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Commit c840ce83 authored by The Great Git Migration's avatar The Great Git Migration Committed by Drupal Git User (LDAP)
Browse files

Removing translation directories

parent b4fbbd3c
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# German translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# backup_migrate.module,v 2008/09/29 03:21:06 ronan
#,v 1.2 2008/03/08 21:29:37 ronan
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Drupal Backup Migrate V6.x-1.x\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-10-28 15:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-11-04 18:39+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Frank Tartler <>\n"
"Language-Team: Frank Tartler <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
#: backup_migrate.module:18;396
msgid "Backup and Migrate"
msgstr "Sichern und Migrieren"
#: backup_migrate.module:19
msgid "Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal site."
msgstr "Datenbank sichern/wiederherstellen oder Daten von einer zu einer anderen Drupal-Website migrieren."
#: backup_migrate.module:26
msgid "Backup/Export DB"
msgstr "Datenbank sichern/exportieren"
#: backup_migrate.module:27
msgid "Backup the database."
msgstr "Datenbank sichern."
#: backup_migrate.module:32
msgid "Restore/Import DB"
msgstr "Datenbank wiederherstellen/importieren"
#: backup_migrate.module:33
msgid "Restore the database from a previous backup"
msgstr "Datenbank von einer früheren Sicherung wiederherstellen"
#: backup_migrate.module:41
msgid "Saved Backups"
msgstr "Gespeicherte Sicherungen"
#: backup_migrate.module:42;66
msgid "View existing backup files"
msgstr "Bestehende Sicherungsdateien anzeigen"
#: backup_migrate.module:49
msgid "Manual Backups"
msgstr "Manuelle Sicherungen"
#: backup_migrate.module:57
msgid "Scheduled Backups"
msgstr "Zeitgesteuerte Sicherungen"
#: backup_migrate.module:65
msgid "Backup Schedule"
msgstr "Sicherungs-Zeitplan"
#: backup_migrate.module:74;126
msgid "restore from backup"
msgstr "von Sicherung wiederherstellen"
#: backup_migrate.module:75
msgid "Restore database from a backup file on the server"
msgstr "Datenbank von einer Sicherungsdatei auf dem Server wiederherstellen"
#: backup_migrate.module:81
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "Datei löschen"
#: backup_migrate.module:82
msgid "Delete a backup file"
msgstr "Eine Sicherungsdatei löschen"
#: backup_migrate.module:148
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup file at %path?"
msgstr "Soll die Sicherungsdatei in %path wirklich gelöscht werden?"
#: backup_migrate.module:148
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:148;935
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: backup_migrate.module:148;329
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: backup_migrate.module:168
msgid "Backup every"
msgstr "Sichern alle"
#: backup_migrate.module:169
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "Stunde(n)"
#: backup_migrate.module:170
msgid "Use 0 for no scheduled backup. Cron must be configured to run for backups to work."
msgstr "0 verwenden um keine zeitgesteuerten Sicherungen zu verwenden. Damit es funktioniert muss Cron konfiguriert sein, Sicherungen laufen zu lassen."
#: backup_migrate.module:175
msgid "Number of Backup files to keep"
msgstr "Anzahl aufzubewahrender Sicherungsdateien"
#: backup_migrate.module:176
msgid "The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to never delete backups"
msgstr "Die Anzahl Sicherungsdateien, die aufbewahrt werden sollen bevor alte gelöscht werden. 0 verwenden damit Sicherungen nie gelöscht werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:197
msgid "Exclude the following tables altogether"
msgstr "Die folgenden Tabellen komplett ausschließen"
#: backup_migrate.module:200
msgid "The selected tables will not be added to the backup file."
msgstr "Die ausgewählten Tabellen werden der Sicherungsdatei nicht hinzugefügt."
#: backup_migrate.module:205
msgid "Exclude the data from the following tables"
msgstr "Daten aus den folgenden Tabellen ausschließen"
#: backup_migrate.module:208
msgid "The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size."
msgstr "Von den ausgewählten Tabellen wird die Struktur, nicht aber der Inhalt gesichert. Dies ist nützlich um Cache-Daten auszuschließen, damit sich die Dateigröße reduziert."
#: backup_migrate.module:212
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Sicherungsdateiname"
#: backup_migrate.module:218
msgid "Replacement patterns"
msgstr "Ersetzungsmuster"
#: backup_migrate.module:222
msgid "Prefer raw-text replacements for text to avoid problems with HTML entities!"
msgstr "Ersetzungen in reinem Text sind vorzuziehen um Probleme mit HTML-Entities zu vermeiden!"
#: backup_migrate.module:242
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Komprimierung"
#: backup_migrate.module:248;863;933
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Herunterladen"
#: backup_migrate.module:251
msgid "Save to Files Directory"
msgstr "In Dateiverzeichnis speichern"
#: backup_migrate.module:255
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Ziel"
#: backup_migrate.module:261
msgid "Append a timestamp."
msgstr "Einen Zeitstempel anhängen"
#: backup_migrate.module:266
msgid "Timestamp format"
msgstr "Zeitstempel-Format"
#: backup_migrate.module:268
msgid "Should be a PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> format string."
msgstr "Sollte eine Zeichenkette im Format der PHP-Funktion <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> sein."
#: backup_migrate.module:272
msgid "Save these settings."
msgstr "Diese Einstellungen speichern."
#: backup_migrate.module:277
msgid "Backup Database"
msgstr "Datenbank sichern"
#: backup_migrate.module:329
msgid "Are you sure you want to restore the database from the backup at %path?"
msgstr "Soll die Datenbank wirklich von der Sicherung in %path wiederhergestellt werden?"
#: backup_migrate.module:329
msgid "This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong>"
msgstr "Dies löscht manche oder alle der Daten und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. <strong>Sicherungen sollten immer auf einem nicht-produktiven Server getestet werden!</strong>"
#: backup_migrate.module:329;934
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
#: backup_migrate.module:347
msgid "Upload a Backup File"
msgstr "Eine Sicherungsdatei hochladen"
#: backup_migrate.module:349
msgid "Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: %size"
msgstr "Lädt eine Sicherungsdatei hoch, die von dieser Version des Moduls erstellt wurde. Für andere Datenbanksicherungen muss zum Import ein anderes Werkzeug verwendet werden. Maximale Dateigröße: %size"
#: backup_migrate.module:354
msgid "<p>This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. If there is a sessions table in the backup file, you and all other currently logged in users will be logged out. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong><p>"
msgstr "<p>Dies löscht manche oder alle der Daten und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Wenn es eine Tabelle ‚Sessions‘ in der Sicherungsdatei gibt, werden Sie und alle anderen momentan angemeldeten Benutzer abgemeldet. <strong>Sicherungen sollen immer auf einem nicht-produktiven Server getestet werden!</strong><p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:359
msgid "Restore Database"
msgstr "Datenbank wiederherstellen"
#: backup_migrate.module:364
msgid "<p>Or you can restore one of the files in the <a href=\"!url\">saved backup directory.</a></p>"
msgstr "<p>Es kann auch eine der Dateien im <a href=\"!url\">Verzeichnis der gespeicherten Sicherungen</a> wiederhergestellt werden.</p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:395;424
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings"
msgstr "Datenbank mit Standardeinstellungen sichern"
#: backup_migrate.module:700
msgid "This version of PHP does not support gzip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed sql backup."
