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Commit 4ea5f955 authored by Christopher Subich's avatar Christopher Subich
Browse files

Makefile adjustments re: sorting, doc case

parent 1e7bcc6d
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......@@ -69,10 +69,12 @@ nonhydro_x: nonhydro_sw.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o Splits.o Par_util.o Spli
derek_x: derek.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o ESolver.o Timestep.o Splits.o Par_util.o Split_reader.o gmres.o gmres_1d_solver.o gmres_2d_solver.o grad.o multigrid.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
cases/%.x: cases/%.o cases/%.src.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o ESolver.o Timestep.o NSIntegrator.o BaseCase.o Science.o Splits.o Par_util.o Split_reader.o gmres.o gmres_1d_solver.o gmres_2d_solver.o grad.o multigrid.o Options.o
cases/%.x: cases/%.o cases/%.src.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o ESolver.o Timestep.o NSIntegrator.o BaseCase.o \
Science.o Splits.o Par_util.o Split_reader.o gmres.o gmres_1d_solver.o gmres_2d_solver.o grad.o multigrid.o Options.o Sorter.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
cases/%_x: cases/%.o cases/%.src.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o ESolver.o Timestep.o NSIntegrator.o BaseCase.o Science.o Splits.o Par_util.o Split_reader.o gmres.o gmres_1d_solver.o gmres_2d_solver.o grad.o multigrid.o Options.o
cases/%_x: cases/%.o cases/%.src.o TArray.o T_util.o Parformer.o ESolver.o Timestep.o NSIntegrator.o BaseCase.o \
Science.o Splits.o Par_util.o Split_reader.o gmres.o gmres_1d_solver.o gmres_2d_solver.o grad.o multigrid.o Options.o Sorter.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)
tests/test%.src.c: tests/test%.cpp CaseFileSource.c
......@@ -348,11 +348,10 @@ namespace Sorter {
// Outside of namespace
using TArrayn::DTArray;
using blitz::Array;
using namespace Sorter;
void sortarray(DTArray const &keys, DTArray const &vals,
void sortarray(Array<double,3> const &keys, Array<double,3> const &vals,
Array<double,3> & sortkeys, Array<double,3> & sortvals,
MPI_Comm c) {
/* Interface to sorting: take input 3D key/value arrays, sort them,
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace Sorter {
// Outside the namespace
void sortarray(TArrayn::DTArray const &keys, TArrayn::DTArray const &values,
void sortarray(blitz::Array<double,3> const &keys, blitz::Array<double,3> const &values,
blitz::Array<double,3> & sortkeys,
blitz::Array<double,3> & sortvals,
/* Kelvin-Helmholtz billows with density sorting for background potential energy
calculations */
// Required headers
#include <blitz/array.h> // Blitz++ array library
#include "../TArray.hpp" // Custom extensions to the library to support FFTs
#include "../NSIntegrator.hpp" // Time-integrator for the Navier-Stokes equations
#include <mpi.h> // MPI parallel library
#include "../BaseCase.hpp" // Support file that contains default implementations of several functions
#include "../Sorter.hpp"
#include "../Science.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace NSIntegrator;
// Tensor variables for indexing
blitz::firstIndex ii;
blitz::secondIndex jj;
blitz::thirdIndex kk;
// Physical constants
const double g = 9.81;
const double rho_0 = 1; // Units of kg / L
// Pysical parameters
const double pertur_k = 2.38434; // Wavelength of most unstable perturbation
const double LENGTH_X = 8*M_PI/pertur_k; // 4 times the most unstable wavelength
const double LENGTH_Z = 1; // depth 1
const double delta_rho = 0.01; // Top to bottom density difference
const double RI = 0.15; // Richardson number at the centre of the picnocline
const double dz_rho = 0.1; // Transition length for rho
const double dz_u = 0.1; // Transition length for u
const double N2_max = g*delta_rho/2/dz_rho; // Maximum N2
const double delta_u = 2*dz_u*sqrt(N2_max/RI); // Top-to-bottom shear
// Numerical parameters
int NZ = 0; // Number of vertical points. Number of horizontal points
int NX = 0; // will be calculated based on this.
const double plot_interval = 5; // Time between field writes
const double final_time = 200.0;
class helmholtz : public BaseCase {
// Coordinate axes
Array<double,1> xx, zz;
// Quadrature weights
Array<double,3> quad3;
// Full, non-perturbation density
Array<double,3> caprho;
// Sorted arrays
Array<double,3> sortrho, sortquad;
// Variables to set the plot sequence number and time of the last writeout
int plot_number; double last_plot;
// Resolution in X, Y (1), and Z
int size_x() const { return NX; }
int size_y() const { return 1; }
int size_z() const { return NZ; }
/* Set periodic in x, free slip in z */
DIMTYPE type_z() const {return FREE_SLIP;}
DIMTYPE type_default() const { return PERIODIC; }
/* The grid size is governed through the #defines above */
double length_x() const { return LENGTH_X; }
double length_y() const { return 1; }
double length_z() const { return LENGTH_Z; }
/* Use one actively-modified tracer */
int numActive() const { return 1; }
// Use 0 viscosity and diffusivity
double get_visco() const { return 0; }
double get_diffusivity(int t_num) const { return 0; }
/* Start at t=0 */
double init_time() const { return 0; }
/* Modify the timestep if necessary in order to land evenly on a plot time */
double check_timestep (double intime, double now) {
// Firstly, the buoyancy frequency provides a timescale that is not
// accounted for with the velocity-based CFL condition.
