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--- a/config/install/core.entity_form_display.taxonomy_term.uw_vocab_service_categories.default.yml
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-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_banner
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-    - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.uw_para_image_banner
-    - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.uw_para_local_video_banner
-    - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.uw_para_vimeo_video_banner
-  module:
-    - entity_reference_revisions
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_banner
-field_name: field_uw_banner
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: Banner
-description: "You may add 1 to 8 banners. If more than one banner is added, they will be displayed in a carousel. For ideal display, all banners should have the same dimensions.<br>\r\nAll options other than “Vimeo video banner” are now supported. “Vimeo video banner” is provided for future use."
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:paragraph'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_para_image_banner: uw_para_image_banner
-      uw_para_local_video_banner: uw_para_local_video_banner
-      uw_para_vimeo_video_banner: uw_para_vimeo_video_banner
-    negate: 0
-    target_bundles_drag_drop:
-      uw_para_call_to_action:
-        weight: 9
-        enabled: false
-      uw_para_fact_figure:
-        weight: 10
-        enabled: false
-      uw_para_ff:
-        weight: 11
-        enabled: false
-      uw_para_image_banner:
-        weight: 12
-        enabled: true
-      uw_para_local_video_banner:
-        weight: 13
-        enabled: true
-      uw_para_project_members:
-        weight: 14
-        enabled: false
-      uw_para_timeline:
-        weight: 15
-        enabled: false
-      uw_para_vimeo_video_banner:
-        weight: 16
-        enabled: true
-field_type: entity_reference_revisions
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_exclude_auto.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_exclude_auto.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2982355b2891e9e05faedad9a7bd4a0259033f8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_exclude_auto.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_exclude_auto
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_exclude_auto
-field_name: field_uw_exclude_auto
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Exclude from automatically-generated listings'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: 0
-default_value_callback: ''
-  on_label: 'On'
-  off_label: 'Off'
-field_type: boolean
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_hero_image.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_hero_image.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_hero_image.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_hero_image
-    - media.type.uw_mt_image
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_hero_image
-field_name: field_uw_hero_image
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Hero image'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:media'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_mt_image: uw_mt_image
-    sort:
-      field: _none
-      direction: ASC
-    auto_create: false
-    auto_create_bundle: ''
-field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_media_width.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_media_width.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_media_width.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_media_width
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_media_width
-field_name: field_uw_media_width
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Media width'
-description: 'Select the width of the media.'
-required: true
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: uw_lbs_contained_width
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_description.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_description.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1d6e92659b631971aa210b9561c32d81eb049c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_description.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_meta_description
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - require_on_publish
-  require_on_publish:
-    require_on_publish: true
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_description
-field_name: field_uw_meta_description
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Description of content'
-description: 'A brief and concise description of the page''s content. Recommended: no more than one or two sentences.'
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: string_long
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_image.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_image.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_image.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_meta_image
-    - media.type.uw_mt_image
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_image
-field_name: field_uw_meta_image
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Associated image'
-description: 'An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services. Recommended aspect ratio: 1.9:1.  If no image is provided, the University of Waterloo logo will be used.'
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:media'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_mt_image: uw_mt_image
-    sort:
-      field: created
-      direction: ASC
-    auto_create: false
-    auto_create_bundle: ''
-field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_tags.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_tags.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_tags.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_meta_tags
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - metatag
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_meta_tags
-field_name: field_uw_meta_tags
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Advanced configuration'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: metatag
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_option.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_option.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_option.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_option
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_option
-field_name: field_uw_option
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Navigation elements'
-description: 'In most cases, a page should show the site title and menu to provide a consistent user experience. If your page has limited or alternative navigation options, such as a campaign landing page, you may choose to show the site title only. In rare cases where the site title is also unnecessary, you may choose to display no site title or menus.'
