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  • coreylafferty's avatar
    8.x 3.1 rc (#265) · 790f7ffe
    coreylafferty authored
    * Config refactor
    * Add box shadow pattern
    * initial pass at gulp tasks
    * updated gulpfile and readme
    * Add template for duration and easing
    * Reorder global items
    * Add compiler, add files to get ignore
    * Add interpolation for font-family values
    * Add font family transformer
    * Update global patterns, update config yml
    * Fix global twig files
    * Gesso design default updates
    * Upated list components with gesso defaults
    * Update readme
    * updated files to 8.x-3.x changes
    * updated gitignore
    * Add text-transform to transform script
    * Remove outdated export js file
    * Update convert function, fix duration template
    * Update message and pager
    * Component updates
    * FIx stylelint, styling updates
    * reverted menu yaml files to not include non-existent Attribute() function
    * removed package-lock.json
    * updated gulpfile, package files and card references
    * Config work refactoring (#216)
    * file reorg and added comment to config artifact
    * minor adjustment to sass config file comment structure
    * reordering some files
    * refactoring of variables and build tools
    * updated some linting rules after discussion with sb
    * more refactoring
    * updated stylelint config
    * updates
    * renamed sass file
    * refactored some files
    * updated some components, got rid of unneeded color var file (#220)
    * refactored all old typography and layout variables
    * Update breadcrumb pattern (#222)
    * design implementation
    * pager and basic pattern lab style updates
    * 8.x 3.x config corey (#224)
    * initial form refactoring
    * form styling
    * refactoring for design tokens
    * refactoring
    * moved utility nav
    * small tweaks
    * minor tweaks
    * updated range opacity to use var
    * styled heros
    * updated constrains
    * updated custom class name in heros
    * updated function formatting
    * 8.x 3.x config corey (#225)
    * initial form refactoring
    * form styling
    * refactoring for design tokens
    * refactoring
    * moved utility nav
    * small tweaks
    * minor tweaks
    * updated range opacity to use var
    * styled heros
    * updated constrains
    * updated custom class name in heros
    * updated function formatting
    * region constrain test
    * updated page files
    * color and var refactoring
    * made references to background consistent
    * made print color #000
    * refactored color vars and created ui color schemes
    * renamed some vars
    * updated ui styles to just use a single generic version
    * Add  yellow neon as base color
    * refactored how regions/pages and page content are implemented
    * formatting change
    * refactored pl region content calls
    * updated region templates, fixed tag css bleeding into PL tag class
    * refactored l-constrain class addition
    * updated card docs and display of card footer components
    * updated tag colors and fixed article page footer (#226)
    * updated package lock file
    * updated site wrapper implementation in drupal and pattern lab (#227)
    * updated lock file
    * updated packages
    * Update drush command for Drush 9
    * Remove the entire gesso_helper folder in the new theme, so we don't have duplicate modules
    * Add a note to clarify that gulp tasks are unchanged
    * Add back missing machine name validation
    * renamed two functions to more closely match their purpose
    * moved cite text style out of blockquote styling
    * Support multiple ways of specifying text color (#233)
    * made small size references consistent across tokens (i.e., xs versus xsm in some places)
    * Pattern Lab is two words
    * Renamed gulp tasks
    * Cleaned up stylelintrc.yml
    * Changed location of compiled Pattern Lab files
    * Renamed font stacks
    * Updated sample content with correct punctuation characters
    * Reorder text-display design tokens
    * Update drush command for Drush 9
    * Remove the entire gesso_helper folder in the new theme, so we don't have duplicate modules
    * Add a note to clarify that gulp tasks are unchanged
    * Add back missing machine name validation
    * Updated readme with additional drush documentation
    * Fixed .gitignore to match coding standards
    * Remove old file
    * added docs for design token functions to README (#234)
    * removed padding on toolbar admin menu li
    * updated pattern lab uikit
    * Allow injecting raw Sass code
    * Demonstrate sass+fallback in color-item
    * Allow string values in gesso.colors
    * added basic support for layout builder
    * Added documentation for using Sass functions in color design tokens
    * fix for dropbutton layout
    * updated add_attributes function
    * moved label class logic from D8 to PL template
    * merged in 8.x-3.x
    * Fixed missing comma
    * updated PL version, renamed component folders to be singular, fixed messages class, fixed button class order
    * Updated files to match coding standards
    * updated details component and package lock
    * Updated to match coding standards
    * 8.x 3.x c mobile menu (#247)
    * Menu JS and add stylelint pseudo order
    * Fix pseudoclass ording
    * Add babel processing
    * Add rollup packages
    * NPM audit update
    * FIX pseudo class order issue
    * Update file strucure for primary menu, refactor
    * Rollup ==> Webpack (#229)
    * Minify bundled scripts
    * ES6ify custom scripts file too
    * Swap Terser for Uglify for cross-project consistency
    * Initial webpack setup
    * Add source maps
    * Add gulp tasks for dev and production script bundling
    * Fix typo and remove demo code
    * Add external globals to webpack config
    * Remove the non-ES6-suffixed files
    * Add ESLint (#237)
    * Add ESLint
    * Get eslint-loader working
    * Fix linting errors
    * Remove rules included in prettier config
    * Add eslint:recommended config and remove redundant rules
    * Fix additional linting issues
    * Add floating decimal rule that's used in other places
    * Remove old babel present env plugin
    * Mobile + Primary menu JS refactoring (#244)
    * Bring ES6 class version of mobile menu into Drupal
    * Fix console errors and temporarily remove other menu scripts
    * Bring over updated styles
    * Initial refactor of primary menu
    * Consolidate shared code between menu item types
    * Refactor and consolidate menu code
    * Fix a few JS issues with the menu
    * Clean up styling
    * Toggle display so you don't see duplicate menus
    * Include some basic documentation on the menus
    * [GESSO] Named task to avoid anonymous label
    * Remove old config folder
    * Updated to match coding standards
    * Fixed spacing in README to match coding standards
    * Fixed spacing in JS README to match coding standards
    * Updated Pattern Lab foot template to include correct JS files
    * Updated mobile menu subnav styles
    * Updated documentation for primary- and mobile-menu scripts
    * initial changes
    * class and sass refacotring for mobile menu
    * Change Focus handlers (#253)
    * Change Focus handlers
    * Changed menu selector and var. Remove comment
    * 8.x 3.x primary menu fix (#252)
    * Can't use forEach on an HTMLCollection
    * Consolidate browserslist rules into package.json
    * Convert nodelist to array using spread
    * Updated READMEs to match coding standards
    * initial restyling of primary menu
    * Change html collection to array
    * Fixed basic foot template to match default foot template in Pattern Lab
    * Move functions to core class
    * Update insertAdjacentElement keys
    * additional main menu styling and renamed some image files
    * Fixed location of mobile menu in case a parent has padding
    * Fixed focusable utility class
    * Fixed html title in basic head template
    * Fix mobile resize issues
    * Move search block to top nav section
    * Change prepend to append
    * matched site-container block name to wp version
    * fixing site container block name
    * removed unused yml file
    * Add Dockerfile for container builds (#266)