<?php /* $id$ */ /** * @file * GMap Location module is a module to add some gmap funcationality based on location.modules information. * * The main functions are to provide a map showing all of the nodes or users that have location information on a map. * */ /** * Implementation of hook_help. * */ function gmap_location_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'admin/modules#description': return t('Display location.module information on Google Maps (needs gmap.module)'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_perm. * */ function gmap_location_perm() { return array('show user map', 'user locations', 'show node map'); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu. * */ function gmap_location_menu($may_cache) { $items=array(); if ($may_cache) { $items[] = array( 'path' => 'map/user', 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'title' => t('user locations'), 'access' => user_access('show user map'), 'callback' => 'gmap_location_user_page' ); $items[] = array('path' => 'map/node', 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'title' => t('node locations'), 'access' => user_access('show node map'), 'callback' => 'gmap_location_node_page' ); } return $items; } /** * Draws a page with a google map that has all of the site users. * */ function gmap_location_user_page() { global $user; $output ='<p>'.variable_get('gmap_user_map_header', t('This map illustrates the extent of users of this website. Each marker indicates a user that has entered their locations.'))."</p>\n"; // Find default marker $default_marker = variable_get('gmap_user_map_marker', 'drupal'); // Determine if any roles override default setting $roles = user_roles(TRUE); $roles_override = array(); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { if (variable_get("gmap_role_map_marker_$rid", $default_marker) != $default_marker) { $roles_override[$rid] = $role; } } $thismap = gmap_parse_macro(variable_get('gmap_user_map', '[gmap|id=usermap|center=30,0|zoom=2|width=100%|height=400px]')); if (empty($thismap['markers'])) { $thismap['markers']=array(); } $result=db_query("SELECT * FROM {location} WHERE (longitude !=0 OR latitude !=0) AND type='user'"); while ($u=db_fetch_object($result)) { $account = user_load(array('uid' => $u->oid)); $dupes = array_intersect($account->roles, $roles_override); if (empty($dupes)) { $marker = $default_marker; } else { $key = key($dupes); $marker = variable_get("gmap_role_map_marker_$key", $default_marker); } if (user_access('user locations')) { $newmarker['label'] = theme('gmap_location_user_html',$account); $newmarker['point']= $u->latitude.','.$u->longitude; $newmarker['markername']=$marker; $newmarker['tooltip']=check_plain($account->name); $locationbyuser[$u->oid] = $u->latitude.','.$u->longitude; } else { $newmarker['point']= $u->latitude.', '.$u->longitude; $newmarker['markername']=$marker; } $thismap['markers'][]=$newmarker; } if (user_access('user locations') && function_exists('buddylist_get_buddies')) { //create lines for buddies if (!isset($thismap['shapes'])) { $thismap['shapes']=array(); } ksort($locationbyuser); foreach ($locationbyuser as $key=>$value) { $buddies= buddylist_get_buddies($key); foreach ($buddies as $bkey=>$bvalue) { if ($bkey > $key && isset($locationbyuser[$bkey])) { $thismap['shape'][]= array( 'points'=>array($locationbyuser[$key],$locationbyuser[$bkey]), 'type'=>'line' ); } } } } $output .= '<p>'.gmap_draw_map($thismap); if ($user->uid>0) { $output .= '<p>'.t('To add/change your location to the user map, ').l(t('edit your location'),'user/'.$user->uid.'/edit/gmap_user'); } return $output; } /** * Draws a page with a google map with the node on it, or if no node is set all of the nodes on it. * * @param $nn * The node number to draw on the map. If this is not set, or is null then all of the nodes will be drawn. */ function gmap_location_node_page($nid=null) { if ($nid && $n=node_load($nid)){ if (node_access('view',$n)) { $output .='<p>'.variable_get('gmap_node_map_header', t('This map illustrates the extent of nodes of this website. '))."</p>\n"; $thismap = gmap_parse_macro(variable_get('gmap_node_map', '[gmap|id=nodemap|center=30,0|zoom=2|width=100%|height=400px]')); $thismap = gmap_location_node_map($n,$thismap,true); $output .