Alex Barth authored
#840350 lyricnz: (Optionally) Transliterate enclosure filenames to provide protection from awkward names.
Alex Barth authored#840350 lyricnz: (Optionally) Transliterate enclosure filenames to provide protection from awkward names.
README.txt 5.37 KiB
$Id$ "It feeds" FEEDS ===== An import and aggregation framework for Drupal. http://drupal.org/project/feeds Features ======== - Pluggable import configurations consisting of fetchers (get data) parsers (read and transform data) and processors (create content on Drupal). -- HTTP upload (with optional PubSubHubbub support). -- File upload. -- CSV, RSS, Atom parsing. -- Creates nodes or terms. -- Creates lightweight database records if Data module is installed. http://drupal.org/project/data -- Additional fetchers/parsers or processors can be added by an object oriented plugin system. -- Granular mapping of parsed data to content elements. - Import configurations can be piggy backed on nodes, thus using nodes as importers ("feed as node" approach) or they can be used on a standalone form. - Unlimited number of import configurations. - Export import configurations to code. - Optional libraries module support. Requirements ============ - CTools 1.x http://drupal.org/project/ctools - Drupal 6.x http://drupal.org/project/drupal - PHP safe mode is not supported, depending on your Feeds Importer configuration safe mode may cause no problems though. - PHP 5.2.x recommended Installation ============ - Install Feeds, Feeds Admin UI and Feeds defaults. - Make sure cron is correctly configured http://drupal.org/cron - Navigate to admin/build/feeds. - Enable one or more importers, create your own by adding a new one, modify an existing one by clicking on 'override' or copy and modify an existing one by clicking on 'clone'. - Go to import/ to import data. - To use SimplePie parser, download SimplePie and place simplepie.inc into feeds/libraries. Recommended version: 1.2. http://simplepie.org/ PubSubHubbub support ==================== Feeds supports the PubSubHubbub publish/subscribe protocol. Follow these steps to set it up for your site. http://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/ - Go to admin/build/feeds and edit (override) the importer configuration you would like to use for PubSubHubbub. - Choose the HTTP Fetcher if it is not already selected. - On the HTTP Fetcher, click on 'settings' and check "Use PubSubHubbub". - Optionally you can use a designated hub such as http://superfeedr.com/ or your own. If a designated hub is specified, every feed on this importer configuration will be subscribed to this hub, no matter what the feed itself specifies. Libraries support ================= If you are using Libraries module, you can place external libraries in the Libraries module's search path (for instance sites/all/libraries. The only external library used at the moment is SimplePie. Libraries found in the libraries search path are preferred over libraries in feeds/libraries/. Transliteration support ======================= If you plan to store files with Feeds - for instance when storing podcasts or images from syndication feeds - it is recommended to enable the Transliteration module to avoid issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. http://drupal.org/project/transliteration API Overview ============ See "The developer's guide to Feeds": http://drupal.org/node/622700 Testing ======= See "The developer's guide to Feeds": http://drupal.org/node/622700 Debugging ========= Set the Drupal variable 'feeds_debug' to TRUE (i. e. using drush). This will create a file /tmp/feeds_[my_site_location].log. Use "tail -f" on the command line to get a live view of debug output. Note: at the moment, only PubSubHubbub related actions are logged. Performance =========== See "The site builder's guide to Feeds": http://drupal.org/node/622698 Hidden settings =============== Hidden settings are variables that you can define by adding them to the $conf array in your settings.php file. Name: feeds_debug Default: FALSE Description: Set to TRUE for enabling debug output to /DRUPALTMPDIR/feeds_[sitename].log Name: feeds_importer_class Default: 'FeedsImporter' Description: The class to use for importing feeds. Name: feeds_source_class Default: 'FeedsSource' Description: The class to use for handling feed sources. Name: feeds_scheduler_class Default: 'FeedsScheduler' Description: The class to use for scheduling feed refreshing. Name: feeds_worker_time Default: 15 Description: Execution time for a queue worker, only effective if used with drupal_queue. Name: feeds_schedule_num Default: 5 Description: The number of feeds to import on cron time. Only has an effect if Drupal Queue is *not* enabled. http://drupal.org/project/drupal_queue Name: feeds_schedule_queue_num Default: 200 Description: The number of feeds to queue on cron time. Only has an effect if Drupal Queue is enabled. http://drupal.org/project/drupal_queue Name: feeds_data_$importer_id Default: feeds_data_$importer_id Description: The table used by FeedsDataProcessor to store feed items. Usually a FeedsDataProcessor builds a table name from a prefix (feeds_data_) and the importer's id ($importer_id). This default table name can be overridden by defining a variable with the same name. Name: feeds_node_batch_size Default: 50 The number of nodes feed node processor creates or deletes in one page load. Glossary ======== See "Feeds glossary": http://drupal.org/node/622710