-required: false
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: all
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_page_title_big_text.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_page_title_big_text.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_page_title_big_text.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_page_title_big_text
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_page_title_big_text
-field_name: field_uw_page_title_big_text
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Use page title as big text'
-description: ''
-required: true
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: '0'
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_audience.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_audience.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_audience.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_audience
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_audience
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_audience
-field_name: field_uw_service_audience
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Who can use this service'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_vocab_audience: uw_vocab_audience
-    sort:
-      field: name
-      direction: asc
-    auto_create: false
-    auto_create_bundle: ''
-field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_available.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_available.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_available.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_available
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_available
-field_name: field_uw_service_available
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'What''s available'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_category.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_category.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_category.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_category
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_service_categories
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_category
-field_name: field_uw_service_category
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Service category'
-description: ''
-required: true
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_vocab_service_categories: uw_vocab_service_categories
-    sort:
-      field: name
-      direction: asc
-    auto_create: false
-    auto_create_bundle: ''
-field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_contacts.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_contacts.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_contacts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_contacts
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - link
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_contacts
-field_name: field_uw_service_contacts
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Business contacts'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  link_type: 17
-  title: 1
-field_type: link
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_cost.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_cost.yml
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index dd6e755d5ca0f7161efa4a09c54dd6d986c842f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_cost.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_cost
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - allowed_formats
-    - text
-  allowed_formats:
-    allowed_formats:
-      - uw_tf_basic
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_cost
-field_name: field_uw_service_cost
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: Pricing/cost
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: text_long
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours.yml
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index 441fdce0d10b7b24ace46e923027a6d38adcb21d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_hours
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - office_hours
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours
-field_name: field_uw_service_hours
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Service hours'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: office_hours
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours_notes.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours_notes.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours_notes.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_hours_notes
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_hours_notes
-field_name: field_uw_service_hours_notes
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'General notes about service hours'
-description: 'A place to make note of information about the service hours that cannot be covered by the previous spaces. For example, a service might open late or stay open later than normal under some conditions, or the service hours might be expected to change on a future date. This text is limited to 255 characters.'
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_length.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_length.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_length.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_length
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_length
-field_name: field_uw_service_length
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Average length of time to complete request'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_location
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - address
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location
-field_name: field_uw_service_location
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Location address'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  available_countries: {  }
-  langcode_override: ''
-  field_overrides:
-    givenName:
-      override: hidden
-    additionalName:
-      override: hidden
-    familyName:
-      override: hidden
-    organization:
-      override: optional
-    addressLine1:
-      override: optional
-    addressLine2:
-      override: optional
-    postalCode:
-      override: optional
-    sortingCode:
-      override: hidden
-    dependentLocality:
-      override: hidden
-    locality:
-      override: optional
-    administrativeArea:
-      override: optional
-  fields: {  }
-field_type: address
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location_coord.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location_coord.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b6670c31b144a951b7ebefea3147f2a4c0b85c95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location_coord.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_location_coord
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - geofield
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_location_coord
-field_name: field_uw_service_location_coord
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Location coordinates'
-description: 'If the address is not sufficient for locating the service, enter its coordinates here. To remove the coordinates, empty or set to zero either latitude or longitude.'
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: geofield
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_map.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_map.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_map.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_map
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - link
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_map
-field_name: field_uw_service_map
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: Map
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  link_type: 16
-  title: 0
-field_type: link
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_notice.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_notice.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_notice.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_notice
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_notice
-field_name: field_uw_service_notice
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Minimum notice to use service'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_owner.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_owner.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_owner.yml
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-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_owner
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - link
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_owner
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-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Service owner'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  link_type: 17
-  title: 1
-field_type: link
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_popularity.yml
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-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_popularity
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_popularity
-field_name: field_uw_service_popularity
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: Popularity
-description: "0 = Not popular\r\n10 = Most popular"
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  min: 0
-  max: 10
-  prefix: ''
-  suffix: ''
-field_type: integer
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_request.yml
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-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_request
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - allowed_formats
-    - text
-  allowed_formats:
-    allowed_formats:
-      - uw_tf_basic
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_request
-field_name: field_uw_service_request
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'How to request this service'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: text_long
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_status.yml
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_status
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_status
-field_name: field_uw_service_status
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Service status'
-description: ''
-required: true
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_summary.yml
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-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_summary
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - allowed_formats
-    - text
-  allowed_formats:
-    allowed_formats:
-      - uw_tf_basic
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_summary
-field_name: field_uw_service_summary
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Service summary'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: text_long
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_support.yml
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_support
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - allowed_formats
-    - text
-  allowed_formats:
-    allowed_formats:
-      - uw_tf_basic
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_service_support
-field_name: field_uw_service_support
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Support for this service'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: text_long
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_slide_speed.yml
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_slide_speed
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_slide_speed
-field_name: field_uw_slide_speed
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Slide speed'
-description: 'Enter the time, in milliseconds, that should elapse between slides when the slideshow is playing.'
