From c02173f1f091bf475ed0fb482a35a87e185ac432 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jaxxed <>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 16:15:56 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #1980356 by jaxxed: Added Would you care to have a JS
 directions library integrated into gmaps.

 js/directions.js | 197 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 js/directions.js

diff --git a/js/directions.js b/js/directions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e1bbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/directions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Google DirectionsService Integration
+ *
+ * obj.vars.directions.items [ <directionsRoute> ]
+ * <directionsRoute> : {
+ *   [title: <String> ].  <-- title used in wrapped display
+ *   [origin: {latitude:<Number>,longitude:<Number>} ],        <-- if you don't pass this in then the first waypoint is the origin
+ *   [waypoints: <Array>{latitude:<Number>,longitude:<Number>} ], <-- not necessary, but can be used to provide origin and destination
+ *   [destination: {latitude:<Number>,longitude:<Number>} ],   <-- if you don't pass this in then the last waypoint is the destination
+ * }
+ * Each obj.vars.directions.items is considered a directions request.
+ *
+ * Events:
+ * obj.change('destinationsdirections', function(route) : run a directions request
+ * obj.change('directionsFail', -1, route ); : directions request failed.  check route.message
+ * obj.change('directionsSuccess', -1, function(route) : route directions request succeeded
+ * obj.change('directionsPanelInit', -1, function(route) : initializing directions result panel
+ * obj.change('directionsPanelBoot', -1, function(route) : retrieving directions
+ * obj.change('directionsPanelReady', -1, function(route) : directions panel is rendered and ready
+ * obj.change('directionsPanelClick', -1, function(route) : directions panel is clicked
+ * obj.change('directionsPanelActivate', -1, function(route) : directions panel is activated/deactivated
+ *
+ * Behaviors:
+ * obj.vars.behavior.addDirectionsPanel : Automatically add a div after the map, to contain directions (otherwise you will have to manually have a gmap-control object)
+ * obj.vars.behavior.directionsCustomSuccess : don't run the directionsPanelInit, directionsPanelBoot and directionsPanelReady events on success
+ * obj.vars.behavior.directionsPanelWrap : wrap each directions list in it's own div panel
+ * obj.vars.behavior.directionsCustomRenderer : don't automatically use the google DirectionsRenderer to convert directions to HTML in the directions result panel
+ * obj.vars.behavior.directionsClickable : Make the directions results panel clickable
+ *
+ */
+Drupal.gmap.addHandler('gmap', function (element) {
+  var obj = this;
+  obj.bind('init', function () {
+    if ( obj.vars.behavior.addDirectionsPanel ) {
+      // try to recover the mapid : taken directly from gmap.js
+      var map =;
+      var mapid ='-');
+      if (Drupal.settings['gmap_remap_widgets']) {
+        if (Drupal.settings['gmap_remap_widgets'][]) {
+          jQuery.each(Drupal.settings['gmap_remap_widgets'][].classes, function() {
+            jQuery(obj).addClass(this);
+          });
+          mapid = Drupal.settings['gmap_remap_widgets'][].id.split('-');
+        }
+      }
+      var instanceid = mapid.pop();
+      mapid.shift();
+      mapid = mapid.join('-');
+      // end of recover mapid
+      obj.directions = $( '<div id="gmaps-'+mapid+'-directions0" class="gmap-control gmap-control-directions" />' ); // this assumes that directions0 isn't taken already
+      $(map).after( obj.directions );
+ obj.directions[0] )
+    }
+  });
+Drupal.gmap.addHandler('directions', function (element) {
+  var obj = this;
+  obj.bind('ready', function () {
+    obj.directionsservice = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
+    obj.directionspanel = $(element);
+    if ( obj.vars && obj.vars.directions ) {
+      $.each( obj.vars.directions.items, function(directionsIndex,route) {
+        route.index = directionsIndex;
+        obj.change('destinationsdirections','all',route);
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  obj.bind('destinationsdirections', function(route) {
+    var directionsRequest = {waypoints:[]} // this has to match the google.maps.DirectionsRequest
+    if ( route.origin ) {
+      if ( route.origin.latitude ) { route.origin = new google.maps.LatLng( route.origin.latitude, route.origin.longitude ); }
+      directionsRequest.origin = route.origin;
