To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.txt 50.13 KiB
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Beta 2, 2016-02-21
- By MegaChriz: test dependencies should be specified in the main
file and be in the form project:module (see also issue 2651854).
- Issue #2662730 by joachim: 'clear-block' CSS class on admin form should be
- Issue #2638722 by MegaChriz: Improve documentation for
- Issue #1183440 by twistor, MegaChriz, stefan.r, drclaw, pcambra,
olofjohansson, Calystod, colan, svendecabooter, Bobík, Manish Jain,
AdamGerthel, mErilainen, kervi, Pocketpain et al: Multilingual Feeds - Make
field import language-aware.
- Issue #1428272 by OnkelTem, eosrei, jtsnow, Jerenus, liquidcms, acouch,
derhasi, Niremizov, MegaChriz: Added support of encoding conversions to the
CSV Parser.
- Issue #2644868 by diamondsea: Skip verification of the certificate's name when
accepting invalid SSL certificates.
- Issue #2309471 by Josh Waihi: File Fetcher doesn't obey allowed extensions.
- Issue #2117535 by gbirch, MegaChriz, cbfannin, batje, id.alan: fixed Undefined
variable: original_author in _parser_common_syndication_atom10_parse().
- Issue #2636342 by AndyF, MegaChriz: Improved documentation of
- Issue #2637118 by MegaChriz: Use "plural label" for "label plural" from entity
info if available.
- Issue #2602508 by MegaChriz: Fixed clear out boolean field when an empty value
is provided.
- Issue #1891404 by MegaChriz, twistor, jenlampton: Add a mapper for Updated
date (changed).
- Issue #2147341 by milesw: fixed missing bundle property on entity of type
taxonomy_term when replacing existing terms.
- Issue #2624344 by grahamC, MegaChriz: Import via pushImport() keeps looping /
never completes.
- Issue #2629620 by GuyPaddock, MegaChriz: Fixed template for TSV contains the
word "TAB" instead of tabs.
- Issue #2385601 by GerZah, MegaChriz, Jerenus: Sorting feed importers by
readable names.
- Issue #2619788 by pcambra: Get instance info from the entity instead of from
the source for file mappings.
- By MegaChriz: add entity_translation as a test dependency for issue #1183440.
- Issue #2529538 by twistor, MegaChriz, stefan.r, drclaw, olofjohansson, Manish
Jain, et al: Added generic entity language support.
- Issue #1950182 by mikran, MegaChriz, twistor: Only update when mapped fields
are updated.
- Issue #2556461 by MegaChriz: Fixed importing two hierarchical vocabularies
with overlapping id's.
- Issue #2584443 by http_request_create_absolute_url() ignore last
path in $base_url.
- Issue #2533030 by rrfegade, MegaChriz, twistor: Spelling errors in D7.
- Issue #1393898 by MegaChriz, twistor: Order Log view by flid instead of
- Issue #2581135 by Anas_maw, MegaChriz: views integration for feeds source
import date.
- Issue #2584157 by MegaChriz: fixed missing mapping targets in the UI for
contrib processors.
- Issue #2574789 by MegaChriz: Wrong processor settings set in
- Issue #2557581 by joelpittet: CSV column names escaped & upload field double
- By MegaChriz: add i18n_taxonomy as a test dependency for issue #2529538.
- Issue #2542416 by twistor, MegaChriz: Allow sources and targets to be marked
as deprecated and hide them from the UI.
- Issue #2530670 by MegaChriz: Filter log in Views by "Message".
- Issue #2397151 by Pravin Ajaaz: importer UI for CSVs should quote column names
that contain commas.
- Issue #2531858 by twistor: Add a FeedsSource::pushImport() method.
- Issue #2531706 by twistor: relation "cache_feeds_http" does not exist.
- Issue #2531828 by twistor: Simplify db queries in FeedsProcessor.
- Issue #1286298 by fietserwin, Triskelion, MegaChriz, charginghawk, osopolar:
Don't create new items, only update existing.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Beta 1, 2015-07-02
- Issue #2038525 by twistor, larsdesigns, DamienMcKenna: SimplePie Plugin
Installation Documentation in README.txt.
- Issue #1449464 by klausi, cbergmann: Own cache Bin for feeds.
- Issue #2515196 by twistor: Only transliterate downloaded files.
- Issue #2510788 by twistor: Remove query string from path in FeedsEnclosure.
- Issue #2514300 by twistor: Fatal error when I try to import feed items.
- Issue #2511738 by deminy: Incorrect File Inclusion.
- Issue #2509444 by twistor: Field Feeds Presave Not Importing User Fields.
- Issue #2509464 by twistor, joelpittet: Feeds module cannot find its parser
module due to filesystem restriction.
- Issue #2509464 by twistor, Max1: Feeds module cannot find its parser module
due to filesystem restriction.
- Issue #2364103 by Luxian, MegaChriz: Feeds error log crashes when log messages
are too long.
- Issue #1953008 by MegaChriz, twistor, klausi: PHP Fatal error: Nesting level
too deep - recursive dependency? in on line 199.
- Issue #1107522 by MegaChriz, twistor, ditcheva, nielsonm, franz, Niklas
Fiekas, cthiebault, Uhkis, gcb, mparker17, guillaumev: Framework for expected
behavior when importing empty/blank values + text field fix.
- Issue #2092895 by mikran, MegaChriz, twistor: Block users not included in
- Issue #2500185 by angel.h, MegaChriz: Error when having an entity without base
- Issue #2496735 by twistor, diarmy: For PHP 5.6.0 and above, Feeds should allow
the use of cURL if open_basedir is enabled.
- Issue #1848498 by twistor: Respect allowed file extensions in file mapper.
- Issue #2502419 by klausi: Log messages XSS attack vector.
- Issue #2495145 by twistor, cashwilliams, greggles, klausi: Possible XSS in
- Issue #2488036 by MegaChriz, orannezelehcim: Modules that define both an
importer and a plugin can not be disabled.
- Issue #2333029 by twistor, MegaChriz: Extend mapping API to allow for defaults
and multiple callbacks.
- Issue #2497507 by twistor: Pass plugin definition to FeedsPlugin objects.
- Add test for #2489006.
- Issue #2489006 by donquixote: Uninitialized array in
- Issue #2497729 by twistor: Implement all methods on FeedsMissingPlugin.
