Alex Barth authoredAlex Barth authored
feeds.module 22.93 KiB
// $Id$
* @file
* Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.
// Common request time, use as point of reference and to avoid calls to time().
define('FEEDS_REQUEST_TIME', time());
// Do not schedule a feed for refresh.
// Never expire feed items.
define('FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER', -1);
// An object that is not persistent. Compare EXPORT_IN_DATABASE, EXPORT_IN_CODE.
define('FEEDS_EXPORT_NONE', 0x0);
// Status of batched operations.
define('FEEDS_BATCH_ACTIVE', 0);
* @defgroup hooks Hook and callback implementations
* @{
* Implements hook_cron().
function feeds_cron() {
if ($importers = feeds_reschedule()) {
foreach ($importers as $id) {
$rows = db_query("SELECT feed_nid FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
feeds_source($id, $row->feed_nid)->schedule();
* Implements hook_cron_job_scheduler_info().
* Compare queue names with key names in feeds_cron_queue_info().
function feeds_cron_job_scheduler_info() {
$info = array();
$info['feeds_source_import'] = array(
'queue name' => 'feeds_source_import',
$info['feeds_importer_expire'] = array(
'queue name' => 'feeds_importer_expire',
return $info;
* Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
function feeds_cron_queue_info() {
$queues = array();
$queues['feeds_source_import'] = array(
'worker callback' => 'feeds_source_import',
'time' => 15,
$queues['feeds_importer_expire'] = array(
'worker callback' => 'feeds_importer_expire',
'time' => 15,
return $queues;
* Scheduler callback for importing from a source.
function feeds_source_import($job) {
$source = feeds_source($job['type'], $job['id']);
try {
catch (FeedsNotExistingException $e) {}
catch (Exception $e) {
watchdog('feeds_source_import()', $e->getMessage(), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
* Scheduler callback for expiring content.
function feeds_importer_expire($job) {
$importer = feeds_importer($job['type']);
try {
catch (FeedsNotExistingException $e) {}
catch (Exception $e) {
watchdog('feeds_importer_expire()', $e->getMessage(), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
* Reschedule one or all importers.
* @param $importer_id
* If TRUE, all importers will be rescheduled, if FALSE, no importers will
* be rescheduled, if an importer id, only importer of that id will be
* rescheduled.
* @return
* TRUE if all importers need rescheduling. FALSE if no rescheduling is
* required. An array of importers that need rescheduling.
function feeds_reschedule($importer_id = NULL) {
$reschedule = variable_get('feeds_reschedule', FALSE);
if ($importer_id === TRUE || $importer_id === FALSE) {
$reschedule = $importer_id;
elseif (is_string($importer_id) && $reschedule !== TRUE) {
$reschedule = is_array($reschedule) ? $reschedule : array();
$reschedule[$importer_id] = $importer_id;
variable_set('feeds_reschedule', $reschedule);
if ($reschedule === TRUE) {
return feeds_enabled_importers();
return $reschedule;
* Implements feeds_permission().
function feeds_permission() {
$perms = array(
'administer feeds' => array(
'title' => t('Administer Feeds'),
'description' => t('Create, update, delete importers, execute import and delete tasks on any importer.')
foreach (feeds_importer_load_all() as $importer) {
$perms["import $importer->id feeds"] = array(
'title' => t('Import @name feeds', array('@name' => $importer->config['name'])),
$perms["clear $importer->id feeds"] = array(
'title' => t('Delete items from @name feeds', array('@name' => $importer->config['name'])),
return $perms;
* Implements hook_forms().
* Declare form callbacks for all known classes derived from FeedsConfigurable.
function feeds_forms() {
$forms = array();
$forms['FeedsImporter_feeds_form']['callback'] = 'feeds_form';
$plugins = FeedsPlugin::all();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$forms[$plugin['handler']['class'] .'_feeds_form']['callback'] = 'feeds_form';
return $forms;
* Implements hook_menu().
function feeds_menu() {
// Register a callback for all feed configurations that are not attached to a content type.