= '<p>'.gmap_draw_map($thismap); return $output; } else { //access denied return drupal_access_denied(); } } $output .='<p>'.variable_get('gmap_node_map_header', t('This map illustrates the extent of nodes of this website.'))."</p>\n"; $result=db_query("SELECT oid, longitude, latitude FROM {location} WHERE (longitude!=0 OR latitude !=0) AND type='node'"); $thismap = gmap_parse_macro(variable_get('gmap_node_map', '[gmap|id=usermap|center=30,0|zoom=2|width=100%|height=400px]')); if (empty($thismap['markers'])) { $thismap['markers']=array(); } while ($locn=db_fetch_object($result)) { $n=node_load($locn->oid); if ($n && node_access('view',$n)) { $thismap=gmap_location_node_map($n,$thismap,false); } } $output .= '<p>'.gmap_draw_map($thismap); return $output; } /** * Adds the location information from a node for a gmap. * * @param $n * The node object to add to the map. * * @param $thismap * A gmap var with the map that will be used as the basemap * * @param $single * true if this is the only node being looked at (will center the map and possible add * additional information. * * @return * A gmap centred on the */ function gmap_location_node_map($n,$thismap,$single=false){ if ((isset($n->gmap_location_latitude) && isset($n->gmap_location_longitude)) || (isset($n->location['latitude']) && isset($n->location['longitude']))){ $latitude = isset($n->gmap_location_latitude) ? $n->gmap_location_latitude : $n->location['latitude']; $longitude = isset($n->gmap_location_longitude) ? $n->gmap_location_longitude : $n->location['longitude']; $newmarker=array(); $width=0; if (!($newmarker['text'] = theme(strtr($n->type,'-','_').'_gmapnodelabel',$n))) { $newmarker['text'] = theme('gmapnodelabel',$n); } $newmarker['point']= $latitude.','.$longitude; $newmarker['markername']=variable_get('gmap_node_marker_'.$n->type, ''); $newmarker['tooltip']=$n->title; $newmarker['link']=url('node/'.$n->nid); switch ($n->type) { case 'acidfree': $newmarker['winwidth'] = (variable_get('acidfree_thumb_dim', IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE)+40).'px'; break; } $thismap['markers'][]=$newmarker; if ($single){ $thismap['center']=$latitude.','.$longitude; } } if ($single) { //do special things for certain nodes when it is the only node shown switch ($n->type) { case 'og': $result=db_query(og_list_users_sql(), $n->nid); while ($user = db_fetch_object($result)) { if (isset($user->location['latitude']) && isset($user->location['longitude'])) { if (user_access('user locations')) { $newmarker=array(); $newmarker['label'] = theme('user_picture', $user); $newmarker['label'] .= theme('username', $user); $newmarker['point']= $latitude.','.$longitude; $newmarker['markername']=variable_get('gmap_user_map_marker', 'drupal'); $thismap['markers'][]=$newmarker; } } else { $newmarker['point']= $u->latitude.', '.$u->longitude; $thismap['markers'][]=$newmarker; } } break; } } return $thismap; } /** * Implementation of hook_settings. * */ function gmap_location_settings() { $markerdir=variable_get('gmap_markerfiles','modules/gmap/markers'); // Retrieve and sort a list of available markers $marker_images = file_scan_directory($markerdir, '.*\.png$',array('shadow.png','.','..'),0,true, 'filename'); foreach ($marker_images as $marker) { $thisfile=substr($marker->filename,strlen($markerdir)+1,-4); $markers[$thisfile] = $thisfile; } asort($markers); $form['geocoding'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Geocode Locations'), ); $form['geocoding']['gmap_geocode'] = array( '#type'=>'radios', '#title'=>t('Enable the Google Map API geocoding'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_geocode', 1), '#options' => array(1=>'Enabled', 0=>'Disabled'), ); $form['user'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Location settings for users'), ); $form['user']['gmap_user'] = array( '#type'=>'checkbox', '#title'=>t('Profile map'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_user', true), '#description'=>t('Let users set/edit their location in their profile.'), ); $form['user']['gmap_user_profile_category'] = array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#title'=>t('Profile category title'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_user_profile_category', "Location