-required: true
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: 7000
-default_value_callback: ''
-  min: 5000
-  max: null
-  prefix: ''
-  suffix: ms
-field_type: integer
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-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_text_overlay_style
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
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-field_name: field_uw_text_overlay_style
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Text overlay style'
-description: 'All options other than "conference" style are now supported. "Conference" is provided for future use.'
-required: true
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: full-width
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
diff --git a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_transition_speed.yml b/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_transition_speed.yml
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_transition_speed.yml
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_transition_speed
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_transition_speed
-field_name: field_uw_transition_speed
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Transition speed'
-description: 'Enter the time, in milliseconds, the banner transition should take to complete.'
-required: true
-translatable: true
-  -
-    value: 400
-default_value_callback: ''
-  min: 400
-  max: null
-  prefix: ''
-  suffix: ms
-field_type: integer
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_type_of_media.yml
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_type_of_media
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - options
-id: node.uw_ct_service.field_uw_type_of_media
-field_name: field_uw_type_of_media
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: 'Type of media'
-description: 'Select the type of media to be at the top of the page.'
-required: false
-translatable: true
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: list_string
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--- a/config/install/field.field.node.uw_ct_service.layout_builder__layout.yml
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.layout_builder__layout
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-  module:
-    - layout_builder
-id: node.uw_ct_service.layout_builder__layout
-field_name: layout_builder__layout
-entity_type: node
-bundle: uw_ct_service
-label: Layout
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-settings: {  }
-field_type: layout_section
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@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_uw_service_category_icon
-    - media.type.uw_mt_icon
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_service_categories
-id: taxonomy_term.uw_vocab_service_categories.field_uw_service_category_icon
-field_name: field_uw_service_category_icon
-entity_type: taxonomy_term
-bundle: uw_vocab_service_categories
-label: 'Upload service category icon'
-description: ''
-required: false
-translatable: false
-default_value: {  }
-default_value_callback: ''
-  handler: 'default:media'
-  handler_settings:
-    target_bundles:
-      uw_mt_icon: uw_mt_icon
-    sort:
-      field: _none
-    auto_create: false
-    auto_create_bundle: uw_mt_icon
-field_type: entity_reference
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_audience.yml
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - node
-    - taxonomy
-id: node.field_uw_service_audience
-field_name: field_uw_service_audience
-entity_type: node
-type: entity_reference
-  target_type: taxonomy_term
-module: core
-locked: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_available.yml
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-  module:
-    - node
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-field_name: field_uw_service_available
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-type: string
-  max_length: 255
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-  case_sensitive: false
-module: core
-locked: false
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-persist_with_no_fields: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_category.yml
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
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-  module:
-    - node
-    - taxonomy
-id: node.field_uw_service_category
-field_name: field_uw_service_category
-entity_type: node
-type: entity_reference
-  target_type: taxonomy_term
-module: core
-locked: false
-cardinality: -1
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-indexes: {  }
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-custom_storage: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_contacts.yml
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@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - link
-    - node
-id: node.field_uw_service_contacts
-field_name: field_uw_service_contacts
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-type: link
-settings: {  }
-module: link
-locked: false
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-indexes: {  }
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_cost.yml
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@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - node
-    - text
-id: node.field_uw_service_cost
-field_name: field_uw_service_cost
-entity_type: node
-type: text_long
-settings: {  }
-module: text
-locked: false
-cardinality: 1
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-indexes: {  }
-persist_with_no_fields: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_hours.yml
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - node
-    - office_hours
-id: node.field_uw_service_hours
-field_name: field_uw_service_hours
-entity_type: node
-type: office_hours
-  time_format: g
-  element_type: office_hours_datetime
