diff --git a/CovidABM/README.md b/CovidABM/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 76414e28273685023816a8dfbd84fb6e3ec4d0d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CovidABM/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# CovidAlertVaccinationModel
diff --git a/CovidABM/src/CovidAlertVaccinationModel.jl b/CovidABM/src/CovidAlertVaccinationModel.jl
index 696dc24ce08c536f1158dd35928508cd1dcbde0b..2cbdd68033a9562aea5dc253231d0ae9ed6b0f47 100644
--- a/CovidABM/src/CovidAlertVaccinationModel.jl
+++ b/CovidABM/src/CovidAlertVaccinationModel.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 module CovidAlertVaccinationModel
-export get_u_0, solve!,get_parameters,plot_model,main,parse_cases_data,AgentModel,vaccination_rate_test,vaccinate_uniformly!
+# export get_u_0, solve!,get_parameters,plot_model,main,parse_cases_data,AgentModel,vaccination_rate_test,vaccinate_uniformly!
 using LightGraphs
 using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts
 using Random
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function main()
     # @btime solve!($u_0,$get_parameters(),$steps,$agent_model,$vaccinate_uniformly!);
     sol,graphs = solve!(u_0,get_parameters(),steps,agent_model,vaccinate_uniformly!);
     return aggregate_timeseries(sol)
-    # plot_model_spatial_gif(agent_model.base_network,graphs,sol1)
+    plot_model_spatial_gif(agent_model.base_network,graphs,sol1)
diff --git a/CovidABM/src/workflows/CompatHelper.yml b/CovidABM/src/workflows/CompatHelper.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cba9134c670f0708cf98c92f7fdef055a6c7f5d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CovidABM/src/workflows/CompatHelper.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-name: CompatHelper
-  schedule:
-    - cron: 0 0 * * *
-  workflow_dispatch:
-  CompatHelper:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - name: Pkg.add("CompatHelper")
-        run: julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("CompatHelper")'
-      - name: CompatHelper.main()
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-          COMPATHELPER_PRIV: ${{ secrets.DOCUMENTER_KEY }}
-        run: julia -e 'using CompatHelper; CompatHelper.main()'
diff --git a/CovidABM/src/workflows/TagBot.yml b/CovidABM/src/workflows/TagBot.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f49313b662013f43aac7de2c738e1163a9715ff4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/CovidABM/src/workflows/TagBot.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-name: TagBot
-  issue_comment:
-    types:
-      - created
-  workflow_dispatch:
-  TagBot:
-    if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.actor == 'JuliaTagBot'
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - uses: JuliaRegistries/TagBot@v1
-        with:
-          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-          ssh: ${{ secrets.DOCUMENTER_KEY }}
diff --git a/CovidABM/Manifest.toml b/IntervalsModel/Manifest.toml
similarity index 88%
rename from CovidABM/Manifest.toml
rename to IntervalsModel/Manifest.toml
index cbf9bb04055aff9877322afa9e81de096751af6d..dcd5e02f5ca567557f54ee2dc877d2a084282b56 100644
--- a/CovidABM/Manifest.toml
+++ b/IntervalsModel/Manifest.toml
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
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+++ b/IntervalsModel/Project.toml
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+Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
+test = ["Test"]
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similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/.gitkeep
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similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/HH/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/HH/.gitkeep
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similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/.gitkeep
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similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_contact_common.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_contact_common.csv
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similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_participant_common.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/2008_Mossong_POLYMOD_participant_common.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/AALContact_data.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/AALContact_data.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/AALContact_data.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/AALContact_data.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/Contact-distributions.ipynb b/IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/Contact-distributions.ipynb
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/Contact-distributions.ipynb
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/Contact-distributions.ipynb
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/wsAlphas.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/wsAlphas.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/POLYMOD/wsAlphas.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/POLYMOD/wsAlphas.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/.gitkeep b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/.gitkeep
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Canadian-Avgs.ipynb b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Canadian-Avgs.ipynb
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Canadian-Avgs.ipynb
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Canadian-Avgs.ipynb
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_Canada.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_Canada.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_Canada.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_Canada.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_home.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_home.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_home.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_home.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_rest.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_rest.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_rest.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_rest.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_school.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_school.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_school.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_school.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_work.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_work.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_work.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/Prem_work.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/restMixing.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/restMixing.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/restMixing.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/restMixing.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/wsMixing.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/wsMixing.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Prem/wsMixing.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Prem/wsMixing.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/.gitkeep b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/.gitkeep