msgstr "Diese PHP-Version unterstützt keine mittels gzip komprimiertern Dateien. Es sollte eine unkomprimierte SQL-Sicherung verwendet werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:725
msgid "Unable to decompress bzip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Bzip-Datei kann nicht dekomprimiert werden. Es sollte mit einer unkomprimieren Sicherung versucht werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:731
msgid "This version of PHP does not support bzip compressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Diese PHP-Version unterstützt keine mittels bzip komprimierten Dateien. Es sollte eine unkomprimierte Sicherung versucht werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:759
msgid "Unable to decompress zip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Zip-Datei konnte nicht dekomprimiert werden. Es sollte eine unkomprimierte Sicherung versucht werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:765
msgid "This version of PHP does not support zip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Diese PHP-Version unterstützt keine mittels zip komprimierte Dateien. Es sollte eine umkomprimierte Sicherung verwendet werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:791
msgid "Restore complete. %num SQL commands executed."
msgstr "Wiederherstellung vollständig. %num SQL-Kommandos ausgeführt."
#: backup_migrate.module:792
msgid "Restore Again..."
msgstr "Erneute Wiederherstellung..."
#: backup_migrate.module:796
msgid "Unable to open file %file to restore database"
msgstr "Datei %file konnte nicht geöffnet werden, um die Datenbank wiederherzustellen."
#: backup_migrate.module:860
msgid "Database backup saved to %file. "
msgstr "Datenbanksicherung gespeichert in %file."
#: backup_migrate.module:864
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Löschen..."
#: backup_migrate.module:865
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr "Wiederherstellen..."
#: backup_migrate.module:1013;1021
msgid "Unable to create or write to the save directory '%directory'. Please check the file permissions on your files directory."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis %directory konnte nicht erstellt werden oder es konnte nicht darin geschrieben werden. Es sollten die Dateiberechtigungen in diesem Verzeichnis überprüft werden."
#: backup_migrate.module:1059
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate was unable to write a test text file to the destination directory %directory, and is therefore unable to check the security of the backup destination. Backups to the server will be disabled until the destination becomes writable and secure."
msgstr "Sicherheitshinweis: ‚Sichern und Migrieren‘ konnte keine Test-Textdatei in das Zielverzeichnis %directory schreiben, daher konnte auch nicht die Sicherheit des Sicherungsziels geprüft werden. Sicherungen auf dem Server werden deaktiviert bis das Ziel schreibbar und sicher wird."
#: backup_migrate.module:1068
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate will not save backup files to the server because the destination directory is publicly accessible. If you want to save files to the server, please secure the '%directory' directory"
msgstr "Sicherheitshinweis: ‚Sichern und Migrieren‘ wird keine Sicherungsdateien auf dem Server speichern, da das Zielverzeichnis öffentlich zugänglich ist. Wenn Dateien auf dem Server gepeichert werden sollen, muss das Verzeichnis %directory sicher werden"
#: backup_migrate.module:157;336;377;546;0
msgid "backup_migrate"
msgstr "backup_migrate"
#: backup_migrate.module:157
msgid "Database backup file deleted: %file"
msgstr "Datenbank-Sicherungsdatei gelöscht: %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:336
msgid "Database restored from %file"
msgstr "Datenbank wiederhergestellt aus %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:377
msgid "Database restored from upload %file"
msgstr "Datenbank wiederhergestellt aus hochgeladener Datei %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:390
msgid "action"
msgstr "Aktion"
#: backup_migrate.module:390
msgid "Backed up database"
msgstr "Datenbank gesichert"
#: backup_migrate.module:546
msgid "Database backup downloaded"
msgstr "Datenbank-Sicherung heruntergeladen"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "perform backup"
msgstr "Sicherung durchführen"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "access backup files"
msgstr "auf Sicherungsdateien zugreifen"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "delete backup files"
msgstr "Sicherungsdateien löschen"
msgid "Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary data."
msgstr "Die Drupal-Datenbank einfach und ohne unnötige Daten sichern und wiederherstellen."
# French translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# backup_migrate.module,v 2008/08/14 01:59:54 ronan
#,v 1.1 2007/11/03 22:49:53 ronan
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-10-01 20:00+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-01 18:31+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jérémy Chatard <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: backup_migrate.module:20;418;447
msgid "Backup and Migrate"
msgstr "Sauvegarder et migrer"
#: backup_migrate.module:21
msgid "Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal site."
msgstr "Sauvegarder/restaurer votre base de données ou migrer les données à partir ou vers un autre site Drupal."
#: backup_migrate.module:29
msgid "Backup/Export DB"
msgstr "Sauvegarder/exporter la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:30
msgid "Backup the database."
msgstr "Sauvegarder la base de données."
#: backup_migrate.module:38
msgid "Restore/Import DB"
msgstr "Restaurer/importer la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:39
msgid "Restore the database from a previous backup"
msgstr "Restaurer la base de données avec une sauvegarde précédente"
#: backup_migrate.module:48
msgid "Saved Backups"
msgstr "Sauvegardes enregitrées"
#: backup_migrate.module:49;76
msgid "View existing backup files"
msgstr "Voir les sauvegardes existantes"
#: backup_migrate.module:57
msgid "Manual Backups"
msgstr "Sauvegardes manuelles"
#: backup_migrate.module:66
msgid "Scheduled Backups"
msgstr "Sauvegardes programmées"
#: backup_migrate.module:75
msgid "Backup Schedule"
msgstr "Sauvegarde planifiée"
#: backup_migrate.module:85
msgid "restore from backup"
msgstr "restaurer depuis une sauvegarde"
#: backup_migrate.module:86
msgid "Restore database from a backup file on the server"
msgstr "Restaurer la base de données depuis un fichier de sauvegarde sur le serveur"
#: backup_migrate.module:93
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "Supprimer le fichier"
#: backup_migrate.module:94
msgid "Delete a backup file"
msgstr "Supprimer une sauvegarde"
#: backup_migrate.module:170
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup file at %path?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le fichier de sauvegarde %path ?"
#: backup_migrate.module:170
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Cette action est irréversible."