-  increment: 1
-  valhrs: true
-  required_start: false
-  limit_start: ''
-  required_end: false
-  limit_end: ''
-  all_day: true
-  exceptions: true
-  seasons: false
-  comment: 2
-  cardinality_per_day: 2
-module: office_hours
-locked: false
-cardinality: -1
-translatable: true
-indexes: {  }
-persist_with_no_fields: false
-custom_storage: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_hours_notes.yml
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-  module:
-    - node
-id: node.field_uw_service_hours_notes
-field_name: field_uw_service_hours_notes
-entity_type: node
-type: string
-  max_length: 255
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-indexes: {  }
-persist_with_no_fields: false
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_length.yml
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-  module:
-    - node
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-field_name: field_uw_service_length
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-type: string
-  max_length: 255
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-module: core
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-indexes: {  }
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_location.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - address
-    - node
-id: node.field_uw_service_location
-field_name: field_uw_service_location
-entity_type: node
-type: address
-settings: {  }
-module: address
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_location_coord.yml
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-status: true
-  module:
-    - geofield
-    - node
-id: node.field_uw_service_location_coord
-field_name: field_uw_service_location_coord
-entity_type: node
-type: geofield
-  backend: geofield_backend_default
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_map.yml
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-  module:
-    - link
-    - node
-id: node.field_uw_service_map
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-settings: {  }
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--- a/config/install/field.storage.node.field_uw_service_notice.yml
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-  module:
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-  module:
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-settings: {  }
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-    - node
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-field_name: field_uw_service_status
-entity_type: node
-type: list_string
-  allowed_values:
-    -
-      value: future
-      label: Future
-    -
-      value: active
-      label: Active
-    -
-      value: retired
-      label: Retired
-  allowed_values_function: ''
-module: options
-locked: false
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-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-id: node.uw_ct_service
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-default_langcode: site_default
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-langcode: en
-status: true
-  module:
-    - menu_ui
-    - node_revision_delete
-    - scheduler
-  menu_ui:
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-      - uw-menu-audience-menu
-      - main
-    parent: 'main:'
-  node_revision_delete:
-    minimum_revisions_to_keep: 50
-    minimum_age_to_delete: 0
-    when_to_delete: 0
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-    unpublish_required: false
-    unpublish_revision: true
-name: Service
-type: uw_ct_service
-description: 'Services list the services offered by this faculty/school/department/unit.'
-help: ''
-new_revision: true
-preview_mode: 0
-display_submitted: false
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-index: true
-priority: '0.5'
-changefreq: monthly
-include_images: false
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--- a/config/install/taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_service_categories.yml
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-langcode: en
-status: true
-  module:
-    - scheduler
-    - taxonomy_max_depth
-  taxonomy_max_depth:
-    max_depth: 2
-  scheduler:
-    expand_fieldset: when_required
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-    publish_past_date: error
-    publish_past_date_created: false
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-    publish_touch: false
-    show_message_after_update: true
-    unpublish_enable: false
-    unpublish_required: false
-    unpublish_revision: false
-name: 'Service categories'
-vid: uw_vocab_service_categories
-description: 'Categories for service content type'
-weight: 0
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-enable_override: true
-view: uw_view_services
-view_display: services_in_category_page
-inherit_settings: true
-pass_arguments: true
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-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_summary
-    - node.type.uw_ct_service
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_audience
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_service_categories
-  module:
-    - better_exposed_filters
-    - node
-    - options
-    - taxonomy
-    - text
-    - user
-    - views_autocomplete_filters
-id: uw_view_service_show_nodes
-label: 'Service views show nodes'
-module: views
-description: 'List of service items by popular, audience, category, all services and service search'
-tag: ''
-base_table: node_field_data
-base_field: nid
-  default:
-    id: default
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-    display_plugin: default
-    position: 0
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-      title: 'Service Page via nodes'
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-          perm: 'access content'
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-          content:
-            value: 'There are no items available.'
