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Login page for links editor

Amy Wang requested to merge feat/authentication into main

The login screen for the LinkTree (LinkList?) editor.


  • The login screen is rendered from ./pages/editor.tsx in the frontend directory
  • Relevant components/context are found in the ./components/Login directory in the frontend directory
  • The components are more or less styled and functional... see notes and TODO below for nitpicky details

Notes: (ie. things that are currently happening that probably need to be changed)

  • Currently, a blank "Editor" component is rendered upon successful login (the component is found at ./components/editor.tsx in the frontend directory)
  • In order to use the LinkTree font (Karla), I directly modified the sans font family in tailwind.config.js - so all the login components are currently styled using font-sans instead of font-<customFontFamily> or something
  • Currently, the login/password is hardcoded - still need to figure out how to hook it up to backend 😅


  • Responsive styling
  • Use backend's auth endpoint instead of hardcoding the password
  • Update the CSC logo in the login header?
Edited by Amy Wang

Merge request reports