diff --git a/css/styles.css b/css/styles.css
index 8e645986f3c7973e378c3dbec54f818708c38b17..a2683658916bed1a8f180eb881f5ceabf8dbdd38 100644
--- a/css/styles.css
+++ b/css/styles.css
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ var {
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@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ html {
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@@ -602,57 +602,57 @@ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ a {
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@@ -2102,13 +2102,13 @@ details.details {
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-    color: #eee; }
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-      border: 1px solid #757575; }
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+      border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; }
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+++ b/source/_data/design-tokens.artifact.yml
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+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid
+          Sans", sans-serif'
+        font-size: 22.784px
+        font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.1
-        color: "#212121"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 24px
-        font-weight: 700
+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid
+          Sans", sans-serif'
+        font-size: 20.256px
+        font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.45
-        color: "#212121"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 16px
-        font-weight: 700
+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid
+          Sans", sans-serif'
+        font-size: 18px
+        font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.45
-        color: "#212121"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 12px
-        font-weight: 600
+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid
+          Sans", sans-serif'
+        font-size: 16px
+        font-weight: 400
         letter-spacing: -0.04em
         line-height: 1.7
         text-transform: uppercase
         color: "#0071BC"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 24px
+        font-family: georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif
+        font-size: 22.784px
         font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.45
-        color: "#212121"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif
         font-size: 16px
         font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.45
-        color: "#212121"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 20px
+        color: "#000"
+        font-family: georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif
+        font-size: 20.256px
         font-weight: 400
         line-height: 1.45
-        color: "#5b616b"
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
-        font-size: 12px
+        color: "#757575"
+        font-family: georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif
+        font-size: 16px
         font-style: normal
         font-weight: 600
         letter-spacing: .02em
@@ -330,9 +367,20 @@ gesso:
       intro: 270ms
       outro: 195ms
-    nav: 1000
-    drawer: 1200
-    modal: 1300
+    modal: 10
+    drawer: 9
+    overlay: 9
+    nav: 8
+    logo: 8
+    dropdown: 7
+    mobilemenu: 6
+    interact: 5
+    header: 4
+    footer: 4
+    content: 3
+    slides: 2
+    wrapper: 2
+    background: 1
     xxs: 4px
     xs: 8px
diff --git a/source/_patterns/00-config/_design-tokens.artifact.scss b/source/_patterns/00-config/_design-tokens.artifact.scss
index a0647590a394f14954bec34ce9b2a202edcb3249..0f350cc69de1eb3c46616a611080e80194ad58d6 100644
--- a/source/_patterns/00-config/_design-tokens.artifact.scss
+++ b/source/_patterns/00-config/_design-tokens.artifact.scss
@@ -106,13 +106,14 @@ $gesso: (
     grayscale: (
       white: #fff,
-      gray-1: #eee,
-      gray-2: #f1f1f1,
-      gray-3: #757575,
-      gray-4: #aeb0b5,
-      gray-5: #5b616b,
-      gray-6: #323a45,
-      black: #212121,
+      gray-1: #fafafa,
+      gray-2: #eee,
+      gray-3: #DFDFDF,
+      gray-4: #A2A2A2,
+      gray-5: #757575,
+      gray-6: #4e4e4e,
+      gray-7: #111,
+      black: #000,
     other: (
       yellow: (
@@ -156,9 +157,9 @@ $gesso: (
   colors: (
     text: (
-      primary: #212121,
-      secondary: #5b616b,
-      on-light: #212121,
+      primary: #000,
+      secondary: #757575,
+      on-light: #000,
       on-dark: #fff,
       link: #0071BC,
       link-hover: #205493,
@@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ $gesso: (
         text-active: #fff,
       disabled: (
-        background: #f1f1f1,
-        text: #aeb0b5,
+        background: #eee,
+        text: #A2A2A2,
       danger: (
         background: #e31c3d,
@@ -199,44 +200,44 @@ $gesso: (
     form: (
-      background: #eee,
+      background: #fafafa,
