) { if (isset($field_item_error['message'])) { // Found the error message! $errors[] = $field_item_error['message']; } elseif (is_array($field_item_error)) { // Error message is hidden deeper in the tree. $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->unravelFieldValidationExceptionErrors($field_item_error)); } } return $errors; } /** * Access check for saving an enity. * * @param $entity * Entity to be saved. * * @throws FeedsAccessException $e * If the access check fails. */ protected function entitySaveAccess($entity) {} /** * Save an entity. * * @param $entity * Entity to be saved. */ protected abstract function entitySave($entity); /** * Delete a series of entities. * * @param $entity_ids * Array of unique identity ids to be deleted. */ protected abstract function entityDeleteMultiple($entity_ids); /** * Wrap entity_get_info() into a method so that extending classes can override * it and more entity information. Allowed additional keys: * - 'label plural' * The plural label of an entity type. */ protected function entityInfo() { $info = entity_get_info($this->entityType()); // Entity module has defined the plural label in "plural label" instead of // "label plural". So if "plural label" is defined, this will have priority // over "label plural". if (isset($info['plural label'])) { $info['label plural'] = $info['plural label']; } return $info; } /** * Returns the current language for entities. * * This checks if the configuration value is valid. * * @return string * The current language code. */ protected function entityLanguage() { if (!module_exists('locale')) { // language_list() may return languages even if the locale module is // disabled. See https://www.drupal.org/node/173227 why. // When the locale module is disabled, there are no selectable languages // in the UI, so the content should be imported in LANGUAGE_NONE. return LANGUAGE_NONE; } $languages = $this->languageOptions(); return isset($languages[$this->config['language']]) ? $this->config['language'] : LANGUAGE_NONE; } /** * @} */ /** * Process the result of the parsing stage. * * @param FeedsSource $source * Source information about this import. * @param FeedsParserResult $parser_result * The result of the parsing stage. */ public function process(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $parser_result) { $state = $source->state(FEEDS_PROCESS); if (!isset($state->removeList) && $parser_result->items) { $this->initEntitiesToBeRemoved($source, $state); } $skip_new = $this->config['insert_new'] == FEEDS_SKIP_NEW; $skip_existing = $this->config['update_existing'] == FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING; while ($item = $parser_result->shiftItem()) { // Check if this item already exists. $entity_id = $this->existingEntityId($source, $parser_result); // If it's included in the feed, it must not be removed on clean. if ($entity_id) { unset($state->removeList[$entity_id]); } module_invoke_all('feeds_before_update', $source, $item, $entity_id); // If it exists, and we are not updating, or if it does not exist, and we // are not inserting, pass onto the next item. if (($entity_id && $skip_existing) || (!$entity_id && $skip_new)) { continue; } try { $hash = $this->hash($item); $changed = $hash !== $this->getHash($entity_id); // Do not proceed if the item exists, has not changed, and we're not // forcing the update. if ($entity_id && !$changed && !$this->config['skip_hash_check']) { continue; } // Load an existing entity. if ($entity_id) { $entity = $this->entityLoad($source, $entity_id); // The feeds_item table is always updated with the info for the most // recently processed entity. The only carryover is the entity_id. $this->newItemInfo($entity, $source->feed_nid, $hash); $entity->feeds_item->entity_id = $entity_id; $entity->feeds_item->is_new = FALSE; } // Build a new entity. else { $entity = $this->newEntity($source); $this->newItemInfo($entity, $source->feed_nid, $hash); } // Set property and field values. $this->map($source, $parser_result, $entity); // Allow modules to alter the entity before validating. module_invoke_all('feeds_prevalidate', $source, $entity, $item, $entity_id); $this->entityValidate($entity); // Allow modules to alter the entity before saving. module_invoke_all('feeds_presave', $source, $entity, $item, $entity_id); if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('feeds_import_' . $source->importer()->id, $entity); } // Enable modules to skip saving at all. if (!empty($entity->feeds_item->skip)) { continue; } // This will throw an exception on failure. $this->entitySaveAccess($entity); $this->entitySave($entity); // Allow modules to perform operations using the saved entity data. // $entity contains the updated entity after saving. module_invoke_all('feeds_after_save', $source, $entity, $item, $entity_id); // Track progress. if (empty($entity_id)) { $state->created++; } else { $state->updated++; } } // Something bad happened, log it. catch (Exception $e) { $state->failed++; drupal_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'warning'); list($message, $arguments) = $this->createLogEntry($e, $entity, $item); $source->log('import', $message, $arguments, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } // Set messages if we're done. if ($source->progressImporting() != FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) { return; } // Remove not included items if needed. // It depends on the implementation of the clean() method what will happen // to items that were no longer in the source. $this->clean($state); $info = $this->entityInfo(); $tokens = array( '@entity' => strtolower($info['label']), '@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural']), ); $messages = array(); if ($state->created) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->created, 'Created @number @entity.', 'Created @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->created) + $tokens ), ); } if ($state->updated) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->updated, 'Updated @number @entity.', 'Updated @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->updated) + $tokens ), ); } if ($state->unpublished) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->unpublished, 'Unpublished @number @entity.', 'Unpublished @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->unpublished) + $tokens ), ); } if ($state->blocked) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->blocked, 'Blocked @number @entity.', 'Blocked @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->blocked) + $tokens ), ); } if ($state->deleted) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->deleted, 'Removed @number @entity.', 'Removed @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->deleted) + $tokens ), ); } if ($state->failed) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => format_plural( $state->failed, 'Failed importing @number @entity.', 'Failed importing @number @entities.', array('@number' => $state->failed) + $tokens ), 'level' => WATCHDOG_ERROR, ); } if (empty($messages)) { $messages[] = array( 'message' => t('There are no new @entities.', array('@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural']))), ); } foreach ($messages as $message) { drupal_set_message($message['message']); $source->log('import', $message['message'], array(), isset($message['level']) ? $message['level'] : WATCHDOG_INFO); } } /** * Initializes the list of entities to remove. * * This populates $state->removeList with all existing entities previously * imported from the source. * * @param FeedsSource $source * Source information about this import. * @param FeedsState $state * The FeedsState object for the given stage. */ protected function initEntitiesToBeRemoved(FeedsSource $source, FeedsState $state) { $state->removeList = array(); // We fill it only if needed. if ($this->config['update_non_existent'] == FEEDS_SKIP_NON_EXISTENT) { return; } // Get the full list of entities for this source. $entity_ids = db_select('feeds_item') ->fields('feeds_item', array('entity_id')) ->condition('entity_type', $this->entityType()) ->condition('id', $this->id) ->condition('feed_nid', $source->feed_nid) ->condition('hash', $this->config['update_non_existent'], '<>') ->execute() ->fetchCol(); if (!$entity_ids) { return; } $state->removeList = array_combine($entity_ids, $entity_ids); } /** * Deletes entities which were not found during processing. * * @todo batch delete? * * @param FeedsState $state * The FeedsState object for the given stage. */ protected function clean(FeedsState $state) { // We clean only if needed. if ($this->config['update_non_existent'] != FEEDS_DELETE_NON_EXISTENT) { return; } if ($total = count($state->removeList)) { $this->entityDeleteMultiple($state->removeList); $state->deleted += $total; } } /** * Remove all stored results or stored results up to a certain time for a * source. * * @param FeedsSource $source * Source information for this expiry. Implementers should only delete items * pertaining to this source. The preferred way of determining whether an * item pertains to a certain souce is by using $source->feed_nid. It is the * processor's responsibility to store the feed_nid of an imported item in * the processing stage. */ public function clear(FeedsSource $source) { $state = $source->state(FEEDS_PROCESS_CLEAR); // Build base select statement. $select = db_select('feeds_item') ->fields('feeds_item', array('entity_id')) ->condition('entity_type', $this->entityType()) ->condition('id', $this->id) ->condition('feed_nid', $source->feed_nid); // If there is no total, query it. if (!