#: backup_migrate.module:170
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: backup_migrate.module:170;351
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: backup_migrate.module:179
msgid "Database backup file deleted: %file"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de la base de données supprimée : %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:190
msgid "Backup every"
msgstr "Sauvegarder toutes les "
#: backup_migrate.module:191
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "Heures(s)"
#: backup_migrate.module:192
msgid "Use 0 for no scheduled backup. Cron must be configured to run for backups to work."
msgstr "Utilisez 0 pour ne pas utiliser les sauvegardes planifiées. Le cron doit être configuré pour les sauvegardes planifiées fonctionnent."
#: backup_migrate.module:197
msgid "Number of Backup files to keep"
msgstr "Nombre de sauvegardes à conserver"
#: backup_migrate.module:198
msgid "The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to never delete backups"
msgstr "Le nombre de fichiers de sauvegardes à conserver avant que les anciens soient supprimés. Saisissez 0 pour ne jamais supprimer les sauvegardes."
#: backup_migrate.module:219
msgid "Exclude the following tables altogether"
msgstr "Exclure entièrement toutes les tables suivantes"
#: backup_migrate.module:222
msgid "The selected tables will not be added to the backup file."
msgstr "Les tables sélectionnées ne seront pas ajoutées à la sauvegarde."
#: backup_migrate.module:227
msgid "Exclude the data from the following tables"
msgstr "Exclure les données des tables suivantes"
#: backup_migrate.module:230
msgid "The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size."
msgstr "La structure des tables sélectionnées sera sauvegardée mais pas leur données. C'est utile pour exclure le cache pour réduire la taille."
#: backup_migrate.module:234
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Nom du fichier de sauvegarde"
#: backup_migrate.module:240
msgid "Replacement patterns"
msgstr "Motifs de remplacement"
#: backup_migrate.module:244
msgid "Prefer raw-text replacements for text to avoid problems with HTML entities!"
msgstr "Utilisez du texte brut pour éviter les problèmes dûs aux balises HTML !"
#: backup_migrate.module:264
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compression"
#: backup_migrate.module:270;884
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Téléchargement"
#: backup_migrate.module:273
msgid "Save to Files Directory"
msgstr "Enregistrer dans le répertoire de fichiers"
#: backup_migrate.module:277
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Destination"
#: backup_migrate.module:283
msgid "Append a timestamp."
msgstr "Ajouter un horodatage."
#: backup_migrate.module:288
msgid "Timestamp format"
msgstr "Format de timestamp"
#: backup_migrate.module:290
msgid "Should be a PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> format string."
msgstr "Doit être une chaîne au format PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a>"
#: backup_migrate.module:294
msgid "Save these settings."
msgstr "Enregistrer ces paramètres."
#: backup_migrate.module:299
msgid "Backup Database"
msgstr "Sauvegarder la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:351
msgid "Are you sure you want to restore the database from the backup at %path?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir restaurer le fichier de sauvegarde %path ?"
#: backup_migrate.module:351
msgid "This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong>"
msgstr "Cela supprimera tout ou partie de vos données et ne peut être annulé. <strong>Testeztoujours vos sauvegardes sur des serveurs qui NE SONT PAS en production!</strong>"
#: backup_migrate.module:351
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restaurer"
#: backup_migrate.module:358
msgid "Database restored from %file"
msgstr "Base de données restaurée à partir de %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:369
msgid "Upload a Backup File"
msgstr "Charger un fichier de sauvegarde"
#: backup_migrate.module:371
msgid "Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: %size"
msgstr "Charger un fichier de sauvegarde créé par cette version du module. Pour les autres sauvegardes de la base de données, merci d'utiliser un autre outil pour l'import. Taille maximale du fichier: %size"
#: backup_migrate.module:376
msgid "<p>This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. If there is a sessions table in the backup file, you and all other currently logged in users will be logged out. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong><p>"
msgstr "<p>Cela supprimera tout ou partie de vos données. Cette action ne peut être annulée. <strong>Ne testez jamais vos sauvegardes sur un serveur de production</strong><p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:381
msgid "Restore Database"
msgstr "Restaurer la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:386
msgid "<p>Or you can restore one of the files in the <a href=\"!url\">saved backup directory.</a></p>"
msgstr "<p>Ou vous pouvez restaurer un des fichiers <a href=\"!url\">sauvegardés dans le répertoire de sauvegarde.</a></p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:399
msgid "Database restored from upload %file"
msgstr "Base de données restaurée depuis le fichier téléchargé %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:412
msgid "Backed up database"
msgstr "Base de données sauvegardée"
#: backup_migrate.module:417
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings"
msgstr "Sauvegarder la base de données avec les paramètres par défaut"
#: backup_migrate.module:446
msgid "Backup the database"
msgstr "Sauvegarder la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:448
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings."
msgstr "Sauvegarder la base de données avec les paramètres par défaut"
#: backup_migrate.module:567
msgid "Database backup file"
msgstr "Fichier de sauvegarde de la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:721
msgid "This version of PHP does not support gzip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed sql backup."
msgstr "Cette version de PHP ne supporte pas les fichiers compressés au format gzip. Essayez d'utiliser une sauvegarde non compressée."
#: backup_migrate.module:746
msgid "Unable to decompress bzip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Impossible de décompresser le fichier bzip. Essayez d'utiliser une sauvegarde non compressée."
#: backup_migrate.module:752
msgid "This version of PHP does not support bzip compressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "La version de PHP ne supporte pas la compression des fichiers au format bzip. Veuillez essayer une sauvegarde sans compression."
#: backup_migrate.module:780
msgid "Unable to decompress zip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Impossible de décompresser le fichier zip. Veuillez essayer avec une sauvegarde non compressée."
#: backup_migrate.module:786
msgid "This version of PHP does not support zip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "Cette version de PHP ne supporte pas les fichiers compressés au format zip. Essayez d'utiliser une sauvegarde non compressée."
#: backup_migrate.module:812
msgid "Restore complete. %num SQL commands executed."
msgstr "Restauration complète. %num commandes SQL exécutées."
#: backup_migrate.module:813
msgid "Restore Again..."
msgstr "Restaurer à nouveau..."
#: backup_migrate.module:817
msgid "Unable to open file %file to restore database"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %file pour restaurer la base de données"
#: backup_migrate.module:881
msgid "Database backup saved to %file. "
msgstr "La base a été sauvegardée dans le fichier %file."
#: backup_migrate.module:885
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Supprimer..."
#: backup_migrate.module:886
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr "Restaurer..."
#: backup_migrate.module:1034;1042
msgid "Unable to create or write to the save directory '%directory'. Please check the file permissions on your files directory."
msgstr "Impossible de créer ou écrire dans le répertoire de sauvegarde \"%directory\". Vérifiez les permissions sur les répertoires."