- Issue #2469219 by MegaChriz, twistor: Remove the Generic Entity Processor.
- Issue #1058424 by thijsvdanker: Port date mapper patch to d7 version to
support dates before 13 Dec 1901.
- Issue #2427497 by ttaylor249: Fetching feed via SSL through proxy doesn't
- Issue #1978722 by klausi, ultimike: Entity property info for feeds node is
- Issue #1988970 by msti: FeedsCSV parser - download template should use the
default delimiter.
- Issue #2468401 by jiff: HTTP fetcher does not correctly decode urlencoded
basic auth params.
- Issue #1815070 by twistor, joelpittet: No more mapping for numeric (boolean,
decimal, integer, floats, and lists of them) fields.
- Issue #2339383 by mikran, MegaChriz, joelpittet: Items missing from feeds do
not affect item hash even when action is taken based on that.
- Issue #2333009 by MegaChriz: Add importer validator for Views.
- Issue #2415283 by MegaChriz: Some tests are not executed by testbot.
- Issue #1829212 by alan-io1, agupta, MegaChriz, ac: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not
found: 1054 Unknown column 'feeds_item.entity_type' in 'on clause'.
- Issue #2419111 by make77, MegaChriz: Configuration option to allow invalid SSL
certificates is not used when option "Auto detect feeds" is enabled.
- Issue #2357981 by MegaChriz: hook_feeds_presave: $entity_id is missing.
- Issue #2011240 by ressa, Abelito: How to import the description of a file?.
- Issue #2397219 by joachim, MegaChriz: docs for my_module_mapper_unique() don't
match implementation in tests.
- Issue #2397199 by joachim, MegaChriz: summary line for
hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter() docs mentions nodes & is too long.
- Remove unused code from
- Issue #1982286 by AdamPS: Recoverable fatal error.
- Issue #2341407 by vinmassaro, twistor: Fix missing file/image mappings caused
by #1080386 by adding :uri to mappings.
- Issue #2379915 by hydrant-mark, twistor: Taxonomy Mapper: Assumes there will
only ever be one matching term.
- Issue #2387419 by MegaChriz: Auto detect dependencies when putting Feeds
importer in a feature.
- Issue #2363779 by Niremizov, MegaChriz: CSVParser Source form translation fix.
- Issue #2053355 by ufku, vinmassaro: Notice: Undefined variable: file
- Issue #2390199 by GuyPaddock: Unhelpful failure upon uploading an empty CSV
- Issue #2308343 by MegaChriz, twistor, joelpittet, kruser: File upload
disappears with Bootstrap Theme (abuse of #description in
- Issue #1887632 by joelpittet: Exception: Empty configuration identifier.
- Issue #2379407 by twistor, MegaChriz: Make module required if plugins are in
- Issue #2248009 by twistor | djdevin: Fixed Remove the population of
->source_config from FeedsPlugin.
- Issue #2218999 by fietserwin: Fixed Warning: Invalid argument supplied for
foreach() in element_children() (line 6420 of includes\
- Issue #2349245 by Niremizov: Fixed error on importing empty csv file with no
- Issue #2339983 by mikran: Fixed Unpublished nodes message has a wrong
format_plural() parameter.
- Issue #2328605 by ekes, twistor: Fixed Unique item checking:
- Issue #2305919 by twistor: Fixed Return 404 when trying to edit a non-existent
- Issue #1062178 by mansspams, MegaChriz, gmclelland, specky_rum, Dave Reid |
iccle: Added configuration option to allow invalid/unverified or (self
certified) SSL certificates.
- Issue #1470530 by stefan.r, GaëlG, mikran, Cottser, gnucifer, MegaChriz,
vinmassaro, kostajh, Mithrandir, riho, jaanhoinatski, nrambeck, byronveale,
dbassendine, PsycleInteractive, imclean: Added Unpublish/Delete nodes not
included in feed.
- Issue #2305929 by twistor, MegaChriz: Show message that mapping settings must
be saved after changes.
- Issue #2304247 by MegaChriz, undertext | twistor: Update included Feeds Import
- Issue #2307379 by twistor: Fixed Add FeedsConfigurable::hasConfigForm().
- Issue #661606 by MegaChriz, twistor, Cottser, scottrigby, manojbisht_drupal,
Mohammed J. Razem, agileadam, emilyf, tmsimont, bradjones1, hairqles,
ldavisrobeson, selim13, a.ross, chromix, g089h515r806 | lunk_rat: Added
Support unique targets in mappers.
- Issue #2008168 by JeroenT | scottalan: Update included Feeds News Feature.
- Issue #2224643 by hanoii, MegaChriz: Added Support for input format
configuration on a per-field basis .
- Issue #1981504 by twistor | Dale Baldwin: Fixed Status Report has a
notification to install SimplePie library when SimplePie module isn't even
- Issue #962912 by twistor, MegaChriz, Peacog, Niklas Fiekas | willmoy: Added
Mapping to node summary.
- Backport assertFieldByXPath fix from 8.x.
- Issue #2175525 by MegaChriz | Max2505: Added User admin is not authorized to
create content type.
- Issue #2275893 by twistor, dagomar: Fixed Process in background doesn't work
on non-periodic imports.
- Issue #2275893 Add tests for import in background.
- Add a long csv file where the guids are ordered.
- Fix FeedsWebTestCase::removeMappings.
- Issue #1561200 by szt, osopolar: Added Use machine names for better
identification of similar field names.
- Issue #2192819 by twistor, klausi: FeedsHTTPFetcherResult should store the
result between batches.
- Issue #1231332 by klausi, twistor | nyl auster: Periodic import imports only
one file per cron.
- Issue #2192851 by klausi: Hook_feeds_after_import() should have access to
- Issue #2190551 by twistor: Hook_feeds_before_import only executes during form
- Issue #1852048 by ianthomas_uk: Comments suggest exceptions are ignore, when
in fact they are rethrown.
- Issue #1722180 by pcambra: Clear plugins cache on feeds_cache_clear.
- Issue #2093651 by twistor: Simplify target callbacks.
- Issue #1305698 by dman: Additional validation when creating terms - assert the
Vocabulary is valid.
- Issue #1113312 by Niklas Fiekas: Show import page in admin overlay.
- Issue #2053355 by osopolar: Notice: Undefined variable: file
- Issue #1537776 by David_Rothstein | RyFo18: Importing a single 21st century
year defaults to the current year.
