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  • Peter Kriens's avatar
    GUI Improvements (#37) · f68241ce
    Peter Kriens authored
    * [macos] Make pkg instead of dmg since High Sierra screwed the javapackager
    * skip bin/bin_test
    * Markdown
    * - Fixing COPY/PASTE in evaluator
    - Markdown format supported
    - Table output
    * - Table output window that shows a Sig’s fields
    - Improved table output
    	- removed the 0 if the only atom
    	- removed first column name if same as previous line
    * [editor] Double click after text creates core dump
    Did not verify against the text length
    * [editor] Added support for tooltips and navigation
    - F3 now navigates to a declaration if possible
    - Tooltips show the type
    * [extra] Cleanup included docs (need more work)
    * [computer] Made the computer return an actual object instead of the string
    The computer was String compute(String expr). However, make a string is quite easy and sometimes it is better to have the actual
    * [lexer] Added support for HEX and BINARY numbers
    Now can use 0x56 and 0b11101
    Also supports _ in numbers to separate digits
    * [tooltip] If hex or binary numbers are used the tooltip shows the decimal value
    Also fixes an error that a trial was not removed and
    now also looks for Pos in facts of a sig for 
    where the cursor is.
    * [tables] Made the table support nesting
    - Console now shows nested tables
    - Table view shows nested tables
    * [gui] Allow .md files
    * [tables] Better tables
    Still not there but making progress.
    * [macro] Explain/Clause tooltip support
    * [table support] Diverse table support
    * - Added a default command when no commands are defined
    - Made the parser always go through CompUtil, no more direct references to the parser.
    * [bold] Bold test failed
    * [markdown] Changes request by Aleksander
    * Review Aleksander
    Some files have already started new formatting.