$state->total) { $state->total = $select->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } // Delete a batch of entities. $entity_ids = $select->range(0, $this->getLimit())->execute()->fetchCol(); $this->entityDeleteMultiple($entity_ids); // Report progress, take into account that we may not have deleted as many // items as we have counted at first. if ($deleted_count = count($entity_ids)) { $state->deleted += $deleted_count; $state->progress($state->total, $state->deleted); } else { $state->progress($state->total, $state->total); } // Report results when done. if ($source->progressClearing() == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) { $info = $this->entityInfo(); if ($state->deleted) { $message = format_plural( $state->deleted, 'Deleted @number @entity', 'Deleted @number @entities', array( '@number' => $state->deleted, '@entity' => strtolower($info['label']), '@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural']), ) ); $source->log('clear', $message, array(), WATCHDOG_INFO); drupal_set_message($message); } else { drupal_set_message(t('There are no @entities to be deleted.', array('@entities' => $info['label plural']))); } } } /** * Report number of items that can be processed per call. * * 0 means 'unlimited'. * * If a number other than 0 is given, Feeds parsers that support batching * will only deliver this limit to the processor. * * @see FeedsSource::getLimit() * @see FeedsCSVParser::parse() */ public function getLimit() { return variable_get('feeds_process_limit', FEEDS_PROCESS_LIMIT); } /** * Deletes feed items older than REQUEST_TIME - $time. * * Do not invoke expire on a processor directly, but use * FeedsSource::expire() instead. * * @param FeedsSource $source * The source to expire entities for. * * @param int|null $time * (optional) All items produced by this configuration that are older than * REQUEST_TIME - $time should be deleted. If NULL, processor should use * internal configuration. Defaults to NULL. * * @return float * FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE if all items have been processed, a float between 0 * and 0.99* indicating progress otherwise. * * @see FeedsSource::expire() */ public function expire(FeedsSource $source, $time = NULL) { $state = $source->state(FEEDS_PROCESS_EXPIRE); if ($time === NULL) { $time = $this->expiryTime(); } if ($time == FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER) { return; } $select = $this->expiryQuery($source, $time); // If there is no total, query it. if (!$state->total) { $state->total = $select->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } // Delete a batch of entities. $entity_ids = $select->range(0, $this->getLimit())->execute()->fetchCol(); if ($entity_ids) { $this->entityDeleteMultiple($entity_ids); $state->deleted += count($entity_ids); $state->progress($state->total, $state->deleted); } else { $state->progress($state->total, $state->total); } } /** * Returns a database query used to select entities to expire. * * Processor classes should override this method to set the age portion of the * query. * * @param FeedsSource $source * The feed source. * @param int $time * Delete entities older than this. * * @return SelectQuery * A select query to execute. * * @see FeedsNodeProcessor::expiryQuery() */ protected function expiryQuery(FeedsSource $source, $time) { // Build base select statement. $info = $this->entityInfo(); $id_key = $info['entity keys']['id']; $select = db_select($info['base table'], 'e'); $select->addField('e', $id_key); $select->join('feeds_item', 'fi', "e.$id_key = fi.entity_id"); $select->condition('fi.entity_type', $this->entityType()); $select->condition('fi.id', $this->id); $select->condition('fi.feed_nid', $source->feed_nid); return $select; } /** * Counts the number of items imported by this processor. * * @return int */ public function itemCount(FeedsSource $source) { return db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {feeds_item} WHERE id = :id AND entity_type = :entity_type AND feed_nid = :feed_nid", array(':id' => $this->id, ':entity_type' => $this->entityType(), ':feed_nid' => $source->feed_nid))->fetchField(); } /** * Returns a statically cached version of the target mappings. * * @return array * The targets for this importer. */ protected function getCachedTargets() { $targets = &drupal_static('FeedsProcessor::getCachedTargets', array()); if (!isset($targets[$this->id])) { $targets[$this->id] = $this->getMappingTargets(); } return $targets[$this->id]; } /** * Returns a statically cached version of the source mappings. * * @return array * The sources for this importer. */ protected function getCachedSources() { $sources = &drupal_static('FeedsProcessor::getCachedSources', array()); if (!isset($sources[$this->id])) { $sources[$this->id] = feeds_importer($this->id)->parser->getMappingSources(); if (is_array($sources[$this->id])) { foreach ($sources[$this->id] as $source_key => $source) { if (empty($source['callback']) || !is_callable($source['callback'])) { unset($sources[$this->id][$source_key]['callback']); } } } } return $sources[$this->id]; } /** * Execute mapping on an item. * * This method encapsulates the central mapping functionality. When an item is * processed, it is passed through map() where the properties of $source_item * are mapped onto $target_item following the processor's mapping * configuration. * * For each mapping FeedsParser::getSourceElement() is