<?php // $Id$ /** * @file * Home of the FeedsFileFetcher and related classes. */ /** * Definition of the import batch object created on the fetching stage by * FeedsFileFetcher. */ class FeedsFileBatch extends FeedsImportBatch { protected $file_path; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct($file_path) { $this->file_path = $file_path; parent::__construct(); } /** * Implementation of FeedsImportBatch::getRaw(); */ public function getRaw() { return file_get_contents(realpath($this->file_path)); } /** * Implementation of FeedsImportBatch::getFilePath(). */ public function getFilePath() { return $this->file_path; } } /** * Fetches data via HTTP. */ class FeedsFileFetcher extends FeedsFetcher { /** * Implementation of FeedsFetcher::fetch(). */ public function fetch(FeedsSource $source) { $source_config = $source->getConfigFor($this); return new FeedsFileBatch($source_config['source']); } /** * Source form. */ public function sourceForm($source_config) { $form = $info = array(); if (!empty($source_config['source'])) { $info = array( 'path' => $source_config['source'], 'size' => filesize(realpath($source_config['source'])), ); if (module_exists('mimedetect')) { $info['mime'] = mimedetect_mime(realpath($source_config['source'])); } } $form['source'] = array( '#type' => empty($this->config['direct']) ? 'value' : 'textfield', '#title' => t('File'), '#description' => t('Specify a file in the site\'s file system path or upload a file below.'), '#default_value' => empty($source_config['source']) ? '' : $source_config['source'], ); $form['upload'] = array( '#type' => 'file', '#title' => empty($this->config['direct']) ? t('File') : NULL, '#description' => empty($source_config['source']) ? t('Select the file to be imported from your local system.') : t('Select a different file to be imported from your local system.'), '#theme' => 'feeds_upload', '#file_info' => $info, ); return $form; } /** * Override parent::sourceFormValidate(). */ public function sourceFormValidate(&$values) { $feed_dir = file_directory_path() .'/feeds'; file_check_directory($feed_dir, TRUE); // If there is a file uploaded, save it, otherwise validate input on // file. if ($file = file_save_upload('feeds', array(), $feed_dir)) { file_set_status($file, FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT); $values['source'] = $file->filepath; } elseif (empty($values['source'])) { form_set_error('feeds][source', t('Upload a file first.')); } // If a file has not been uploaded and $values['source'] is not empty, make // sure that this file is within Drupal's files directory as otherwise // potentially any file that the web server has access could be exposed. elseif (!file_check_location($values['source'], file_directory_path())) { form_set_error('feeds][source', t('File needs to point to a file in your Drupal file system path.')); } } /** * Override parent::configDefaults(). */ public function configDefaults() { return array( 'direct' => FALSE, ); } /** * Override parent::configForm(). */ public function configForm(&$form_state) { $form = array(); $form['direct'] = array( '#type' =>'checkbox', '#title' => t('Supply path to file directly'), '#description' => t('For experts. If checked users can specify a path to a file when importing rather than uploading a file. This is useful when files to be imported are already present on server.'), '#default_value' => $this->config['direct'], ); return $form; } }