+    }
+    $.each( route.waypoints, function( routeIndex , waypoint ) {
+      waypoint.waypointIndex = routeIndex;
+      if ( waypoint.latitude ) { waypoint.location = new google.maps.LatLng( waypoint.latitude, waypoint.longitude ); }
+      var requestWaypoint = {
+        location: waypoint.location,
+        stopover: true  // false would be better, but it makes the directions fail
+      }
+      $.extend( waypoint , requestWaypoint );
+      if ( !directionsRequest.origin ) { // if no origin was passed, then take the first point
+        directionsRequest.origin = waypoint.location;
+      }
+      else {
+        directionsRequest.waypoints.push( requestWaypoint );
+      }
+    });
+    if ( route.destination ) {
+      if ( route.destination.latitude ) { route.destination = new google.maps.LatLng( route.destination.latitude, route.destination.longitude ); }
+      directionsRequest.destination = route.destination;
+    }
+    else if ( directionsRequest.waypoints.length>0 ) {
+      directionsRequest.destination = directionsRequest.waypoints.pop().location;
+    } // if no destintion was passed, then take the last point
+    else {
+      route.message = Drupal.t('Not enough point');
+      route.status = false;
+      obj.change('directionsfail', 'all', route );
+    }
+    //parvietosanas veids
+    switch (route.type) {
+      case 1:
+        directionsRequest.travelMode = google.maps.TravelMode.WALKING;
+        break;
+      default:
+        directionsRequest.travelMode = google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING;
+    }
+    if ( directionsRequest.waypoints.length == 0 ) { delete directionsRequest.waypoints; } // don't send waypoints if there aren't any
+    obj.directionsservice.route( directionsRequest , function( directions, status ) {
+      route.status = status;
+      if ( status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK ) {
+        route.directions = directions;
+        obj.change('directionsSuccess', 'all', route );
+      }
+      else {
+        obj.change('directionsFail', 'all', route );
+      }
+    });
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsSuccess', function(route) {
+    if ( !obj.vars.behavior.directionsCustomSuccess ) {
+      obj.change('directionsPanelInit','all',route);
+      obj.change('directionsPanelBoot','all',route);
+      obj.change('directionsPanelReady','all',route);
+    }
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelInit', function(route) {
+    if ( obj.vars.behavior.directionsPanelWrap ) {
+      route.panel = $('<div class="gmap-control-directionsPanel" /></div>');
+      if ( route.title ) { route.panel.append( '<h3 class="directions-title">'+route.title+'</h3>' ); }
+      obj.directionspanel.append( route.panel );
+    }
+    else {
+      route.panel = obj.directionspanel;
+    }
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelBoot', function(route) {
+    if ( !obj.vars.behavior.directionsCustomRenderer ) {
+      route.renderer = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({map:, panel:route.panel[0]});
+      google.maps.event.addListener( route.renderer , 'directions_changed' , function(event) {
+        obj.change('directionsPanelChanged','All',route);
+      });
+      route.renderer.setDirections( route.directions );
+    }
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelReady', function(route) {
+   /* Reformat the table to include some of the point titles */
+  /* @TODO */
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelReady', function(route) {
+    if ( obj.vars.behavior.directionsClickable ) {
+      route.obj = obj;
+      route.panel.bind( 'click', route , function(event) {
+        var obj =; // not sure if this is necessary
+        obj.change('directionsPanelClick','all',event.route);
+      });
+      if ( obj.vars.behavior.directionsClickableDefaultClicked ) {
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelClick', function(route) { // just do some class stuff for css
+    route.panel.toggleClass('directions-active');
+  });
+  obj.bind('directionsPanelClick', function(route) { // activate and deactivate the directions on the map
+    if ( obj.vars.behavior.directionsPanelActivateOnClick ) { // this behaviour may be undesirable
+      if ( panel.hasClass('directions-active') ) {;
+        if ( !obj.vars.behavior.directionsPanelActivateSingle &&'activeDirectionsPanel') ) {
+        }
+        route.renderer.setMap( );
+      }
+      else {
+        route.renderer.setMap( null );
+      }
+    }
+  });