#: backup_migrate.module:1080
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate was unable to write a test text file to the destination directory %directory, and is therefore unable to check the security of the backup destination. Backups to the server will be disabled until the destination becomes writable and secure."
msgstr "Alerte de sécurité : Backup and Mirgate n'a pas été en mesure d'écrire un fichier texte de test dans le répertoire %directory, et est par conséquent incapable de vérifier la sécurité du répertoire de sauvegarde. Les sauvegardes sur le serveur seront désactivées tant que le répertoire de destination ne sera pas disponible en écriture et sécurisé."
#: backup_migrate.module:1090
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate will not save backup files to the server because the destination directory is publicly accessible. If you want to save files to the server, please secure the '%directory' directory"
msgstr "Note de sécurité : \"Backup and Migrate\" n'enregistrera pas de sauvegarde sur le serveur car le répertoire de destination est accessible à tous. Si vous voulez sauvegarder des fichiers sur le serveur, sécurisez d'abord le répertoire \"%directory\"."
#: backup_migrate.module:179;358;399;567;882
msgid "backup_migrate"
msgstr "backup_migrate"
#: backup_migrate.module:412
msgid "action"
msgstr "action"
#: backup_migrate.module:1060
msgid "security"
msgstr "sécurité"
msgid "Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary data."
msgstr "Sauvegarder et migrer la base de données de Drupal rapidement et sans les données inutiles."
# Slovak translation of Backup and Migrate (all releases)
# Copyright (c) 2009 by the Slovak translation team
# Generated from files:
# backup_migrate.module,v 2008/08/14 02:16:59 ronan
#,v 1.2 2008/03/08 21:29:37 ronan
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Backup and Migrate (all releases)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-03 13:39+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-03 13:35+0100\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=((n==1)?(0):(((n>=2)&&(n<=4))?(1):2));\n"
#: backup_migrate.module:1060
msgid "security"
msgstr "bezpečnosť"
#: backup_migrate.module:170,150
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Odstrániť"
#: backup_migrate.module:170,150
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Túto akciu nemožno vrátiť späť."
#: backup_migrate.module:351,170,331,150
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: backup_migrate.module:412,392
msgid "action"
msgstr "akcia"
#: backup_migrate.module:884,270,865,250
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Stiahnuť"
#: backup_migrate.module:240,220
msgid "Replacement patterns"
msgstr "Vzory na zámenu"
#:; backup_migrate.module:447,418,20,398,18
msgid "Backup and Migrate"
msgstr "Záloha a migrácia"
#: backup_migrate.module:21,19
msgid ""
"Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal "
msgstr ""
"Zálohuje/Obnovuje vašu databázu alebo migruje dáta do alebo z inej "
"Drupal stránky."
#: backup_migrate.module:29,26
msgid "Backup/Export DB"
msgstr "Zálohovať/Exportovať DB"
#: backup_migrate.module:30,27
msgid "Backup the database."
msgstr "Zálohovať databázu."
#: backup_migrate.module:38,34
msgid "Restore/Import DB"
msgstr "Obnoviť/Importovať DB"
#: backup_migrate.module:39,35
msgid "Restore the database from a previous backup"
msgstr "Obnoviť databázu z predchádzajúcej zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:48,43
msgid "Saved Backups"
msgstr "Uložené zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:76,49,68,44
msgid "View existing backup files"
msgstr "Zobraziť existujúce súbory zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:57,51
msgid "Manual Backups"
msgstr "Manuálne zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:66,59
msgid "Scheduled Backups"
msgstr "Plánované zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:75,67
msgid "Backup Schedule"
msgstr "Plán zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:139,85,128,76
msgid "restore from backup"
msgstr "obnoviť zo zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:86,77
msgid "Restore database from a backup file on the server"
msgstr "Obnoviť databázu zo súboru zálohy na serveri"
#: backup_migrate.module:93,83
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "Odstrániť súbor"
#: backup_migrate.module:94,84
msgid "Delete a backup file"
msgstr "Odstrániť súbor zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:170,150
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup file at %path?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete odstrániť súbor zálohy v %path?"
#: backup_migrate.module:179,159
msgid "Database backup file deleted: %file"
msgstr "Súbor zálohy databázy odstránený: %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:190,170
msgid "Backup every"
msgstr "Zálohovať každé(ých)"
#: backup_migrate.module:191,171
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "hodiny(hodín)"
#: backup_migrate.module:192,172
msgid ""
"Use 0 for no scheduled backup. Cron must be configured to run for "
"backups to work."
msgstr ""
"Použite 0 pre vypnutie plánovanej zálohy. Cron musí byť zapnutý "
"pre správne fungovanie zálohy."
#: backup_migrate.module:197,177
msgid "Number of Backup files to keep"
msgstr "Počet súborov zálohy, ktoré budú ponechané"
#: backup_migrate.module:198,178
msgid ""
"The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to "
"never delete backups"
msgstr ""
"Počet súborov zálohy, ktoré budú ponechané pri odstraňovaní "
"starých záloh. Použite 0 pre zakázanie odstraňovania starých "
#: backup_migrate.module:219,199
msgid "Exclude the following tables altogether"
msgstr "Vylúčiť nasledujúce tabuľky celkom"
#: backup_migrate.module:222,202
msgid "The selected tables will not be added to the backup file."
msgstr "Označené tabuľky nebudú pridané do súboru zálohy."
#: backup_migrate.module:227,207
msgid "Exclude the data from the following tables"
msgstr "Vylúčiť dáta z nasledujúcich tabuliek"
#: backup_migrate.module:230,210
msgid ""
"The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their "
"contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size."
msgstr ""
"Označené tabuľky budú mať zálohovanú štruktúru, ale nie ich "
"obsah. Toto je užitočné pre vylúčenie cache dát, výsledkoch "
"čoho môže byť zredukovanie veľkosti súboru zálohy."
#: backup_migrate.module:234,214
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Meno súboru zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:244,224
msgid ""
"Prefer raw-text replacements for text to avoid problems with HTML "
msgstr ""
"Uprednostnite jednoduchý text pre vyhnutie sa problémom s HTML "
#: backup_migrate.module:264,244
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Kompresia"
#: backup_migrate.module:273,253
msgid "Save to Files Directory"
msgstr "Uložiť do priečinka 'files'"
#: backup_migrate.module:277,257
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Umiestnenie"
#: backup_migrate.module:283,263
msgid "Append a timestamp."
msgstr "Pripojiť časovú značku"
#: backup_migrate.module:288,268
msgid "Timestamp format"
msgstr "Formát časovej značky"
#: backup_migrate.module:290,270
msgid "Should be a PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> format string."
msgstr ""
"Mal by to byť formátovací reťazec pre PHP funkciu <a "
#: backup_migrate.module:294,274
msgid "Save these settings."
msgstr "Uložiť tieto nastavenia"
#: backup_migrate.module:299,279
msgid "Backup Database"
msgstr "Zálohovať databázu"
#: backup_migrate.module:351,331
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to restore the database from the backup at "
msgstr "Naozaj chcete obnoviť databázu zo zálohy v %path?"