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/.gitkeep b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/.gitkeep
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Duration-fitting.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Duration-fitting.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Duration-fitting.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Duration-fitting.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHAggDur.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHAggDur.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHAggDur.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHAggDur.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHComp.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHYMO.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHYMO.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHYMO.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHYMO.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Intervals_Model.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Intervals_Model.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Intervals_Model.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/Intervals_Model.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/__pycache__/Intervals_Model.cpython-39.pyc b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/__pycache__/Intervals_Model.cpython-39.pyc
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/__pycache__/Intervals_Model.cpython-39.pyc
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/HH/__pycache__/Intervals_Model.cpython-39.pyc
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/.gitkeep b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/.gitkeep
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RData.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RData.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RData.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RData.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataM.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataM.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataM.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataM.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataO.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataO.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataO.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataO.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataY.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataY.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataY.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/Rest/RDataY.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/.gitkeep b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/.gitkeep
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/.gitkeep
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WSData.py b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WSData.py
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WSData.py
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WSData.py
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataM.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataM.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataM.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataM.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataO.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataO.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataO.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataO.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataY.csv b/IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataY.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataY.csv
rename to IntervalsModel/network-data/Timeuse/WS/WorkschoolDataY.csv
diff --git a/NetworkModel/norm_dists.pdf b/IntervalsModel/norm_dists.pdf
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/norm_dists.pdf
rename to IntervalsModel/norm_dists.pdf
diff --git a/NetworkModel/pois_dists.pdf b/IntervalsModel/pois_dists.pdf
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/pois_dists.pdf
rename to IntervalsModel/pois_dists.pdf
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d1fa4f038a449b56aa4b2ec8eebd60020cb9c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+module IntervalsModel
+using Intervals
+using CSV
+using DataFrames
+using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts
+using StatsBase
+using Distributions
+using CovidAlertVaccinationModel
+const PACKAGE_FOLDER = dirname(dirname(pathof(IntervalsModel)))
+const HHYMO = DataFrame(CSV.File("$PACKAGE_FOLDER/network-data/Timeuse/HH/HHYMO.csv"))
+const rng = Xoroshiro128Plus()
+const YOUNG, MIDDLE,OLD = 1,2,3
+const cnst = (
+    # Set the underlying parameters for the intervals model
+    Sparam = [60,12],
+    # Set parameters for intervals sample and subpopulation size
+    numsamples = 100,
+    subsize = size(HHYMO)[1],
+    durmax = 144,
+    # Swap age brackets for numbers
+    swap = Dict("Y" => YOUNG, "M" => MIDDLE, "O" => OLD),
+    # Total weight in survey
+    Wghttotal = sum(HHYMO[:,"WGHT_PER"]),
+    MUbounds = (6,12*6),
+    SIGMAbounds = (1,48),
+    ws_distributions = CovidAlertVaccinationModel.initial_workschool_mixing_matrix,
+    rest_distributions = CovidAlertVaccinationModel.initial_rest_mixing_matrix
+const dat = make_dat_array() #assign a constant data array
+end # module
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/bayesian_estimation.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/bayesian_estimation.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0df0dd85a8a2cfb0ed55e9fc75b5b9a0866c6258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/bayesian_estimation.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using KissABC
+using BenchmarkTools
+using Serialization
+using Plots
+function bayesian_estimate_hh()
+# Set parameter bounds for fitting
+    BoundsNORM = vcat([cnst.MUbounds for i = 1:6], [cnst.SIGMAbounds for i = 1:6])
+    norm_init = vcat([cnst.MUbounds[1] for i = 1:6], [cnst.SIGMAbounds[1] for i = 1:6])
+    BoundsPOIS = [cnst.MUbounds for i in 1:6]
+    pois_init = [cnst.MUbounds[1] for i = 1:6]
+    priors_norm = Factored([Uniform(l,u) for (l,u) in BoundsNORM]...) #assume uniform priors
+    # @btime err_poisson($pois_init) #compute benchmark of the error function
+    out_norm = smc(priors_norm,err_norm, verbose=true, nparticles=2000, alpha=0.95, parallel = true) #apply sequential monte carlo with 200 particles
+    serialize("norm.dat",out_norm) #save output
+    priors_pois = Factored([Uniform(l,u) for (l,u) in BoundsPOIS]...)    