map"), '#size'=>50, '#maxlength'=>50, '#description'=>t('Let users set/edit their location in their profile.'), ); $form['user']['gmap_user_map'] = array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#title'=>t('Default user map'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_user_map', '[gmap |id=usermap|center=40,0|zoom=3|width=100%|height=400px]'), '#size'=>50, '#maxlength'=>500, '#description'=>t('The gmap macro where the user information will be diplayed on.'), ); $form['user']['gmap_user_map_header'] = array( '#type'=>'textarea', '#title'=>t('Text at the top of the map/users page'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_user_map_header', t('This map illustrates the extent of users of this website. Each marker indicates a user that has entered their locations.')), '#cols'=>50, '#rows'=>6 , ); $form['user']['gmap_user_map_marker'] = array( '#type'=>'select', '#title'=>t('Marker for users'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_user_map_marker', 'drupal'), '#options'=>$markers, ); // Option to use a different marker for each role $form['user']['roles'] = array( '#type'=>'fieldset', '#title'=>t('Markers per role'), '#description'=>t('Use a different marker to denote users in the following roles.'), ); // Retrieve and sort list of roles, sans anonymous user $roles = user_roles(TRUE); asort($roles); // Create a selection box per role foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { $form['user']['roles']["gmap_role_map_marker_$rid"] = array( '#type'=>'select', '#title'=>$role, '#default_value'=>variable_get("gmap_role_map_marker_$rid", variable_get('gmap_user_map_marker', 'drupal')), '#options'=>$markers, ); } $form['node'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Location settings for nodes'), ); $form['node']['gmap_node_map'] = array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#title'=>t('Default node map'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_node_map', '[gmap |id=nodemap|center=40,0|zoom=3|width=100%|height=400px]'), '#size'=>50, '#maxlength'=>500, '#description'=>t('The gmap macro where the user information will be diplayed on.'), ); $form['node']['gmap_node_map_header'] = array( '#type'=>'textarea', '#title'=>t('Text at the top of the map/nodes page'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_node_map_header', t('This map illustrates the locations of the nodes on this website. Each marker indicates a node associated with a specific location.')), '#cols'=>50, '#rows'=>6 ); $ntypes=node_get_types(); foreach ($ntypes as $key => $value) { if (variable_get('location_'. $key, 0)) { $form['node']['gmap_node_marker_'.$key]=array( '#type'=>'select', '#title'=>t('Marker for '.$value), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_node_marker_'.$key, ''), '#options'=>$markers, ); } } return $form; } function gmap_location_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { // The $op parameter determines what piece of information is being requested. switch ($op) { case 'list': $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Location map'); // $blocks[1]['info'] = t('Author map'); More work than I originally thought. I will get back to this soon... return $blocks; case 'configure': $form = array(); if ($delta == 0) { $form['gmap_location_block_macro'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Map Macro'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength'=>500, '#description' => t('A macro to be used as a base map for the location block. This map will be recentered on the location, so the center is not that important. <p>Alternate base map macros can be entered for a specific node type below.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro', '[gmap |id=block0|zoom=10 |width=100% |height=200px |control=Small |type=Map] '), ); $ntypes=node_get_types(); foreach ($ntypes as $key => $value) { if (variable_get('location_'. $key, 0)) { $form['gmap_location_block_macro_'.$key]=array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Map Macro for '.