permissions: - 'access administration pages' - 'access content' - 'access content overview' - 'access contextual links' - 'access draggableviews' - 'access files overview' - 'access in-place editing' - 'access media overview' - 'access media_entity_browser entity browser pages' - 'access media_entity_browser_modal entity browser pages' - 'access metatag advanced__image_src' - 'access metatag advanced__original_source' - 'access metatag advanced__robots' - 'access metatag basic__abstract' - 'access metatag basic__description' - 'access metatag basic__keywords' - 'access metatag open_graph__article_author' - 'access metatag open_graph__article_publisher' - 'access metatag open_graph__article_tag' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_description' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image_alt' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image_height' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image_type' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image_url' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_image_width' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_see_also' - 'access metatag open_graph__og_title' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_creator' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_creator_id' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_description' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_image' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_image_alt' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_image_height' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_image_width' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_title' - 'access metatag twitter_cards__twitter_cards_type' - 'access shortcuts' - 'access taxonomy overview' - 'access user profiles' - 'access uw_ebr_cta entity browser pages' - 'access uw_ebr_image entity browser pages' - 'administer main menu items' - 'administer redirects' - 'administer scheduler' - 'administer sitemap settings' - 'administer special alert' - 'administer uw-menu-audience-menu menu items' - 'can override my_dashboard dashboard' - 'can view my_dashboard dashboard' - 'cancel smart date recur instances' - 'clone uw_ct_blog content' - 'clone uw_ct_catalog_item content' - 'clone uw_ct_contact content' - 'clone uw_ct_event content' - 'clone uw_ct_expand_collapse_group content' - 'clone uw_ct_news_item content' - 'clone uw_ct_opportunity content' - 'clone uw_ct_profile content' - 'clone uw_ct_project content' - 'clone uw_ct_service content' - 'clone uw_ct_sidebar content' - 'clone uw_ct_web_page content' - 'configure editable uw_ct_blog node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_catalog_item node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_contact node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_event node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_expand_collapse_group node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_news_item node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_opportunity node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_profile node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_project node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_service node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_sidebar node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_site_footer node layout overrides' - 'configure editable uw_ct_web_page node layout overrides' - 'create and edit custom blocks' - 'create media' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action_text' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_ec_item' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_fact_figure' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_fact_point' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_fact_text' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_facts_and_figures' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_ff' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_image_banner' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_local_video_banner' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_project_members' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_timeline' - 'create paragraph content uw_para_vimeo_video_banner' - 'create url aliases' - 'delete all revisions' - 'delete any media' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action_text' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_ec_item' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_fact_figure' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_fact_point' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_fact_text' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_facts_and_figures' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_ff' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_image_banner' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_local_video_banner' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_project_members' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_timeline' - 'delete paragraph content uw_para_vimeo_video_banner' - 'enter uw_ct_blog revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_catalog_item revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_contact revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_event revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_expand_collapse_group revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_news_item revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_opportunity revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_profile revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_project revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_service revision log entry' - 'enter uw_ct_web_page revision log entry' - 'make smart dates recur' - 'override uw_ct_blog promote to front page option' - 'override uw_ct_blog published option' - 'override uw_ct_blog revision option' - 'override uw_ct_blog sticky option' - 'override uw_ct_catalog_item published option' - 'override uw_ct_catalog_item revision option' - 'override uw_ct_contact published option' - 'override uw_ct_contact revision option' - 'override uw_ct_event promote to front page option' - 'override uw_ct_event published option' - 'override uw_ct_event revision option' - 'override uw_ct_event sticky option' - 'override uw_ct_expand_collapse_group published option' - 'override uw_ct_expand_collapse_group revision option' - 'override uw_ct_expand_collapse_group sticky option' - 'override uw_ct_news_item promote to front page option' - 'override uw_ct_news_item published option' - 'override uw_ct_news_item revision option' - 'override uw_ct_news_item sticky option' - 'override uw_ct_opportunity published option' - 'override uw_ct_opportunity revision option' - 'override uw_ct_profile published option' - 'override uw_ct_profile revision option' - 'override uw_ct_project published option' - 'override uw_ct_project revision option' - 'override uw_ct_service published option' - 'override uw_ct_service revision option' - 'override uw_ct_web_page published option' - 'override uw_ct_web_page revision option' - 'publish own pdfs' - 'rearrange contacts' - 'rearrange profiles' - 'reschedule smart date recur instances' - 'schedule publishing of nodes' - 'update any media' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_call_to_action_text' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_ec_item' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_fact_figure' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_fact_point' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_fact_text' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_facts_and_figures' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_ff' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_image_banner' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_local_video_banner' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_project_members' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_timeline' - 'update paragraph content uw_para_vimeo_video_banner' - 'use uw_workflow transition archived' - 'use uw_workflow transition draft' - 'use uw_workflow transition needs_review' - 'use uw_workflow transition published' - 'use workbench access' - 'view all media revisions' - 'view any unpublished content' - 'view latest version' - 'view own unpublished content' - 'view own unpublished media' - 'view scheduled content' - 'view unpublished paragraphs'