- Issue #1333266 by dastagg | webchick: Link to feed importers broken when no
feed importers exist.
- Issue #1951736 by twistor, John Morahan: Discovery sometimes fails.
- Issue #1996240 by msti, MegaChriz: Duplicate fields in CSV template.
- Issue #930652 by twistor, tristanoneil | alex_b: Expiry batching broken.
- Issue #1884516 by aaronbauman: Import with taxonomy term mapping fails if term
name exceeds db size.
- Issue #2046335 by twistor, j0rd: Http:// prefix and error 1002.
- Issue #1485870 by brad.bulger, twistor: Remove custom error reporting for
- Issue #2178563 by twistor | alibama: Entityform does not seem to work.
- Issue #2174303 by twistor | bdanin: Feeds importer importer -- context and
mapping not working.
- Issue #1107522 by ditcheva, Uhkis, cthiebault, franz, nielsonm, Niklas Fiekas,
twistor, mparker17, Lasac, guillaumev | jptl: Framework for expected behavior
when importing empty/blank values + text field fix.
- Issue #1033202 by jamesdixon, jamsilver, twistor, james.williams, Steven
Jones, vordude, j0rd, mErilainen, gmario, rickmanelius, imclean, dasjo,
guillaumev, jlyon, gilgabar, elliotttf, mukesh.agarwal17, patcon, wesnick,
Bevan, kreynen, Grayside, fago, spotzero: [Meta] Generic entity processor.
- Issue #2149829 by chilic: Import/Update 0 value to text field.
- Issue #2150989 by chilic | osopolar: SimpleTest fails: Undefined index:
content-type, Notice file: Line: 57.
- Issue #1984962 by mvd81NL, redsd, twistor: Fixed Use a 0 as mapping source.
- Issue #1159806 by VladimirAus, bigjim | Slim Pickens: Added proxy support.
- Issue #1989196 by beeradb: Fixed Never Pass FeedsDateTime objects into
- Issue #1222750 by Brandonian, twistor, lyricnz: Added SimplePie 1.3 support.
- Issue #1080386 by elizzle, twistor, rhouse, AndyF, chadmkidner, retiredpro,
slefevre1, moonray, asgorobets, jwmeyerson: Added How to get title and alt
fields into your image import for drupal 7 feeds.
- Use user-supplied id if available on import.
- Issue #777888 by WorldFallz, liquidcms, firfin, tmsimont | timwood: Followup
to importing importers.
- Fix validation for importing importers.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 8, 2012-04-22
- Issue #1555974 by twistor | andyg5000: Fixed Save button should also add field
mapping; Add button should also save config changes.
- Allow 0 as a term name.
- Issue #630288 by kulfi: Added import date compatibility issues with Google
Groups' feeds.
- Issue #1878254 by facine: Fixed SimplePie download page url.
- Issue #1166100 by twistor | Niklas Fiekas: Fixed Notices and warnings on
mapping page, when no content type is selected for NodeProcessor.
- Issue #1941302 by jshimota01: Fixed Radio buttons hidden in IE 7.
- Fix formatting of feeds_ui.css
- Issue #1362378 by gordon, colan, Sutharsan, MegaChriz | mukesh.agarwal17:
Added is_new addtribute to feeds_item.
- Fixed: missing comma.
- Issue #1961998 by gordon: Added new hook hook_feeds_before_update().
- Issue #1025468 by 30equals: Added Allow operations to be performed on disabled
- Issue #1953008 by MegaChriz | carn1x: Fixed PHP Fatal error: Nesting level
too deep - recursive dependency? in on line 199.
- git commit -m Issue
- Fix capitalization of Feeds on Importer import page.
- Issue #777888 by WorldFallz, liquidcms, firfin | timwood: Added UI to import
views-style exportable (a.k.a. How to import importers?).
- Issue #697842 by eiriksm, franz, Webmaster Perpignan: Added Support array of
values for dates.
- Tests for #1019688.
- Issue #1019688 by johnv, philipz, twistor, sin, ts145nera, David Hernández:
Fixed Taxonomy mapper options: term name +tid, term name, tid, guid (avoids
mapping error for Numeric taxonomy term, too).
- Issue #1958864 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed 'Division by zero' error in
- Issue #1147734 by philipnorton42, znerol, David_Rothstein, twistor | johnv:
Added Import files in public://feeds/ vs. private://feeds/.
- Issue #857216 by yareckon, wuinfo: behavior on importing empty/NULL/invalid
- Fix coding standards.
- Ensure that headers is always set.
- Fix uid validation for Node processor.
- Issue #1201638 by rfay: Fixed Plugins should be listed in info file.
- Issue #1848726 by ojohansson, twistor: Fixed Hash check fails when running
multiple importers on cron.
- Issue #1620110 by Cottser, JvE | Alan D.: Fixed Update default views fixes
'Missing text format: 1.' in watchdog.
- Issue #1156982 by dooug, dotman: Fixed SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'last_comment_uid()' at row 1.
- Issue #1660950 by valthebald: Fixed FeedsSource expects stored to be array,
which is not always the case.
- Use bundle() method.
- Use plugin key rather than class name.
- Issue #1300940 by colin_young: Fixed Undefined Index: unique in
- Issue #1874322: Remove PHP version check from Common Syndication Parser.
- Issue #1870528 by cmriley: Fixed Undefined index: content_type() in
feeds_rules_event_info() (line 56 feeds/
- Issue #1711648 Upgrade path.
- Issue #1711648 by twistor: Fixes for tests.
- Issue #1711648 by twistor: Abstract bundle handling.
- Issue #1827780 by pfrenssen: Type hinting missing from
hook_feeds_parser_sources_alter() callback example.
- Issue #1825016 by David_Rothstein: Make it easier for the FeedsCSVParser
source form to be altered.
- Issue #1744570 by Staratel: Added Invoke Before import event before start
- Move static method to member method.
- Issue #1843146 by twistor: Add pluginType() method to be able to determine the
plugin type without having to lookup the inheritance.
- Always set is_new on node create rather than node_save().
- Re-fix replace existing behavior.
- Fix replace existing behavior.
- Issue #1165506 by Mile23 | 7wonders: Added pipe delimiter to csv parser.
- Use user_delete_multiple()
- Issue #1835106 by twistor: Make entity loading generic.