#: backup_migrate.module:351,331
msgid ""
"This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. "
"<strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong>"
msgstr ""
"Táto operácia odstráni niektoré alebo všetky vaše dáta a je "
"nevratná. <strong>Vašu zálohu vždy otestujte na testovacom "
#: backup_migrate.module:351,331
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Obnoviť"
#: backup_migrate.module:358,338
msgid "Database restored from %file"
msgstr "Databáza obnovená z %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:369,349
msgid "Upload a Backup File"
msgstr "Nahrať súbor zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:371,351
msgid ""
"Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other "
"database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: "
msgstr ""
"Nahrať súbor zálohy vytvorený pomocou tejto verzie tohto modulu. "
"Pre iné typy zálohy databázy prosím použite iný nástroj pre "
"import. Maximálna veľkosť súboru: %size"
#: backup_migrate.module:376,356
msgid ""
"<p>This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. If "
"there is a sessions table in the backup file, you and all other "
"currently logged in users will be logged out. <strong>Always test your "
"backups on a non-production server!</strong><p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Táto operácia bude odstraňovať niektoré alebo všetky vaše "
"dáta a je nevratná. Ak sa v súbore zálohy nachádza tabuľka so "
"session reláciami, vy a ostatní aktuálne prihlásení "
"používatelia budete odhlásení.<strong>Vašu zálohu vždy "
"otestujte na testovacom serveri!</strong></p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:381,361
msgid "Restore Database"
msgstr "Obnoviť databázu"
#: backup_migrate.module:386,366
msgid ""
"<p>Or you can restore one of the files in the <a href=\"!url\">saved "
"backup directory.</a></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Alebo môžete obnoviť jeden súbor z <a "
"href=\"%21url\">priečinka záloh.</a></p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:399,379
msgid "Database restored from upload %file"
msgstr "Databáza obnovená z nahratého súboru %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:412,392
msgid "Backed up database"
msgstr "Zálohovaná databáza"
#: backup_migrate.module:417,426,397
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings"
msgstr "Zálohovať databázu s predvolenými nastaveniami"
#: backup_migrate.module:446
msgid "Backup the database"
msgstr "Zálohovať databázu"
#: backup_migrate.module:448
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings."
msgstr "Zálohovať databázu s predvolenými nastaveniami."
#: backup_migrate.module:567
msgid "Database backup file"
msgstr "Súbor zálohy databázy"
#: backup_migrate.module:721,702
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support gzip comressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed sql backup."
msgstr ""
"Táto verzia PHP nepodporuje gzip kompresiu súborov. Prosím pokúste "
"sa použiť nekomprimovanú sql zálohu."
#: backup_migrate.module:746,727
msgid ""
"Unable to decompress bzip file. Please try using an uncompressed "
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa dekomprimovať bzip súbor. Prosím pokúste sa použiť "
"nekomprimovanú zálohu."
#: backup_migrate.module:752,733
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support bzip compressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr ""
"Táto verzia PHP nepodporuje bzip kompresiu súborov. Prosím pokúste "
"sa použiť nekomprimovanú zálohu."
#: backup_migrate.module:780,761
msgid ""
"Unable to decompress zip file. Please try using an uncompressed "
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa dekomprimovať zip súbor. Prosím pokúste sa použiť "
"nekomprimovanú zálohu."
#: backup_migrate.module:786,767
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support zip comressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr ""
"Táto verzia PHP nepodporuje zip kompresiu súborov. Prosím pokúste "
"sa použiť nekomprimovanú zálohu."
#: backup_migrate.module:812,793
msgid "Restore complete. %num SQL commands executed."
msgstr "Obnova ukončená. Vykonaných %num SQL príkazov."
#: backup_migrate.module:813,794
msgid "Restore Again..."
msgstr "Obnoviť znova..."
#: backup_migrate.module:817,798
msgid "Unable to open file %file to restore database"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť súbor %file pre obnovu databázy"
#: backup_migrate.module:881,862
msgid "Database backup saved to %file. "
msgstr "Záloha databázy uložená do %file. "
#: backup_migrate.module:885,866
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Odstrániť..."
#: backup_migrate.module:886,867
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr "Obnoviť..."
#: backup_migrate.module:1042,1034,1023,1015
msgid ""
"Unable to create or write to the save directory '%directory'. Please "
"check the file permissions on your files directory."
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť alebo zapísať do priečinka '%directory'. "
"Prosím skontrolujte oprávnenia priečinka 'files'."
#: backup_migrate.module:1080,1061
msgid ""
"Security notice: Backup and Migrate was unable to write a test text "
"file to the destination directory %directory, and is therefore unable "
"to check the security of the backup destination. Backups to the server "
"will be disabled until the destination becomes writable and secure."
msgstr ""
"Bezpečnostné upozornenie: Backup and Migrate nemohol zapísať "
"testovací textový súbor do cieľového priečinka %directory a je "
"preto nemožné skontrolovať bezpečnosť cieľového priečinka "
"zálohy. Zálohy na server budú vypnuté pokiaľ nebude cieľový "
"priečinok zapisovateľný a bezpečný."
#: backup_migrate.module:1090,1071
msgid ""
"Security notice: Backup and Migrate will not save backup files to the "
"server because the destination directory is publicly accessible. If "
"you want to save files to the server, please secure the '%directory' "
msgstr ""
"Bezpečnostné upozornenie: Backup and Migrate nebude ukladať súbory "
"zálohy na server, pretože cieľový priečinok je verejne "
"prístupný. Ak chcete uložiť súbory na server prosím zabezpečte "
"priečinok '%directory'"
#: backup_migrate.module:882,567,399,358,179,0,548,379,338,159
msgid "backup_migrate"
msgstr "backup_migrate"
#: backup_migrate.module:139,128
msgid "perform backup"
msgstr "vykonať zálohu"
#: backup_migrate.module:139,128
msgid "access backup files"
msgstr "prístup k súborom zálohy"
#: backup_migrate.module:139,128
msgid "delete backup files"
msgstr "odstrániť súbory zálohy"
msgid ""
"Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary "
msgstr ""
"Záloha alebo migrácia Drupal databázy rýchlo a bez nepotrebných "
# Hungarian translation of Backup and Migrate (6.x-1.2)
# Copyright (c) 2010 by the Hungarian translation team
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Backup and Migrate (6.x-1.2)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-08 11:39+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-08 11:29+0000\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Törlés"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Mégsem"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Letöltés"
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "A művelet nem vonható vissza."
msgid "action"
msgstr "akció"
msgid "security"
msgstr "biztonság"
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Cél"
msgid "Replacement patterns"
msgstr "Helyettesítési minták"
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "Fájl törlése"
msgid "Zip"
msgstr "Zip"
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Visszaállítás"
msgid ""
"Prefer raw-text replacements for text to avoid problems with HTML "
msgstr ""
"A HTML entitás problémák miatt a szövegben a „raw-text” "
"helyettesítők részesülnek előnyben!"