+    out_pois = smc(priors_pois,err_poisson, verbose=true, nparticles=2000, alpha=0.95, parallel = true)#apply sequential monte carlo with 200 particles
+    serialize("pois.dat",out_pois) #save output
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/data.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/data.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e9f3273b05b037a52ff344fdf7b96637727cd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/data.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This function applies pre-processing to the HHYMO data file, and splits it into a namedtuple, which should be faster to index.
+# In particular, we avoid having to modify any strings in the error function.
+function make_dat_array()
+    durs = hcat(
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"YDUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"MDUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"ODUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
+    )
+    nums = hcat(
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"YNUM"]),
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"MNUM"]),
+        Int.(HHYMO[!,"ONUM"]),
+    )
+    WGHT = Weights(HHYMO[!,"WGHT_PER"]./cnst.Wghttotal)
+    AGERESP = map(r -> cnst.swap[r],HHYMO[!,"AGERESP"])
+    return (;
+        nums,
+        durs,
+        WGHT,
+        AGERESP
+    )
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/hh_durations_model.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/hh_durations_model.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f17e1e8fab525b8de2dcf83f7bfa69fe0edfa6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/hh_durations_model.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#error function for Normal distributions
+function err_norm(params)
+    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[1:6])
+    σ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[7:12])
+    # this line is commented out, in we want to go back to sampling subsets of the data
+    # this also applies to the @view lines
+    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
+    age_dists = [Normal(μ[i,j],σ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
+    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
+    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
+    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
+    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
+    errsum = 0
+    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
+        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
+        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD #for a given age_sample loop over possible contact ages
+            running_sum = 0
+            durs = trunc.(Int,rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j])) .% 144
+            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
+            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2 #compute total 
+        end
+    end
+    return errsum/cnst.subsize #this division not actually necessary
+#error function for poisson distributions
+function err_poisson(params) #error function for poisson
+    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params)
+    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
+    age_dists = [Poisson(μ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
+    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
+    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
+    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
+    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
+    errsum = 0
+    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
+        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
+        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD
+            running_sum = 0
+            durs = trunc.(Int,rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j])) .% 144
+            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
+            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2
+        end
+    end
+    return errsum/cnst.subsize
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/interval_overlap_sampling.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/interval_overlap_sampling.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a137e9111fb1b0c2b6be893f77b0f5e6a7119ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/interval_overlap_sampling.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+function coverage!(cov,S_j,E_j)
+    if E_j < S_j
+        push!(cov,Interval(0,E_j))
+        push!(cov,Interval(S_j,cnst.durmax))
+    else
+        push!(cov,Interval(S_j,E_j))
+    end
+#compute the total duration of a sample of intervals
+function tot_dur_sample(n, dist,durlist)
+    if isempty(durlist)
+        return 0
+    end
+    total_dur= 0
+    numcontact = length(durlist)
+    int_list = Vector{Interval{Int,Closed,Closed}}()
+    sizehint!(int_list,numcontact*2)
+    start_matrix = trunc.(Int,(rand(rng,dist,(numcontact,n))))
+    @inbounds for i in 1:n  
+        empty!(int_list)
+        @inbounds for j in 1:numcontact
+            S_j = start_matrix[j,i] % cnst.durmax
+            E_j = (S_j + durlist[j]) % cnst.durmax
+            coverage!(int_list,S_j,E_j)
+        end
+        union!(int_list)
+        total_dur += mapreduce(Intervals.span,+,int_list)
+    end
+    return total_dur
+function as_symmetric_matrix(l) #turn a vector of length 6, l, into a symmetric 3x3 matrix, probably a nicer way to do this exists
+    return [
+        l[1] l[2] l[3]
+        l[2] l[4] l[5]
+        l[3] l[5] l[6]
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/plots.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/plots.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..347989ca4b5400735f954c4acf2012d621c65128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/plots.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+function plot_estimates()
+    estimate = deserialize("norm.dat")
+    p_list = []
+    for i in 1:length(estimate.P)
+        a = stephist(
+            estimate.P[i].particles;
+            normalize = true,
+            title = i <=6 ? "μ_$i" : "σ_$i" 
+        )
+        push!(p_list,a)
+    end
+    p = plot(p_list...)
