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Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
// $Id$


- #928836: Set progress floating point directly. Note: fetchers and parsers
  must use $state->progress() for setting the batch progress now IF they support
- #928728: Track source states by stage, not by plugin. Note: call signature of
  FeedsSource::state() has changed.
- #923318: Fix Fatal error: Call to a member function import() on a non-object
  occuring on cron.
- Clean up basic settings form.
- Make getConfig() include configuration defaults.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 1, 2010-09-29

- #925842 alex_b: Support batching through directories on disk.
- #625196 mstrelan, alex_b: Fix array_merge(), array_intersect_key() warnings.
- Remove hidden setting feeds_worker_time. Use hook_cron_queue_info_alter() to
  modify this setting.
- #744660-80 alex_b: Expand batch support to fetchers and parsers.
 - Removed FeedsBatch classes in favor of FeedsResult classes.
 - Variable 'feeds_node_batch_size' is now called 'feeds_process_limit'.
 - Signature of FeedsParser::getSourceElement() changed.
 - Signature of FeedsProcessor::uniqueTargets() changed.
 - Signature of FeedsProcessor::existingItemId() changed.
 - Sigature for callbacks registered by hook_feeds_parser_sources_alter()
 - Return value of FeedsFetcher::fetch() changed.
 - Signature and return value of FeedsParser::parse() changed.
 - Signature of FeedsProcessor::process() changed.
 - Signature of hook_feeds_after_parse() changed.
 - Signature of hook_feeds_after_import() changed.
 - Signature of hook_feeds_after_clear() changed.

Feeds 7.x 1.0 Alpha 1, 2010-09-21

Equal to
- Expire files returned by FeedsImportBatch after DRUPAL_MAXIMUM_TEMP_FILE_AGE
- FeedsFileFetcher: track uploaded files, delete unused files.
- yhahn: Upgrade FeedsTaxonomyProcessor.
- Remove handling of target items that are array. All target items must be
  objects now.
- Upgrade file and image mapper.
- Upgrade taxonomy mapper.
- Upgrade field mapper.
- Move plugin handling into FeedsPlugin class.
- Base level upgrade.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 6, 2010-09-16
- #623432 Alex UA, dixon_, pvhee, cglusky, alex_b et al.: Mapper for emfield.
- #913672 andrewlevine: Break out CSV Parser into submethods so it is more
  easily overridable
- #853974 snoldak924, alex_b: Fix XSS vulnerabilities in module.
- #887846 ekes: Make FeedsSimplePieEnclosure (un)serialization safe.
- #908582 XiaN Vizjereij, alex_b: Fix "Cannot use object of type stdClass as
  array" error in mappers/
- #906654 alex_b: Fix phantom subscriptions.
- #867892 alex_b: PubSubHubbub - slow down import frequency of feeds that are
  subscribed to hub.
- #908964 alex_b: Break out scheduler. Note: Features depends on Job Scheduler
  module now:
- #663860 funkmasterjones, infojunkie, alex_b et. al.: hook_feeds_after_parse().
- #755556 Monkey Master, andrewlevine, alex_b: Support saving local files in
- #891982 bangpound, twistor: Support Link 2.x.
- #870278 budda: Fix SQL query in taxonomy_get_term_by_name_vid().
- #795114 budda, alex_b: Taxonomy term processor doesn't require vocabulary to
  be set.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 5, 2010-09-10
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed

- #849840 adityakg, rbayliss, alex_b: Submit full mapping on every submission.
- #849834 rbayliss, alex_b: Generalize feeds_config_form() to feeds_form().
- #907064 alex_b: Track imported terms.
- #906720 alex_b: Introduce a hook_feeds_after_clear().
- #905820 tristan.oneil: Adjust delete message in FeedsDataProcessor to avoid
  misleading total numbers.
- #671538 mburak: Use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT to limit download time of feeds.
- #878002 Will White, David Goode: Support multiple sources per mapping target
  in FeedsDataProcessor.
- #904804 alex_b: Support exportable vocabularies.
- #836876 rsoden, Will White, alex_b: Add simple georss support to Common
  Syndication Parser.
- #889196 David Goode: Support for non-numeric vocabulary IDs for feature-based
- #632920 nickbits, dixon_, David Goode, alex_b et al: Inherit OG, taxonomy,
  language, user properties from parent feed node. Note: Signatures of
  FeedsProcessor::map(), existingItemId(), FeedsParser::getSourceElement()
- #897258 TrevorBradley, alex_b: Mapping target nid.
- #873198 BWPanda, morningtime: Import multiple values to tag vocabulary.
- #872772 andrewlevine: Fix buildNode() (and node_load()) called unnecessarily.
- #873240 thsutton: Use isset() to avoid notices.
- #878528 Sutharsan: Don't show file in UI if file does not exist.
- #901798 alex_b: Fix time off in SitemapParser.
- #885724 eliotttf: Avoid array_flip() on non scalars.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #885052 Hanno: Fix small typo in access rights.
- #863494 ekes, alex_b: Delete temporary enclosures file.
- #851194 alex_b: Featurize - move default functionality from feeds_defaults to
  feeds_fast_news, feeds_import and feeds_news features.
- #617486 alex_b: Create link to original source, view of items on feed nodes.
- #849986 lyricnz, alex_b: Cleaner batch support.
- #866492 lyricnz: Clean up tests.
- #862444 pounard: Do not name files after their enclosure class.
- #851570 morningtime: Avoid trailing slashes when passing file paths to
- #836090 andrewlevine, alex_b: Include mapping configuration in hash.
- #853156 alex_b: Support real updates of terms.
- #858684 alex_b: Fix notices when file not found.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 4, 2010-07-25

