<?php // $Id$ /** * @file * Encoded polyline utilities. */ /** * References: * [1] http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/polylinealgorithm.html * [2] http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/GoogleMaps/EncodePolyline/ * [3] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ */ /** * Encode a numeric value (steps 3-11 of "Encoding Latitudes and Longitudes" @ [1]) */ function gmap_polyutil_e5_to_encoded($e5) { // As described in http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/polylinealgorithm.html $work = $e5; // Make a copy. $work <<= 1; // 4) Shift left (Note: I have no clue what happens if PHP_INT_SIZE != 4.) if ($e5 < 0) { $work = ~$work; // 5) Invert if negative. } $out = ''; // While we are NOT on the last chunk... while ($work >= 32) { // This combines the rest of the steps together. $out .= chr((32 | ($work & 31)) + 63); $work >>= 5; } // Last chunk doesn't get ORed with 32. $out .= chr(($work & 31) + 63); return $out; } function gmap_polyutil_dist($p1, $p2) { // Distance in two dimensions. // √((x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2) return sqrt(pow($p2[0] - $p1[0], 2) + pow($p2[1] - $p1[1], 2)); } /** * Distance calculation between a point and a line segment. * @param $p * Point to measure. * @param $lp1 * Point 1 on line. * @param $lp2 * Point 2 on line. */ function gmap_polyutil_distance($p, $lp1, $lp2) { if ($lp1[0] == $lp2[0] && $lp1[1] == $lp2[1]) { // The "line" is really being a point. Just use simple distance. return gmap_polyutil_dist($p, $lp1); } // mathematica code: (q-p1).(p2-p1)/(p2-p1).(p2-p1); // I asked maxima, and it said ((p2y-p1y)*(qy-p1y)+(p2x-p1x)*(qx-p1x))/((p2y-p1y)^2+(p2x-p1x)^2). $tmp = (($lp2[1]-$lp1[1])*($p[1]-$lp1[1])+($lp2[0]-$lp1[0])*($p[0]-$lp1[0]))/(pow($lp2[1]-$lp1[1], 2) + pow($lp2[0]-$lp1[0], 2)); // Point is not alongside segment, is further off in $lp1's direction. if ($tmp <= 0) { return gmap_polyutil_dist($lp1, $p); } // Point is not alongside segment, is further off in $lp2's direction. else if ($tmp >= 1) { return gmap_polyutil_dist($lp2, $p); } else { // mathematica code: Norm[q-(p1+u (p2-p1))] // which means q and (p1+u (p2-p1)) are the things we are calculating distance on. // maxima sez: (p1+u*(p2-p1)) => [(p2x-p1x)*u+p1x,(p2y-p1y)*u+p1y] return gmap_polyutil_dist($p, array(($lp2[0]-$lp1[0])*$tmp + $lp1[0], ($lp2[1]-$lp1[1])*$tmp + $lp1[1])); } }