executed to retrieve * the source element, then FeedsProcessor::setTargetElement() is invoked * to populate the target item properly. Alternatively a * hook_x_targets_alter() may have specified a callback for a mapping target * in which case the callback is asked to populate the target item instead of * FeedsProcessor::setTargetElement(). * * @ingroup mappingapi * * @see hook_feeds_parser_sources_alter() * @see hook_feeds_processor_targets() * @see hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter() */ protected function map(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result, $target_item = NULL) { $targets = $this->getCachedTargets(); // Get fields for the entity type we are mapping to. $fields = field_info_instances($this->entityType(), $this->bundle()); if (empty($target_item)) { $target_item = array(); } // Many mappers add to existing fields rather than replacing them. Hence we // need to clear target elements of each item before mapping in case we are // mapping on a prepopulated item such as an existing node. foreach ($this->getMappings() as $mapping) { if (isset($targets[$mapping['target']]['real_target'])) { $target_name = $targets[$mapping['target']]['real_target']; } else { $target_name = $mapping['target']; } // If the target is a field empty the value for the targeted language // only. // In all other cases, just empty the target completely. if (isset($fields[$target_name])) { // Empty the target for the specified language. $target_item->{$target_name}[$mapping['language']] = array(); } else { // Empty the whole target. $target_item->{$target_name} = NULL; } } // This is where the actual mapping happens: For every mapping we invoke // the parser's getSourceElement() method to retrieve the value of the // source element and pass it to the processor's setTargetElement() to stick // it on the right place of the target item. foreach ($this->getMappings() as $mapping) { $value = $this->getSourceValue($source, $result, $mapping['source']); $this->mapToTarget($source, $mapping['target'], $target_item, $value, $mapping); } return $target_item; } /** * Returns the values from the parser, or callback. * * @param FeedsSource $source * The feed source. * @param FeedsParserResult $result * The parser result. * @param string $source_key * The current key being processed. * * @return mixed * A value, or a list of values. */ protected function getSourceValue(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result, $source_key) { $sources = $this->getCachedSources(); if (isset($sources[$source_key]['callback'])) { return call_user_func($sources[$source_key]['callback'], $source, $result, $source_key); } return feeds_importer($this->id)->parser->getSourceElement($source, $result, $source_key); } /** * Maps values onto the target item. * * @param FeedsSource $source * The feed source. * @param mixed &$target_item * The target item to apply values into. * @param mixed $value * A value, or a list of values. * @param array $mapping * The mapping configuration. */ protected function mapToTarget(FeedsSource $source, $target, &$target_item, $value, array $mapping) { $targets = $this->getCachedTargets(); // Map the source element's value to the target. // If the mapping specifies a callback method, use the callback instead of // setTargetElement(). if (isset($targets[$target]['callback'])) { // All target callbacks expect an array. if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } call_user_func($targets[$target]['callback'], $source, $target_item, $target, $value, $mapping); } else { $this->setTargetElement($source, $target_item, $target, $value, $mapping); } } /** * Per default, don't support expiry. If processor supports expiry of imported * items, return the time after which items should be removed. * * @return int */ public function expiryTime() { return FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER; } /** * Declare default configuration. * * @return array */ public function configDefaults() { $info = $this->entityInfo(); $bundle = NULL; if (empty($info['entity keys']['bundle'])) { $bundle = $this->entityType(); } return array( 'mappings' => array(), 'insert_new' => FEEDS_INSERT_NEW, 'update_existing' => FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING, 'update_non_existent' => FEEDS_SKIP_NON_EXISTENT, 'input_format' => NULL, 'skip_hash_check' => FALSE, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE, ) + parent::configDefaults(); } /** * Validates the configuration. * * @return array * A list of errors. */ public function validateConfig() { $errors = parent::validateConfig(); $info = $this->entityInfo(); $config = $this->getConfig(); // Check configured bundle if the bundle is configurable. if (isset($config['bundle']) && !empty($info['entity keys']['bundle'])) { $bundles = $this->bundleOptions(); if (!in_array($config['bundle'], array_keys($bundles))) { $errors[] = t('Invalid value %value for config option %key.', array( '%value' => $config['bundle'], '%key' => !empty($info['bundle