+    savefig(p,"norm.png")
+    μ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[1:6])
+    σ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[7:12])
+    p_matrix = map(x -> plot(),σ_estimate_as_array)
+    for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD
+        dist = Normal.(μ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles,σ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles)
+        data = [pdf.(dist,i) for i in 0.0:144.0]
+        mean_dat = median.(data)
+        err_down = quantile.(data,0.05)
+        err_up = quantile.(data,0.95)
+        p_matrix[i,j] = plot(0:144,mean_dat; ribbon = ( mean_dat .- err_down,err_up .- mean_dat),legend = false)
+    end
+    plot!(p_matrix[end,1]; legend = true)
+    p = plot(p_matrix..., size = (600,400))
+    savefig(p,"norm_dists.pdf")
+    estimate = deserialize("pois.dat")
+    p_list = []
+    for i in 1:length(estimate.P)
+        a = stephist(
+            estimate.P[i].particles;
+            normalize = true,
+            title = i <=6 ? "μ_$i" : "σ_$i" 
+        )
+        push!(p_list,a)
+    end
+    p = plot(p_list...)
+    savefig(p,"pois.png")
+    μ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[1:6])
+    p_matrix = map(x -> plot(),μ_estimate_as_array)
+    for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD
+        dist = Poisson.(μ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles)
+        data = [pdf.(dist,i) for i in 0.0:144.0]
+        mean_dat = median.(data)
+        err_down = quantile.(data,0.05)
+        err_up = quantile.(data,0.95)
+        p_matrix[i,j] = plot(0:144,mean_dat; ribbon = ( mean_dat .- err_down,err_up .- mean_dat),legend = false)
+    end
+    plot!(p_matrix[end,1]; legend = true)
+    p = plot(p_matrix..., size = (600,400))
+    savefig(p,"pois_dists.pdf")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IntervalsModel/src/ws_durations_model.jl b/IntervalsModel/src/ws_durations_model.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12eb412043fff0d8e17d18fb44b75cdeed7e492c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntervalsModel/src/ws_durations_model.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#error function for Normal distributions
+function err_norm(params)
+    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[1:6])
+    σ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[7:12])
+    # this line is commented out, if we want to go back to sampling subsets of the data
+    # this also applies to the @view lines
+    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
+    age_dists = [Normal(μ[i,j],σ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
+    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
+    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
+    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
+    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
+    errsum = 0
+    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
+        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
+        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD #for a given age_sample loop over possible contact ages
+            running_sum = 0
+            durs = trunc.(Int,rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j])) .% 144
+            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
+            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2 #compute total 
+        end
+    end
+    return errsum/cnst.subsize #this division not actually necessary
+#error function for poisson distributions
+function err_poisson(params) #error function for poisson
+    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params)
+    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
+    age_dists = [Poisson(μ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
+    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
+    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
+    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
+    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
+    errsum = 0
+    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
+        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
+        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD
+            running_sum = 0
+            durs = trunc.(Int,rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j])) .% 144
+            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
+            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2
+        end
+    end
+    return errsum/cnst.subsize
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NetworkModel/test/runtests.jl b/IntervalsModel/test/runtests.jl
similarity index 100%
rename from NetworkModel/test/runtests.jl
rename to IntervalsModel/test/runtests.jl
diff --git a/NetworkModel/Project.toml b/NetworkModel/Project.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 593ad255028fa0dcfeb2ead107cc859822b71348..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NetworkModel/Project.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-name = "IntervalsModel"
-uuid = "44cf8977-2b44-493c-b5ee-991d4e866cca"
-authors = ["pjentsch <pjentsch@uwaterloo.ca>"]
-version = "0.1.0"
-test = ["Test"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NetworkModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl b/NetworkModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3954f260c7d8e577db80395aa94e16adfaa0318c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NetworkModel/src/IntervalsModel.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module IntervalsModel
-greet() = print("Hello World!")
