<?php /** * @file * Encoded polyline utilities. */ /** * References: * [1] http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/polylinealgorithm.html * [2] http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/GoogleMaps/EncodePolyline/ * [3] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ */ DEFINE('GMAP_DP_EPSILON', 0.00001); DEFINE('GMAP_ZOOM_LEVELS', 18); DEFINE('GMAP_ZOOM_FACTOR', 2); /** * The following three functions will encode numbers so that they may be used * in "Encoded Polylines" on Google Maps. The encoding is described here: * http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/polylinealgorithm.html * * Numbers for latitudes/longitudes and levels are encoded slightly * differently--when generating Encoded Polylines, latitudes and longitudes are * encoded with gmap_polyutil_encode_signed(), and "levels" are encoded using * gmap_polyutil_encode_unsigned(). */ function gmap_polyutil_encode_latlon($x) { $x = round($x * 1e5) << 1; if ($x < 0) { $x = ~ $x; } return _gmap_polyutil_encode($x); } function gmap_polyutil_encode_levels($x) { return _gmap_polyutil_encode(abs($x)); } function _gmap_polyutil_encode($x) { $result = ''; while ($x >= 32) { $result .= chr((32 | ($x & 31)) + 63); $x >>= 5; } $result .= chr(($x & 31) + 63); return $result; } /** * Distance in two dimensions. * √((x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2) */ function gmap_polyutil_dist($p1, $p2) { return sqrt(pow($p2[0] - $p1[0], 2) + pow($p2[1] - $p1[1], 2)); } /** * Distance between a point and a line segment. * @param $q * Point to measure. * @param $p1 * Start point of line segment. * @param $p2 * End point of line segment. */ function gmap_polyutil_point_line_dist($q, $p1, $p2) { if ($p1[0] == $p2[0] && $p1[1] == $p2[1]) { // lp1 and lp2 are the same point--they don't define a line--so we return // the distance between two points. return gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p1); } // Use the dot product to find where q lies with respect to the line segment // p1p2. For more information, see: // http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/pointline/ // http://www.codeguru.com/forum/printthread.php?t=194400 $u = (($p2[1]-$p1[1])*($q[1]-$p1[1]) + ($p2[0]-$p1[0])*($q[0]-$p1[0])) / (pow($p2[1]-$p1[1], 2) + pow($p2[0]-$p1[0], 2)); if ($u <= 0) { // point is not alongside segment, it is further off in $p1's direction return gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p1); } elseif ($u >= 1) { // point is not alongside segment, it is further off in $p2's direction return gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p2); } else { // point is alongside segment // calculate distance between q and the nearest point on the line segment // use $u to calculate the nearest point on the line segment: // p1 + u*(p2 - p1) => [p1x + u*(p2x - p1x), p1y + u*(p2y - p1y)] return gmap_polyutil_dist($q, array( $p1[0] + $u*($p2[0] - $p1[0]), $p1[1] + $u*($p2[1] - $p1[1]))); } } /** * Implementation of the Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification algorithm. See: * http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/GoogleMaps/EncodePolyline/algorithm.html * * @param $points * An array of coordinate pairs. * @return * An array of keys => weights; the keys correspond with indices of points in * the $points array. Some points may be insignificant according to the * algorithm--they will not have entries in the return array. The "weights" * are actually the point's distance from the line segment that it subdivides. */ function gmap_polyutil_dp_encode($points) { $weights = array(); if (count($points) > 2) { // the 'stack' holds line segments to be simplified $stack[] = array(0, count($points) - 1); while (count($stack) > 0) { // take a line segment to look at $segment = array_pop($stack); // figure out which subdividing point is the furthest off the line segment $max_dist = 0; for ($i = $segment[0] + 1; $i < $segment[1]; $i++) { $dist = gmap_polyutil_point_line_dist($points[$i], $points[$segment[0]], $points[$segment[1]]); if ($dist > $max_dist) { $max_dist = $dist; $max_i = $i; } } // if the subdividing point found above is significantly off the line // segment then we want to simplify further. Add sub-segments to the stack. if ($max_dist > GMAP_DP_EPSILON) { $weights[$max_i] = $max_dist; array_push($stack, array($segment[0], $max_i)); array_push($stack, array($max_i, $segment[1])); } } } // The first and last points of the line should always be visible. $levels = _gmap_polyutil_zoom_levels(); $weights[0] = $levels[0]; $weights[count($points) -1] = $levels[0]; return $weights; } /** * Simplify a set of points and generate an "Encoded Polyline" for Google Maps. * @param $points * An array of coordinate pairs as latitude, longitude. * @return * An array containing the point and zoom information necessary to display * encoded polylines on Google Maps: 'points', 'levels', 'numLevels', and 'zoomFactor'. */ function gmap_polyutil_polyline($points) { $points_encoded = ''; $levels_encoded = ''; // simplify the line $weights = gmap_polyutil_dp_encode($points); $previous = array(0, 0); foreach ($points as $i => $p) { if (isset($weights[$i])) { // encode each simplified point // the deltas between points are encoded, rather than the point values themselves $points_encoded .= gmap_polyutil_encode_latlon($p[0] - $previous[0]) . gmap_polyutil_encode_latlon($p[1] - $previous[1]); $levels_encoded .= gmap_polyutil_encode_levels(_gmap_polyutil_get_zoom_level($weights[$i])); $previous = $p; } } return array( 'points' => $points_encoded, 'levels' => $levels_encoded, 'numLevels' => GMAP_ZOOM_LEVELS, 'zoomFactor' => GMAP_ZOOM_FACTOR, ); } /** * Build a logarithmic scale of zoom levels. */ function _gmap_polyutil_zoom_levels() { static $levels; if (!isset($levels)) { for ($i = 0; $i < GMAP_ZOOM_LEVELS; $i++) { $levels[$i] = GMAP_DP_EPSILON * pow(GMAP_ZOOM_FACTOR, GMAP_ZOOM_LEVELS - $i - 1); } } return $levels; } /** * Place points in levels based on their "weight" -- a value derived from * distance calculations in the simplification algorithm, gmap_polyutil_dp_encode(). */ function _gmap_polyutil_get_zoom_level($weight) { $levels = _gmap_polyutil_zoom_levels(); $i = 0; while ($levels[$i] > $weight) { $i++; } return GMAP_ZOOM_LEVELS - $i - 1; }