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-      sorts:
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-      filters:
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-            group_items: {  }
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-          reduce_duplicates: false
-      style:
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-        - 'languages:language_interface'
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-        - user.permissions
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-        - 'languages:language_interface'
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-        - 'user.node_grants:view'
-        - user.permissions
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-        - 'config:field.storage.node.field_uw_service_summary'
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-    id: service_search_page
-    display_title: 'Service Search Page'
-    display_plugin: page
-    position: 5
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-      title: 'Search results from all services'
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-          sort_desc_label: Desc
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-            fail: 'not found'
-          validate_options: {  }
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-          id: status
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-        - url.query_args
-        - 'user.node_grants:view'
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-            active: active
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-          expose:
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-            operator: ''
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-            identifier: ''
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-        - 'user.node_grants:view'
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-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-      arguments:
-        field_uw_service_category_target_id:
-          id: field_uw_service_category_target_id
-          table: node__field_uw_service_category
-          field: field_uw_service_category_target_id
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: service
-          plugin_id: numeric
-          default_action: ignore
-          exception:
-            value: all
-            title_enable: false
-            title: All
-          title_enable: false
-          title: ''
-          default_argument_type: fixed
-          default_argument_options:
-            argument: ''
-          default_argument_skip_url: false
-          summary_options:
-            base_path: ''
-            count: true
-            override: false
-            items_per_page: 25
-          summary:
-            sort_order: asc
-            number_of_records: 0
-            format: default_summary
-          specify_validation: false
-          validate:
-            type: none
-            fail: 'not found'
-          validate_options: {  }
-          break_phrase: true
-          not: false
-      filters:
-        status:
-          id: status
-          table: node_field_data
-          field: status
-          entity_type: node
-          entity_field: status
-          plugin_id: boolean
-          value: '1'
-          group: 1
-          expose:
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-        type:
-          id: type
-          table: node_field_data
-          field: type
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: node
-          entity_field: type
-          plugin_id: bundle
-          operator: in
-          value:
-            uw_ct_service: uw_ct_service
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-            reduce: false
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-        field_uw_service_status_value:
-          id: field_uw_service_status_value
-          table: node__field_uw_service_status
-          field: field_uw_service_status_value
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: list_field
-          operator: or
-          value:
-            active: active
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-            reduce: false
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          reduce_duplicates: false
-        delta:
-          id: delta
-          table: node__field_uw_service_category
-          field: delta
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: numeric
-          operator: '='
-          value:
-            min: ''
-            max: ''
-            value: ''
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: delta_op
-            label: 'Service category'
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: delta_op
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: delta
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-              administrator: '0'
-              anonymous: '0'
-              uw_role_site_owner: '0'
-              uw_role_site_manager: '0'
-              uw_role_content_author: '0'
-              uw_role_content_editor: '0'
-              uw_role_form_editor: '0'
-              uw_role_form_results_access: '0'
-            min_placeholder: ''
-            max_placeholder: ''
-            placeholder: ''
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-        field_uw_exclude_auto_value:
-          id: field_uw_exclude_auto_value
-          table: node__field_uw_exclude_auto
-          field: field_uw_exclude_auto_value
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: boolean
-          operator: '='
-          value: '0'
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-      filter_groups:
-        operator: AND
-        groups:
-          1: AND
-      style:
-        type: default
-        options:
-          grouping:
-            -
-              field: title_1
-              rendered: true
-              rendered_strip: false
-          row_class: ''
-          default_row_class: true
-      row:
-        type: fields
-        options:
-          default_field_elements: true
-          inline: {  }
-          separator: ''
-          hide_empty: false
-      defaults:
-        title: false
-        style: false
-        row: false
-        fields: false
-        arguments: false
-        filters: false
-        filter_groups: false
-      display_description: ''
-      display_extenders:
-        metatag_display_extender:
-          metatags:
-            title: '[current-page:title] | [site:name]'
-            description: 'Listing all published service nodes marked as "active" under [view:title] on the [site:name] site.'