name']) ? $info['bundle name'] : t('Bundle'), )); } } // Check configured language. if (module_exists('locale') && !empty($info['entity keys']['language']) && isset($config['language'])) { $languages = $this->languageOptions(); if (!isset($languages[$config['language']])) { $errors[] = t('Invalid value %value for config option %key.', array( '%value' => $config['language'], '%key' => t('Language'), )); } } return $errors; } /** * Overrides parent::configForm(). * * @param array $form_state * * @return array */ public function configForm(&$form_state) { $info = $this->entityInfo(); $form = array(); if (!empty($info['entity keys']['bundle'])) { $bundle = $this->bundle(); $form['bundle'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $this->bundleOptions(), '#title' => !empty($info['bundle name']) ? $info['bundle name'] : t('Bundle'), '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $bundle, ); // Add default value as one of the options if not yet available. if (!isset($form['bundle']['#options'][$bundle])) { $form['bundle']['#options'][$bundle] = t('Unknown bundle: @bundle', array( '@bundle' => $bundle, )); } } else { $form['bundle'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->entityType(), ); } if (module_exists('locale') && !empty($info['entity keys']['language'])) { $form['language'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $this->languageOptions(), '#title' => t('Language'), '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $this->config['language'], ); // Add default value as one of the options if not yet available. if (!isset($form['language']['#options'][$this->config['language']])) { $form['language']['#options'][$this->config['language']] = t('Unknown language: @language', array( '@language' => $this->config['language'], )); } } $tokens = array('@entities' => strtolower($info['label plural'])); $form['insert_new'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Insert new @entities', $tokens), '#description' => t('New @entities will be determined using mappings that are a "unique target".', $tokens), '#options' => array( FEEDS_INSERT_NEW => t('Insert new @entities', $tokens), FEEDS_SKIP_NEW => t('Do not insert new @entities', $tokens), ), '#default_value' => $this->config['insert_new'], ); $form['update_existing'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Update existing @entities', $tokens), '#description' => t('Existing @entities will be determined using mappings that are a "unique target".', $tokens), '#options' => array( FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING => t('Do not update existing @entities', $tokens), FEEDS_REPLACE_EXISTING => t('Replace existing @entities', $tokens), FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING => t('Update existing @entities', $tokens), ), '#default_value' => $this->config['update_existing'], '#after_build' => array('feeds_processor_config_form_update_existing_after_build'), '#tokens' => $tokens, ); global $user; $formats = filter_formats($user); foreach ($formats as $format) { $format_options[$format->format] = $format->name; } $form['skip_hash_check'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Skip hash check'), '#description' => t('Force update of items even if item source data did not change.'), '#default_value' => $this->config['skip_hash_check'], ); $form['input_format'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Text format'), '#description' => t('Select the default input format for the text fields of the nodes to be created.'), '#options' => $format_options, '#default_value' => isset($this->config['input_format']) ? $this->config['input_format'] : 'plain_text', '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['update_non_existent'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Action to take when previously imported @entities are missing in the feed', $tokens), '#description' => t('Select how @entities previously imported and now missing in the feed should be updated.', $tokens), '#options' => array( FEEDS_SKIP_NON_EXISTENT => t('Skip non-existent @entities', $tokens), FEEDS_DELETE_NON_EXISTENT => t('Delete non-existent @entities', $tokens), ), '#default_value' => $this->config['update_non_existent'], ); return $form; } /** * Get mappings. * * @return array */ public function getMappings() { $cache = &drupal_static('FeedsProcessor::getMappings', array()); if (!isset($cache[$this->id])) { $mappings = $this->config['mappings']; $targets = $this->getCachedTargets(); $languages = $this->languageOptions(); foreach ($mappings as &$mapping) { if (isset($targets[$mapping['target']]['preprocess_callbacks'])) { foreach ($targets[$mapping['target']]['preprocess_callbacks'] as $callback) { call_user_func_array($callback, array($targets[$mapping['target']], &$mapping)); } } // Ensure there's always a language set. if (empty($mapping['language'])) { $mapping['language'] = LANGUAGE_NONE; } else { // Check if the configured language is available. If not, fallback to // LANGUAGE_NONE. if (!isset($languages[$mapping['language']])) { $mapping['language'] = LANGUAGE_NONE; } } } $cache[$this->id] = $mappings; } return $cache[$this->id]; } /** * Declare possible mapping targets that this processor exposes. * * @ingroup mappingapi * * @return array * An array of mapping targets. Keys are paths to targets * separated by ->, values are TRUE if target can be unique, * FALSE otherwise. */ public function getMappingTargets() { // The bundle has not been selected. if (!