$items = array();
foreach (feeds_importer_load_all() as $importer) {
if (empty($importer->config['content_type'])) {
$items['import/'. $importer->id] = array(
'title' => $importer->config['name'],
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('feeds_import_form', 1),
'access callback' => 'feeds_access',
'access arguments' => array('import', $importer->id),
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
$items['import/'. $importer->id .'/import'] = array(
'title' => 'Import',
'weight' => -10,
$items['import/'. $importer->id .'/delete-items'] = array(
'title' => 'Delete items',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('feeds_delete_tab_form', 1),
'access callback' => 'feeds_access',
'access arguments' => array('clear', $importer->id),
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
else {
$items['node/%node/import'] = array(
'title' => 'Import',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('feeds_import_tab_form', 1),
'access callback' => 'feeds_access',
'access arguments' => array('import', 1),
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 10,
$items['node/%node/delete-items'] = array(
'title' => 'Delete items',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('feeds_delete_tab_form', NULL, 1),
'access callback' => 'feeds_access',
'access arguments' => array('clear', 1),
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 11,
$items += $importer->fetcher->menuItem();
$items['import/' . $importer->id .'/template'] = array(
'page callback' => 'feeds_importer_template',
'page arguments' => array(1),
'access callback' => 'feeds_access',
'access arguments' => array('import', $importer->id),
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
if (count($items)) {
$items['import'] = array(
'title' => 'Import',
'page callback' => 'feeds_page',
'access callback' => 'feeds_page_access',
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
return $items;
* Menu loader callback.
function feeds_importer_load($id) {
return feeds_importer($id);
* Implements hook_theme().
function feeds_theme() {
return array(
'feeds_upload' => array(
'file' => 'feeds.pages.inc',
'render element' => 'element',
* Menu access callback.
* @param $action
* One of 'import' or 'clear'.
* @param $param
* Node object or FeedsImporter id.
function feeds_access($action, $param) {
if (is_string($param)) {
$importer_id = $param;
elseif ($param->type) {
$importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($param->type);
// Check for permissions if feed id is present, otherwise return FALSE.
if ($importer_id) {
if (user_access('administer feeds') || user_access($action .' '. $importer_id .' feeds')) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Menu access callback.
function feeds_page_access() {
if (user_access('administer feeds')) {
return TRUE;
foreach (feeds_enabled_importers() as $id) {
if (user_access("import $id feeds")) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Implements hook_views_api().
function feeds_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => '2.0',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') .'/views',
* Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
function feeds_ctools_plugin_api($owner, $api) {
if ($owner == 'feeds' && $api == 'plugins') {
return array('version' => 1);
* Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
function feeds_ctools_plugin_type() {
return array(
'plugins' => array(
'cache' => TRUE,
'use hooks' => TRUE,
'classes' => array('handler'),
* Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
function feeds_feeds_plugins() {
module_load_include('inc', 'feeds', 'feeds.plugins');
return _feeds_feeds_plugins();
* Implements hook_node_load().
function feeds_node_load($nodes) {
* Implements hook_node_validate().
function feeds_node_validate($node, $form, &$form_state) {
if (!$importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($node->type)) {
// Keep a copy of the title for subsequent node creation stages.
// @todo: revisit whether $node still looses all of its properties
// between validate and insert stage.
$last_title = &drupal_static('feeds_node_last_title');
$last_feeds = &drupal_static('feeds_node_last_feeds');
// On validation stage we are working with a FeedsSource object that is
// not tied to a nid - when creating a new node there is no
// $node->nid at this stage.
$source = feeds_source($importer_id);
// Node module magically moved $form['feeds'] to $node->feeds :P.
// configFormValidate may modify $last_feed, smuggle it to update/insert stage
// through a static variable.
$last_feeds = $node->feeds;
// If node title is empty, try to retrieve title from feed.
if (trim($node->title) == '') {
try {
if (!$last_title = $source->preview()->getTitle()) {
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception $e) {
drupal_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
form_set_error('title', t('Could not retrieve title from feed.'), 'error');
* Implements hook_node_presave().
function feeds_node_presave($node) {
// Populate $node->title and $node->feed from result of validation phase.
$last_title = &drupal_static('feeds_node_last_title');
$last_feeds = &drupal_static('feeds_node_last_feeds');
if (empty($node->title) && !empty($last_title)) {
$node->title = $last_title;
if (!empty($last_feeds)) {
$node->feeds = $last_feeds;
$last_title = NULL;
$last_feeds = NULL;
* Implements hook_node_insert().
function feeds_node_insert($node) {
if ($importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($node->type)) {
// Start import if requested.
if (feeds_importer($importer_id)->config['import_on_create'] && !isset($node->feeds['suppress_import'])) {
feeds_batch_set(t('Importing'), 'import', $importer_id, $node->nid);
// Schedule source and importer.
feeds_source($importer_id, $node->nid)->schedule();
* Implements hook_node_update().
function feeds_node_update($node) {
if (!$importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($node->type)) {
// Add configuration to feed source and save.