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "Óra"
msgid "Backup and Migrate"
msgstr "Backup and Migrate"
msgid ""
"Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal "
msgstr ""
"Adatbázis mentése / visszaállítása, vagy az adatok "
"költöztetése egy másik Drupal webhelyre vagy webhelyről."
msgid "Backup/Export DB"
msgstr "Adatbázis mentés / export"
msgid "Backup the database."
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentése."
msgid "Restore/Import DB"
msgstr "Adatbázis visszaállítás / import"
msgid "Restore the database from a previous backup"
msgstr "Az adatbázis visszaállítása egy korábbi mentésből."
msgid "Saved Backups"
msgstr "Tárolt mentések"
msgid "View existing backup files"
msgstr "Létező mentési fájlok megtekintése"
msgid "Manual Backups"
msgstr "Kézi mentések"
msgid "Scheduled Backups"
msgstr "Időzített mentések"
msgid "Backup Schedule"
msgstr "Mentés időzítése"
msgid "restore from backup"
msgstr "visszaállítás mentésből"
msgid "Restore database from a backup file on the server"
msgstr ""
"Az adatbázis visszaállítása a kiszolgálón található egyik "
"mentési fájlból"
msgid "Delete a backup file"
msgstr "Egy mentési fájl törlése"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup file at %path?"
msgstr "%path útvonalon található mentésfájl biztosan törölhető?"
msgid "Backup every"
msgstr "Mentés gyakorisága"
msgid ""
"Use 0 for no scheduled backup. Cron must be configured to run for "
"backups to work."
msgstr ""
"A 0 használatával nincs időzített mentés. A mentések "
"működéséhez be kell állítani az időzített feladatok futását."
msgid "Number of Backup files to keep"
msgstr "A megtartott mentések száma"
msgid ""
"The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to "
"never delete backups"
msgstr ""
"A megtartott mentések száma, mielőtt a régiek törlésre "
"kerülnek. A 0 használatával soha nem törli a mentéseket."
msgid "Exclude the following tables altogether"
msgstr "A következő táblák együttes kizárása"
msgid "The selected tables will not be added to the backup file."
msgstr "A kiválasztott táblák nem lesznek hozzáadva a mentési fájlhoz."
msgid "Exclude the data from the following tables"
msgstr "A következő táblák adatainak kizárása"
msgid ""
"The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their "
"contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size."
msgstr ""
"A kiválasztott táblák szerkezete el lesz mentve, de a tartalma nem. "
"A fájlméret csökkentésére használható a gyorstár adatok "
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "Mentési fájl neve"
msgid "No Compression"
msgstr "Nincs tömörítés"
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
msgid "BZip"
msgstr "BZip"
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Tömörítés"
msgid "Save to Files Directory"
msgstr "Mentés a fájlrendszer könyvtárába"
msgid "Append a timestamp."
msgstr "Időbélyeg hozzáfűzése."
msgid "Timestamp format"
msgstr "Időbélyeg formátuma"
msgid "Should be a PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> format string."
msgstr ""
"Egy PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> formátumú kifejezésnek kell "
msgid "Save these settings."
msgstr "Beállítások mentése."
msgid "Backup Database"
msgstr "Adatbázis mentése"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to restore the database from the backup at "
msgstr ""
"%path útvonalon található mentésből biztosan visszaállítható "
"az adatbázis?"
msgid ""
"This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. "
"<strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong>"
msgstr ""
"Ez néhány vagy minden adatot törölni fog és nem vonható vissza. "
"<strong>A mentést mindig le kell ellenőrizni egy nem éles "
msgid "Upload a Backup File"
msgstr "Egy mentési fájl feltöltése"
msgid ""
"Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other "
"database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: "
msgstr ""
"A modulnak ezzel a változatával létrehozott mentés feltöltése. "
"Más adatbázis mentések importálásához másik eszközt kell "
"használni. Legnagyobb fájlméret: %size"
msgid ""
"<p>This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. If "
"there is a sessions table in the backup file, you and all other "
"currently logged in users will be logged out. <strong>Always test your "
"backups on a non-production server!</strong></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ez törölni fog néhány, vagy az összes adatot és nem vonható "
"vissza. Ha van munkafolyamat tábla a mentési fájlban, akkor minden "
"bejelentkezett felhasználó ki lesz léptetve. <strong>A mentéseket "
"mindig ki kell próbálni egy nem éles kiszolgálón!</strong></p>"
msgid "Restore Database"
msgstr "Adatbázis visszaállítása"
msgid ""
"<p>Or you can restore one of the files in the <a href=\"!url\">saved "
"backup directory.</a></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Vagy vissza lehet állítani a <a href=\"!url\">tárolt mentések "
"könyvtárából</a> az egyik fájlt.</p>"
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings"
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentése az alapértelmezés szerinti beállításokkal"
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support gzip comressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed sql backup."
msgstr ""
"A PHP jelenlegi változata nem támogatja a gzip-el tömörített "
"fájlokat. Egy nem tömörített mentést kell használni."
msgid ""
"Unable to decompress bzip file. Please try using an uncompressed "
msgstr ""
"Nem lehet kitömöríteni a bzip fájlt. Egy tömörítetlen mentést "
"kell használni."
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support bzip compressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr ""
"A PHP jelenlegi változata nem támogatja a bzip-el tömörített "
"fájlokat. Egy nem tömörített mentést kell használni."
msgid ""
"Unable to decompress zip file. Please try using an uncompressed "
msgstr ""
"Nem lehet kitömöríteni a zip fájlt. Egy tömörítetlen mentést "
"kell használni."
msgid ""
"This version of PHP does not support zip comressed files. Please try "
"using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr ""
"A PHP jelenlegi változata nem támogatja a zip-el tömörített "
"fájlokat. Egy nem tömörített mentést kell használni."
msgid "Restore complete. %num SQL commands executed."
msgstr "A visszaállítás kész. %num SQL parancs lett végrehajtva."
msgid "Restore Again..."
msgstr "Visszaállítás ismét..."
msgid "Unable to open file %file to restore database"
msgstr "%file fájlt nem lehet megnyitni az adatbázis visszaállításához"
msgid "Database backup saved to %file. "
msgstr "%file fájlba az adatbázis mentése el lett mentve. "
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Törlés..."
