diff --git a/AstBuilding.py b/AstBuilding.py
index 5a8bb3907d098af1390a9a56351f7e5f4414fcc0..035a8f9c43a2f6db093c7f7adc1c148777b21b1a 100644
--- a/AstBuilding.py
+++ b/AstBuilding.py
@@ -32,13 +32,10 @@ def buildEnvAndLink(ASTs):
     # type Linking
-    # print('--------->>> type linking time!')
     for t in ASTs:
-        # t[1].buildEnvFromImports(globalEnv)
     # hierarchy checking
-    # print('--------->>> hierarchy checking time!')
     for t in ASTs:
@@ -46,12 +43,8 @@ def buildEnvAndLink(ASTs):
 def disamiguateAndTypeChecking(ASTs):
-    # disambiguate namesapce: figuring out the meaning of the shortest prefix of names 
+    # disambiguate namespace: figuring out the meaning of the shortest prefix of names 
     for t in ASTs:
-        # try:
-        #     t[1].recurseAction("disambigName")
-        # except Exception as e:
-        #     raise e
     # type checking
diff --git a/Environment.py b/Environment.py
index 921ec8efd6901e6aff48f8e5249f556ca09f12f1..5e0ecdbf550f7d4a341e90495e8200dfa67512ae 100644
--- a/Environment.py
+++ b/Environment.py
@@ -79,9 +79,11 @@ class GlobalEnv(Env):
         namespace = self.nodeToNamespace.get(typeDclType)
         # Add to map
-        mapKey = pName + '.'  + typeDcl.name
+        mapKey = pName + '.' + typeDcl.name
+        if not pName:
+            mapKey = typeDcl.name
         if mapKey in self.map:
-            raise Exception('ERROR: Declaration of {} is already in current Environment'.format(pName + '.'  + typeDcl.name))
+            raise Exception('ERROR: Declaration of {} is already in current Environment'.format(mapKey))
         self.map[mapKey] = typeDcl
         # Add to packageMap
@@ -90,52 +92,85 @@ class GlobalEnv(Env):
             self.packageMap[pName] = {}
         if pMapKey in self.packageMap[pName]:
-            raise Exception('ERROR: Declaration of {} is already in current Environment'.format(pName + '.'  + typeDcl.name))
+            raise Exception('ERROR: Declaration of {} is already in current Environment'.format(mapKey))
         self.packageMap[pName][pMapKey] = typeDcl
     def weedGlobalEnv(self):
         # call after building global Env to resolve clashes:
+        # TODO crashing some A2 tests
+        # from pprint import pprint
+        # print('self.map')
+        # pprint(self.map)
+        # print('self.packageMap')
+        # pprint(self.packageMap)
+        # pprint(self.packageMap.keys())
         for i in self.map.keys():
             for j in self.packageMap.keys():
-                if i in j:
+                iNode = self.map.get(i)
+                # if j == "java.util.ArrayList.foo" and "java.util.ArrayList.foo" in i:
+                #     print('j ', j)
+                #     print('i ', i)
+                #     print('iNode.packageName ', iNode.packageName)
+                # i.rpartition('.')[0] == j
+                if i in j and iNode.packageName:
+                    # print('i ({}) is in j ({})'.format(i,j))
                     raise Exception('ERROR: Package name {} clashing with Type name {}'.format(j, i))
     # Use getNode() from base class to get node using Canonical Name (full name)
     def getNode(self, key, imported, packageName):
-        # TODO: error if ambiguous
-        # TODO: not sure whether name is canonical or not????
-        #  i.e. there are more than one of this type. Currently it only gets the first occurence
         name = key[0]
+        found = [] # list of found nodes
         # 1. enclosing class/interface
         #    - already did
         # fully qualified name (canonName)
         if name in self.map:
             return self.map.get(name)
         # 2. single-type import (simple Name)
         for i in imported:
             if not '*' in i:
-                simpleName = i.split(".")[-1]
-                if simpleName == name:
-                    return self.map.get(i)
+                full = i.split(".")[-1]
+                if full == name:
+                    found.append(self.map.get(i))
         # 3. type in the current package
         full = packageName + '.' + name
-        # print(full)
         if full in self.map:
             return self.map.get(full)
         # 4. import-on-demand
+        checked = []
         for i in imported:
-            if '*' in i:
+            if '*' in i and i not in checked:
+                checked.append(i)
                 full = i.replace("*", name)
                 if full in self.map:
-                    return self.map.get(full)
+                    found.append(self.map.get(full))
         # imported implicitly: java.io.*, java.lang.*, java.util.*
-        implicitly = ['java.lang.', 'java.io.', 'java.util.']
+        implicitly = ['java.lang.']
+        # remove from implicitly if we are in that package already
+        if (packageName + '.') in implicitly:
+            implicitly.remove(packageName + '.')
+        # remove from implicitly if we explicitly imported it
+        for i in imported:
+            if '*' in i and i.replace("*", "") in implicitly:
+                implicitly.remove(i.replace("*", ""))
         for i in implicitly:
-            if i in name and name in self.map:
-                return self.map.get(name)
-            elif (i+name) in self.map:
-                return self.map.get(i+name)
+            if (i+name) in self.map:
+                found.append(self.map.get(i+name))
+        if len(found) == 1:
+            return found[0]
+        elif len(found) > 1:
+            raise Exception("ERROR: Trying to access ambiguous name '{}' in the Environment".format(key))
         raise Exception("ERROR: Can't find definition of {} in the Environment".format(key))
diff --git a/Test.py b/Test.py
index 0a434959180eccf450a3b62922b43524e6dbb9ba..0dec390f9fe1fd9dc118dd146583edfd000d44de 100644
--- a/Test.py
+++ b/Test.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import sys
+import time
 from os import listdir, scandir, walk
 from os.path import isfile, join
 import traceback
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ def a2Multiple():
     total = 0
     correct = 0
+    start = time.time()
     for c in testCases:
         # get all files from stdlib folder
@@ -73,9 +75,9 @@ def a2Multiple():
                 correct += 1
-    print("\nSCORE: {} / {} -> {:.3g}%".format(correct, total, (correct/total)*100))
+    end = time.time()
+    print("\nTime Elapsed: {}".format(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(end - start))))
+    print("SCORE: {} / {} -> {:.3g}%".format(correct, total, (correct/total)*100))
 def run(testFiles):
     parseTrees = []