-            canonical_url: '[current-page:url:absolute]'
-            og_url: '[current-page:metatag:url:absolute]'
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-      path: services/specific
-    cache_metadata:
-      max-age: -1
-      contexts:
-        - 'languages:language_content'
-        - 'languages:language_interface'
-        - url
-        - 'user.node_grants:view'
-        - user.permissions
-      tags:
-        - 'config:field.storage.node.field_uw_service_summary'
diff --git a/config/install/views.view.uw_view_services.yml b/config/install/views.view.uw_view_services.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 27358674b08d18d8ee99cd1928588e7e04c217e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/install/views.view.uw_view_services.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2522 +0,0 @@
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - field.storage.node.field_uw_service_summary
-    - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_uw_service_category_icon
-    - image.style.uw_is_icon
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_audience
-    - taxonomy.vocabulary.uw_vocab_service_categories
-  module:
-    - media
-    - node
-    - options
-    - taxonomy
-    - text
-    - user
-id: uw_view_services
-label: Services
-module: views
-description: 'Listing of all the service categories, audience'
-tag: ''
-base_table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-base_field: tid
-  default:
-    id: default
-    display_title: Master
-    display_plugin: default
-    position: 0
-    display_options:
-      title: Services
-      fields:
-        tid:
-          id: tid
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: tid
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          entity_field: tid
-          plugin_id: field
-          label: ''
-          exclude: true
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-            text: ''
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-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
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-          type: number_integer
-          settings:
-            thousand_separator: ''
-            prefix_suffix: true
-          group_column: value
-          group_columns: {  }
-          group_rows: true
-          delta_limit: 0
-          delta_offset: 0
-          delta_reversed: false
-          delta_first_last: false
-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-        field_uw_service_category_icon:
-          id: field_uw_service_category_icon
-          table: taxonomy_term__field_uw_service_category_icon
-          field: field_uw_service_category_icon
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: field
-          label: ''
-          exclude: true
-          alter:
-            alter_text: false
-            text: ''
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-            absolute: false
-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
-            path_case: none
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-            alt: ''
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-            link_class: ''
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-            suffix: ''
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-            more_link_text: ''
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-            trim: false
-            preserve_tags: ''
-            html: false
-          element_type: ''
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-          element_label_class: ''
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-          element_wrapper_class: ''
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-          click_sort_column: target_id
-          type: media_thumbnail
-          settings:
-            image_link: ''
-            image_style: uw_is_icon
-          group_column: target_id
-          group_columns: {  }
-          group_rows: true
-          delta_limit: 0
-          delta_offset: 0
-          delta_reversed: false
-          delta_first_last: false
-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-        name:
-          id: name
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: name
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          entity_field: name
-          plugin_id: term_name
-          label: ''
-          exclude: true
-          alter:
-            alter_text: false
-            text: ''
-            make_link: true
-            path: 'taxonomy/term/{{ tid }}'
-            absolute: false
-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
-            path_case: none
-            trim_whitespace: false
-            alt: ''
-            rel: ''
-            link_class: ''
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-            more_link_text: ''
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-            trim: false
-            preserve_tags: ''
-            html: false
-          element_type: ''
-          element_class: ''
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-          element_label_class: ''
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-          element_wrapper_class: ''
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-            link_to_entity: false
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-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-          convert_spaces: false
-        nid:
-          id: nid
-          table: node_field_data
-          field: nid
-          relationship: reverse__node__field_uw_service_category
-          group_type: count_distinct
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: node
-          entity_field: nid
-          plugin_id: field
-          label: ''
-          exclude: false
-          alter:
-            alter_text: true
-            text: '<h2>{{ field_uw_service_category_icon }}{{ name }} <span>{{ nid }}</span></h2>'
-            make_link: false
-            path: ''
-            absolute: false
-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
-            path_case: none
-            trim_whitespace: false
-            alt: ''
-            rel: ''
-            link_class: ''
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-            suffix: ''
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-          type: number_integer
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-            thousand_separator: ''
-            prefix_suffix: true
-          group_column: value
-          group_columns: {  }
-          group_rows: true
-          delta_limit: 0
-          delta_offset: 0
-          delta_reversed: false
-          delta_first_last: false
-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ','
-          field_api_classes: false
-          set_precision: false
-          precision: 0
-          decimal: .