$source = feeds_source($importer_id, $node->nid);
* Implements hook_node_delete().
function feeds_node_delete($node) {
if ($importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($node->type)) {
feeds_source($importer_id, $node->nid)->delete();
* FeedsNodeProcessor's hook_node_load().
function _feeds_node_processor_node_load($nodes) {
if ($items = db_query("SELECT nid, imported, guid, url, feed_nid FROM {feeds_node_item} WHERE nid IN (:nids)", array(':nids' => array_keys($nodes)))) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$nodes[$item->nid]->feeds_node_item = $item;
* FeedsNodeProcessor's hook_node_insert().
function _feeds_node_processor_node_insert($node) {
if (isset($node->feeds_node_item)) {
$node->feeds_node_item->nid = $node->nid;
drupal_write_record('feeds_node_item', $node->feeds_node_item);
* FeedsNodeProcessor's hook_node_update().
function _feeds_node_processor_node_update($node) {
if (isset($node->feeds_node_item)) {
$node->feeds_node_item->nid = $node->nid;
drupal_write_record('feeds_node_item', $node->feeds_node_item, 'nid');
* FeedsNodeProcessor's hook_node_delete().
function _feeds_node_processor_node_delete($node) {
->condition('nid', $node->nid)
* Implements hook_taxonomy_term_update().
function feeds_taxonomy_term_update($term) {
if (isset($term->feeds_importer_id)) {
->condition('tid', $term->tid)
* Implements hook_taxonomy_term_insert().
function feeds_taxonomy_term_insert($term) {
if (isset($term->feeds_importer_id)) {
$record = array(
'id' => $term->feeds_importer_id,
'tid' => $term->tid,
'feed_nid' => $term->feed_nid,
drupal_write_record('feeds_term_item', $record);
* Implements hook_taxonomy_delete().
function feeds_taxonomy_term_delete($term) {
->condition('tid', $term->tid)
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function feeds_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (!empty($form['#node_edit_form'])) {
if ($importer_id = feeds_get_importer_id($form['type']['#value'])) {
// Set title to not required, try to retrieve it from feed.
$form['title']['#required'] = FALSE;
// Enable uploads.
$form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
// Build form.
$source = feeds_source($importer_id, empty($form['nid']['#value']) ? 0 : $form['nid']['#value']);
$form['feeds'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Feed'),
'#tree' => TRUE,
$form['feeds'] += $source->configForm($form_state);
$form['#feed_id'] = $importer_id;
* @}
* @defgroup batch Batch functions
* Batch helper.
* @param $title
* Title to show to user when executing batch.
* @param $method
* Method to execute on importer; one of 'import', 'clear' or 'expire'.
* @param $importer_id
* Identifier of a FeedsImporter object.
* @param $feed_nid
* If importer is attached to content type, feed node id identifying the
* source to be imported.
function feeds_batch_set($title, $method, $importer_id, $feed_nid = 0) {
$batch = array(
'title' => $title,
'operations' => array(
array('feeds_batch', array($method, $importer_id, $feed_nid)),
'progress_message' => '',
* Batch callback.
* @param $method
* Method to execute on importer; one of 'import' or 'clear'.
* @param $importer_id
* Identifier of a FeedsImporter object.
* @param $feed_nid
* If importer is attached to content type, feed node id identifying the
* source to be imported.
* @param $context
* Batch context.
function feeds_batch($method, $importer_id, $feed_nid = 0, &$context) {
$context['finished'] = 1;
try {
$context['finished'] = feeds_source($importer_id, $feed_nid)->$method();
catch (Exception $e) {
drupal_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
* @}
* @defgroup utility Utility functions
* @{
* Loads all importers.
* @param $load_disabled
* Pass TRUE to load all importers, enabled or disabled, pass FALSE to only
* retrieve enabled importers.
* @return
* An array of all feed configurations available.
function feeds_importer_load_all($load_disabled = FALSE) {
$feeds = array();
// This function can get called very early in install process through
// menu_router_rebuild(). Do not try to include CTools if not available.
if (function_exists('ctools_include')) {
$configs = ctools_export_load_object('feeds_importer', 'all');
foreach ($configs as $config) {
if (!empty($config->id) && ($load_disabled || empty($config->disabled))) {
$feeds[$config->id] = feeds_importer($config->id);
return $feeds;
* Gets an array of enabled importer ids.
* @return
* An array where the values contain ids of enabled importers.
function feeds_enabled_importers() {
return array_keys(_feeds_importer_digest());
* Gets an enabled importer configuration by content type.
* @param $content_type
* A node type string.