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr "Visszaállítás..."
msgid ""
"Unable to create or write to the save directory '%directory'. Please "
"check the file permissions on your files directory."
msgstr ""
"„%directory” mentési könyvtárat nem lehet létrehozni vagy "
"írni. Ellenőrizni kell a fájlrendszer jogosultságait."
msgid ""
"Security notice: Backup and Migrate was unable to write a test text "
"file to the destination directory %directory, and is therefore unable "
"to check the security of the backup destination. Backups to the server "
"will be disabled until the destination becomes writable and secure."
msgstr ""
"Biztonsági figyelmeztetés: A <em>Backup and Migrate</em> modul nem "
"tudja írni a teszt szövegfájlt a %directory könyvtárba, ezért "
"nem tudja ellenőrizni a mentési cél biztonságát. A kiszolgáló "
"mentései le lesznek tiltva, amíg a cél nem írható és nem "
msgid ""
"Security notice: Backup and Migrate will not save backup files to the "
"server because the destination directory is publicly accessible. If "
"you want to save files to the server, please secure the '%directory' "
msgstr ""
"Biztonsági figyelmeztetés: A <em>Backup and Migrate</em> modul nem "
"fogja elmenteni a mentési fájlokat a kiszolgálóra, mert a "
"célkönyvtár nyilvánosan elérhető. Ha menteni kell a fájlokat a "
"kiszolgálóra, akkor védetté kell tenni a „%directory” "
msgid "backup_migrate"
msgstr "backup_migrate"
msgid "Database backup file deleted: %file"
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentési fájl törölve lett: %file"
msgid "Database restored from %file"
msgstr "%file fájlból az adatbázis vissza lett állítva"
msgid "Database restored from upload %file"
msgstr "%file feltöltött fájlból az adatbázis vissza lett állítva"
msgid "Backed up database"
msgstr "Mentett adatbázis"
msgid "Database backup downloaded"
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentése le lett töltve"
msgid "perform backup"
msgstr "mentés végrehajtása"
msgid "access backup files"
msgstr "mentési fájlok elérése"
msgid "delete backup files"
msgstr "mentési fájlok törlése"
msgid ""
"Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary "
msgstr ""
"A Drupal adatbázis gyors mentése vagy költöztetése a "
"szükségtelen adatok nélkül."
msgid "Backup the database"
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentése"
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings."
msgstr "Az adatbázis mentése az alapértelmezés szerinti beállításokkal."
msgid "Database backup file"
msgstr "Adatbázismentési fájl"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Japanese translation of Drupal (modules-backup_migrate)
# Copyright (c) 2008 Drupal Japan ( ) /
# Takafumi ( jp.drupal@imagine **reverse order**)
# Generated from file:
# backup_migrate.module,v 2008/09/29 03:21:06 ronan
#,v 1.2 2008/03/08 21:29:37 ronan
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-30 18:59+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Takafumi <jp.drupal@imagine **reverse order**>\n"
"Language-Team: Drupal Japan\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: backup_migrate.module:18;396
msgid "Backup and Migrate"
msgstr "バックアップと移動"
#: backup_migrate.module:19
msgid "Backup/restore your database or migrate data to or from another Drupal site."
msgstr "データベースのバックアップと復元や、別のDrupalサイト間とのデータの移動を行います。"
#: backup_migrate.module:26
msgid "Backup/Export DB"
msgstr "DBのバックアップ/エクスポート"
#: backup_migrate.module:27
msgid "Backup the database."
msgstr "データベースをバックアップします。"
#: backup_migrate.module:32
msgid "Restore/Import DB"
msgstr "DBの復元/インポート"
#: backup_migrate.module:33
msgid "Restore the database from a previous backup"
msgstr "以前のバックアップからデータベースを復元します。"
#: backup_migrate.module:41
msgid "Saved Backups"
msgstr "保存済みバックアップ"
#: backup_migrate.module:42;66
msgid "View existing backup files"
msgstr "既存のバックアップファイルを表示します。"
#: backup_migrate.module:49
msgid "Manual Backups"
msgstr "手動バックアップ"
#: backup_migrate.module:57
msgid "Scheduled Backups"
msgstr "定期的なバックアップ"
#: backup_migrate.module:65
msgid "Backup Schedule"
msgstr "バックアップのスケジュール"
#: backup_migrate.module:74;126
msgid "restore from backup"
msgstr "バックアップからの復元"
#: backup_migrate.module:75
msgid "Restore database from a backup file on the server"
msgstr "サーバ上のバックアップファイルからデータベースを復元します。"
#: backup_migrate.module:81
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "ファイルの削除"
#: backup_migrate.module:82
msgid "Delete a backup file"
msgstr "バックアップファイルを削除します。"
#: backup_migrate.module:148
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup file at %path?"
msgstr "本当に、%path のバックアップファイルを削除してもよろしいですか?"
#: backup_migrate.module:148
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "この操作は元に戻すことができませんので、十分に注意して実行してください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:148;935
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "削除"
#: backup_migrate.module:148;329
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
#: backup_migrate.module:168
msgid "Backup every"
msgstr "バックアップ間隔"
#: backup_migrate.module:169
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "時間"
#: backup_migrate.module:170
msgid "Use 0 for no scheduled backup. Cron must be configured to run for backups to work."
msgstr "定期バックアップを行わない場合は 0 を入力します。 バックアップを作動させるには、cron が実行されるように設定されている必要があります。"
#: backup_migrate.module:175
msgid "Number of Backup files to keep"
msgstr "保存するバックアップファイル数"
#: backup_migrate.module:176
msgid "The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones. Use 0 to never delete backups"
msgstr "古いものを削除するまで保存しておくバックアップファイル数を入力します。 0 を入力すると、バックアップは削除されません。"
#: backup_migrate.module:197
msgid "Exclude the following tables altogether"
msgstr "以下のテーブル全体を除外"
#: backup_migrate.module:200
msgid "The selected tables will not be added to the backup file."
msgstr "バックアップファイルに追加しないテーブルを指定します。"
#: backup_migrate.module:205
msgid "Exclude the data from the following tables"
msgstr "以下のテーブルのデータを除外"
#: backup_migrate.module:208
msgid "The selected tables will have their structure backed up but not their contents. This is useful for excluding cache data to reduce file size."
msgstr "内容を除外し、構造のみをバックアップするテーブルを指定します。 これはファイルサイズを減らすために、キャッシュデータを除外するのに役立ちます。"
#: backup_migrate.module:212
msgid "Backup file name"
msgstr "バックアップファイル名"
#: backup_migrate.module:218
msgid "Replacement patterns"
msgstr "置換パターン"
#: backup_migrate.module:222
msgid "Prefer raw-text replacements for text to avoid problems with HTML entities!"
msgstr "HTML 要素での問題を回避するため、プレーンテキストで置き換えてください!"
