Earl Miles
// $Id$
* @file
* Handle the 'term view' override task.
* This plugin overrides term/%term and reroutes it to the delegator, where
* a list of tasks can be used to service this request based upon criteria
* supplied by access plugins.
* Specialized implementation of hook_delegator_tasks(). See api-task.html for
* more information.
function delegator_term_view_delegator_tasks() {
return array(
// This is a 'page' task and will fall under the page admin UI
'task type' => 'page',
'title' => t('Taxonomy term view'),
'description' => t('Control what handles the job of displaying a term at taxonomy/term/%term.'),
'admin title' => 'Taxonomy term view', // translated by menu system
'admin description' => 'Overrides for the built in taxonomy term handler at <em>taxonomy/term/%term</em>.',
'admin path' => 'taxonomy/term/%term',
// Menu hooks so that we can alter the term/%term menu entry to point to us.
'hook menu' => 'delegator_term_view_menu',
'hook menu alter' => 'delegator_term_view_menu_alter',
// Provide a setting to the primary settings UI for Panels
'admin settings' => 'delegator_term_view_admin_settings',
Earl Miles
// Callback to add items to the delegator task administration form:
'task admin' => 'delegator_term_view_task_admin',
// This is task uses 'context' handlers and must implement these to give the
// handler data it needs.
'handler type' => 'context',
'get arguments' => 'delegator_term_view_get_arguments',
'get context placeholders' => 'delegator_term_view_get_contexts',
// Allow additional operations
'operations' => array(
'title' => t('Task handlers'),
'href' => "admin/build/delegator/term_view",
'title' => t('Settings'),
'href' => "admin/build/delegator/term_view/settings",
Earl Miles
* Create the term view settings page menu item.
function delegator_term_view_menu(&$items, $task) {
$items['admin/build/delegator/term_view/settings'] = array(
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('delegator_term_view_settings'),
'file path' => $task['path'],
'file' => $task['file'],
'access arguments' => array('administer delegator'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
Earl Miles
* Callback defined by delegator_term_view_delegator_tasks().
* Alter the term view input so that term view comes to us rather than the
* normal term view process.
function delegator_term_view_menu_alter(&$items, $task) {
Earl Miles
// Override the term view handler for our purpose, but only if someone else
// has not already done so.
if ($items['taxonomy/term/%']['page callback'] == 'taxonomy_term_page' || variable_get('delegator_override_anyway', FALSE)) {
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['page callback'] = 'delegator_term_view';
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['file path'] = $task['path'];
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['file'] = $task['file'];
* Warn if we are unable to override the taxonomy term page.
function delegator_term_view_task_admin(&$form, &$form_state) {
$callback = db_result(db_query("SELECT page_callback FROM {menu_router} WHERE path = 'taxonomy/term/%'"));
if ($callback != 'delegator_term_view') {
drupal_set_message(t('Delegator module is unable to override taxonomy/term/% because some other module already has overridden with %callback. Delegator will not be able to handle this page.', array('%callback' => $callback)), 'warning');
Earl Miles
* Entry point for our overridden term view.
* This function asks its assigned handlers who, if anyone, would like
* to run with it. If no one does, it passes through to Drupal core's
* term view, which is term_page_view().
function delegator_term_view($terms, $depth = 0, $op = 'page') {
// While we ordinarily should never actually get feeds through here,
// just in case
if ($op != 'feed') {
// Load my task plugin
$task = delegator_get_task('term_view');
// Load the term into a context.
$contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_task_contexts($task, '', array($terms, $depth));
if (empty($contexts)) {
return drupal_not_found();
Earl Miles
$output = ctools_context_handler_render($task, '', $contexts, array($terms, $depth, $op));
Earl Miles
if ($output !== FALSE) {
return $output;
// Otherwise, fall back.
module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.pages');
return taxonomy_term_page($terms, $depth, $op);
* Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
* Since this is the term view and there is no UI on the arguments, we
* create dummy arguments that contain the needed data.
function delegator_term_view_get_arguments($task, $subtask_id) {
return array(
'keyword' => 'term',
'identifier' => variable_get('delegator_term_view_type', 'multiple') == 'multiple' ? t('Term(s) being viewed') : t('Term being viewed'),
'id' => 1,
'name' => variable_get('delegator_term_view_type', 'multiple') == 'multiple' ? 'terms' : 'term',
'settings' => array('input_form' => 'tid'),
'default' => '404',
Earl Miles
'keyword' => 'depth',
'identifier' => t('Depth'),
Earl Miles
'name' => 'string',
'settings' => array(),
* Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
function delegator_term_view_get_contexts($task, $subtask_id) {
return ctools_context_get_placeholders_from_argument(delegator_term_view_get_arguments($task, $subtask_id));
* Settings page for this item.
function delegator_term_view_settings() {
$task = delegator_get_task('term_view');
$form = array();
// This passes thru because the setting can also appear on the main Panels
// settings form.
$form['delegator_term_view_type'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Allow multiple terms'),
'#options' => array('single' => t('Single term'), 'multiple' => t('Multiple terms')),
'#description' => t('By default, Drupal allows multiple terms as an argument by separating them with commas or plus signs. If you set this to single, that feature will be disabled.'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('delegator_term_view_type', 'multiple'),
return system_settings_form($form);
* Provide a setting to the Panels administrative form.
function delegator_term_view_admin_settings(&$form) {
$form['delegator_term_view_type'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Allow multiple terms on taxonomy/term/%term'),
'#options' => array('single' => t('Single term'), 'multiple' => t('Multiple terms')),
'#description' => t('By default, Drupal allows multiple terms as an argument by separating them with commas or plus signs. If you set this to single, that feature will be disabled.'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('delegator_term_view_type', 'multiple'),