- Issue #1480902 by Staratel | faunt: Added Are there timeouts on Feed
- Issue #912682 by alex_b, snyderp, dman | dwhogg: Added CSV Parser: Support
Mac-style line endings.
- Issue #1817992 by OnkelTem: Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: in
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 7, 2012-10-12
- Make sure target array is always initialized.
- Issue #1807920 by Rob_Feature: Fixed Imported nodes have NULL format.
- Make datetime tests fake unit tests.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 6, 2012-10-10
- Port authorization from 6.x to 7.x.
- Make FeedsDateTimeTest a real unit test.
- Don't hard code delta to 10.
- Issue #1567508 by kruser, beansboxchrispang: Fixed User import is incorrectly
changing passwords.
- Fix failing test after making them stricter.
- Issue #837922 by twistor, andrewlevine: Added removeMappings() to test suite
and more extensive addMapping testing.
- Issue #1074520 by ccheu: Commit #783098 not included in 7.x-2.0-alpha3.
- Fix for mapping ui and multiple mappings with configuration.
- Re-organize FeedsProcessor::process() so that it is clearer.
- Issue #1191498 by dooug, twistor: Set drupal_set_message() to not repeat
'Missing Feeds plugin...'.
- Allow for 0 to be used in the number mapping.
- Issue #1420360 by anarchocoder: Fixed Common Syndication Parser sometimes
creates php warning when feed item title is empty.
- Issue #1728634 by David_Rothstein: Fixed User and node 'created' dates (from
feeds_to_unixtime()) default to the wrong timezone.
- Coder review fixes.
- Dang it. Add feeds_alter() back because contrib depends on it.
- Remove stupid feeds_alter().
- Issue #1466170 by peter.sogaard: Added Text format support in taxonomy term
- Use consistent set target callbacks.
- Move text and numeric mappers to their own include.
- Simplify forced updating.
- Make link mapper less retarded.
- Issue #1551852 by Sergii: Fixed Text field mapper: support for FeedsElement
- Issue #1715124 by theduke: Fixed feeds_importer() 'config' column to short -
change size to big.
- Issue #1784436 by stefan.norman: Fixed FeedsTermProcessor existingEntityId
doesn't honour id column in feeds_item().
- Issue #1792318 by psynaptic: Fixed Invalid multibyte sequence in
- Add quick test for skip_hash_check.
- Issue #1364116 by axel.rutz | Les Lim: Added Option to skip hash check on
- Revert term specific forced updating.
- Remove debug statements.
- Issue #1410296 by logaritmisk, vinmassaro: Added Reorder mappings.
- Don't set unique flag for things that don't have it.
- Add test for new mapping config.
- Issue #860748 by Niklas Fiekas, franz, twistor | infojunkie: Added Config for
- Add support for SimplePie 1.3
- Fix path alias test for taxonomy terms.
- Un-prefix node path test.
- Move path mapping to and add tests.
- Issue #1724200 by balazs.hegedus: Added Support for drupal_http_request()
- Issue #1736976 by Chaulky: Added Trim feed urls to remove accidental spaces.
- Issue #1110762 by vaartio, franz, bancarddata, axel.rutz: Fixed Feeds does not
catch file exceptions properly in file mapper and getFile()
- Issue #1742740 by Staratel: Fixed Add magic method __isset() to
FeedsConfigurable to use default entity wrapping.
- Issue #1739704 by axel.rutz: Fixed Node lookup by title in Nodeprocessor does
not respect nodetype.
- Issue #1690434 by twistor | jzornig: Fixed Notice: Undefined variable: job in
FeedsSource->scheduleClear() (line 319 of sites/all/modules/feeds/includes/
- Issue #1703074 by theduke: Added Include parser result in
- Issue #1070604 by Bobík: Added Feed's nid in mappings.
- Issue #1300500 by milesw | derekwormdahl: Fixed Not loading node status in is causing issue with Content Access module.
- Coder review fixes.
- Add stricter test for integer value.
- Fix doc strings.
- Issue #1112876 by chx: Added Support digest auth.
- Get FeedsMapperFileTestCase tests to pass.
- Issue #1688294 by twistor | Rob_Feature: Fixed Invalid URL (even though it's
- Issue #1402788 by tbosviel | Cottser: Added All files are imported as MIME
- Issue #1271502 by twistor | oobie11: Fixed Im getting an error when I run
- Issue #1460282 by elliotttf, MegaChriz | jday: Fixed Call to undefined method
FeedsMissingPlugin::entityType() .
- Use entity type if entity label is not set.
- Issue #1661014 by twistor | johnv: Fixed feeds_entity_load() called too often
/ is not cached.
- Issue #1665450: Path alias target when using pathauto.
- Fixed: feeds_mapper_file.test.
- Method for downloading and extracting the simplepie library during tests.
- Try to shut up SimplePie.
- Allow setting a variable for the library path.
- Fix for taxonomy mapper test.
- Make descriptions in taxonomy term processor consistent.
- Make labels for taxonomy processor consistent.
- Issue #1044874 by marek.trunkat, bdragon | seth.vincent: Fixed Debug message:
missing handler: feeds_log() feed_nid() field.
- Issue #1424992 by stevector: Added implementation of hook_entity_info_alter()
so that ->feed_nid() is available to Rules.
- Issue #1662550 by pvhee: Fixed Invoke hook_feeds_after_import() after writing
to the logs.
- Issue #1454666: Fixing unlock feature to also work with locked imports.
- Issue #1241754: Add targets for author name and email in node processor.
- Issue #1454666: Add tool to reset locked feeds
- Issue #1612246: Fixing introduced error on filepath generation.
- Small fix on comment alignment
- Issue #1632286 by facine: Fixed Cannot redeclare
- Issue #1001590 by tristanoneil, twistor, Bevan: Path alias mapping target.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 5, 2012-05-28
- Issue #1515204 by gnucifer: Malformed destination uri in FeedsEnclosure.
- Issue #1450714 by getgood: ATOM parser ignores 'updated' tag
- Issue #1152940 by bblake, rickmanelius, g089h515r806, darrylri, iMiksu,
sdrycroft, johnbarclay, batje, axel.rutz, GaëlG: Feeds term import with
hierarchy and weight
- Issue #1406260 by Xen, logaritmisk: Fetchers without source configuration
- Issue #1407670 by Ivan Simonov, GaëlG, franz: drupal_strlen() doesn't work
when parsing multibyte strings in CSVParser.
