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Implementing Kohonen's Self Organizing Maps from scratch and analysis on the RGB color Dataset on various values of Neighbourhood function (sigma0) and learning rate parameters
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Zihan Pan / LLMCompass
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Ben Storer / Math_127
MIT LicenseThis git repo contains iPython notebooks (and possibly other notes) pertaining to the Math 127 course. The purpose is to provide access to the iPython notebooks so that they can be run on the UW Jupyter (iPython) server.
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This model has been developed solely for the purpose of ECE653 project. It has been developed based on the blog by Nishaine Ferdinand available at https://towardsdatascience.com/building-a-road-sign-classifier-in-keras-764df99fdd6a.
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Eli Henry Dykhne / nuplan-devkit
Apache License 2.0OCC-Gen: Automated Generation of Dynamic Occlusion-Caused Collisions Based on our soon-to-be published paper, this repository contains a version of the nuplan-devkit which has been modified to allow simulation of occlusions. It contains a new framework and set of generators for modifying scenarios in large numbers to create scenarios where occlusion caused collisions are likely to occur.
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Fork that includes updates for the analyzing data from the SNSPDs
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This project performs human detection by training a pretrained model from Tensorflow
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