Alex Barth authored
Add sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin implementers of a source being saved or deleted. Minor cleanup on sourceForm().
Alex Barth authoredAdd sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin implementers of a source being saved or deleted. Minor cleanup on sourceForm().
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.txt 4.04 KiB
// $Id$
Feeds 6.x 1.0 xxxxx xx, xxxx-xx-xx
- alex_b: Add sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin
implementers of a source being saved or deleted.
- #717168 nicholasThompson: Fix feeds UI JS doesn't select labels correctly.
- #708228 Scott Reynolds, alex_b: Break FeedsImportBatch into separate classes.
NOTE: FeedsFetcher implementations cannot use FeedsImportBatch directly
anymore but most provide their own implementation of FeedsImportBatch. See
FeedsHTTPFetcher.inc for an example.
- alex_b: Support mapping to OpenID, using OpenID as a unique mapping target.
- alex_b: Handle exceptions outside of Importer/Source facade methods.
- #600584 alex_b: Use Batch API.
NOTE: third party plugins/extensions implementing FeedsProcessor::process(),
FeedsProcessor::clear() or FeedsImporter::expire() need to adjust their
implementations. Modules that directly use Feeds' API for importing or
clearing sources need may want to use feeds_batch_set() instead of
feeds_source()->import() or feeds_source()->clear().
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 11, 2010-02-10
- #701432 pounard, Will White: Fix array_shift() expects parameter 1 is Array
error. Note: Parsers are responsible to ensure that the parameter passed to
FeedsImportBatch::setItems() is an Array.
- #698356 alex_b: Refactor and clean up FeedsScheduler::work() to allow more
scheduled tasks than 'import' and 'expire'.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 10, 2010-01-25
- #647128 bigkevmcd, Michelle: Fix broken author info in FeedsSyndicationParser.
- alex_b: Add mapping API for FeedsDataProcessor.
- alex_b: Decode HTML entities for title and author name in
- #623448 David Goode, alex_b, et al.: Date mapper.
- #624088 mongolito404, David Goode, alex_b: Imagefield/filefield mapper,
formalize feed elements.
- #584034 aaroncouch, mongolito404: Views integration.
- Redirect to node or import form after manual import or delete.
- #663830 Aron Novak, alex_b: When download of URL failed, node w/ empty title
is created.
- #654728 Aron Novak: Fix parsing + data handling error with RDF 1.0 feeds.
- #641522 mongolito404, alex_b: Consolidate import stage results.
- #662104 Aron Novak: Specify PHP requirement in .info file.
- #657374 dtomasch: Common Parser does not get RSS Authors correctly.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 9, 2009-12-14
- API change: feeds_source() takes an FeedsImporter id instead of an importer,
the methods import() and clear() moved from FeedsImporter to FeedsSource.
Import from a source with feeds_source($id, $nid)->import();
- #629096 quickcel: Fix underscores in feed creation link.
- #652848 BWPanda: Add 'clear-block' to admin-ui to fix float issues.
- #623424 Kars-T, Eugen Mayer, alex_b: Mapper for Taxonomy.
- #649552 rsoden: Provide variable for data table name.
- #631962 velosol, alex_b: FeedsNodeProcessor: Update when changed.
- #623452 mongolito404: Port basic test infrastructure for mappers, test for
basic CCK mapper.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 8, 2009-11-18
- #634886 Kars-T, EugenMayer: Add vid to node process functions.
- #613494 miasma: Remove length limit from URL.
- #631050 z.stolar: Add feed_nid on node_load of a feed item.
- #631248 velosol: Set log message when creating a node in FeedsNodeProcessor.
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 7, 2009-11-04
- #622654 Don't show body as option for mapper when body is disabled
- Allow cURL only to download via http or https
- Throw an exception in FeedsHTTPFetcher if result is not 200
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 6, 2009-11-03
- Split number of items to queue on cron from feeds_schedule_num variable
(see README.txt)
- #619110 Fix node_delete() in FeedsNodeProcessor
- Add descriptions to all mapping sources and targets
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 5, 2009-10-23
- #584500 Add Feeds default module
Feeds 6.x 1.0 Alpha 4, 2009-10-21
- Initial release