feeds_scheduler.test 11.41 KiB
* @file
* Feeds tests.
* Test cron scheduling.
class FeedsSchedulerTestCase extends FeedsWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Scheduler',
'description' => 'Tests for feeds scheduler.',
'group' => 'Feeds',
* Test scheduling on cron.
public function testScheduling() {
// Create importer configuration.
0 => array(
'source' => 'title',
'target' => 'title',
'unique' => FALSE,
1 => array(
'source' => 'description',
'target' => 'body',
2 => array(
'source' => 'timestamp',
'target' => 'created',
3 => array(
'source' => 'url',
'target' => 'url',
'unique' => TRUE,
4 => array(
'source' => 'guid',
'target' => 'guid',
'unique' => TRUE,
// Create 10 feed nodes. Turn off import on create before doing that.
$edit = array(
'import_on_create' => FALSE,
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/syndication/settings', $edit, 'Save');
$this->assertText('Do not import on submission');
$nids = $this->createFeedNodes();
// This implicitly tests the import_on_create node setting being 0.
$this->assertTrue($nids[0] == 1 && $nids[1] == 2, 'Node ids sequential.');
// Check whether feed got properly added to scheduler.
foreach ($nids as $nid) {
$this->assertEqual(1, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND id = :nid AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND last <> 0 AND scheduled = 0 AND period = 1800 AND periodic = 1", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField());
// Take time for comparisons.
$time = time();
// Log out and run cron, no changes.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE last > :time", array(':time' => $time))->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($count, 0, '0 feeds refreshed on cron.');
// Set next time to 0 to simulate updates.
// There should be 2 x job_schedule_num (= 10) feeds updated now.
db_query("UPDATE {job_schedule} SET next = 0");
// There should be feeds_schedule_num X 2 (= 20) feeds updated now.
$schedule = array();
$rows = db_query("SELECT id, last, scheduled FROM {job_schedule} WHERE last > :time", array(':time' => $time));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$schedule[$row->id] = $row;
$this->assertEqual(count($schedule), 20, '20 feeds refreshed on cron.' . $count);
// There should be 200 article nodes in the database.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article' AND status = 1")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($count, 200, 'There are 200 article nodes aggregated.' . $count);
// There shouldn't be any items with scheduled = 1 now, if so, this would
// mean they are stuck.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE scheduled = 1")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($count, 0, 'All items are unscheduled (schedule flag = 0).' . $count);
// Hit cron again twice.
// The import_period setting of the feed configuration is 1800, there
// shouldn't be any change to the database now.
$equal = TRUE;
$rows = db_query("SELECT id, last, scheduled FROM {job_schedule} WHERE last > :time", array(':time' => $time));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$equal = $equal && ($row->last == $schedule[$row->id]->last);
$this->assertTrue($equal, 'Schedule did not change.');
// Log back in and set refreshing to as often as possible.
$edit = array(
'import_period' => 0,
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/syndication/settings', $edit, 'Save');
$this->assertText('Periodic import: as often as possible');
// Hit cron once, this should cause Feeds to reschedule all entries.
$equal = FALSE;
$rows = db_query("SELECT id, last, scheduled FROM {job_schedule} WHERE last > :time", array(':time' => $time));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$equal = $equal && ($row->last == $schedule[$row->id]->last);
$schedule[$row->id] = $row;
$this->assertFalse($equal, 'Every feed schedule time changed.');
// Hit cron again, 4 times now, every item should change again.
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$equal = FALSE;
$rows = db_query("SELECT id, last, scheduled FROM {job_schedule} WHERE last > :time", array(':time' => $time));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$equal = $equal && ($row->last == $schedule[$row->id]->last);
$this->assertFalse($equal, 'Every feed schedule time changed.');
// There should be 200 article nodes in the database.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article' AND status = 1")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($count, 200, 'The total of 200 article nodes has not changed.');
// Set expire settings, check rescheduling.
$max_last = db_query("SELECT MAX(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 0")->fetchField();
$min_last = db_query("SELECT MIN(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 0")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire'")->fetchField());
$this->setSettings('syndication', 'FeedsNodeProcessor', array('expire' => 86400));
// There should be 20 feeds_source_expire jobs now, and all last fields should be reset.
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire' AND last <> 0 AND scheduled = 0 AND period = 3600")->fetchField());
$new_max_last = db_query("SELECT MAX(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 0")->fetchField();
$new_min_last = db_query("SELECT MIN(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 0")->fetchField();
$this->assertNotEqual($new_max_last, $max_last);
$this->assertNotEqual($new_min_last, $min_last);
$this->assertEqual($new_max_last, $new_min_last);
$max_last = $new_max_last;
$min_last = $new_min_last;
// Set import settings, check rescheduling.
$this->setSettings('syndication', '', array('import_period' => 3600));
$new_max_last = db_query("SELECT MAX(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 3600")->fetchField();
$new_min_last = db_query("SELECT MIN(last) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period = 3600")->fetchField();
$this->assertNotEqual($new_max_last, $max_last);
$this->assertNotEqual($new_min_last, $min_last);
$this->assertEqual($new_max_last, $new_min_last);
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND period <> 3600")->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire' AND period = 3600 AND last = :last", array(':last' => $new_min_last))->fetchField());
// Delete source, delete importer, check schedule.
$nid = array_shift($nids);
$this->drupalPost("node/$nid/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND id = :nid", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire' AND id = :nid", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import'")->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire'")->fetchField());
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/syndication/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_expire'")->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(count($nids), db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'syndication' AND name = 'feeds_source_import'")->fetchField());
* Test batching on cron.
function testBatching() {
// Set up an importer.
$this->createImporterConfiguration('Node import', 'node');
// Set and configure plugins and mappings.
$edit = array(
'content_type' => '',
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/node/settings', $edit, 'Save');
$this->setPlugin('node', 'FeedsFileFetcher');
$this->setPlugin('node', 'FeedsCSVParser');
$mappings = array(
0 => array(
'source' => 'title',
'target' => 'title',
$this->addMappings('node', $mappings);
// Verify that there are 86 nodes total.
$this->importFile('node', $this->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/many_nodes.csv');
$this->assertText('Created 86 nodes');
// Run batch twice with two different process limits.
foreach (array(10, 50) as $limit) {
variable_set('feeds_process_limit', $limit);
db_query("UPDATE {job_schedule} SET next = 0");
$this->drupalPost('import/node/delete-items', array(), 'Delete');
$node_count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual(0, $node_count);
// Hit cron for importing, until we have all items.
while ($node_count < 86) {
$node_count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'")->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual(86, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'")->fetchField(), 'Number of nodes is correct after batched importing via cron.');
// Import should be rescheduled for 1800 seconds.
$this->assertEqual(1800, db_query("SELECT period FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = 'node' AND id = 0")->fetchField());
// Delete a couple of nodes, then hit cron again. They should not be replaced
// as the minimum update time is 30 minutes.
$nodes = db_query_range("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'", 0, 2);
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$this->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/delete", array(), 'Delete');
$this->assertEqual(84, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'")->fetchField());
$this->assertEqual(84, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'article'")->fetchField());