Charts ====== The Charts module provides a unified format to build any kind of chart with any chart provider. Each chart solution found on internet, such as Google Charts or Highcharts, has a specific data scheme. Its very hard and even impossible to build a unique chart data scheme that would be used in more that one chart provider. Or users get bound to a solution forever. Or they have to rewrite all exported data again. That's why Charts is so great. It uses a standard data scheme to describe charts data, and through filters, it automatically converts to each solution. You can change to another solution at anytime. The Chart schema is very similar to Drupal's Form API schema. Chart Providers --------------- Out of the Box, you will be able to use 3 chart solutions. Each of them has particular advantages and disadvantages. * C3: This library is a D3-based reusable chart library makes it easy to generate D3-based charts by wrapping the code required to construct the entire chart. You don't need to write D3 code any more. * Google Charts: This library does not require any external downloads. It generates interactive charts using SVG and VML. * Highcharts: This library is one of the premier solutions for generating charts. Although it is very powerful and aesthetically pleasing with smooth animations, it requires a commercial license. It's free for non-commercial use. See Installing Libraries --------------------- The 8.x version of Charts is designed to be used with Composer. After you enable a sub-module (charts_c3, charts_google, or charts_highcharts), you need to download the library. Here's how I would do it for C3 (starting in my Drupal root directory: cd modules/charts/modules/charts_c3 composer install This will set up the following directory structure within your charts_c3 directory: vendor - cthree - css - c3.min.css - c3.min.js - dthree - d3.v3.min.js There are numerous tutorials on and elsewhere on the web if you are looking for more information about how to use Composer with Drupal 8. Creating Charts in the UI ------------------------- This module provides a configuration page at admin/config/content/charts. You may set site-wide defaults on this page (for example set the default color scheme). In order to actually create a chart through the UI, you'll need to use Views module. - Create a new view: Visit admin/structure/views/add and select the display format of "Chart" for your new page or block. - Add a label field: Under the "Fields" section, add a field you would like to be used as labels along one axis of the chart (or slices of the pie). - Add data fields: Now a second field that will be used to determine the data values. If you are visualizing an Event content type, this field might be field_number_attendees. The label you give this field will be used in the chart's legend to represent this series. Do this again for each different quantity you would like to chart. Note that some charts (e.g. Pie) only support a single data column. - Configure the chart display: Click on the "Settings" link in the Format section to configure the chart. Select your chart type. Some options may not be available to all chart types and will be adjusted based on the type selected. - Save your view. Tip: You may find it easier to start with a "Table" display and convert it to a chart display after setting up the data. It can be easier to visualize what the result of the chart will be if it's been laid out in a table first. Creating Multiple Series and Combo Charts in the UI --------------------------------------------------- A major difference between the Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 versions of this module is that the Drupal 8 module uses a Chart Attachment plugin for creating a separate chart series that can be attached to a parent display. As of the -alpha release, there is a lot of work needed here. The following are identified questions/issues, which we would like your help with: 1) Is a Chart Attachment (previously Chart Add-on) display still needed with the improvements made to the module in Drupal 8? 2) Todo: determine how to respect the "Create Secondary Axis" option on the Chart Attachment 3) Todo: determine how to respect the selection of a different chart type (for example, the display could be a bar graph and the attachment could be a line graph) Support ------- For bug reports and feature requests please use the issue tracker: We welcome your support in improving code documentation, tests, and providing example use-cases not addressed by the existing module. If you are interested in creating your own sub-module for a library not currently supported (for example, Flot), please contact @andileco