if (intime > 0.5/sqrt(N2_max)) {
intime = 0.5/sqrt(N2_max);
// Now, calculate how many timesteps remain until the next writeout
double until_plot = last_plot + plot_interval - now;
int steps = ceil(until_plot / intime);
// And calculate where we will actually be after (steps) timesteps
// of the current size
double true_fintime = steps*intime;
// If that's close enough to the real writeout time, that's fine.
if (fabs(until_plot - true_fintime) < 1e-6) {
return intime;
} else {
// Otherwise, square up the timeteps. This will always shrink the timestep.
return (until_plot / steps);
/* Initialize velocities at the start of the run. For this simple
case, initialize all velocities to 0 */
void init_vels(DTArray & u, DTArray & v, DTArray & w) {
u = 0.5*delta_u*tanh((zz(kk)-0.5)/dz_u); // Use the Blitz++ syntax for simple initialization
v = 0; // of an entire (2D or 3D) array with a single line
w = 0; // of code.
// Also, write out the (zero) initial velocities and proper M-file readers
/* Initialze the temperature perturbation to a small value */
void init_tracer(int t_num, DTArray & rhoprime) {
/* We want to write out a grid in order to make plots later,
so let's re-use rhoprime to that end */
// Assign the x-array to the two-dimensional grid
rhoprime = xx(ii) + 0*kk;
write_array(rhoprime,"xgrid"); write_reader(rhoprime,"xgrid",false);
// Assign the z-array to the two-dimensional grid
rhoprime = 0*ii + zz(kk);
write_array(rhoprime,"zgrid"); write_reader(rhoprime,"zgrid",false);
rhoprime = (cos(pertur_k*xx(ii)))* pow(cosh((zz(kk)-0.5)/dz_rho),-2)*
write_array(rhoprime,"rho",0); write_reader(rhoprime,"rho",true);
caprho = rhoprime + 0.5*delta_rho/dz_rho*tanh((zz(kk)-0.5)/dz_rho);
write_array(sortrho,"rhobar",0); write_reader(sortrho,"rhobar",true);
// Forcing in the momentum equations
void vel_forcing(double t, DTArray & u_f, DTArray & v_f, DTArray & w_f,
vector<DTArray *> & tracers) {
u_f = 0; v_f = 0;
w_f = -g*((*tracers[0]))/rho_0;
// Forcing of the perturbation temperature
void tracer_forcing(double t, DTArray & u, DTArray & v,
DTArray & w, vector<DTArray *> & tracers_f) {
/* Since the perturbation temperature is a perturbation, its forcing is
proportional to the background temperature gradient and the w-velocity */
*tracers_f[0] = w(ii,jj,kk)*0.5*delta_rho/dz_rho*pow(cosh((zz(kk)-0.5)/dz_rho),-2);
/* The analysis routines are called at each timestep, since it's
impossible to predict in advance just what will be interesting. For
now, this function will do nothing. */
void analysis(double time, DTArray & u, DTArray & v, DTArray & w,
vector<DTArray *> & tracer, DTArray & pressure) {
/* If it is very close to the plot time, write data fields to disk */
if ((time - last_plot - plot_interval) > -1e-6) {
if (master()) fprintf(stderr,"*");
last_plot = last_plot + plot_interval;
caprho = *tracer[0] + 0.5*delta_rho/dz_rho*tanh((zz(kk)-0.5)/dz_rho);
// Also, calculate and write out useful information: maximum u, w, and t'
double max_u = psmax(max(abs(u)));
double max_w = psmax(max(abs(w)));
double max_t = psmax(max(abs(*tracer[0])));
// Energetics: mean(u^2), mean(w^2), and mean(rho*h)
double usq = pssum(sum(u*u))/(NX*NZ);
double wsq = pssum(sum(w*w))/(NX*NZ);
double rhogh = pssum(sum(*tracer[0]*g*zz(kk)));
if (master()) fprintf(stderr,"%.3f: %.2g %.2g %.2g\n",time,max_u,max_w,max_t);
if (master()) {
FILE * vels_output = fopen("velocity_output.txt","a");
if (vels_output == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open velocity_output.txt for writing\n");
fprintf(vels_output,"%.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g %.16g\n",
xx(split_range(NX)), zz(NZ),
{ // Initialize the local variables
plot_number = 0;
last_plot = 0;
// Create one-dimensional arrays for the coordinates
xx = LENGTH_X*(-0.5 + (ii + 0.5)/NX);
zz = LENGTH_Z*((ii+0.5)/NZ);
// Compute quadrature weights for density-sorting
quad3 = (*get_quad_x())(ii)*(*get_quad_y())(jj)*(*get_quad_z())(kk);
/* The ``main'' routine */
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
/* Initialize MPI. This is required even for single-processor runs,
since the inner routines assume some degree of parallelization,
even if it is trivial. */
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
if (argc > 1) { // Check command line arguments
NZ = atoi(argv[1]); // Read in number of vertical points, if specified
} else {
NZ = 256;
if (master()) {
fprintf(stderr,"Using a grid of %d x %d points\n",NX,NZ);
helmholtz mycode; // Create an instantiated object of the above class
/// Create a flow-evolver that takes its settings from the above class
FluidEvolve<helmholtz> do_helmholtz(&mycode);
// Run to a final time of 1.
MPI_Finalize(); // Cleanly exit MPI
return 0; // End the program
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