Thomas Sibley authoredThomas Sibley authored
NAME RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition - Require core fields and ticket custom fields on status transitions DESCRIPTION This RT extension enforces that certain fields have values before tickets are explicitly moved to or from specified statuses. If you list custom fields which must have a value before a ticket is resolved, those custom fields will automatically show up on the "Resolve" page. The reply/comment won't be allowed until a value is provided. See the configuration example under "INSTALLATION". Supported fields This extension only enforces mandatory-ness on defined status transitions. Basics Currently the following are supported: Content Requires an update message (reply/comment text) before the transition. TimeWorked Requires the ticket has a non-zero amount of Time Worked recorded already or that time worked will be recorded with the current reply/comment in the Worked field on the update page. TimeTaken Requires that the Worked field on the update page is non-zero. A larger set of basic fields may be supported in future releases. If you'd like to see additional fields added, please email your request to the bug address at the bottom of this documentation. Custom fields Ticket custom fields of all types are supported. CAVEATS Custom field validation (*Input must match [Mandatory]*) The custom fields enforced by this extension are validated by the standard RT rules. If you've set Validation patterns for your custom fields, those will be checked before mandatory-ness is checked. Setting a CFs Validation to "(?#Mandatory)." will not magically make it enforced by this extension. Actions menu This extension does not affect "quick actions" (those without an update type) configured in your lifecycle (and appearing in the ticket Actions menu). If you're requiring fields on resolve, for example, and don't want folks to have a "Quick Resolve" button that skips the required fields, adjust your lifecycle config to provide an update type (i.e make it a non-quick action). Quick actions may be supported in a future release. Not all pages where you can change status are supported The ticket Basics page, for example. See "TODO" for others. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make install May need root permissions patch -p1 < 4.0.8-additional-mobile-callbacks-plus-style.diff Run the above in your /opt/rt4 directory to patch RT if on version 4.0.8 or older. Enable and configure this extension Add this line to </opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>: Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition)); or add "RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition" to your existing @Plugins line. Then configure which fields should be mandatory on certain status changes (either globally or in a specific queue) using the %MandatoryOnTransition config option. This option takes the generic form of: Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, 'QueueName' => { 'from -> to' => [ 'BasicField', 'CF.MyField', ], }, ); "from" and "to" are expected to be valid status names. "from" may also be "*" which will apply to any status and also tickets about to be created with status "to". The fallback for queues without specific rules is specified with '*' where the queue name would normally be. Below is an example which requires 1) time worked and filling in a custom field named Resolution before resolving tickets in the Helpdesk queue and 2) a Category selection before resolving tickets in every other queue. Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, Helpdesk => { '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'CF.Resolution'], }, '*' => { '* -> resolved' => 'CF.Category', }, ); The transition syntax is similar to that found in RT's Lifecycles. See "perldoc /opt/rt4/etc/RT_Config.pm". Clear your mason cache rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj Restart your webserver IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS If you're just using this module on your own RT instance, you should stop reading now. You don't need to know about the implementation details unless you're writing a patch against this extension. Package variables @CORE_SUPPORTED The core (basic) fields supported by the extension. Anything else configured but not in this list is stripped. @CORE_TICKET The core (basic) fields which should be called as methods on ticket objects to check for current values. %CORE_FOR_UPDATE A mapping which translates core fields into their form input names. For example, Content is submitted as UpdateContent. All fields must be mapped, even if they are named exactly as listed in @CORE_SUPPORTED. A supported field which doesn't appear in the mapping is skipped, the implication being that it isn't available during update. %CORE_FOR_CREATE A mapping similar to %CORE_FOR_UPDATE but consulted during ticket creation. The same rules and restrictions apply. If you're looking to add support for other core fields, you'll need to push into @CORE_SUPPORTED and possibly @CORE_TICKET. You'll also need to add a pair to %CORE_FOR_UPDATE and/or %CORE_FOR_CREATE. Methods RequiredFields Returns two array refs of required fields for the described status transition. The first is core fields, the second is CF names. Returns empty array refs on error or if nothing is required. Takes a paramhash with the keys Ticket, Queue, From, and To. Ticket should be an object. Queue should be a name. From and To should be statuses. If you specify Ticket, only To is otherwise necessary. If you omit Ticket, From, To, and Queue are all necessary. The first transition found in the order below is used: from -> to * -> to from -> * CheckMandatoryFields Pulls core and custom mandatory fields from the configuration and checks that they have a value set before transitioning to the requested status. Accepts a paramhash of values: ARGSRef => Reference to Mason ARGS Ticket => ticket object being updated Queue => Queue object for the queue in which a new ticket is being created From => Ticket status transitioning from To => Ticket status transitioning to Works for both create, where no ticket exists yet, and update on an existing ticket. ARGSRef is required for both. For create, you must also pass Queue, From, and To. Update requires only Ticket and To since From can be fetched from the ticket object. Config Takes a queue name. Returns a hashref for the given queue (possibly using the fallback rules) which contains keys of transitions and values of arrayrefs of fields. You shouldn't need to use this directly. TODO Enforcement on Create index.html / QuickCreate - Not yet implemented. SelfService - Not yet implemented. Enforcement on other update pages SelfService - can't do it without patches to <form> POST + additional callbacks Basics - need to patch callback for skipping (at least) Jumbo - need to patch callback for skipping (at least) BUGS All bugs should be reported via <http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=RT-Extension-Mandatory OnTransition> or bug-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition@rt.cpan.org. AUTHOR Thomas Sibley <trs@bestpractical.com> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Best Practical Solutions This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991