* @return
* A FeedsImporter id if there is an importer for the given content type,
* FALSE otherwise.
function feeds_get_importer_id($content_type) {
$importers = array_flip(_feeds_importer_digest());
return isset($importers[$content_type]) ? $importers[$content_type] : FALSE;
* Helper function for feeds_get_importer_id() and feeds_enabled_importers().
function _feeds_importer_digest() {
$importers = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if ($importers === NULL) {
if ($cache = cache_get(__FUNCTION__)) {
$importers = $cache->data;
else {
$importers = array();
foreach (feeds_importer_load_all() as $importer) {
$importers[$importer->id] = isset($importer->config['content_type']) ? $importer->config['content_type'] : '';
cache_set(__FUNCTION__, $importers);
return $importers;
* Resets importer caches. Call when enabling/disabling importers.
function feeds_cache_clear($rebuild_menu = TRUE) {
cache_clear_all('_feeds_importer_digest', 'cache');
if ($rebuild_menu) {
* Exports a FeedsImporter configuration to code.
function feeds_export($importer_id, $indent = '') {
$result = ctools_export_load_object('feeds_importer', 'names', array('id' => $importer_id));
if (isset($result[$importer_id])) {
return ctools_export_object('feeds_importer', $result[$importer_id], $indent);
* Logs to a file like /mytmp/feeds_my_domain_org.log in temporary directory.
function feeds_dbg($msg) {
if (variable_get('feeds_debug', false)) {
if (!is_string($msg)) {
$msg = var_export($msg, true);
$filename = trim(str_replace('/', '_', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . base_path()), '_');
$handle = fopen(file_directory_temp() ."/feeds_$filename.log", 'a');
fwrite($handle, date('c') ."\t$msg\n");
* @}
* @defgroup instantiators Instantiators
* @{
* Gets an importer instance.
* @param $id
* The unique id of the importer object.
* @return
* A FeedsImporter object or an object of a class defined by the Drupal
* variable 'feeds_importer_class'. There is only one importer object
* per $id system-wide.
function feeds_importer($id) {
return FeedsConfigurable::instance(variable_get('feeds_importer_class', 'FeedsImporter'), $id);
* Gets an instance of a source object.
* @param $importer_id
* A FeedsImporter id.
* @param $feed_nid
* The node id of a feed node if the source is attached to a feed node.
* @return
* A FeedsSource object or an object of a class defiend by the Drupal
* variable 'source_class'.
function feeds_source($importer_id, $feed_nid = 0) {
return FeedsSource::instance($importer_id, $feed_nid);
* Gets an instance of a class for a given plugin and id.
* @param $plugin
* A string that is the key of the plugin to load.
* @param $id
* A string that is the id of the object.
* @return
* A FeedsPlugin object.
* @throws Exception
* If plugin can't be instantiated.
function feeds_plugin($plugin, $id) {
if ($class = ctools_plugin_load_class('feeds', 'plugins', $plugin, 'handler')) {
return FeedsConfigurable::instance($class, $id);
$args = array( '%plugin' => $plugin);
if (user_access('administer feeds')) {
$args['!link'] = l($id, 'admin/structure/feeds/edit/' . $id);
drupal_set_message(t('Missing Feeds plugin %plugin. See !link. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly.', $args), 'warning');
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Missing Feeds plugin %plugin. Please contact your site administrator.', $args), 'warning');
$class = ctools_plugin_load_class('feeds', 'plugins', 'FeedsMissingPlugin', 'handler');
return FeedsConfigurable::instance($class, $id);
* @}
* @defgroup include Funtions for loading libraries
* @{
* Includes a library file.
* @param $file
* The filename to load from.
* @param $library
* The name of the library. If libraries module is installed,
* feeds_include_library() will look for libraries with this name managed by
* libraries module.
function feeds_include_library($file, $library) {
static $included = array();
if (!isset($included[$file])) {
// Try first whether libraries module is present and load the file from
// there. If this fails, require the library from the local path.
if (module_exists('libraries') && file_exists(libraries_get_path($library) . "/$file")) {
require libraries_get_path($library) ."/$file";
else {
require DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . "/libraries/$file";
$included[$file] = TRUE;
* Checks whether a library is present.
* @param $file
* The filename to load from.
* @param $library
* The name of the library. If libraries module is installed,
* feeds_library_exists() will look for libraries with this name managed by
* libraries module.
function feeds_library_exists($file, $library) {
if (module_exists('libraries') && file_exists(libraries_get_path($library) . "/$file")) {
return TRUE;
elseif (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . "/libraries/$file")) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Simplified drupal_alter().
* - None of that 'multiple parameters by ref' crazyness.
* - Don't use module_implements() to allow hot including on behalf
* implementations (see mappers/).
function feeds_alter($type, &$data) {
$args = array(&$data);
$additional_args = func_get_args();
$args = array_merge($args, $additional_args);
$list = module_list();
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
$function = $module .'_'. $type .'_alter';
if (function_exists($function)) {
call_user_func_array($function, $args);
* @}