       background-active: #fff,
       background-checked: #0071BC,
       background-unchecked: #fff,
-      border: #757575,
-      border-dark: #5b616b,
-      border-light: #eee,
-      thumb: #5b616b,
-      track: #aeb0b5,
+      border: #DFDFDF,
+      border-dark: #757575,
+      border-light: #fafafa,
+      thumb: #757575,
+      track: #A2A2A2,
     mark: (
       background: #ff0,
-      text: #212121,
+      text: #000,
     selection: (
       background: #0071BC,
       text: #fff,
     table: (
-      border: #5b616b,
+      border: #757575,
       background: #fff,
-      background-head: #f1f1f1,
-      background-foot: #f1f1f1,
+      background-head: #eee,
+      background-foot: #eee,
     ui: (
       generic: (
-        background: #aeb0b5,
-        background-darker: #212121,
-        background-dark: #323a45,
-        background-light: #f1f1f1,
-        background-lighter: #eee,
-        border: #aeb0b5,
-        border-dark: #323a45,
-        border-light: #f1f1f1,
+        background: #A2A2A2,
+        background-darker: #000,
+        background-dark: #4e4e4e,
+        background-light: #eee,
+        background-lighter: #fafafa,
+        border: #A2A2A2,
+        border-dark: #4e4e4e,
+        border-light: #eee,
         text-lighter: #fff,
-        text-light: #aeb0b5,
-        text-dark: #5b616b,
-        text-darker: #212121,
+        text-light: #A2A2A2,
+        text-dark: #757575,
+        text-darker: #000,
         accent: #0071BC,
         accent-dark: #112E51,
         accent-light: #4773aa,
@@ -260,35 +261,67 @@ $gesso: (
     font-family: (
       primary: (
         name: Primary,
+        stack: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
+      ),
+      secondary: (
+        name: Secondary,
         stack: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
+      condensed: (
+        name: Condensed,
+        stack: 'BureauGrotCond, impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+      ),
+      condensed-book: (
+        name: Condensed-Book,
+        stack: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+      ),
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         name: System,
-        stack: '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Oxygen-Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", Droid Sans, sans-serif',
+        stack: 'Typ1451-Regular,-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Oxygen-Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", Droid Sans, sans-serif',
       monospace: (
         name: Monospace,
         stack: 'Consolas, "Lucida Console", "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace, sans-serif',
+      icon-font: (
+        name: icon-font,
+        stack: fdsu-rwd,
+      ),
     base-font-size: 16px,
     font-size: (
-      0: 12px,
-      1: 16px,
-      2: 20px,
-      3: 24px,
-      4: 32px,
-      5: 40px,
-      6: 48px,
-      7: 56px,
-      8: 64px,
-      9: 72px,
+      0: 16px,
+      1: 18px,
+      2: 20.256px,
+      3: 22.784px,
+      4: 25.632px,
+      5: 28.832px,
+      6: 32.432px,
+      7: 36.496px,
+      8: 41.056px,
+      9: 46.192px,
+      10: 51.952px,
+      11: 58.448px,
+      12: 65.76px,
+      13: 73.984px,
+      14: 83.232px,
+      15: 93.632px,
+      16: 105.328px,
+      -6: 7.888px,
+      -5: 8.88px,
+      -4: 9.984px,
+      -3: 11.232px,
+      -2: 12.64px,
+      -1: 14.224px,
     font-weight: (
+      hairline: 200,
       light: 300,
       regular: 400,
+      bold: 600,
       semibold: 600,
-      bold: 700,
+      extrabold: 700,
+      black: 800,
     line-height: (
       tight: 1.1,
@@ -297,81 +330,81 @@ $gesso: (
     display: (
       display: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 64px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
+        font-size: 41.056px,
+        font-weight: 600,
         line-height: 1.1,
       h1: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 48px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 41.056px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.1,
       h2: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 40px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 28.832px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.1,
       h3: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 32px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 22.784px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.1,
       h4: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 24px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 20.256px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.45,
       h5: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 16px,
-        font-weight: 700,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 18px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.45,
       h6: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 12px,
-        font-weight: 600,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif',