- Issue #1213472 by paulgemini, Nigel_S, emarchak, Jorenm: Fixed Unsupported
operand types in FeedsConfigurable.
- Follow-up to #1245094 by agoradesign: menu links not really fixed.
- Issue #1245094 by chrisdejager, dman: Fixed Node menu link deleted on update.
- Issue #712304 by derhasi, twistor, jerdavis, alex_b, rjbrown99, rbayliss |
ManyNancy: Fixed Batch import does not continue where it left off, instead
starts from the beginning.
- Issue #959984 by kidrobot, desmondmorris, slashrsm, flailingmaster, rfay |
dasjo: Fixed taxonomy_node_get_terms() doesn't work with drupal 7.
- Issue #1140194 by orb | emorency: Fixed SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366
Incorrect string value for a field with accents.
- Issue #1427642 by elliotttf: Fixed Use drupal_exit() rather than exit() in
PuSH/FeedsHTTPFetcher callbacks.
- Issue #1418382: Fixed unsubscribe requests to PuSH hubs failing due to
transaction in node_delete().
- Issue #870556: Fixed PuSH verifications run before the subscription records
have been saved."
- Issue #1289598 by emackn, andypost: Fixed Remove check_plain() on form
- Issue #996808 by twistor, marcvangend, joshuajabbour: Fixed Update existing
doesn't reset targets that have real_target() set.
- Issue #1219180 by dandaman: Fixed Minor error in API code samples.
- Issue #686470 by johnv, wojtha, febbraro | rjbrown99: Fixed Filefield mapper:
URLs with spaces not parsed properly.
- Issue #1380636 by gnucifer, emackn: Fixed Wrong response headers reported on
3xx requests in function http_request_get().
- Issue #1382208 by slcp: Fixed sourceSave() and sourceDelete()
function descriptions are the wrong way round.
- Issue #1372074 by twistor, emackn: Fixed feeds_http_request() does not cache
when using drupal_http_request().
- Issue #1191330 by twistor: Added Allow feeds_mapper().test to set field
instance settings.
- Issue #1225672 by StepanKuzmin, tekante | guillaumev: Fixed Bug when importing
a single year.
- Issue #1035684 by mikejoconnor: Source / Target sort order
- Issue #1005128 by dasjo, fago: Rules integration & enable modules to customize
- Issue #1228568 by pcambra: Add user status to FeedsUserProcessor
- Issue #1139676 by Dave Reid, cosmicdreams: Fixed feeds_alter() doesn't support files supported by feeds_hook_info().
- Issue #1347894 by juampy | colin_young: Fixed Clear cache causes integrity
constraint violation. Fix for feeds info file
- Issue #1298326 by twistor, Dave Reid, and emackn: Fixed Only execute
rebuild_menu() when necessary.
- Issue #1228570 by pcambra: Added user language to FeedsUserProcessor.
- Issue #1206042 by anon: Let node titles have unique option.
- Issue #126689 by tcindie :Additional targets for nodes
- issue #126689 by tcindie : 1298326Issue PageOnly execute rebuild_menu when
- Issue #1128418 by mongolito404, Niklas Fiekas, jief: Fixed Deprecated:
Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
- Issue #1046916 by eosrei: importing nodes with their original NID
- Issue #1197646: Skip importer config form validation if a machine name was not
- Issue #1248712: Show an empty row result and hide the Save button if no
importers are available.
- Issue #1248710: Use the core-provided machine_name FAPI element for the
importer machine name field.
- Issue #1235394: Fixed menu paths violate UX standards and could not use
- Issue #1248648 by twistor, Dave Reid: Fixed bugs and inconsistencies in
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 4, 2011-06-28
- Issue #1161810: Fixed declaration of FeedsSource::instance() should be
compatible with that of FeedsConfigurable::instance().
- Issue #1201638: Plugins should be listed in as files[] records for
the class registry.
- Issue #1149226: Fixed invalid message parameter passed into feeds_log from
- Issue #1044882 by rfay, Dave Reid: Fixed indexes for {feeds_item} are too long
and can cause problems during install or uninstall.
- Fixing PHP strict error in _parser_common_syndication_atom10_parse().
- Added support for feeds hooks to be located in
- Issue #1191554: Fixed failures in FeedsUIUserInterfaceTestCase.
- Issue #1191564: Use FeedsWebTestCase for FeedsDateTimeTest.
- Issue #1191494 by twistor, Dave Reid: Fixed link to node type feed importer
did not use node_access().
- Issue #1191450: Fixed mismatch of arguments for t().
- Fixed possible XSS with field labels in Feed importer mapping settings.
- Fixed coder violations and standards.
- Issue #723548: Added unit tests for feeds_valid_url().
- Fixed PHP notice with undefined variables in
- Issue #723548: Added support for feed URLs with feed:// and webcal://.
- Fixed error when calling form_set_error() and title field on follow-up to fix
feed node title fields not actually un-required.
- Issue #1191210: Added feeds_field_extra_fields() so the 'Feed' fieldset can be
re-ordered through the Field UI.
- Issue #1191194: Fixed test failure in FeedsCSVtoUsersTest due to lack of
'administer users' permission.
- Issue #1191200: Fixed display of the description field on the feed item
content type.
- Issue #1066286: Added test to ensure 'Feed items' doesn't display on non-feed
- Use hook_form_node_form_alter() rather than hook_form_alter().
- Simplify FeedsMapperTestCase::createContentType() using
- Issue #983220 by twistor: Fixed field mapper tests failed due to number.module
not being enabled.
- Issue #1085092 by pfrenssen: Fixed module_list() is called twice in
- Fixes and cleanups to tests.
- Use fetchObject() rather than fetch() since it is more explicit.
- Issue #1008384 by twistor: Fixed feeds not pulling publication date with feed
using dc:date and RSS 2.0.
- Issue #769084: Fixed use of isset() rather than !empty() causes import
problems with _parser_common_syndication_RSS20_parse().
- Issue #914210 by jyee, Dave Reid: Added mapper for user raw password.
- Issue #974494: Fixed PHP notice 'Undefined property: stdClass::$openid in
- Issue #1134684 by rfay, Dave Reid: Fixed improper parameters for
- Issue #1055582: Fixed strict notice that FeedsDateTime::setTimezone() is not
compatible with DateTime::setTimezone().
