/* $Id$ */ /** * @file * Common marker routines. */ /*global jQuery, Drupal, GEvent, GInfoWindowTab, GLatLng, GLatLngBounds */ Drupal.gmap.addHandler('gmap', function (elem) { var obj = this; obj.bind('init', function () { if (obj.vars.behavior.autozoom) { obj.bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); } }); obj.bind('addmarker', function (marker) { var m = Drupal.gmap.factory.marker(new GLatLng(marker.latitude, marker.longitude), marker.opts); marker.marker = m; GEvent.addListener(m, 'click', function () { obj.change('clickmarker', -1, marker); }); if (obj.vars.behavior.highlight) { GEvent.addListener(m, 'mouseover', function () { var highlightColor = '#' + obj.vars.styles.highlight_color; highlightMarker(obj.map, marker, 'hoverHighlight', highlightColor); }); GEvent.addListener(m, 'mouseout', function () { unHighlightMarker(obj.map, marker, 'hoverHighlight'); }); } if (obj.vars.behavior.extramarkerevents) { GEvent.addListener(m, 'mouseover', function () { obj.change('mouseovermarker', -1, marker); }); GEvent.addListener(m, 'mouseout', function () { obj.change('mouseoutmarker', -1, marker); }); GEvent.addListener(m, 'dblclick', function () { obj.change('dblclickmarker', -1, marker); }); } /** * Perform a synthetic marker click on this marker on load. */ if (marker.autoclick || (marker.options && marker.options.autoclick)) { obj.deferChange('clickmarker', -1, marker); } if (obj.vars.behavior.autozoom) { obj.bounds.extend(marker.marker.getPoint()); } // If the highlight arg option is used in views highlight the marker. if (marker.opts.highlight == 1) { highlightMarker(obj.map, marker, 'viewHighlight', marker.opts.highlightcolor); } }); // Default marker actions. obj.bind('clickmarker', function (marker) { // Local/stored content if (marker.text) { marker.marker.openInfoWindowHtml(marker.text); } // AJAX content if (marker.rmt) { var uri = marker.rmt; // If there was a callback, prefix that. // (If there wasn't, marker.rmt was the FULL path.) if (obj.vars.rmtcallback) { uri = obj.vars.rmtcallback + '/' + marker.rmt; } // @Bevan: I think it makes more sense to do it in this order. // @Bevan: I don't like your choice of variable btw, seems to me like // @Bevan: it belongs in the map object, or at *least* somewhere in // @Bevan: the gmap settings proper... //if (!marker.text && Drupal.settings.loadingImage) { // marker.marker.openInfoWindowHtml(Drupal.settings.loadingImage); //} jQuery.get(uri, {}, function (data) { marker.marker.openInfoWindowHtml(data); }); } // Tabbed content else if (marker.tabs) { var infoWinTabs = []; for (var m in marker.tabs) { if (marker.tabs.hasOwnProperty(m)) { infoWinTabs.push(new GInfoWindowTab(m, marker.tabs[m])); } } marker.marker.openInfoWindowTabsHtml(infoWinTabs); } // No content -- marker is a link else if (marker.link) { open(marker.link, '_self'); } }); obj.bind('markersready', function () { // If we are autozooming, set the map center at this time. if (obj.vars.behavior.autozoom) { if (!obj.bounds.isEmpty()) { obj.map.setCenter(obj.bounds.getCenter(), Math.min(obj.map.getBoundsZoomLevel(obj.bounds), obj.vars.maxzoom)); } } }); obj.bind('clearmarkers', function () { // Reset bounds if autozooming // @@@ Perhaps we should have a bounds for both markers and shapes? if (obj.vars.behavior.autozoom) { obj.bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); } }); // @@@ TODO: Some sort of bounds handling for deletemarker? We'd have to walk the whole thing to figure out the new bounds... });