-end # module
diff --git a/NetworkModel/src/intervals_model_but_fast.jl b/NetworkModel/src/intervals_model_but_fast.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 146e0058ac67283e63a3a6dacc5365be2f689be2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NetworkModel/src/intervals_model_but_fast.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-module intervals_fast
-using Intervals
-using CSV
-using DataFrames
-using RandomNumbers.Xorshifts
-using StatsBase
-using Distributions
-import AxisKeys
-const HHYMO = DataFrame(CSV.File("/HH/HHYMO.csv"))
-const rng = Xoroshiro128Plus()
-const YOUNG, MIDDLE,OLD = 1,2,3
-const cnst = (
-    # Set the underlying parameters for the intervals model
-    Sparam = [60,12],
-    # Set parameters for intervals sample and subpopulation size
-    numsamples = 100,
-    subsize = size(HHYMO)[1],
-    durmax = 145,
-    # Swap age brackets for numbers
-    swap = Dict("Y" => YOUNG, "M" => MIDDLE, "O" => OLD),
-    # Total weight in survey
-    Wghttotal = sum(HHYMO[:,"WGHT_PER"]),
-    MUbounds = (6,12*6),
-    SIGMAbounds = (1,48),
-# This function applies pre-processing to the HHYMO data file, and splits it into a namedtuple, which should be faster to index.
-# In particular, we avoid having to modify any strings in the error function.
-function make_dat_array()
-    durs = hcat(
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"YDUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"MDUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"ODUR"*string(cnst.Sparam[2])]),
-    )
-    nums = hcat(
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"YNUM"]),
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"MNUM"]),
-        Int.(HHYMO[!,"ONUM"]),
-    )
-    WGHT = Weights(HHYMO[!,"WGHT_PER"]./cnst.Wghttotal)
-    AGERESP = map(r -> cnst.swap[r],HHYMO[!,"AGERESP"])
-    return (;
-        nums,
-        durs,
-        WGHT,
-        AGERESP
-    )
-const dat = make_dat_array() #assign a constant data array
-#modify the list of intervals, cov, with a new interval defined by S_j, E_j
-#note that we need to handle the case where E_j < S_j seperately because our intervals operate modulo durmax-1
-#there is probably room for another 2x speedup here with an implementation of Union for modular intervals
-#that would avoid the dynamic allocation in each step, since we could preallocate a vector of Intervals with length(durlist)
-function coverage!(cov,S_j,E_j)
-    if E_j < S_j
-        push!(cov,Interval(0,E_j))
-        push!(cov,Interval(S_j,cnst.durmax-1))
-    else
-        push!(cov,Interval(S_j,E_j))
-    end
-#compute the total duration of a sample of intervals
-function tot_dur_sample(n, dist,durlist)
-    if isempty(durlist)
-        return 0
-    end
-    total_dur = 0
-    numcontact = length(durlist)
-    for i in 1:n
-        cov1 = Vector{Interval{Int64, Closed, Closed}}()
-        for j in 1:numcontact
-            S_j = Int(trunc(rand(rng,dist))) % 144
-            E_j = (S_j + durlist[j])%(cnst.durmax-1)
-            coverage!(cov1,S_j,E_j)
-        end
-        union!(cov1)
-        total_dur += mapreduce(Intervals.span,+,cov1)
-    end
-    return total_dur
-#error function for Normal distributions
-function err_norm(params)
-    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[1:6])
-    σ = as_symmetric_matrix(params[7:12])
-    # this line is commented out, in we want to go back to sampling subsets of the data
-    # this also applies to the @view lines
-    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