- Issue #1085194: Not all selected mappings are removed.
- Issue #1032640: Added basic token integration.
- Issue #1066806: Use hook_entity_insert/update/delete rather than separate
node, taxonomy term, and user hooks.
- Issue #1066822: Fixed bugs and inconsistencies with test files and getInfo()
- Issue #1066810: Fixed list of 'Expire nodes' options in FeedsNodeProcessor.
- Issue #1066286: Fixed 'View items' tab added to all content types.
- Issue #1011958 by David Goode: Allow hashes to be updated when content in a
feed is updated.
- Issue #1048642 by greg.harvey: Check for remove_flags in Feeds UI before using
that variable.
- #967018 jcarlson34, David Goode, alex_b: Mapping to String lists not supported
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 3, 2011-01-14
- Add index for looking up by entity_type + url/ guid to feeds_item table.
- #994026 tristanoneil: Optionally defuse email addresses.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 2, 2010-11-02
- #940866 tristanoneil: PHP 5.3 FeedsImporter::copy function must be compatible.
- #944986 tristanoneil: Link Mapper Upgrade.
- #959066 tristanoneil: Remove old mappers and tests.
- #883342 Steven Jones: Don't force usage of cURL.
- #776854 imclean et. al.: Support parsing CSV files without column headers.
- Ian Ward: ensure that arrays of numerics are handled correctly.
- #953728 tristanoneil: Upgrade text formats, use on all processors.
- alex_b: Fix file mapper, add file mapper tests, generate flickr.xml and
files.csv dynamically.
- #953538 yhahn: Remove BOM from UTF-8 files.
Adds sanitizeFile() and sanitizeRaw() methods to FeedsFetcherResult.
Extending classes that override either the getRaw() or getFilePath() methods
should call these sanitization methods to ensure that the returned output /
file has been cleaned for parsing.
- #606612 alex_b: More detailed log.
- #949236 Ian Ward, alex_b: Allow mapping empty values to fields.
- #912630 twistor, alex_b: FeedsParserResult: make items accessible for
- #933306 alex_b: Fix Feeds creates subscriptions for not existing importers.
- #946822 twistor: FeedsSitemapParser broken: Serialization of
'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed.
- #949916 alex_b: Convert values mapped to user->created.
- #949236 Ian Ward: Allow mapping empty values to fields.
- Allow for mapping to list_number field types.
- Fix entity inspection in file fetcher.
- #932772 alex_b: FeedsProcessor: Consolidate process() and clear().
FeedsProcessor now implements the process() and clear() methods for creating
and deleting entities. The extending processors FeedsNodeProcessor,
FeedsTermProcessor and FeedsUserProcessor merely implement entity manipulation
methods (newEntity(), entityLoad(), entitySave(), entityDeleteMultiple()...).
This brings features previously only available on FeedsNodeProcessor to all
entity processors: fast change detection on imported items with hashes,
batching on process() and clear() and in the case of FeedsUserProcessor, the
actual implementation of clear(). Together with #929066 this is a further
step towards harmonizing features of processor plugins.
- Move term and user validation into a validate() method.
- Remove check for present name and mail. Needs to be solved on a more pluggable
- FeedsTermProcessor: Do not filter taxonomy_term_data table by vid when
- #932572 alex_b: FeedsTermProcessor: Batch term processing.
- Remove check for present name in terms that are imported. If we do such
validation, we need to do this on a more pluggable level.
- Fix Feeds News tests, add a 'description' field to the Feeds Item content
- #728534 alex_b: Remove FeedsFeedNodeProcessor. If you have used
FeedsFeedNodeProcessor in the past, use FeedsNodeProcessor (Node Processor)
instead now. It supports all of FeedsFeedNodeProcessor's functionality and
- #929066 alex_b: Track all imported items. Note: All views that use 'Feeds
Item' fields or relationships need updating.
- #930018 alex_b: Don't show file upload when 'Supply path directly' is
- #927892 alex_b: Add "Process in background" feature. Allows one-off imports to
be processed in the background rather than using Batch API. Useful for very
large imports.
- #929058 alex_b: Report status of source on import and delete forms, track
last updated time on a source level.
- #928836: Set progress floating point directly. Note: fetchers and parsers
must use $state->progress() for setting the batch progress now IF they support
- #928728: Track source states by stage, not by plugin. Note: call signature of
FeedsSource::state() has changed.
- Remove 6.x upgrade hooks.
- #923318: Fix Fatal error: Call to a member function import() on a non-object
occurring on cron.
- Clean up basic settings form.
- Make getConfig() include configuration defaults.
Feeds 7.x 2.0 Alpha 1, 2010-09-29
- #925842 alex_b: Support batching through directories on disk.
- #625196 mstrelan, alex_b: Fix array_merge(), array_intersect_key() warnings.
- Remove hidden setting feeds_worker_time. Use hook_cron_queue_info_alter() to
modify this setting.
- #744660-80 alex_b: Expand batch support to fetchers and parsers.
- Removed FeedsBatch classes in favor of FeedsResult classes.
- Variable 'feeds_node_batch_size' is now called 'feeds_process_limit'.
- Signature of FeedsParser::getSourceElement() changed.
- Signature of FeedsProcessor::uniqueTargets() changed.
- Signature of FeedsProcessor::existingItemId() changed.
- Sigature for callbacks registered by hook_feeds_parser_sources_alter()
- Return value of FeedsFetcher::fetch() changed.
- Signature and return value of FeedsParser::parse() changed.
- Signature of FeedsProcessor::process() changed.
- Signature of hook_feeds_after_parse() changed.
- Signature of hook_feeds_after_import() changed.
- Signature of hook_feeds_after_clear() changed.
Feeds 7.x 1.0 Alpha 1, 2010-09-21
Equal to
- Expire files returned by FeedsImportBatch after DRUPAL_MAXIMUM_TEMP_FILE_AGE
- FeedsFileFetcher: track uploaded files, delete unused files.
- yhahn: Upgrade FeedsTaxonomyProcessor.
- Remove handling of target items that are array. All target items must be
objects now.
- Upgrade file and image mapper.
- Upgrade taxonomy mapper.
- Upgrade field mapper.
- Move plugin handling into FeedsPlugin class.
- Base level upgrade.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 6, 2010-09-16
- #623432 Alex UA, dixon_, pvhee, cglusky, alex_b et al.: Mapper for emfield.
