Charts ====== Charts module provides a unified format to build any kind of chart with any chart provider. Each chart solution found on internet, like Google Charts and Highcharts, have a specific data scheme. Its very hard and even impossible to build a unique chart data that would be used in more that one chart provider. Or users get binded to a solution forever or they have to rewrite all exported data again. Thats why Charts is so great. It uses a standard data scheme do describe charts data and thru filters, it converts automatically to each solution. You might change to another solution at anytime. The Chart schema is very similiar to Drupal's Form API schema. Chart Providers --------------- Out of the Box, you will be able to use 2 chart solutions. Which one of them has particular advantages and disadvantages. * Google Charts: This library does not require any external downloads. It generates interactive charts using SVG and VML. * Highcharts: This library is one of the premier solutions for generating charts. Although it is very powerful and aesthetically pleasing with smooth animations, it requires a commercial license. It's free for non-commercial use. See Installing Highcharts --------------------- If you decide to use the Highcharts library, you'll need to first install the Libraries module for Drupal: Then you'll need to download Highcharts and place it in sites/all/libraries directory. The highcharts.js file should be located at: sites/all/libraries/highcharts/js/highcharts.js. You will also need to remove a directory called "exporting-server" within the Highcharts download. This directory contains sample code for exporting charts that may compromise the security of your site. The module will throw an error if this directory is left in place. Creating Charts in the UI ------------------------- This module provides a configuration page at admin/config/content/charts. You may set site-wide defaults on this page (for example set the default color scheme). In order to actuall create a chart through the UI, you'll need to use Views module. - Create a new view: Visit admin/structure/views/add and select the display format of "Chart" for your new page or block. - Enable aggregation on the view: In order to display data, most of the time you'll need enable aggregation on the view. Under the right column of settings, there is a section for "Use aggregation". Enable this setting. - Add a label field: Under the "Fields" section, add a field you would like to be used as labels along one axis of the chart (or slices of the pie). In the "Aggregation type" setting, set it to "Group results together". - Add data fields: Now a second field which will be used to determine the data values. Usually this will be an ID field, such as NID or CID. The label you give this field will be used in the chart's legend to represent this series. After adding the field, set the "Aggregation type" for this field to "Count". Do this again for each different quantity you would like to chart. Note that some charts (e.g. Pie) only support a single data column. - Configure the chart display: Click on the "Settings" link in the Format section to configure the chart. Select your chart type. Some options may not be available to all chart types and will be adjusted based on the type selected. Because no live preview is available in Charts, you may need to open a saved version of the view in a different window to see the impact of your changes. - Save your view. Tip: You may find it easier to start with a "Table" display and convert it to a chart display after setting up the data. It can be easier to visualize what the result of the chart will be if it's been laid out in a table first. Creating Multiple Series and Combo Charts in the UI --------------------------------------------------- When using Views to build your charts, you may find it difficult to retrieve more than a single set of data generated by a COUNT() query. For example if you wanted to retrieve the age of all your site users, but display "Male" and "Female" values in a column chart at the same time, constructing the underlying table of data is quite difficult. To solve this problem, you can combine multiple charts on top of each other. The "parent" chart provides the global information, such as the height, width, title, and other properties. Charts that are "children" provide only data and (optionally) a secondary axis. After you've assembled the first series of data in your chart according to the instructions in the "Creating Charts in the UI" section, add a new display to the same view of the type "Chart Add-on". The "Chart Add-on" type is added the same way you would add a new Page or Block display, from the "+ Add" menu at the top of the view configuration. After this new display has been added, find the setting for "Combine with parent chart" and change this value to point at the parent chart you have already assembled. Then adjust the settings for the child chart to pull in different data (often by overriding the filter settings). Now you can go back to your parent display, and see that the results from the child chart have been merged into the results from the parent chart. You can even use this approach to combine different types of charts, such as a line chart over the top of a column chart. Note that not all chart types can be combined together and invalid combinations may cause your chart to throw errors. Create Charts through the API ----------------------------- Charts module includes an extensive API for creating charts through code. See the charts.api.php file included with this module for documentation. Support ------- For bug reports and feature requests please use the issue tracker:
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