#: backup_migrate.module:242
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "圧縮"
#: backup_migrate.module:248;863;933
msgid "Download"
msgstr "ダウンロード"
#: backup_migrate.module:251
msgid "Save to Files Directory"
msgstr "ファイルディレクトリへ保存"
# 他のモジュールでも利用される場合は再検討
#: backup_migrate.module:255
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "保存先"
#: backup_migrate.module:261
msgid "Append a timestamp."
msgstr "タイムスタンプを付加"
#: backup_migrate.module:266
msgid "Timestamp format"
msgstr "タイムスタンプの書式"
#: backup_migrate.module:268
msgid "Should be a PHP <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> format string."
msgstr "PHP の <a href=\"!url\">date()</a> 関数で使用する書式文字列である必要があります。"
#: backup_migrate.module:272
msgid "Save these settings."
msgstr "これらの設定を保存"
#: backup_migrate.module:277
msgid "Backup Database"
msgstr "データベースをバックアップ"
#: backup_migrate.module:329
msgid "Are you sure you want to restore the database from the backup at %path?"
msgstr "本当に、%path のバックアップからデータベースを復元してもよろしいですか?"
#: backup_migrate.module:329
msgid "This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong>"
msgstr "これはデータの一部、あるいはすべてを削除し、元に戻すことはできません。 <strong>常に、実稼働ではないサーバでバックアップをテストしてください!</strong>"
#: backup_migrate.module:329;934
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "復元"
#: backup_migrate.module:347
msgid "Upload a Backup File"
msgstr "バックアップファイルのアップロード"
#: backup_migrate.module:349
msgid "Upload a backup file created by this version of this module. For other database backups please use another tool for import. Max file size: %size"
msgstr "このモジュールの、このバージョンで作成されたバックアップファイルをアップロードします。 他のデータベースバックアップには、インポートに別のツールを使用してください。 最大ファイルサイズ: %size"
#: backup_migrate.module:354
msgid "<p>This will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. If there is a sessions table in the backup file, you and all other currently logged in users will be logged out. <strong>Always test your backups on a non-production server!</strong><p>"
msgstr "<p>これはデータの一部、あるいはすべてを削除し、元に戻すことはできません。 バックアップファイルに "sessions" テーブルがある場合、あなたを含めたすべてのログイン中ユーザはログアウトさせられます。<br /><strong>常に、実稼働ではないサーバでバックアップをテストしてください!</strong></p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:359
msgid "Restore Database"
msgstr "データベースの復元"
#: backup_migrate.module:364
msgid "<p>Or you can restore one of the files in the <a href=\"!url\">saved backup directory.</a></p>"
msgstr "<p>または、<a href=\"!url\">保存済みバックアップのディレクトリ</a>のファイルから復元することもできます。</p>"
#: backup_migrate.module:395;424
msgid "Backup the database with the default settings"
msgstr "デフォルト設定でデータベースをバックアップする"
#: backup_migrate.module:700
msgid "This version of PHP does not support gzip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed sql backup."
msgstr "このバージョンの PHP では gzip 圧縮をサポートしていません。 無圧縮の sql バックアップを使用してみてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:725
msgid "Unable to decompress bzip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "bzip ファイルの展開ができません。 無圧縮のバックアップを使用してみてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:731
msgid "This version of PHP does not support bzip compressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "このバージョンの PHP では bzip 圧縮をサポートしていません。 無圧縮のバックアップを使用してみてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:759
msgid "Unable to decompress zip file. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "zip ファイルの展開ができません。 無圧縮のバックアップを使用してみてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:765
msgid "This version of PHP does not support zip comressed files. Please try using an uncompressed backup."
msgstr "このバージョンの PHP では zip 圧縮をサポートしていません。 無圧縮のバックアップを使用してみてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:791
msgid "Restore complete. %num SQL commands executed."
msgstr "復元が完了しました。 %num の SQL コマンドが実行されました。"
#: backup_migrate.module:792
msgid "Restore Again..."
msgstr "再度復元..."
#: backup_migrate.module:796
msgid "Unable to open file %file to restore database"
msgstr "データベースを復元するためのファイル %file を開くことができません"
#: backup_migrate.module:860
msgid "Database backup saved to %file. "
msgstr "データベースのバックアップが %file へ保存されました。 "
#: backup_migrate.module:864
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "削除..."
#: backup_migrate.module:865
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr "復元..."
#: backup_migrate.module:1013;1021
msgid "Unable to create or write to the save directory '%directory'. Please check the file permissions on your files directory."
msgstr "保存ディレクトリ '%directory' への作成または書き込みができません。 files ディレクトリのファイルパーミッションを確認してください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:1059
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate was unable to write a test text file to the destination directory %directory, and is therefore unable to check the security of the backup destination. Backups to the server will be disabled until the destination becomes writable and secure."
msgstr "セキュリティ通知: Backup and Migrate は、保存先ディレクトリ %directory にテストテキストファイルを書き込むことができず、そのためバックアップ保存先のセキュリティを確認できませんでした。 保存先が書き込み可能で、安全となるまで、サーバへのバックアップは使用不可能となります。"
#: backup_migrate.module:1068
msgid "Security notice: Backup and Migrate will not save backup files to the server because the destination directory is publicly accessible. If you want to save files to the server, please secure the '%directory' directory"
msgstr "セキュリティ通知: Backup and Migrateは、保存先ディレクトリにパブリックアクセスが可能なため、サーバへのバックアップファイルの保存は行いません。 サーバへファイルを保存したい場合は、'%directory' ディレクトリを安全にしてください。"
#: backup_migrate.module:157;336;377;546;0
msgid "backup_migrate"
msgstr "backup_migrate"
#: backup_migrate.module:157
msgid "Database backup file deleted: %file"
msgstr "データベースのバックアップファイルが削除されました: %file"
#: backup_migrate.module:336
msgid "Database restored from %file"
msgstr "%file からデータベースが復元されました"
#: backup_migrate.module:377
msgid "Database restored from upload %file"
msgstr "アップロードされた %file からデータベースが復元されました"
#: backup_migrate.module:390
msgid "action"
msgstr "アクション"
#: backup_migrate.module:390
msgid "Backed up database"
msgstr "データベースがバックアップされました"
#: backup_migrate.module:546
msgid "Database backup downloaded"
msgstr "データベースのバックアップがダウンロードされました"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "perform backup"
msgstr "バックアップの実行"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "access backup files"
msgstr "バックアップファイルへのアクセス"
#: backup_migrate.module:126
msgid "delete backup files"
msgstr "バックアップファイルの削除"
msgid "Backup or migrate the Drupal Database quickly and without unnecessary data."
msgstr "素早く、不要なデータなしで、Drupalデータベースのバックアップや移動をできるようにします。"
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