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        $targets[$mapping['target']] = $parser->getSourceElement($source, $result, $mapping['source']);

   * Adds Feeds specific information on $entity->feeds_item.
   * @param $entity
   *   The entity object to be populated with new item info.
   * @param $feed_nid
   *   The feed nid of the source that produces this entity.
   * @param $hash
   *   The fingerprint of the source item.
  protected function newItemInfo($entity, $feed_nid, $hash = '') {
    $entity->feeds_item = new stdClass();
    $entity->feeds_item->is_new = TRUE;
    $entity->feeds_item->entity_id = 0;
    $entity->feeds_item->entity_type = $this->entityType();
    $entity->feeds_item->id = $this->id;
    $entity->feeds_item->feed_nid = $feed_nid;
    $entity->feeds_item->imported = REQUEST_TIME;
    $entity->feeds_item->hash = $hash;
    $entity->feeds_item->url = '';
    $entity->feeds_item->guid = '';

   * Loads existing entity information and places it on $entity->feeds_item.
   * @param $entity
   *   The entity object to load item info for. Id key must be present.
   * @return
   *   TRUE if item info could be loaded, false if not.
  protected function loadItemInfo($entity) {
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($this->entityType());
    $key = $entity_info['entity keys']['id'];
    if ($item_info = feeds_item_info_load($this->entityType(), $entity->$key)) {
      $entity->feeds_item = $item_info;
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Create MD5 hash of item and mappings array.
   * Include mappings as a change in mappings may have an affect on the item
   * produced.
   * @return Always returns a hash, even with empty, NULL, FALSE:
   *  Empty arrays return 40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a
   *  Empty/NULL/FALSE strings return d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
  protected function hash($item) {
    return hash('md5', serialize($item) . serialize($this->config['mappings']));
   * Retrieves the MD5 hash of $entity_id from the database.
   * @return string
   *   Empty string if no item is found, hash otherwise.
  protected function getHash($entity_id) {
    if ($hash = db_query("SELECT hash FROM {feeds_item} WHERE entity_type = :type AND entity_id = :id", array(':type' => $this->entityType(), ':id' => $entity_id))->fetchField()) {
      // Return with the hash.
      return $hash;
    return '';

   * Creates a log message for when an exception occured during import.
   * @param Exception $e
   *   The exception that was throwned during processing the item.
   * @param $entity
   *   The entity object.
   * @param $item
   *   The parser result for this entity.
   * @return string
   *   The message to log.
  protected function createLogMessage(Exception $e, $entity, $item) {
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    $message = $e->getMessage();
    $message .= '<h3>Original item</h3>';
    $message .= '<pre>' . check_plain(drupal_var_export($item)) . '</pre>';
    $message .= '<pre>' . check_plain(drupal_var_export($entity)) . '</pre>';
   * Overrides FeedsPlugin::dependencies().
  public function dependencies() {
    $dependencies = parent::dependencies();

    // Find out which module defined the entity type.
    $info = $this->entityInfo();
    if (isset($info['module'])) {
      $dependencies[$info['module']] = $info['module'];

    return $dependencies;

class FeedsProcessorBundleNotDefined extends Exception {}