+        font-size: 16px,
+        font-weight: 400,
         letter-spacing: -0.04em,
         line-height: 1.7,
         text-transform: uppercase,
       blockquote: (
         color: #0071BC,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 24px,
+        font-family: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
+        font-size: 22.784px,
         font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.45,
       body: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
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       body-large: (
-        color: #212121,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 20px,
+        color: #000,
+        font-family: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
+        font-size: 20.256px,
         font-weight: 400,
         line-height: 1.45,
       cite: (
-        color: #5b616b,
-        font-family: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif',
-        font-size: 12px,
+        color: #757575,
+        font-family: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif',
+        font-size: 16px,
         font-style: normal,
         font-weight: 600,
         letter-spacing: .02em,
@@ -396,9 +429,20 @@ $gesso: (
   z-index: (
-    nav: 1000,
-    drawer: 1200,
-    modal: 1300,
+    modal: 10,
+    drawer: 9,
+    overlay: 9,
+    nav: 8,
+    logo: 8,
+    dropdown: 7,
+    mobilemenu: 6,
+    interact: 5,
+    header: 4,
+    footer: 4,
+    content: 3,
+    slides: 2,
+    wrapper: 2,
+    background: 1,
   spacing: (
     xxs: 4px,
diff --git a/source/_patterns/00-config/config.design-tokens.yml b/source/_patterns/00-config/config.design-tokens.yml
index 89b265492b091c05aff85bd0714ac01c440d71ab..b9c0f2a583bb766f3178074b477af219ddd44156 100644
--- a/source/_patterns/00-config/config.design-tokens.yml
+++ b/source/_patterns/00-config/config.design-tokens.yml
@@ -88,13 +88,14 @@ gesso:
         primary: '#b71233'
       white: '#fff'
-      gray-1: '#eee'
-      gray-2: '#f1f1f1'
-      gray-3: '#757575'
-      gray-4: '#aeb0b5'
-      gray-5: '#5b616b'
-      gray-6: '#323a45'
-      black: '#212121'
+      gray-1: '#fafafa'
+      gray-2: '#eee'
+      gray-3: '#DFDFDF'
+      gray-4: '#A2A2A2'
+      gray-5: '#757575'
+      gray-6: '#4e4e4e'
+      gray-7: '#111'
+      black: '#000'
         base: '#fad980'
@@ -215,30 +216,58 @@ gesso:
         name: Primary
+        stack: 'georgia, "droid serif", "Times New Roman", Times, serif'
+      secondary:
+        name: Secondary
         stack: '"Source Sans Pro", Arial, sans-serif'
+      condensed:
+        name: Condensed
+        stack: 'BureauGrotCond, impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif'
+      condensedbook:
+        name: Condensed-Book
+        stack: '"BureauGrotCond Book", impact, "avenir next condensed heavy", "Droid Sans", sans-serif'
         name: System
-        stack: '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Oxygen-Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", Droid Sans, sans-serif'
+        stack: 'Typ1451-Regular,-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Oxygen-Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", Droid Sans, sans-serif'
         name: Monospace
         stack: 'Consolas, "Lucida Console", "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace, sans-serif'
+      iconfont:
+        name: icon-font
+        stack: 'fdsu-rwd'
     base-font-size: 16px
-      0: 12px
-      1: 16px
-      2: 20px
-      3: 24px
-      4: 32px
-      5: 40px
-      6: 48px
-      7: 56px
-      8: 64px
-      9: 72px
+      -6: 7.888px
+      -5: 8.88px
+      -4: 9.984px
+      -3: 11.232px
+      -2: 12.64px
+      -1: 14.224px
+      0: 16px
+      1: 18px
+      2: 20.256px
+      3: 22.784px
+      4: 25.632px
+      5: 28.832px
+      6: 32.432px
+      7: 36.496px
+      8: 41.056px
+      9: 46.192px
+      10: 51.952px
+      11: 58.448px
+      12: 65.76px
+      13: 73.984px
+      14: 83.232px
+      15: 93.632px
+      16: 105.328px
+      hairline: 200
       light: 300
       regular: 400
+      bold: 600
       semibold: 600
-      bold: 700
+      extrabold: 700
+      black: 800
       tight: 1.1
       base: 1.45
@@ -252,39 +281,39 @@ gesso:
         line-height: tight
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
-        font-size: 6
-        font-weight: bold
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
+        font-size: 8
+        font-weight: regular
         line-height: tight
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
         font-size: 5
-        font-weight: bold
+        font-weight: regular
         line-height: tight
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
-        font-size: 4
-        font-weight: bold
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
+        font-size: 3
+        font-weight: regular
         line-height: tight