- #838018-12 Remove Formatted Number CCK mapper, cannot be properly tested, see

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 3, 2010-07-18
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #854628 DanielJohnston, alex_b: Fix user processor assigns all roles.
- #838018 infojunkie: Mapper for Formatted Number CCK field.
- #856408 c.ex: Pass all $targets for hook_feeds_node_processor_targets_alter()
  by reference.
- #853194 andrewlevine, alex_b: Mapping: don't reset all targets.
- #853144 alex_b: Consistent use of "replace" vs "update".
- #850998 alex_b: Clean up file upload form. Note: If you supply file paths
  directly in the textfield rather than uploading them through the UI, you will
  have to adjust your importer's File Fetcher settings.
- #850652 alex_b: Make ParserCSV (instead of FeedsCSVParser) populate column
- #850638 alex_b: Introduce FeedsSource::preview().
- #850298 alex_b: ParserCSV: Support batching (only affects library, full parser
  level batch support to be added later with #744660).
- Minor cleanup of admin UI language and CSS.
- #647222 cglusky, jeffschuler: Specify input format for feed items.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 2, 2010-07-10
- #753426 Monkey Master, andrewlevine, alex_b: Partial update of nodes.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #840626 andrewlevine, alex_b: Support using same mapping target multiple
- #624464 lyricnz, alex_b: Fix to "support tabs as delimiters".
- #840350 lyricnz: (Optionally) Transliterate enclosure filenames to provide
  protection from awkward names.
- #842040 dixon_: Accept all responses from the 2xx status code series.
- #836982 Steven Merrill: Fix Feeds.module tests do not work when run from the
  command line.

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 1, 2010-06-23

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 16, 2010-06-19
- #830438 andrewlevine: More secret files in FeedsImportBatch::getFilePath().
- #759302 rjb, smartinm, et. al: Fix user warning: Duplicate entry.
- #819876 alex_b: Fix field 'url' and 'guid' don't have default values.
- #623444 mongolito404, pvhee, pdrake, servantleader, alex_b et. al.: Mapper for
  link module.
- #652180 ronald_istos, rjbrown99, et. al.: Assign author of imported nodes.
- #783098 elliotttf: Introduce hook_feeds_user_processor_targets_alter(), mapper
  for user profile fields.

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 15, 2010-05-16

- #791296 B-Prod: Fix Feeds data processor does update id 0.
- #759904 lyricnz: Provide a Google Sitemap Parser.
- #774858 rjbrown99: Fix Node Processor updates node "created" time when
- #704236 jerdavis: Support mapping to CCK float field.
- #783820 klonos: Fix warning: copy() [function.copy]: Filename cannot be empty
  in on line 168.
- #778416 clemens.tolboom: Better message when plugin is missing.
- #760140 lyricnz: FeedsBatch->total not updated when addItem($item) is called.
- #755544 Monkey Master: Keep batch processing when mapping fails.
- alex_b: Reset import schedule after deleting items from feed.
- #653412 rbrandon: Do not create items older than expiry time.
- #725392 nicholasThompson: FeedsBatch does not check feeds folder exists before
- #776972 lyricnz: Messages use plural when describing single item.
- #701390 frega, morningtime, Mixologic, alex_b et. al.: Fix RSS 1.0 parsing
  and add basic test framework for common_syndication_parser.
- #781058 blakehall: Create teaser for imported nodes. NOTE: this may mean that
  your existing installation has shorter node teasers as expected. If this is
  the case, increase "Length of trimmed posts" on admin/content/node-settings.
- #622932-30 mikl: fix remaining non-standard SQL.
- #624464 bangpound: Support tabs as delimiters.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 14, 2010-04-11