$value), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength'=>500, '#default_value' => variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$key, ''), ); } } } elseif ($delta == 1) { $form['gmap_location_auther_block_macro'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Map Macro'), '#size' => 60, '#maxlength'=>500, '#description' => t('A macro to be used as a base map for the location block author. This map will be recentered on the location, so the center is not that important.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gmap_location_author_block_macro', '[gmap |id=block0|zoom=10 |width=100% |height=200px |control=Small |type=Map] '), ); $ntypes=node_get_types(); foreach ($ntypes as $key => $value) { if (variable_get('location_'. $key, 0)) { $form['gmap_location_author_block_'.$key]=array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Authoer block enabled '.$value), '#default_value' => variable_get('gmap_location_author_block_'.$key, 0), ); } } } return $form; case 'save': if ($delta == 0) { // Have Drupal save the string to the database. variable_set('gmap_location_author_block_macro', $edit['gmap_location_author_block_macro']); $ntypes=node_get_types(); foreach ($ntypes as $key => $value) { if (variable_get('location_'. $key, 0)) { variable_set('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$key,$edit['gmap_location_block_macro_'.$key]); } } } elseif ($delta == 1) { // Have Drupal save the string to the database. variable_set('gmap_location_author_block_macro', $edit['gmap_location_author_block_macro']); $ntypes=node_get_types(); foreach ($ntypes as $key => $value) { if (variable_get('location_'. $key, 0)) { variable_set('gmap_location_author_block_'.$key,$edit['gmap_location_author_block_'.$key]); } } } return; case 'view': default: // If $op is "view", then we need to generate the block for display // purposes. The $delta parameter tells us which block is being requested. switch ($delta) { case 0: // The subject is displayed at the top of the block. Note that it // should be passed through t() for translation. $path = drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']); list($node, $nid) = array_values(explode('/', $path)); if ($node == 'node') { $block=gmap_location_block_view($nid); } break; case 1: // The subject is displayed at the top of the block. Note that it // should be passed through t() for translation. $path = drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']); list($node, $nid) = array_values(explode('/', $path)); if ($node == 'node') { $block=gmap_location_author_block_view($nid); } break; } return $block; } } function gmap_location_block_view($nid) { $block=array(); $node = node_load(array('nid' => $nid)); if (isset( $node->location['latitude']) && isset($node->location['longitude'])) { $block['subject'] = t('Location'); if (strlen(variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$node->type, '')) > 0) { $macro=variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$node->type, ''); } else { $macro=variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro', '[gmap |id=block0|zoom=10 |width=100% |height=200px |control=Small |type=Map] '); } $block['content'] = gmap_draw_map(gmap_location_map_add_node( gmap_parse_macro($macro),$node)); } return $block; } function gmap_location_author_block_view($nid) { $block=array(); /* $node = node_load(array('nid' => $nid)); if (variable_get('gmap_location_author_block_'.$node->type)) { $block['subject'] = t('Author Location'); load_user(array($node->author)) if (strlen(variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$node->type, '')) > 0) { $macro=variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro_'.$node->type, ''); } else { $macro=variable_get('gmap_location_block_macro', '[gmap |id=block0|zoom=10 |width=100% |height=200px |control=Small |type=Map] '); } $block['content'] = gmap_draw_map(gmap_location_map_add_node( gmap_parse_macro($macro),$node)); } */ return $block; } function gmap_location_map_add_node($basemap, $node, $label='') { if (empty($basemap['markers'])) { $thismap['markers']=array(); } $newmarker['point']= $node->location['latitude'].','.$node->location['longitude']; $newmarker['markername']=variable_get('gmap_node_marker_'.$node->type, ''); $newmarker['label']=$label; $basemap['markers'][]=$newmarker; $basemap['center']= $node->location['latitude'].','.