-          format_plural: 0
-          format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
-          prefix: (
-          suffix: )
-        description__value:
-          id: description__value
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: description__value
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          entity_field: description
-          plugin_id: field
-          label: ''
-          exclude: false
-          alter:
-            alter_text: true
-            text: '{{ description__value__value | check_markup(''uw_tf_basic'') }}'
-            make_link: false
-            path: ''
-            absolute: false
-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
-            path_case: none
-            trim_whitespace: false
-            alt: ''
-            rel: ''
-            link_class: ''
-            prefix: ''
-            suffix: ''
-            target: ''
-            nl2br: false
-            max_length: 0
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-            more_link_text: ''
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-            preserve_tags: ''
-            html: false
-          element_type: ''
-          element_class: ''
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-          element_label_class: ''
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-          element_wrapper_class: ''
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-          group_column: value
-          group_columns: {  }
-          group_rows: true
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-          delta_first_last: false
-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-      pager:
-        type: none
-        options:
-          offset: 0
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-        type: basic
-        options:
-          submit_button: Apply
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-          reset_button_label: Reset
-          exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
-          expose_sort_order: true
-          sort_asc_label: Asc
-          sort_desc_label: Desc
-      access:
-        type: perm
-        options:
-          perm: 'access content'
-      cache:
-        type: tag
-        options: {  }
-      empty:
-        area:
-          id: area
-          table: views
-          field: area
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: text
-          empty: true
-          content:
-            value: 'There are no services available.'
-            format: uw_tf_standard
-          tokenize: false
-      sorts:
-        name:
-          id: name
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: name
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          entity_field: name
-          plugin_id: standard
-          order: ASC
-          expose:
-            label: ''
-            field_identifier: name
-          exposed: false
-      arguments: {  }
-      filters:
-        status_1:
-          id: status_1
-          table: node_field_data
-          field: status
-          relationship: reverse__node__field_uw_service_category
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: node
-          entity_field: status
-          plugin_id: boolean
-          operator: '='
-          value: '1'
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-        field_uw_service_status_value:
-          id: field_uw_service_status_value
-          table: node__field_uw_service_status
-          field: field_uw_service_status_value
-          relationship: reverse__node__field_uw_service_category
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          plugin_id: list_field
-          operator: or
-          value:
-            active: active
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
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-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-            reduce: false
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          reduce_duplicates: false
-      style:
-        type: html_list
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-          grouping: {  }
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-          wrapper_class: item-list
-          class: ''
-      row:
-        type: fields
-      query:
-        type: views_query
-        options:
-          query_comment: ''
-          disable_sql_rewrite: false
-          distinct: false
-          replica: false
-          query_tags: {  }
-          contextual_filters_or: false
-      relationships:
-        reverse__node__field_uw_service_category:
-          id: reverse__node__field_uw_service_category
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: reverse__node__field_uw_service_category
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: field_uw_service_category
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          plugin_id: entity_reverse
-          required: false
-      group_by: true
-      header: {  }
-      footer: {  }
-      display_extenders: {  }
-    cache_metadata:
-      max-age: -1
-      contexts:
-        - 'languages:language_content'
-        - 'languages:language_interface'
-        - user.permissions
-      tags:
-        - 'config:field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_uw_service_category_icon'
-  services_by_audience_page:
-    id: services_by_audience_page
-    display_title: 'Services by Audience Page'
-    display_plugin: page
-    position: 2
-    display_options:
-      title: 'Services by audience'
-      fields:
-        tid:
-          id: tid
-          table: taxonomy_term_field_data
-          field: tid
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          entity_type: taxonomy_term
-          entity_field: tid
-          plugin_id: field
-          label: ''
-          exclude: true
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-            alter_text: false
-            text: ''
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-            absolute: false
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-      arguments:
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-            title: All
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-          title: '{{ arguments.tid }}'
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-            vids: {  }
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-            fail: 'not found'
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-            default_group_multiple: {  }
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-        - 'languages:language_interface'
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