- #758664: Fix regression introduced with #740962.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 13, 2010-03-30
- #622932 pounard: Fix SQL capitalization.
- #622932 pounard: Fix non-standard SQL (PostgreSQL compatibility)
- #705872 Scott Reynolds: Added HTTPFetcher autodiscovery
- #740962 alex_b: Fix FileFetcher Attached to Feed Node, Upload Field Not Saving
  File Path.
- #754938 Monkey Master: uses strtolower() while parsing
  UTF-8 files.
- #736684 Souvent22, Mixologic: FeedsDateTime & Batch DateTime causes core
- #750168 jtr: _parser_common_syndication_title does not strip html tags before
  constructing a title.
- #648080 pvhee: FeedsNodeProcessor - static caching of mapping targets makes
  mapping fail with multiple feed configurations.
- #735444 Doug Preble: PubSubHubbub - Fix "Subscription refused by callback URL"
  with PHP 5.2.0.
- alex_b: Suppress namespace warnings when parsing feeds for subscription in
- #724184 ekes: catch failures when parsing for PubSubHubbub hub and self.
- #706984 lyricnz: Add FeedsSimplePie::parseExtensions() to allow parsing to be
- #728854 Scott Reynolds: Fix $queue->createItem() fails.
- #707098 alex_b: Improve performance of nodeapi and access checks.
- #726012 alex_b: Fix RSS descriptions not being reset in
- alex_b: Fix a typo in the return value of process() in FeedsTermProcessor.
- alex_b: Stop PubSubHubbub from subscribing if it is not enabled.
- #711664 neclimdul: guarantee compatibility with CTools 1.4  by declaring that
  Feeds uses hooks to define plugins via hook_ctools_plugin_plugins().
- #718460 jerdavis: In FeedsNodeProcessor, clear items only for the current
  importer id.
- #718474 jerdavis: In FeedsNodeProcessor, check for duplicate items within
  same importer id.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 12, 2010-02-23

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #600584 alex_b: PubSubHubbub support.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- alex_b: Debug log.
- alex_b: Add sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin
  implementers of a source being saved or deleted.
- #717168 nicholasThompson: Fix feeds UI JS doesn't select labels correctly.
- #708228 Scott Reynolds, alex_b: Break FeedsImportBatch into separate classes.
  NOTE: Review your FeedsFetcher implementation for changes in the
  FeedsImportBatch class, small adjustments may be necessary.
- alex_b: Support mapping to OpenID, using OpenID as a unique mapping target.
- alex_b: Handle exceptions outside of Importer/Source facade methods.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #600584 alex_b: Use Batch API.
  NOTE: third party plugins/extensions implementing FeedsProcessor::process(),
  FeedsProcessor::clear() or FeedsImporter::expire() need to adjust their
  implementations. Modules that directly use Feeds' API for importing or
  clearing sources need may want to use feeds_batch_set() instead of
  feeds_source()->import() or feeds_source()->clear().
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 11, 2010-02-10
- #701432 pounard, Will White: Fix array_shift() expects parameter 1 is Array
  error. Note: Parsers are responsible to ensure that the parameter passed to
  FeedsImportBatch::setItems() is an Array.
- #698356 alex_b: Refactor and clean up FeedsScheduler::work() to allow more
  scheduled tasks than 'import' and 'expire'.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 10, 2010-01-25
- #647128 bigkevmcd, Michelle: Fix broken author info in FeedsSyndicationParser.
- alex_b: Add mapping API for FeedsDataProcessor.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- alex_b: Decode HTML entities for title and author name in
- #623448 David Goode, alex_b, et al.: Date mapper.
- #624088 mongolito404, David Goode, alex_b: Imagefield/filefield mapper,
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #584034 aaroncouch, mongolito404: Views integration.
- Redirect to node or import form after manual import or delete.
- #663830 Aron Novak, alex_b: When download of URL failed, node w/ empty title
  is created.
- #654728 Aron Novak: Fix parsing + data handling error with RDF 1.0 feeds.
- #641522 mongolito404, alex_b: Consolidate import stage results.
- #662104 Aron Novak: Specify PHP requirement in .info file.
- #657374 dtomasch: Common Parser does not get RSS Authors correctly.

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 9, 2009-12-14
- API change: feeds_source() takes an FeedsImporter id instead of an importer,
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
  the methods import() and clear() moved from FeedsImporter to FeedsSource.
  Import from a source with feeds_source($id, $nid)->import();
- #629096 quickcel: Fix underscores in feed creation link.
- #652848 BWPanda: Add 'clear-block' to admin-ui to fix float issues.
- #623424 Kars-T, Eugen Mayer, alex_b: Mapper for Taxonomy.
- #649552 rsoden: Provide variable for data table name.
- #631962 velosol, alex_b: FeedsNodeProcessor: Update when changed.
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #623452 mongolito404: Port basic test infrastructure for mappers, test for
  basic CCK mapper.

Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 8, 2009-11-18
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #634886 Kars-T, EugenMayer: Add vid to node process functions.
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Alex Barth committed
- #613494 miasma: Remove length limit from URL.
- #631050 z.stolar: Add feed_nid on node_load of a feed item.
- #631248 velosol: Set log message when creating a node in FeedsNodeProcessor.

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 7, 2009-11-04

- #622654 Don't show body as option for mapper when body is disabled
- Allow cURL only to download via http or https
- Throw an exception in FeedsHTTPFetcher if result is not 200
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 6, 2009-11-03
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Alex Barth committed

- Split number of items to queue on cron from feeds_schedule_num variable
  (see README.txt)
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed
- #619110 Fix node_delete() in FeedsNodeProcessor
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Alex Barth committed
- Add descriptions to all mapping sources and targets
Alex Barth's avatar
Alex Barth committed

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 5, 2009-10-23

- #584500 Add Feeds default module

Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 4, 2009-10-21

- Initial release