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
-        font-size: 3
-        font-weight: bold
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
+        font-size: 2
+        font-weight: regular
         line-height: base
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
         font-size: 1
-        font-weight: bold
+        font-weight: regular
         line-height: base
         color: text.primary
-        font-family: primary.stack
+        font-family: condensed-book.stack
         font-size: 0
-        font-weight: semibold
+        font-weight: regular
         letter-spacing: -0.04em
         line-height: loose
         text-transform: uppercase
@@ -297,7 +326,7 @@ gesso:
         color: text.primary
         font-family: primary.stack
-        font-size: 1
+        font-size: 0
         font-weight: regular
         line-height: base
@@ -328,12 +357,23 @@ gesso:
       intro: 270ms
       outro: 195ms
-    nav: 1000
-    drawer: 1200
-    modal: 1300
+    modal: 10
+    drawer: 9
+    overlay: 9
+    nav: 8
+    logo: 8
+    dropdown: 7
+    mobilemenu: 6
+    interact: 5
+    header: 4
+    footer: 4
+    content: 3
+    slides: 2
+    wrapper: 2
+    background: 1
     xxs: 4px
-    xs: 8px
+    xs:  8px
     sm: 16px
     md: 24px
     lg: 40px
diff --git a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/_typography.scss b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/_typography.scss
index 67fece2bffd6c66597f83905a96ab37122d13edc..652d632d002bd1e81076eb6500741d9784b944d0 100755
--- a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/_typography.scss
+++ b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/_typography.scss
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Typography variables
 // http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#variables_
-$base-font-size: 17px;
+$base-font-size: 16px;
 $base-line-height: 1.5;
 $vertical-spacing: $base-font-size; // Used as the default spacing below most items such as paragraphs, lists, etc.
 $vertical-spacing-forms: 30px; // Used as the default spacing below form elements.
diff --git a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.twig b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.twig
index c7ac0be7d8f1e877969b4def4c0153f87954f3a2..f5df56c7707e68472559613b23c18c4e38114bd3 100755
--- a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.twig
+++ b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.twig
@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@
     {% endfor %}
+  <hr>
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.yml b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.yml
index f46c55f75ffc6ac1a66fb1456cf4bbe6f6303702..9731003a92d054ce8d003fbaba74f10c95595c1e 100755
--- a/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.yml
+++ b/source/_patterns/01-global/02-typography/typography.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ webfonts:
       font_preview_character: 'Aa'
       font_preview: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />1234567890(,.;:?!$&*)'
-      font_preview_style: "font-family: \"georgia\"; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal;"
+      font_preview_style: "font-family: georgia; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal;"
       font_name: 'georgia'
       font_weight: '700'
       font_style: 'normal'
@@ -39,29 +39,29 @@ webfonts:
       font_preview_character: 'Aa'
       font_preview: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />1234567890(,.;:?!$&*)'
-      font_preview_style: "font-family: \"BureauGrot\"; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
+      font_preview_style: "font-family: BureauGrot; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
       font_name: 'BureauGrot'
       font_weight: '300'
       font_style: 'normal'
   family_name: 'BureauGrotCond'
-  style: 'font-family: "BureauGrotCond", serif;'
+  style: 'font-family: BureauGrotCond, serif;'
       font_preview_character: 'Aa'
       font_preview: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />1234567890(,.;:?!$&*)'
-      font_preview_style: "font-family: \"BureauGrotCond\"; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
+      font_preview_style: "font-family: BureauGrotCond; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
       font_name: 'BureauGrotCond'
-      font_weight: '300'
+      font_weight: '600'
       font_style: 'bold'
   family_name: 'BureauGrotWide'
-  style: 'font-family: "BureauGrotWide", serif;'
+  style: 'font-family:BureauGrotWide, serif;'
       font_preview_character: 'Aa'
       font_preview: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />1234567890(,.;:?!$&*)'
-      font_preview_style: "font-family: \"BureauGrotWide\"; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
+      font_preview_style: "font-family: BureauGrotWide; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;"
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