WCMS Recommended Project
** NOTE ** The instructiions below assume that the WCMS is using the Recommended Project install. Otherwise, you will need to find the specific "recommended-project" branches to use successfully.
The recommended project is the preferred way to install Drupal 8 using Composer.
All the WCMS related modules are now stored in the composer.json file and running composer install, installs and enables them.
The uw_base_profile is now installed with the composer.json file as well and there is no longer a rebuild.sh script in the profile folder.
How to use
If you are already using WCMS Lando or the WCMS Vagrant 5.x branch, we install Drupal using the recommended project already.
If not, clone this repo into a new directory (we recommend calling it wcms-artifact).
git clone https://git.uwaterloo.ca/wcms/drupal-recommended-project wcms-artifact
Then, cd
into the directory you cloned into and run composer install (the
example is for Lando).
cd /app/wcms-artifact && composer install
Nodejs will also need to be installed in your local environment. If it isn't already, you can install it:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install -global gulp-cli