$node->location['longitude']; return $basemap; } //Any module can create a default theme for the display of nodes of the node type by //creating a function theme_hook_gmapnodelabel a theme could then further specify it //by creating a mytheme_nodetype_gmapnodelabel or could simply create a default //node type by creating a mytheme_gmapnodelabel function theme_acidfree_gmapnodelabel($n) { $out = strtr(theme_acidfree_print_thumb_photo($n),"'\n",'" '); //<table><tr><td> </td></tr></table> $width=120; return $out; } function theme_image_gmapnodelabel($n) { $out = '<a href="'.url('node/'.$n->nid).'">'.check_plain($n->title).'</a> <br>'; $out .= image_display($n,'thumbnail'); } function theme_gmapnodelabel($n) { // Allow a module (where the module name matches the node type name) // to define a custom display for the google map label. // For this to work with flexinode defined data types, // a module called 'flexinode_#.module' in your site's module // directory and add theme_hook_gmapnodelabel($node, $location) to it. // Be sure to enable your 'flexinode_#.module'. return strtr(theme('node',$n,true),"'\n\r",'" '); //make sure it all goes on one line. } function theme_gmap_location_user_html($account) { $returntxt = theme('user_picture', $account); $returntxt .= theme('username', $account); return $returntxt; } function gmap_location_user($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) { if (module_exist('gmap') && variable_get('gmap_user', 0)) { $object->gmap_location_latitude = $edit['gmap_location_latitude']; $object->gmap_location_longitude = $edit['gmap_location_longitude']; $object->oid = $user->uid; switch ($op) { case 'categories': return array(array('name'=>'gmap_user', 'title'=> variable_get('gmap_user_profile_category', t('location map')),'weight'=>5)); case 'validate': _gmap_location_validate_form($object); return; case 'load': $res=db_query("SELECT * FROM {location} WHERE oid=%d AND type='user'",$user->uid); if ($gmap_user=db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($gmap_user['latitude'] !=0) $user->gmap_location_latitude= $gmap_user['latitude']; if ($gmap_user['longitude']!=0) $user->gmap_location_longitude= $gmap_user['longitude']; $user->gmap_location_set=true; } return; case 'insert': _gmap_location_store_location($object, 'user', false); return; case 'update': _gmap_location_store_location($object, 'user', isset($user->gmap_location_set)); return; case 'delete': db_query ("DELETE from {location} WHERE oid=%d AND type='user'", $user->uid); return; case 'form': if($category == 'gmap_user') _gmap_location_map_form(&$form, $edit, 'user'); return $form; } } } function gmap_location_form_alter($form_id, &$form) { $type = $form['type']['#value']; $node = $form['#node']; if (module_exist('location')) { return; } switch ($form_id) { case $type .'_node_settings': $markerdir=variable_get('gmap_markerfiles','modules/gmap/markers'); // Retrieve and sort a list of available markers $marker_images = file_scan_directory($markerdir, '.*\.png$',array('shadow.png','.','..'),0,true, 'filename'); foreach ($marker_images as $marker) { $thisfile=substr($marker->filename,strlen($markerdir)+1,-4); $markers[$thisfile] = $thisfile; } asort($markers); $form['gmap'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Google Maps'), '#weight' => 0); //0 puts at the top, 1 puts it at the bottom below the submit?? $form['gmap']['gmap_node_'. $type] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Allow users to add Google Maps info to this node type'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gmap_node_'. $type, 0), '#description' => t('The location information will be available to the google maps module, and can be shown in a block.'), '#required' => FALSE, ); $form['gmap']['gmap_node_marker_'.$type] = array( '#type'=>'select', '#title'=>t('Marker for this nodetype'), '#default_value'=>variable_get('gmap_node_marker_'.$type, variable_get('gmap_user_map_marker', 'drupal')), '#options'=>$markers, ); break; case $type .'