1. The ER Model, video and report can be found in the documents folder
2. The video and csv files can be found via this link: https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/personal/agehlan_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fagehlan%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FYelpDatasetCSV&ct=1640286521289&or=OWA%2DNT&cid=5f9aa134%2Dc119%2Da0ff%2D8f06%2D15db54edb813
2. The video and csv files can be found via this [link](https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/personal/agehlan_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fagehlan%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FYelpDatasetCSV&ct=1640286521289&or=OWA%2DNT&cid=5f9aa134%2Dc119%2Da0ff%2D8f06%2D15db54edb813)
3. The relational schema (create tables, data loading, constraints, keys and indexes) can be found in the scripts folder and must be ran inside the scripts folder
4. The client/server application can be found in the app folder. The client is built in the form of html templates
5. Test cases for the application can be found in the app/tests folder