-    age_dists = [Normal(μ[i,j],σ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
-    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
-    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
-    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
-    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
-    errsum = 0
-    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
-        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
-        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD #for a given age_sample loop over possible contact ages
-            running_sum = 0
-            durs = Int.(trunc.(rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j]))) .% 144
-            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
-            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2 #compute total 
-        end
-    end
-    return errsum/cnst.subsize #this division not actually necessary
-function as_symmetric_matrix(l) #turn a vector of length 6, l, into a symmetric 3x3 matrix, probably a nicer way to do this exists
-    return [
-        l[1] l[2] l[3]
-        l[2] l[4] l[5]
-        l[3] l[5] l[6]
-    ]
-function err_poisson(params) #error function for poisson
-    μ = as_symmetric_matrix(params)
-    # row_ids = sample(rng,1:length(dat.WGHT), dat.WGHT,cnst.subsize)
-    age_dists = [Poisson(μ[i,j]) for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD]
-    duration_subarray =  dat.durs#@view dat.durs[row_ids,:]
-    num_contacts_subarray = dat.nums#@view dat.nums[row_ids,:]
-    # display(num_contacts_subarray)
-    AGERESP =  dat.AGERESP #@view dat.AGERESP[row_ids]
-    errsum = 0
-    @inbounds for i = 1:cnst.subsize
-        age_sample = AGERESP[i]
-        @inbounds for age_j in YOUNG:OLD
-            running_sum = 0
-            durs = Int.(trunc.(rand(rng,age_dists[age_sample,age_j],num_contacts_subarray[i,age_j]))) .% 144
-            expdur = tot_dur_sample(cnst.numsamples,cnst.Sparam,durs)
-            errsum += (expdur/cnst.numsamples - duration_subarray[i,age_j])^2
-        end
-    end
-    return errsum/cnst.subsize
-using KissABC
-using BenchmarkTools
-using Serialization
-using Plots
-function bayesian_estimate()
-# Set parameter bounds for fitting
-    BoundsNORM = vcat([cnst.MUbounds for i = 1:6], [cnst.SIGMAbounds for i = 1:6])
-    norm_init = vcat([cnst.MUbounds[1] for i = 1:6], [cnst.SIGMAbounds[1] for i = 1:6])
-    BoundsPOIS = [cnst.MUbounds for i in 1:6]
-    pois_init = [cnst.MUbounds[1] for i = 1:6]
-    priors_norm = Factored([Uniform(l,u) for (l,u) in BoundsNORM]...) #assume uniform priors
-    @btime err_norm($norm_init) #compute benchmark of the error function
-    out_norm = smc(priors_norm,err_norm, verbose=true, nparticles=200, alpha=0.95, parallel = true) #apply sequential monte carlo with 200 particles
-    serialize("norm.dat",out_norm) #save output
-    priors_pois = Factored([Uniform(l,u) for (l,u) in BoundsPOIS]...)    
-    out_pois = smc(priors_pois,err_poisson, verbose=true, nparticles=200, alpha=0.95, parallel = true)#apply sequential monte carlo with 200 particles
-    serialize("pois.dat",out_pois) #save output
-function plot_estimates()
-    estimate = deserialize("norm.dat")
-    p_list = []
-    for i in 1:length(estimate.P)
-        a = stephist(
-            estimate.P[i].particles;
-            normalize = true,
-            title = i <=6 ? "μ_$i" : "σ_$i" 
-        )
-        push!(p_list,a)
-    end
-    p = plot(p_list...)