_node_form': if(variable_get('gmap_node_'. $type, 0)) { $edit = array(); _gmap_location_map_form(&$form, $edit, 'node'); } break; } } /** * implementation of hook_form() */ function gmap_location_form(&$node, &$param) { } function gmap_location_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) { if(variable_get('gmap_node_'. $node->type, 0)) { $object->gmap_location_latitude = $node->gmap_location_longitude; $object->gmap_location_longitude = $node->gmap_location_longitude; $object->oid = $node->nid; switch ($op) { case 'load': $res=db_query("SELECT * FROM {location} WHERE oid=%d AND type='node'",$node->nid); if ($gmap_node=db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($gmap_node['latitude'] !=0) $node->gmap_location_latitude= $gmap_node['latitude']; if ($gmap_node['longitude']!=0) $node->gmap_location_longitude=$gmap_node['longitude']; $node->gmap_location_set=true; } return; case 'validate': _gmap_location_validate_form($object); return; case 'insert': _gmap_location_store_location($object, 'node', false); return; case 'update': _gmap_location_store_location($object, 'node', isset($node->gmap_location_set)); return; case 'delete': db_query ("DELETE from {location} WHERE oid=%d AND type='node'", $node->nid); return; } } } function _gmap_location_map_form(&$form, &$edit, $type) { if($type=="user") { $latitude = $edit['gmap_location_latitude']; $longitude = $edit['gmap_location_longitude']; } else { $latitude = $form['#node']->gmap_location_latitude; $longitude = $form['#node']->gmap_location_longitude; } $form['coordinates']=array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Coordinates'), '#weight' => 5, '#collapsible' => $type!='user', '#collapsed' => false, ); $form['coordinates']['gmap_node']=array( '#type'=>'markup', '#value'=>''); $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_latitude']=array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#id'=>'gmap-latitude', '#title'=>t('Latitude'), '#default_value'=>$latitude, '#size'=>30, '#maxlength'=>120, '#attributes'=>array('onchange'=>'gmap_textchange();'), ); $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_longitude']=array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#title'=>t('Longitude'), '#default_value'=>$longitude, '#size'=>30, '#maxlength'=>120, '#description'=>t('The latitude and longitude will be entered here when you click on a location in the interactive map below. You can also fill in the values manually.'), '#attributes'=>array('onchange'=>'gmap_textchange();'), ); $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_address']=array( '#type'=>'textfield', '#title'=>t('Address'), '#default_value'=>'', '#size'=>30, '#maxlength'=>120, '#id'=>'gmap-address', '#attributes'=>array('onchange'=>'gmap_geocodeaddress('.$map['id'].');'), '#description'=>t('The address is used by the geocoding built into Google Maps.'), ); $form['coordinates']['gmap_node']['#value']= gmap_set_location( variable_get('gmap_'.$type.'_map', '[gmap|id='.$type.'map|center=0,30|control=Large|type=Hybrid|zoom=16|width=100%|height=400px]'), $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_longitude'], $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_latitude'], $form['coordinates']['gmap_location_address']); } function _gmap_location_validate_form(&$object) { if (isset($object->latitude)){ if (!is_numeric($object->latitude) || abs($object->latitude)>90) { form_set_error('gmap_location_latitude', t('Latitude must be between -90 and 90')); } } if (isset($object->longitude)){ if (!is_numeric($object->longitude) || abs($object->longitude)>180) { form_set_error('gmap_location_longitude', t('Longitude must be between -180 and 180')); } } } function _gmap_location_store_location(&$object, $type, $update = false) { if (isset($object->gmap_location_latitude) && isset($object->gmap_location_longitude)) { if ($update) { db_query("UPDATE {location} SET latitude='%f', longitude='%f', source='%d' WHERE oid='%d' AND type='%s'", $object->gmap_location_latitude,$object->gmap_location_longitude, 1,$object->oid, $type); } else { // based on location.module LOCATION_LATLON_USER_SUBMITTED=1 db_query("INSERT INTO {location} (oid, type, latitude, longitude, source) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%f', '%f', '%d')", $object->oid, $type, $object->gmap_location_latitude,$object->gmap_location_longitude, 1); } unset($object->gmap_location_latitude); unset($object->gmap_location_longitude); unset($object->gmap_location_set); } }