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Commit 09bc5bcb authored by yuba's avatar yuba
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......@@ -393,21 +393,25 @@ plt.ylabel(r'$\nu$', size=15)
######################################-----------------Omega m---------------------------###############################
'''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
M = np.logspace(9, 17, 1000)
omegam = [0.15, 0.3, 0.5]
for el in omegam:
nu1 = nu(M, z=0, om0=el, ol0=1-el)
my_cosmo = {'flat': True, 'H0': 100 * h, 'Om0': el, 'Ode0': 1-el, 'Ob0': omb, 'sigma8': sigma8, 'ns': ns}
cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('my_cosmo', my_cosmo)
nu2 = peaks.peakHeight(M, z=0)
plt.loglog(M, nu1, label='Analytic $\Omega_m$='+str(el))
plt.loglog(M, nu2,'--', label='COLOSSUS')
plt.xlabel('M [$M_\odot/h$]', size=15)
plt.ylabel(r'$\nu$', size=15)
# ######################################-----------------Omega m---------------------------###############################
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# #M = np.logspace(14, 16, 1000)
# M = 1e15
# zs= np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
# omegam = [0.15, 0.3, 0.5]
# for el in omegam:
# nu1 = nu(M, z=zs, om0=el, ol0=1-el)
# my_cosmo = {'flat': True, 'H0': 100 * h, 'Om0': el, 'Ode0': 1-el, 'Ob0': omb, 'sigma8': sigma8, 'ns': ns}
# cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('my_cosmo', my_cosmo)
# nu2 = []
# for z in zs:
# nu2.append(peaks.peakHeight(M, z=z))
# plt.loglog(zs, nu1, label='Analytic $\Omega_m$='+str(el))
# plt.loglog(zs, nu2,'--', label='COLOSSUS')
# plt.xlabel('z', size=15)
# plt.ylabel(r'$\nu$', size=15)
# plt.legend()
'''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
......@@ -788,7 +792,7 @@ for k in range(len(onepluszs)):
plt.savefig('om_s8_n_M'+str(round(np.log10(mt), 2))+'z'+str(round(el-1, 2))+'.png',
bbox_inches ='tight')'''
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
'''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import ticker
params = {'legend.fontsize': 10, 'legend.handlelength': 1}
......@@ -843,7 +847,7 @@ for ax in axs.flat:
plt.savefig('om_s8_n_M'+str(round(np.log10(mt), 2))+'z'+str(round(el-1, 2))+'.png',bbox_inches ='tight', dpi=1100)'''
########################################-----------------sigma8 =const----------------##################################
'''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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