-    savefig(p,"norm.png")
-    μ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[1:6])
-    σ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[7:12])
-    p_matrix = map(x -> plot(),σ_estimate_as_array)
-    for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD
-        dist = Normal.(μ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles,σ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles)
-        data = [pdf.(dist,i) for i in 0.0:144.0]
-        mean_dat = median.(data)
-        err_down = quantile.(data,0.05)
-        err_up = quantile.(data,0.95)
-        p_matrix[i,j] = plot(0:144,mean_dat; ribbon = ( mean_dat .- err_down,err_up .- mean_dat),legend = false)
-    end
-    plot!(p_matrix[end,1]; legend = true)
-    p = plot(p_matrix..., size = (600,400))
-    savefig(p,"norm_dists.pdf")
-    estimate = deserialize("pois.dat")
-    p_list = []
-    for i in 1:length(estimate.P)
-        a = stephist(
-            estimate.P[i].particles;
-            normalize = true,
-            title = i <=6 ? "μ_$i" : "σ_$i" 
-        )
-        push!(p_list,a)
-    end
-    p = plot(p_list...)
-    savefig(p,"pois.png")
-    μ_estimate_as_array = as_symmetric_matrix(estimate.P[1:6])
-    p_matrix = map(x -> plot(),μ_estimate_as_array)
-    for i in YOUNG:OLD, j in YOUNG:OLD
-        dist = Poisson.(μ_estimate_as_array[i,j].particles)
-        data = [pdf.(dist,i) for i in 0.0:144.0]
-        mean_dat = median.(data)
-        err_down = quantile.(data,0.05)
-        err_up = quantile.(data,0.95)
-        p_matrix[i,j] = plot(0:144,mean_dat; ribbon = ( mean_dat .- err_down,err_up .- mean_dat),legend = false)
-    end
-    plot!(p_matrix[end,1]; legend = true)
-    p = plot(p_matrix..., size = (600,400))
-    savefig(p,"pois_dists.pdf")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NetworkModel/src/modular_intervals.jl b/NetworkModel/src/modular_intervals.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb51eaa2d4a8f167fc35c2a2d11109a89e24034..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NetworkModel/src/modular_intervals.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module ModularIntervals
-export ModularInterval
-import Intervals:Interval,merge
-struct Interval <: AbstractInterval
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61f5f7feaca66fe3fe90b7096129edda9bf6cf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# CovidAlertVaccinationModel
+This repo contains two packages:
+* CovidAlertVaccinationModel (in CovidABM)
+* IntervalsModel
+The former implements the ABM, and the latter computes the time-distributions. The latter model depends on the former model because the mixing distributions are defined there, although really I guess it should be the inverse. 
+Note that you need the Julia-1.6 beta to compile this project successfully. This is because the mixing distributions hit a compiler bug. 
diff --git a/norm.dat b/norm.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ddc1225c6b292990c169d01c3b23f659176621a
Binary files /dev/null and b/norm.dat differ
diff --git a/norm.png b/norm.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c393441311b0424b862684ffb5150b63df656bf4
Binary files /dev/null and b/norm.png differ
diff --git a/norm_dists.pdf b/norm_dists.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb383752d90e5bfcd739f8ec148f3bd9edf13701
Binary files /dev/null and b/norm_dists.pdf differ
diff --git a/pois.dat b/pois.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3adaceb18e8086b74a138e8cad8457561c6750a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/pois.dat differ
diff --git a/pois.png b/pois.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2133dc66a0903f6fcb49e0f152156ba9e918309b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pois.png differ
diff --git a/pois_dists.pdf b/pois_dists.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef1442c80f57facffdf978546141a35659405751
Binary files /dev/null and b/pois_dists.pdf differ