- #913672 andrewlevine: Break out CSV Parser into submethods so it is more
easily overridable
- #853974 snoldak924, alex_b: Fix XSS vulnerabilities in module.
- #887846 ekes: Make FeedsSimplePieEnclosure (un)serialization safe.
- #908582 XiaN Vizjereij, alex_b: Fix "Cannot use object of type stdClass as
array" error in mappers/
- #906654 alex_b: Fix phantom subscriptions.
- #867892 alex_b: PubSubHubbub - slow down import frequency of feeds that are
subscribed to hub.
- #908964 alex_b: Break out scheduler. Note: Features depends on Job Scheduler
module now:
- #663860 funkmasterjones, infojunkie, alex_b et. al.: hook_feeds_after_parse().
- #755556 Monkey Master, andrewlevine, alex_b: Support saving local files in
- #891982 bangpound, twistor: Support Link 2.x.
- #870278 budda: Fix SQL query in taxonomy_get_term_by_name_vid().
- #795114 budda, alex_b: Taxonomy term processor doesn't require vocabulary to
be set.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 5, 2010-09-10
- #849840 adityakg, rbayliss, alex_b: Submit full mapping on every submission.
- #849834 rbayliss, alex_b: Generalize feeds_config_form() to feeds_form().
- #907064 alex_b: Track imported terms.
- #906720 alex_b: Introduce a hook_feeds_after_clear().
- #905820 tristan.oneil: Adjust delete message in FeedsDataProcessor to avoid
misleading total numbers.
- #671538 mburak: Use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT to limit download time of feeds.
- #878002 Will White, David Goode: Support multiple sources per mapping target
in FeedsDataProcessor.
- #904804 alex_b: Support exportable vocabularies.
- #836876 rsoden, Will White, alex_b: Add simple georss support to Common
Syndication Parser.
- #889196 David Goode: Support for non-numeric vocabulary IDs for feature-based
- #632920 nickbits, dixon_, David Goode, alex_b et al: Inherit OG, taxonomy,
language, user properties from parent feed node. Note: Signatures of
FeedsProcessor::map(), existingItemId(), FeedsParser::getSourceElement()
- #897258 TrevorBradley, alex_b: Mapping target nid.
- #873198 BWPanda, morningtime: Import multiple values to tag vocabulary.
- #872772 andrewlevine: Fix buildNode() (and node_load()) called unnecessarily.
- #873240 thsutton: Use isset() to avoid notices.
- #878528 Sutharsan: Don't show file in UI if file does not exist.
- #901798 alex_b: Fix time off in SitemapParser.
- #885724 eliotttf: Avoid array_flip() on non scalars.
- #885052 Hanno: Fix small typo in access rights.
- #863494 ekes, alex_b: Delete temporary enclosures file.
- #851194 alex_b: Featurize - move default functionality from feeds_defaults to
feeds_fast_news, feeds_import and feeds_news features.
- #617486 alex_b: Create link to original source, view of items on feed nodes.
- #849986 lyricnz, alex_b: Cleaner batch support.
- #866492 lyricnz: Clean up tests.
- #862444 pounard: Do not name files after their enclosure class.
- #851570 morningtime: Avoid trailing slashes when passing file paths to
- #836090 andrewlevine, alex_b: Include mapping configuration in hash.
- #853156 alex_b: Support real updates of terms.
- #858684 alex_b: Fix notices when file not found.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 4, 2010-07-25
- #838018-12 Remove Formatted Number CCK mapper, cannot be properly tested, see
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 3, 2010-07-18
- #854628 DanielJohnston, alex_b: Fix user processor assigns all roles.
- #838018 infojunkie: Mapper for Formatted Number CCK field.
- #856408 c.ex: Pass all $targets for hook_feeds_node_processor_targets_alter()
by reference.
- #853194 andrewlevine, alex_b: Mapping: don't reset all targets.
- #853144 alex_b: Consistent use of "replace" vs "update".
- #850998 alex_b: Clean up file upload form. Note: If you supply file paths
directly in the textfield rather than uploading them through the UI, you will
have to adjust your importer's File Fetcher settings.
- #850652 alex_b: Make ParserCSV (instead of FeedsCSVParser) populate column
- #850638 alex_b: Introduce FeedsSource::preview().
- #850298 alex_b: ParserCSV: Support batching (only affects library, full parser
level batch support to be added later with #744660).
- Minor cleanup of admin UI language and CSS.
- #647222 cglusky, jeffschuler: Specify input format for feed items.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 2, 2010-07-10
- #753426 Monkey Master, andrewlevine, alex_b: Partial update of nodes.
- #840626 andrewlevine, alex_b: Support using same mapping target multiple
- #624464 lyricnz, alex_b: Fix to "support tabs as delimiters".
- #840350 lyricnz: (Optionally) Transliterate enclosure filenames to provide
protection from awkward names.
- #842040 dixon_: Accept all responses from the 2xx status code series.
- #836982 Steven Merrill: Fix Feeds.module tests do not work when run from the
command line.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Beta 1, 2010-06-23
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 16, 2010-06-19
- #830438 andrewlevine: More secret files in FeedsImportBatch::getFilePath().
- #759302 rjb, smartinm, et. al: Fix user warning: Duplicate entry.
- #819876 alex_b: Fix field 'url' and 'guid' don't have default values.
- #623444 mongolito404, pvhee, pdrake, servantleader, alex_b et. al.: Mapper for
link module.
- #652180 ronald_istos, rjbrown99, et. al.: Assign author of imported nodes.
- #783098 elliotttf: Introduce hook_feeds_user_processor_targets_alter(), mapper
for user profile fields.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 15, 2010-05-16
- #791296 B-Prod: Fix Feeds data processor does update id 0.
- #759904 lyricnz: Provide a Google Sitemap Parser.
- #774858 rjbrown99: Fix Node Processor updates node "created" time when
- #704236 jerdavis: Support mapping to CCK float field.
- #783820 klonos: Fix warning: copy() [function.copy]: Filename cannot be empty
in on line 168.
- #778416 clemens.tolboom: Better message when plugin is missing.
- #760140 lyricnz: FeedsBatch->total not updated when addItem($item) is called.
- #755544 Monkey Master: Keep batch processing when mapping fails.
- alex_b: Reset import schedule after deleting items from feed.
