# CS 346: Meeting Minutes
| Date | Team # |
|:----------:| :----: |
| 2023-02-12 | 112 |
**Present:** Abhay Menon, Inseo Kim
**Absent:** Hoang Dang, Guransh Khurana, Anshul Ruhil
## Agenda
- Fix the feature (created by Inseo) that does not pass the pipeline
## Notes
- Some tests created by Abhay does not give the expected results
- Some of these tests were erroneous inputs, and the others were unexpected errors
- These unexpected errors have been fixed (view `09fb2b97be7d3d4e8e2a4df9494672d18b2ec29a` and `968346ac53db632f0f38af2c209e22e91d932138`)
## Decisions
- No decisions have been made, code has been fixed to pass the pipeline
## Actions
- Code fixed to pass pipeline
- Feature has been successfully merged to `main` branch