diff --git a/css/styles.css b/css/styles.css
index 3bbad073ebe243977d5a72a172871a2c9181a79d..5d7b1d52821e4d898f0b335e9a29fb13ae417012 100644
--- a/css/styles.css
+++ b/css/styles.css
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+  width: 3rem;
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+    margin-left: inherit;
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+  /* Fix the width so the line always lines up. */
+  width: 3rem;
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+  background: #ccc;
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+  border: 1px solid #ddd;
+  float: right;
+  margin: 0 0 0.7rem 0.7rem;
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+  overflow: visible;
+.vertical-timeline.vertical-month ol {
+  /* -2 margin-top + 2 padding-top to pull the line up above the first entry */
+  margin-top: -2rem;
+  padding-top: 2rem;
+  width: 100%;
+@media (min-width: 48.06rem) {
+  .vertical-timeline.vertical-year,
+  .vertical-timeline.vertical-month ol {
+    width: calc(100% - 4rem);
+} }
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+  border-left: 1px solid #a2a2a2;
+  /* -2 margin-top + 2 padding-top to pull the line up above the first entry */
+  margin: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+@media (min-width: 48.06rem) {
+  .vertical-timeline.vertical-year ol,
+  .vertical-timeline.vertical-month ol ol {
+    margin: -1rem 0 0 2rem;
+    padding: 1rem 1rem 0;
+    width: calc(100% - 8rem);
+} }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee3d417d4786ab147bf89a0c8d75ebf2159e13ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/_timeline.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+.vertical-timeline {
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+    width: 3rem;
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+    background: gesso-grayscale(gray-5);
+    color: gesso-grayscale(white);
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+      margin-left: -0.19rem;
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+    padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
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+    text-transform: uppercase;
+    /* Fix the width so the line always lines up. */
+    width: 3rem;
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+    border: 1px solid gesso-grayscale(white);
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+      display: block;
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+        content: "";
+        display: table;
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+      /* Trick CSS to add the circle. */
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+      content: '';
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+          background: gesso-grayscale(gray-3);
+          border: 1px solid gesso-grayscale(gray-4);
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+    border: 1px solid #ddd;
+    float: right;
+    margin: 0 0 0.7rem 0.7rem;
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+  &.vertical-year,
+  &.vertical-month {
+    overflow: visible;
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+  &.vertical-year,
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+    /* -2 margin-top + 2 padding-top to pull the line up above the first entry */
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+    padding-top: 2rem;
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+      width: calc(100% - 4rem);
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+    border-left: 1px solid gesso-grayscale(gray-4);
+    /* -2 margin-top + 2 padding-top to pull the line up above the first entry */
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+    @include medium {
+      margin: -1rem 0 0 2rem;
+      padding: 1rem 1rem 0;
+      width: calc(100% - 8rem);
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+  font-size: rem(gesso-font-size(-1));
+  font-weight: 200;
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+    font-size: rem(gesso-font-size(-1));
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+    font-weight: 500;
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+    font-size: rem(gesso-font-size(0));
+    line-height: 1.25;
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+    font-family: gesso-font-family(systemmedium);
+    font-size:rem(gesso-font-size(-1));
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diff --git a/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.md b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.twig b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.twig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..707327a684a3b886f2ff65f10f053c0138ff7e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.twig
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{% set modifier_classes -%}
+    uw-timeline vertical-timeline vertical-{{ timeline.style }}  {{ modifier_classes }}
+{%- endset %}
+<ol class="{{ modifier_classes }}">
+    {% for year, years in timeline.items %}
+        <li>
+            <span class="timeline-year">{{ year }}</span>
+            <ol>
+                {% for month, months in years %}
+                    {% if timeline.style == 'month' %}
+                        <li>
+                            {% set date = year ~ "-" ~ month ~ "-1" %}
+                            <span class="timeline-month">{{ date|date("M") }}</span>
+                            <ol>
+                    {% endif %}
+                    {% for days in months %}
+                        {% for entry in days %}
+                            <li class="timeline-info{% if entry.link %} timeline-info__withlink {% endif %}">
+                                {% if entry.link %}
+                                <a href="{{ entry.link }}">
+                                {% endif %}
+                                {% if entry.image %}
+                                    <img src="{{ entry.image }}" alt=""  class="timeline-photo"/>
+                                {%  endif %}
+                                <div class="timeline-headline"><strong>{{ entry.headline }}</strong></div>
+                                <p>{{ entry.content }}</p>
+                                {% if entry.link %}
+                                </a>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </li>
+                        {% endfor %}
+                    {% endfor %}
+                    {% if timeline.style == 'month' %}
+                            </ol>
+                        </li>
+                    {% endif %}
+                {% endfor %}
+            </ol>
+        </li>
+    {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.yml b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..860418795f52524fded480fe569758a17be875ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_patterns/04-components/timeline/timeline.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+  style: 'month'
+  items:
+    1966:
+      6:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        11:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'
+      7:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        10:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'
+      8:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        10:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'
+    1967:
+      1:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        10:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'
+      2:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        10:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'
+    1968:
+      2:
+        8:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The Polyphemus moths have begun to emerge from their cocoons - 7 females and 2 males emerge in one day. I put the females into 3 separate mating boxes and leave them by an open window so that they can release their pheromones. By 1 am, they have called in a couple of male moths. I mate two of the females with wild males.'
+        9:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'I release all the moths except one of the pregnant Polyphemus moths which I keep in a paper bag to lay her eggs.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_9.jpg?itok=9i7qSooF'
+        10:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'The female Polyphemus has laid a total of 103 eggs. Half of these eggs are now in the Ecology Lab under modified temperature and humidity conditions. As a control measure, the other half of the eggs have been placed in a natural area, their habitat was not modified in any way so that they are subject to natural conditions.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_10.jpg?itok=rZoYiTP_'
+        13:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'A total of 10 males and 1 female Cecropia Moths have emerged, which is a stark contrast to the sex ratio of the Polyphemus moths. I will attempt to mate the female tonight using the same method as the Polyphemus moths. I will also be releasing the males tonight, but I have tagged them with small stickers to prevent inbreeding should they find their way back to the female through her pheromones.'
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_13.jpg?itok=-TIDW7D8'
+        16:
+          -
+            link: 'https://uwaterloo.ca'
+            headline: 'This is a headline.'
+            content: 'Successfully mated a Cecropia moth at 2:40 am on June16th, and over the next 2 days she laid 153 eggs into a paper bag.  However, she presented odd behaviour while laying eggs, and laid thick bundles of 10-20 eggs on her legs rather than on the bag. Usually a female will lay groups of 3 eggs randomly, and never on her own body. I removed them from her and pulled apart the eggs before the substrate used to stick eggs to leaves completely dried. However I do not know if I have accidentally damaged any eggs in the process, despite my carefulness. This will be interesting to observe once the caterpillars begin to hatch in 10-14 days. '
+            image: 'https://uwaterloo.ca/ecology-lab/sites/ca.ecology-lab/files/styles/thumbnail/public/june_16.jpg?itok=18idxfuY'