- #653412 rbrandon: Do not create items older than expiry time.
- #725392 nicholasThompson: FeedsBatch does not check feeds folder exists before
- #776972 lyricnz: Messages use plural when describing single item.
- #701390 frega, morningtime, Mixologic, alex_b et. al.: Fix RSS 1.0 parsing
and add basic test framework for common_syndication_parser.
- #781058 blakehall: Create teaser for imported nodes. NOTE: this may mean that
your existing installation has shorter node teasers as expected. If this is
the case, increase "Length of trimmed posts" on admin/content/node-settings.
- #622932-30 mikl: fix remaining non-standard SQL.
- #624464 bangpound: Support tabs as delimiters.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 14, 2010-04-11
- #758664: Fix regression introduced with #740962.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 13, 2010-03-30
- #622932 pounard: Fix SQL capitalization.
- #622932 pounard: Fix non-standard SQL (PostgreSQL compatibility)
- #705872 Scott Reynolds: Added HTTPFetcher autodiscovery
- #740962 alex_b: Fix FileFetcher Attached to Feed Node, Upload Field Not Saving
File Path.
- #754938 Monkey Master: uses strtolower() while parsing
UTF-8 files.
- #736684 Souvent22, Mixologic: FeedsDateTime & Batch DateTime causes core
- #750168 jtr: _parser_common_syndication_title does not strip html tags before
constructing a title.
- #648080 pvhee: FeedsNodeProcessor - static caching of mapping targets makes
mapping fail with multiple feed configurations.
- #735444 Doug Preble: PubSubHubbub - Fix "Subscription refused by callback URL"
with PHP 5.2.0.
- alex_b: Suppress namespace warnings when parsing feeds for subscription in
- #724184 ekes: catch failures when parsing for PubSubHubbub hub and self.
- #706984 lyricnz: Add FeedsSimplePie::parseExtensions() to allow parsing to be
- #728854 Scott Reynolds: Fix $queue->createItem() fails.
- #707098 alex_b: Improve performance of nodeapi and access checks.
- #726012 alex_b: Fix RSS descriptions not being reset in
- alex_b: Fix a typo in the return value of process() in FeedsTermProcessor.
- alex_b: Stop PubSubHubbub from subscribing if it is not enabled.
- #711664 neclimdul: guarantee compatibility with CTools 1.4 by declaring that
Feeds uses hooks to define plugins via hook_ctools_plugin_plugins().
- #718460 jerdavis: In FeedsNodeProcessor, clear items only for the current
importer id.
- #718474 jerdavis: In FeedsNodeProcessor, check for duplicate items within
same importer id.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 12, 2010-02-23
- #600584 alex_b: PubSubHubbub support.
- alex_b: Debug log.
- alex_b: Add sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin
implementers of a source being saved or deleted.
- #717168 nicholasThompson: Fix feeds UI JS doesn't select labels correctly.
- #708228 Scott Reynolds, alex_b: Break FeedsImportBatch into separate classes.
NOTE: Review your FeedsFetcher implementation for changes in the
FeedsImportBatch class, small adjustments may be necessary.
- alex_b: Support mapping to OpenID, using OpenID as a unique mapping target.
- alex_b: Handle exceptions outside of Importer/Source facade methods.
- #600584 alex_b: Use Batch API.
NOTE: third party plugins/extensions implementing FeedsProcessor::process(),
FeedsProcessor::clear() or FeedsImporter::expire() need to adjust their
implementations. Modules that directly use Feeds' API for importing or
clearing sources need may want to use feeds_batch_set() instead of
feeds_source()->import() or feeds_source()->clear().
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 11, 2010-02-10
- #701432 pounard, Will White: Fix array_shift() expects parameter 1 is Array
error. Note: Parsers are responsible to ensure that the parameter passed to
FeedsImportBatch::setItems() is an Array.
- #698356 alex_b: Refactor and clean up FeedsScheduler::work() to allow more
scheduled tasks than 'import' and 'expire'.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 10, 2010-01-25
- #647128 bigkevmcd, Michelle: Fix broken author info in FeedsSyndicationParser.
- alex_b: Add mapping API for FeedsDataProcessor.
- alex_b: Decode HTML entities for title and author name in
- #623448 David Goode, alex_b, et al.: Date mapper.
- #624088 mongolito404, David Goode, alex_b: Imagefield/filefield mapper,
formalize feed elements.
- #584034 aaroncouch, mongolito404: Views integration.
- Redirect to node or import form after manual import or delete.
- #663830 Aron Novak, alex_b: When download of URL failed, node w/ empty title
is created.
- #654728 Aron Novak: Fix parsing + data handling error with RDF 1.0 feeds.
- #641522 mongolito404, alex_b: Consolidate import stage results.
- #662104 Aron Novak: Specify PHP requirement in .info file.
- #657374 dtomasch: Common Parser does not get RSS Authors correctly.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 9, 2009-12-14
- API change: feeds_source() takes an FeedsImporter id instead of an importer,
the methods import() and clear() moved from FeedsImporter to FeedsSource.
Import from a source with feeds_source($id, $nid)->import();
- #629096 quickcel: Fix underscores in feed creation link.
- #652848 BWPanda: Add 'clear-block' to admin-ui to fix float issues.
- #623424 Kars-T, Eugen Mayer, alex_b: Mapper for Taxonomy.
- #649552 rsoden: Provide variable for data table name.
- #631962 velosol, alex_b: FeedsNodeProcessor: Update when changed.
- #623452 mongolito404: Port basic test infrastructure for mappers, test for
basic CCK mapper.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 8, 2009-11-18
- #634886 Kars-T, EugenMayer: Add vid to node process functions.
- #613494 miasma: Remove length limit from URL.
- #631050 z.stolar: Add feed_nid on node_load of a feed item.
- #631248 velosol: Set log message when creating a node in FeedsNodeProcessor.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 7, 2009-11-04
- #622654 Don't show body as option for mapper when body is disabled
- Allow cURL only to download via http or https
- Throw an exception in FeedsHTTPFetcher if result is not 200
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 6, 2009-11-03
- Split number of items to queue on cron from feeds_schedule_num variable
(see README.txt)
- #619110 Fix node_delete() in FeedsNodeProcessor
- Add descriptions to all mapping sources and targets
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 5, 2009-10-23
- #584500 Add Feeds default module
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 4, 2009-10-21
- Initial release