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 **Bibliography & Citation module is under active development. It is not ready for use on production sites and and breaking changes are possible until Beta**
 At the current moment implemented basic features are render, export and import. Here is a list of modules included in the project and their features, that are already implemented:
 **Bibliography & Citation**
 It is a core module that provides API for a render of bibliography citation. The library we used is from official CSL style repository with over 8000 styles. Those styles are available without charge under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) license.
 **Bibliography & Citation - Entity**
 Implements storage for bibliographic data as Drupal entities: Reference, Contributor and Keyword. Reference entity can be rendered as citations, exported and imported.
 **Bibliography & Citation - Export** 
 Provides the possibility to export bibliographic content. Adds export links to citations (configurable)
 **Bibliography & Citation - Import** 
 Provides import feature and UI for import from files.

 Provides possibility to use BibTeX format for import and export.

 **Bibliography & Citation - Endnote**
  Provides possibility to use EndNote 7 XML, EndNote X3 XML and EndNote Tagged formats for import and export.

 **Bibliography & Citation - Marc**
 Provides possibility to use MARC format for import and export.

 **Bibliography & Citation - RIS**
 Provides possibility to use RIS format for import and export.

 * For a full description of the module, visit the project page:

 * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:

This module requires the following modules:

 * [Entity API]( - required by the **Bibliography & Citation - Entity**.
 * [Token]( - required by the **Bibliography & Citation - Entity**.
This module requires the following libraries:

 * "academicpuma/citeproc-php": "~1.0",
 * "audiolabs/bibtexparser": "dev-master",
 * "caseyamcl/php-marc21": "~1.0"

 Some of these libraries are required by submodules which provide additional formats for import and export.


 * [Bibliography & Citation - Migrate](  
   Allows to migrate your bibliographic data from the Bibliography (biblio) module.

 * [Bibliography & Citation - Crossref](  
   Provides DOI lookup functionality.

 * [Bibliography & Citation - PubMed](  
   Provides PubMed import and lookup functionality.

 * [Bibliography & Citation - Altmetric](  
   Adds [Altmetric]( badges to reference entities.

 * [Metatag Google Scholar](  
   Provides number of meta tags to help with indexing of scholarly
   content/articles in [Google Scholar](


 * If you [manage your site dependencies via Composer](
   then the module's dependencies will be installed automatically once the module itself is installed
   via Composer.

 * In case you manage your site dependencies manually or via Drush, install
   [Entity API]( and [Token]( modules.
   Then install required libraries via
   `composer require academicpuma/citeproc-php:~1.0 adci/full-name-parser:^0.2.4 technosophos/libris:~2.0 audiolabs/bibtexparser:dev-master caseyamcl/php-marc21:~1.0`
   You can find a bit more info about Composer [here](

 * Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See:
   for further information.


Current maintainers:
 * Anton Shubkin (antongp) -
 * adci_contributor -
This project has been sponsored by [ADCI Solutions](