$this->bundle()) { $info = $this->entityInfo(); $bundle_name = !empty($info['bundle name']) ? drupal_strtolower($info['bundle name']) : t('bundle'); $plugin_key = feeds_importer($this->id)->config['processor']['plugin_key']; $url = url('admin/structure/feeds/' . $this->id . '/settings/' . $plugin_key); drupal_set_message(t('Please <a href="@url">select a @bundle_name</a>.', array('@url' => $url, '@bundle_name' => $bundle_name)), 'warning', FALSE); } return array( 'url' => array( 'name' => t('URL'), 'description' => t('The external URL of the item. E. g. the feed item URL in the case of a syndication feed. May be unique.'), 'optional_unique' => TRUE, ), 'guid' => array( 'name' => t('GUID'), 'description' => t('The globally unique identifier of the item. E. g. the feed item GUID in the case of a syndication feed. May be unique.'), 'optional_unique' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Allows other modules to expose targets. * * @param array &$targets * The existing target array. */ protected function getHookTargets(array &$targets) { self::loadMappers(); $entity_type = $this->entityType(); $bundle = $this->bundle(); $targets += module_invoke_all('feeds_processor_targets', $entity_type, $bundle); drupal_alter('feeds_processor_targets', $targets, $entity_type, $bundle); } /** * Set a concrete target element. Invoked from FeedsProcessor::map(). * * @ingroup mappingapi */ public function setTargetElement(FeedsSource $source, $target_item, $target_element, $value) { switch ($target_element) { case 'url': case 'guid': $target_item->feeds_item->$target_element = $value; break; default: $target_item->$target_element = $value; break; } } /** * Retrieve the target entity's existing id if available. Otherwise return 0. * * @ingroup mappingapi * * @param FeedsSource $source * The source information about this import. * @param FeedsParserResult $result * A FeedsParserResult object. * * @return int * The serial id of an entity if found, 0 otherwise. */ protected function existingEntityId(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result) { $targets = $this->getCachedTargets(); $entity_id = 0; // Iterate through all unique targets and test whether they already exist in // the database. foreach ($this->uniqueTargets($source, $result) as $target => $value) { if ($target === 'guid' || $target === 'url') { $entity_id = db_select('feeds_item') ->fields('feeds_item', array('entity_id')) ->condition('feed_nid', $source->feed_nid) ->condition('entity_type', $this->entityType()) ->condition('id', $source->id) ->condition($target, $value) ->execute() ->fetchField(); } if (!$entity_id && !empty($targets[$target]['unique_callbacks'])) { if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } foreach ($targets[$target]['unique_callbacks'] as $callback) { if ($entity_id = call_user_func($callback, $source, $this->entityType(), $this->bundle(), $target, $value)) { // Stop at the first unique ID returned by a callback. break; } } } // Return with the content id found. if ($entity_id) { return $entity_id; } } return $entity_id; } /** * Utility function that iterates over a target array and retrieves all * sources that are unique. * * @param $batch * A FeedsImportBatch. * * @return * An array where the keys are target field names and the values are the * elements from the source item mapped to these targets. */ protected function uniqueTargets(FeedsSource $source, FeedsParserResult $result) { $parser = feeds_importer($this->id)->parser; $targets = array(); foreach ($this->getMappings() as $mapping) { if (!empty($mapping['unique'])) { // Invoke the parser's getSourceElement to retrieve the value for this // mapping's source. $targets[$mapping['target']] = $parser->getSourceElement($source, $result, $mapping['source']); } } return $targets; } /** * Adds Feeds specific information on $entity->feeds_item. * * @param $entity * The entity object to be populated with new item info. * @param $feed_nid * The feed nid of the source that produces this entity. * @param $hash * The fingerprint of the source item. */ protected function newItemInfo($entity, $feed_nid, $hash = '') { $entity->feeds_item = new stdClass(); $entity->feeds_item->is_new = TRUE; $entity->feeds_item->entity_id = 0; $entity->feeds_item->entity_type = $this->entityType(); $entity->feeds_item->id = $this->id; $entity->feeds_item->feed_nid = $feed_nid; $entity->feeds_item->imported = REQUEST_TIME; $entity->feeds_item->hash = $hash; $entity->feeds_item->url = ''; $entity->feeds_item->guid = ''; } /** * Loads existing entity information and places it on $entity->feeds_item. * * @param $entity * The entity object to load item info for. Id key must be present. * * @return * TRUE if item info could be loaded, false if not. */ protected function loadItemInfo($entity) { $entity_info = entity_get_info($this->entityType()); $key = $entity_info['entity keys']['id']; if ($item_info = feeds_item_info_load($this->entityType(), $entity->$key)) { $entity->feeds_item = $item_info; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Create MD5 hash of item and mappings array. * * Include mappings as a change in mappings may have an affect on the item * produced. * * @return string * A hash is always returned, even when the item is empty, NULL or FALSE. */ protected function hash($item) { $sources = feeds_importer($this->id)->parser->getMappingSourceList(); $mapped_item = array_intersect_key($item, array_flip($sources)); return hash('md5', serialize($mapped_item) . serialize($this->getMappings())); } /** * Retrieves the MD5 hash of $entity_id from the database. * * @return string * Empty string if no item is found, hash otherwise. */ protected function getHash($entity_id) { if ($hash = db_query("SELECT hash FROM {feeds_item} WHERE entity_type = :type AND entity_id = :id", array(':type' => $this->entityType(), ':id' => $entity_id))->fetchField()) { // Return with the hash. return $hash; } return ''; } /** * DEPRECATED: Creates a log message for exceptions during import. * * Don't use this method as it concatenates user variables into the log * message, which will pollute the locales_source table when the log message * is translated. Use ::createLogEntry instead. * * @param Exception $e * The exception that was throwned during processing the item. * @param $entity * The entity object. * @param $item * The parser result for this entity. * * @return string * The message to log. * * @deprecated * Use ::createLogEntry instead. */ protected function createLogMessage(Exception $e, $entity, $item) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $message .= '<h3>Original item</h3>'; // $this->exportObjectVars() already runs check_plain() for us, so we can // concatenate here as is. $message .= '<pre>' . $this->exportObjectVars($item) . '</pre>'; $message .= '<h3>Entity</h3>'; $message .= '<pre>' . $this->exportObjectVars($entity) . '</pre>'; return $message; } /** * Creates a log entry for when an exception occurred during import. * * @param Exception $e * The exception that was throwned during processing the item. * @param object $entity * The entity object. * @param array $item * The parser result for this entity. * * @return array * The message and arguments to log. */ protected function createLogEntry(Exception $e, $entity, $item) { $message = '@exception'; $message .= '<h3>Original item</h3>'; $message .= '<pre>!item</pre>'; $message .= '<h3>Entity</h3>'; $message .= '<pre>!entity</pre>'; $arguments = array( '@exception' => $e->getMessage(), // $this->exportObjectVars() already runs check_plain() for us, so we can // use the "!" placeholder. '!item' => $this->exportObjectVars($item), '!entity' => $this->exportObjectVars($entity), ); return array($message, $arguments); } /** * Returns a string representation of an object or array for log messages. * * @param object|array $object * The object to convert. * * @return string * The sanitized string representation of the object. */ protected function exportObjectVars($object) { include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/utility.inc'; $out = is_array($object) ? $object : get_object_vars($object); $out = array_filter($out, 'is_scalar'); foreach ($out as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { if (function_exists('mb_check_encoding') && !mb_check_encoding($value, 'UTF-8')) { $value = utf8_encode($value); } $out[$key] = truncate_utf8($value, 100, FALSE, TRUE); } } if (is_array($object)) { return check_plain(drupal_var_export($out)); } return check_plain(drupal_var_export((object) $out)); } /** * Overrides FeedsPlugin::dependencies(). */ public function dependencies() { $dependencies = parent::dependencies(); // Find out which module defined the entity type. $info = $this->entityInfo(); if (isset($info['module'])) { $dependencies[$info['module']] = $info['module']; } return $dependencies; } } /** * */ class FeedsProcessorBundleNotDefined extends Exception {} /** * Form after build callback for the field "update_existing". * * Adds descriptions to options of this field. */ function feeds_processor_config_form_update_existing_after_build($field) { $field[FEEDS_REPLACE_EXISTING]['#description'] = t('Loads records directly from the database, bypassing the Entity API. Faster, but use with caution.'); $field[FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING]['#description'] = t('Loads complete @entities using the Entity API for full integration with other modules. Slower, but most reliable.', $field['#tokens']); return $field; }